Sell Greenhouse Gases short!(what the hell?)


Junior member
I aint kidding folks you can now trade futures in - wait for it: greenhouse gases!

Just found out abouth the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE - Chicago Climate Futures Exchange) where you can trade emmissions/greenhouse gases etc.

Personally i think that global warming is a fraud* and is a way for western governments to preach population control to the developing world as their worried about the young and dynamic population demographics of these countries compared to our own shrinking populations(i.e people in the west have stopped having as many babies). see A Tale of Two Diverging Economic Worlds

It is interesting to see how the powers that be are going to use all this carbon b***ocks to get money out of us. No doubt there is going to be carbon taxes on electrical appliances like TVs and such like.

*Even one of the scientists that Al Gore employed during his research for "An Inconvenient Truth" told him the evidence was in during 2008 from meteorological sites the world over that the earth was cooling down - which led to him being fired! The Telegraph was one of the few papers that reported on this.

Always remain sceptical.
lol - Is there a 'hot air' contract as well? Could be a good natural two way market in that stuff.

On the one side the organisers of the Annual Bristol Balloon Festival (naturally short leading into July). On the other - Certain selected T2W members (naturally always structurally long, especially during holiday markets).
Maybe someone will come up with "Compressed Stored Bovine Methane Futures (CSBMT)" sometime