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So you agree that CO2 is increasing - good.
No - my reference quoted figures from 1958 to 2008. That reference quoted a miniscule increase. You would have done well to retain the entire context of that statement, instead of singling out the bit that supports your hypothesis. Allow me to requote for you:
Carbon dioxide has increased from the 1958 reading of 315 to 385 parts per million in 2008. But, despite the increases, it is still only a trace gas in the atmosphere. The percentage of the atmosphere that is CO2 remains tiny, about 3.8 hundredths of one percent by volume and 41 hundredths of one percent by weight.
That is NOT disputed. and nowhere do I see any reference to any cyclical aspects of CO2 fluctuations. I think it is an inconvenient truth that these things are cyclical, and this is not just my own view - it is the widely held view of many scientist who question the alarmist hypothesis.
The upshot is that 650 scientists put their names to a document against AGW, which is 12 times more than signed the IPCC hypothesis.
The point is the the rate of change of atmospheric CO2, not just whether human emitted CO2 is x% of the atmosphere currently. Were today's atmospheric concentration of CO2 to remain what it is, it may not be the best of all possible worlds but it would be a good result.
I seem to remember reading articles from several climatologists that clearly state that up to a couple of degrees warming - if indeed it is more than CYCLICAL - can not be a bad thing - indeed the massive increase in vegetation, crops that would flow with this, would be worth it - what a bonus to be able to feed a population that is now (quote) "going parabolic".
It is "widely agreed" that a little cyclical warming is good for the planet.
Furthermore and even more alarming is that CO2 has a long lifetime in the atmosphere - decades, centuries and equilibrium is not re-established possibly for millenia even if you turn off the tap. Other human emitted pollutants are scrubbed far more quickly. The damage from CO2 is not reversible over reasonable time frames.
Hmmm. I thought there were periods in the history of the earth, where CO2 levels were much higher than 387ppm. Guess I was mistaken, because according to your article the CO2 would still be hanging around. Clearly it is being recycled naturally by the natural CO2 sinks.
I noticed the article stated quite clearly that the repiratory CO2 (expired air) from humans (which averages about 1kg per person per day) is DIFFERENT from the CO2 produced from the burning of fossil fuel. Unless we are talking about the Isotopic combination, I can not see how this could be true.
I noticed also in another article, that the atmospheric CO2 FLUCTUATES annually, according the the natural seasonal flush of vegetation in each respective hemisphere. If this is true, and such a small change in vegetation can have such a huge influence on atmospheric CO2 levels, then I would be inclined to support the maintenance of forests and discourage deforestation.
But the whole system seems to be in a balance far outside the influence of men. For indeed, temperature rises produce a flush of carbon-sequestering growth, which according to your hypothesis, not mine, would produce a lowering of the CO2 levels, which would restore the temperature balance.
Once you commit to the logic, you have to stay with the logic, and the CC/AGW hypothesis is a very wild horse to ride. You can not commit to an hypothesis, and discard the bits that don't fit. I think that has been tried already (UEA/CRU) 😆
Human activity doesn't directly significantly affect the amount of water in the atmosphere. Relative humidity is more or less constant. If temperature goes up, then water in the atmosphere go up - broadly speaking.
On the other hand, the concentration of greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere is increasing due to human activity.
That's where you and I differ.
You claim any increase is "due to human activity." I claim it is cyclical, because of the miniscule amounts the alarmists are quoting as earth-shattering, and the fact that we have not been measuring for a long enough period of time, not taking the measurements from the correct locations, nor using the historic/organic records appropriately and accurately and consistently.
Which are lovely things to quote, but which proves ... squat.
Did you know that the concentration of Lead in the atmosphere is rising? That is just as much a straw man, which I purposely threw in to illustrate that numbers can prove anything you wish them to prove.
My view remains that concerned nations can VOLUNTARILY do plenty about any emissions, if they seriously believed there was an issue with this. But they DO NOT BELIEVE IT THEMSELVES, otherwise Kevin Rudd in Australia would have committed to decent targets.
Rudd would have done a deal with the Greens, thus satisfying his selfish desire to get himself on the record as being the only leader to have taken steps to combat CC, prior to the peer-group meeting at Copenhagen.
I maintain that the true reason the Copenhagen summit failed was because India and China refused to be bullied into giving up their sovereign rights, and buckling to the demands of the would-be world government-to-be.
The groundswell is purely in your head. No national science academy disputes AGW. All surveys of scientific opinion show a large majority agree with the AGW proposition and the support for AGW amongst climatologists is higher still than in science generally. There are differences of opinion about the rate and magnitude of climate change, but IPCC reports are representative.
You almost caused me hyperemesis there DCraig. What a BS statement if ever there was one. You are throwing around words like "large majority" ... "generally" ... "differences of opinion" as if they are to be accepted. The very use of such expressions allude to there being dissent, non-universal acceptance, minority opinion, lack of unanimity etc.
In fact the minority have the high ground in my view - economically, politically and morally, because they are the group with the most to lose (funding) by telling the truth about AGW.
The point is that there would be a vast majority against the hypothesis of AGW had it not been for the need for solidarity, in order to retain government funding - of governments that have a political (tax-driven) agenda.
I suppose you are against private funding of research on the basis that it is biased in favour of the funding organisation? Fair enough, but these same scientists who are privately funded STILL need to have their work PEER REVIEWED, unlike the publicly funded scientists, whose work is first vetted by the organisation, prior to approval for publication for peer review.
Big difference. The "science" is in the "money."
If the "groundswell" was real, you could point to a national or professional scientific body of international standing that disputes AGW. You cannot.
No such "National Body" can exist without funding - see my comment above. But within organisations there are scientists willing to stand up and be counted, at risk of losing their vocations, to expose the lies. The very nature of "consensus" and the non-scientific role of the CEO of such scientific bodies, assures these organisations that they will remain viable, as long as they do not rock the boat of "Official Government View".
Dr Megan Clark, CEO of CSIRO is at odds with her scientific board, over "control" of publications:
I note one story about this says: "... the ETS remain politically popular amongst the industrialised polluters." Says a lot.
because I did not dispute it.You did not answer the question about whether increased concentrations of CO2 cause increase of temperature ...
So much for high school physics. But there are many studies that show that CO2 rises LAG temperature rises, albeit over hundreds of years, not a snap-shot decade or four.
What I do dispute is that an increase of 60 ppm of CO2 atmospheric volume globally (which is an increase of .07 hundredths of 1 percent in 50 years) can have the effect you are claiming globally.
Given that CO2 is universally regarded as a TRACE ELEMENT atmospherically (41 hundredths of one percent by weight) I fail to grasp the significance of the physics lesson - lovely in the laboratory ... infinitely lost in the complication of other influences globally.
No need to dispute the physics ... I agree with the physics ... in the laboratory.To balance the energy budget, the earth sheds energy at much lower wavelengths than the energy received from the sun.
Increase the amount of GHGs and you change the Earth's energy budget.
So, Ingot, there you go - greenhouse warming - and not a hypertext link in sight. Go right ahead and dispute the physics.
But conveniently you are applying a laboratory experiment exponentially across the vast ecology of an entire planetary system, complete with saline ocean sinks of varying temperature, variable water vapour concentration in its atmosphere, variable volcanic contribution both above ground and sub-oceanic, producing Sulphides and Carbon gases yada yada.
Hardly a laboratory Terrarium!
But I have tired of this game of ping-pong, DCraig. I think I have handled my position well, without resorting to partly-representing the facts, and apart from alluding to the fact that you are an apologist for the alarmists, I have not strayed too far from rational argument to cement my case.
I have several grandchildren, and it is my duty to leave this planet in a better state than I found it. Ceding away their freedom to a global political group on the pretense of mythical imminent planetary destruction, based on shaky and rubbery science, is not part of my brief.
It is my mandate to PROVE the facts. I will not roll over and give in to those who would tax me for my natural use of resources, while they let off the hook the major polluters scott-free.
And while they propose to trade carbon Credits on Wall Street:
"Climate Exchange Plc owns the Chicago Climate Exchange, Inc. and the European Climate Exchange, which provide futures contracts and options contracts of emissions. Goldman Sachs has taken a major position in this company."
then I will remain suspicious of which of the foxes is really in charge of the hen-house!
While there remain scientists who are willing to put their livelihood and reputations on the line to resist the political manipulation of the alarmist brigade, then I will maintain my hardline resistance to this silly AGW BS.
The religion based on the AGW myth continues today, perpetrated by the Church of IPCC - itself apostate, with a discredited Al Gore as its high priest.
Rather than have a last word myself, I leave you with the very reason we are having this discussion, from another source:
From wikipedia:
"The global warming controversy is a dispute regarding the nature, causes, and consequences of global warming.
The disputed issues include the causes of increased global average air temperature, especially since the mid-20th century, whether this warming trend is unprecedented or within normal climatic variations, and whether the increase is wholly or partially an artifact of poor measurements.
Additional disputes concern estimates of climate sensitivity, predictions of additional warming, and what the consequences of global warming will be.
The controversy is significantly more pronounced in the popular media than in the scientific literature."
All the best
Ivan (who has enjoyed taking the pi$$ out of your attempt to support unwittingly, those with a financial and political interest in eroding national freedom)
PS - It WAS you on those other forums, wasn't it!