The REAL global warming

It just keeps getting worse and worse I'm afraid. This is the verdict from the International Institute of Climatology (formerly Bloxwich poly geography department). Now it is official and if you deny it you are a climate criminal.


We regard the matter as settled, and will not be accepting further reviews, especially those that contradict us.
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Even the Guardian has stopped blowing hot air for the moment:

The Met Office last night confirmed the Christmas period as the coldest for 25 years and issued severe weather warnings for northern Scotland

Where I am, it is currently 0°C, and forecast to get to -3°C overnight.
Taking a walk yesterday, while the Thames certainly was not frozen (too fast-flowing) some of the smaller streams/tributaries/channels nearby had thin layers of ice on them (strong enough to support twigs and small branches - not a person). Ice in frozen puddles on the mud paths I was walking on was at least 1cm thick, where the sun hadn't got to them and thawed them.

On a lighter note:
Even the Guardian has stopped blowing hot air for the moment:

Where I am, it is currently 0°C, and forecast to get to -3°C overnight.
Taking a walk yesterday, while the Thames certainly was not frozen (too fast-flowing) some of the smaller streams/tributaries/channels nearby had thin layers of ice on them (strong enough to support twigs and small branches - not a person). Ice in frozen puddles on the mud paths I was walking on was at least 1cm thick, where the sun hadn't got to them and thawed them.

On a lighter note:

"Australia bakes through warmest decade on record"

This year: second hottest year, hottest winter/spring, most destructive bush fires ever.
Interesting link.

Academically. Means nothing otherwise. All it says is the proportion of man-made CO2 being absorbed by the ocean and by other ecological systems has, in the past, remained constant.
It doesn't change anything about the physical properties of CO2, N2O, CH4, or CFCs.
Yes, all those other gases as well. In this entire thread, very little has been said about these.
Besides CO2, nitrous oxide is also a contributor, and is also rising. Methane was constant for a while, but has again begun to rise.
CFCs are very slowly declining only because of the Montreal Protocol to limit their use in refrigeration, which was, of course, steadfastly opposed by folks who, like they are now, tried to state that the science wasn't settled and that civilization would come to a screeching and untimely halt if they were banned.
They were wrong on both counts of course.
As you are now.
Still becoming warmer

The GISS surface temperature record up until 2000 with a linear regression line and channels at two standard deviations:

Explore some of the possible impacts of global climate change, including an in-depth look at sea level rise, in the following sections:

* Sea Level Rise
* Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Humans
* Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Nature
* Flooding in Eastern Maryland
* Water Resources
* Traditional Cultures
* Health and Disease
* Agriculture
* Ecosystems
There are issues around AGW that are deliberately ignored by its proponents and until these issues are properly addressed the real threat if one exists will not be known.

Firstly one has to look at the people, who started it and who are the main drivers of it now.

Dr James Hansen: whilst with NASA he testified to a US senate hearing his 'beliefs' about catastrophic gw. (This senate hearing was chaired by Al Gore). This resulted in sizeable grants towards further research etc. At the time and since then it has become apparent that NASA, the organisation, were embarrassed by Hansen's representations because they they felt his data and conclusions were scientifically lacking and unproven. But hey ho they took the money.

Al Gore: he formed a very cosy mutual appreciation society with Hansen which resulted in his 'Inconvenient Truth'. If ever a title should have been viewed with more literal scrutiny this is it. Anyway fair to say that most of the scientific basis of this book has since been completely debunked but he has gone on to make a lot of money promoting AGW since that senate committee in 1988. If you thought this was his plan all along you would not be accused of cynicism.

Michael Mann: Provided the 'evidence' the warmist lobby craved for with his hockey stick chart. IPCC jumped on the bandwagon, global warming became the new orthodoxy, the 'new ice age' proponents were well and truly usurped and cast into history (which might yet prove them more accurate than the warmists). It didn't take long for the hockey stick to be debunked as a good example of curve-fitting rather than scientific fact.

Phil Jones; CRU; University of East Anglia: They're all in the same boat with Hansen, Mann and co and the other thing they all have in common is they have all been exposed for their fraudulent behaviour. Scientific data that isn't even allowed to be put to any independent scientific analysis. When demand for this heated up they lost it! But that's OK, just trust us, the fact that we admit to manipulating the data is neither here nor there.

Rajendra Pachauri: Chairman of IPCC (but has no scientific qualifications). He is a very busy man with an exceptionally wide portfolio of business interests around the globe and coincidentally most of these interests are with organisations that will benefit financially from recommendations made by IPCC. Not least TATA which recently announced the closure of Corus in UK and when you see the benefits accrued to TATA for moving this steel production to India you'll understand why. Carbon credits are mega business and India and China will be the biggest beneficiaries (outside the large traders). Remember their performance at Copenhagen??

The above people are very much at the forefront and possibly the greatest influence on governments via IPCC etc on AGW. You could be forgiven for thinking our politicians around the world must be very gullible to be taken in by these people but they know exactly what their gameplan is. They are either wannabe gores (who as an individual has made a fortune) or as governments are smacking their lips at the carbon tax revenue to be gained. Many smaller countries who regard themselves as vulnerable smack their lips at the huge grants coming their way from the aforementioned. The EU is relying on carbon tax to run their overburdened bureaucracy, Brown & Obama need all the help they can get so they have no interest in full and proper scientific analysis of the data etc. What these people fail to realise is the structural fiscal damage that will ensue will put the 'western world' into a horrible tailspin and there will be no soft landing. For other parts of the world already with serious food shortages this situation will worsen while farmers increasingly turn to bio-fuel crops as encouraged by these warmist crazed governments. Eventually we all have food problems as well as financial.

That this fiscal damage will ensue is inevitable then just when things seem really bad some future nation leaders will start looking seriously at the flaws in AGW science and debunk it - stage 2 of the tailspin but not so much spin! Sub-Prime will pale into insignificance, that aint no comfort.
There are issues around AGW that are deliberately ignored by its proponents and until these issues are properly addressed the real threat if one exists will not be known.

Firstly one has to look at the people, who started it and who are the main drivers of it now.

Dr James Hansen: whilst with NASA he testified to a US senate hearing his 'beliefs' about catastrophic gw. (This senate hearing was chaired by Al Gore). This resulted in sizeable grants towards further research etc. At the time and since then it has become apparent that NASA, the organisation, were embarrassed by Hansen's representations because they they felt his data and conclusions were scientifically lacking and unproven. But hey ho they took the money.

Al Gore: he formed a very cosy mutual appreciation society with Hansen which resulted in his 'Inconvenient Truth'. If ever a title should have been viewed with more literal scrutiny this is it. Anyway fair to say that most of the scientific basis of this book has since been completely debunked but he has gone on to make a lot of money promoting AGW since that senate committee in 1988. If you thought this was his plan all along you would not be accused of cynicism.

Michael Mann: Provided the 'evidence' the warmist lobby craved for with his hockey stick chart. IPCC jumped on the bandwagon, global warming became the new orthodoxy, the 'new ice age' proponents were well and truly usurped and cast into history (which might yet prove them more accurate than the warmists). It didn't take long for the hockey stick to be debunked as a good example of curve-fitting rather than scientific fact.

Phil Jones; CRU; University of East Anglia: They're all in the same boat with Hansen, Mann and co and the other thing they all have in common is they have all been exposed for their fraudulent behaviour. Scientific data that isn't even allowed to be put to any independent scientific analysis. When demand for this heated up they lost it! But that's OK, just trust us, the fact that we admit to manipulating the data is neither here nor there.

Rajendra Pachauri: Chairman of IPCC (but has no scientific qualifications). He is a very busy man with an exceptionally wide portfolio of business interests around the globe and coincidentally most of these interests are with organisations that will benefit financially from recommendations made by IPCC. Not least TATA which recently announced the closure of Corus in UK and when you see the benefits accrued to TATA for moving this steel production to India you'll understand why. Carbon credits are mega business and India and China will be the biggest beneficiaries (outside the large traders). Remember their performance at Copenhagen??

Pretty sloppy investigation. You've missed out on major co-conspirators

National Science Academies

The national science academies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, the Caribbean, China, France, Ghana, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, India, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, New Zealand, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Earth Sciences

American Geophysical Union, European Federation of Geologists, European Geosciences Union, Geological Society of America, Geological Society of Australia, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, the US National Association of Geoscience Teachers.

Meteorology and oceanography

Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, American Meteorological Society, Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Royal Meteorological Society
American Meteorological Society, World Meteorological Organization.

General science

American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, the American Chemical Society, The American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, European Science Foundation, Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies.

All these organizations and many others assert that AGW is real and urgent remedial action is essential. In other words, they agree with Jones, Mann, Hansen etc.

So you seriously contend that all these organizations are either corrupt or incompetent?

These are the leading and most respected national and professional bodies of world science. Amongst them are the oldest scientific associations of any type.

So who should we be inclined to believe - your collection of wholly unsubstantiated innuendo and extremely poorly articulated accusations against some prominent scientists wrapped up in some sort of NWO conspiracy theory or the most respected bodies of world science?

Gee, that's a hard choice.
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That this fiscal damage will ensue is inevitable then just when things seem really bad some future nation leaders will start looking seriously at the flaws in AGW science and debunk it - stage 2 of the tailspin but not so much spin!

Go right ahead. Show the basic flaws in the science.

There's been decades to do so. It's not as if all this just popped up yesterday.

Produce a temperature record that doesn't show warming. Show that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. Produce a credible climate model that can account for the 20th century temperature record by omitting CO2 forcing. Show that all major ice sheets are not losing mass. Show that the energy content of the oceans in not increasing. Show that the isotopic studies confirming that humans are responsible for increase in atmospheric CO2 are wrong.

Show us the scientific money - not crackpot conspiracy theories.
I think I'll take the unsubstantiated innuendo thanks.

"National Science Academies

The national science academies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, the Caribbean, China, France, Ghana, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, India, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, New Zealand, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe."

United Kingdom, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy? 😀

Senegal, Uganda, "Carribean", Nigeria, Zambia? :cheesy:

Brazil, Cameroon, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Sudan? :clap:

China, Russia and - I can hardly believe i'm typing this - Zimbabwe? Zimbabwe?


What was this a list of again? World's most corrupt / brutal regimes? Who's who of rogue / failed states. You wouldn't trust most of that lot to tell you the time, much less anything else.

Absolute genius. 😆😆😆.
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I think I'll take the unsubstantiated innuendo thanks.

"National Science Academies

The national science academies of Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, the Caribbean, China, France, Ghana, Germany, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, India, Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, New Zealand, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Tanzania, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zambia, and Zimbabwe."

United Kingdom, Ghana, Indonesia, Italy? 😀

Senegal, Uganda, "Carribean", Nigeria, Zambia? :cheesy:

Brazil, Cameroon, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Sudan? :clap:

China, Russia and - I can hardly believe i'm typing this - Zimbabwe? Zimbabwe?


What was this a list of again? World's most corrupt / brutal regimes? Who's who of rogue / failed states.

Absolute genius. 😆😆😆.

Did you get some emoticons for Christmas?

You will no doubt be able to point out a national science academy or professional association of international standing in some country (democratic or otherwise) that disputes AGW. Let's hear it then.

You can't? Well that about sums the situation up.
Did you get some emoticons for Christmas?

You will no doubt be able to point out a national science academy or professional association of international standing in some country (democratic or otherwise) that disputes AGW. Let's hear it then.

You can't? Well that about sums the situation up.

Never mind what I got for Christmas. Have a look at what I got you for Christmas:



Your blind faith in "authority" is worrying, and is also a good argument against universal suffrage.

What really sums the situation up is that you cited the National Science Academy of Zimbabwe (among others) in support of your lunatic cause. The members of which would swear blind that the sun goes round the moon if Bob told them to.

You are incapable of passing a barrel without stopping to scrape the bottom of it.
Your blind faith in "authority" is worrying, and is also a good argument against universal suffrage.

Your equation of science with political authority is ridiculous.

You are utterly incapable accepting scientific knowledge that conflicts with your bizarre conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theory first - facts last is your motto.

So out with it. Are the most respected organizations of world science corrupt or incompetent?

And why do you think you know better?
Your equation of science with political authority is ridiculous.

You are utterly incapable accepting scientific knowledge that conflicts with your bizarre conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theory first - facts last is your motto.

So out with it. Are the most respected organizations of world science corrupt or incompetent?

And why do you think you know better?

They don't have to be either - they might just be wrong.

It's not a case of knowing better - it is a case of not accepting a theory without proof.
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No - I have said that their theory is not proven.

What do you mean by "proven"? It cannot be proven in the sense of a mathematical theorem. Most of science cannot. Indeed nothing is ever "100% proven" in science, but it is still the best tool we have.

There is a vast weight of evidence for AGW - observational, experimental and theoretical. You just don't want to see it.
What do you mean by "proven"? It cannot be proven in the sense of a mathematical theorem. Most of science cannot. Indeed nothing is ever "100% proven" in science, but it is still the best tool we have.

There is a vast weight of evidence for AGW - observational, experimental and theoretical. You just don't want to see it.


A couple of posts back you were claiming that the science was "settled".

There is a vast weight of evidence against AGW - observational, experimental and theoretical. You just don't want to see it.