The REAL global warming

You just don't get it nor do you see the futility of your statements.

Of course you won't find a National Science Academy to dispute AGW. They are largely reliant directly or indirectly on their government's largesse to survive.

And furthermore just because such an organisation says AGW is a threat does not necessarily imply that all its members are in agreement. Indeed the opposite is true which is why many independent thinking scientists have given up their associations because they do not wish their names to be associated with AGW. It is far from a minority view amongst scientists that the current evidence for AGW is flawed (or creative or manipulated or misrepresented or selective etc) but the contrary view expressed by any scientist or body is immediately discounted, dismissed, disregarded but not for any scientific reason but simply because it does not fit with IPCC's agenda. A good scientist will go to extraordinary lengths to prove her/his theory, indeed they will do everything to disprove it knowing that if it survives it has some merit. This is not allowed to happen with the warmist lobby - well you have to ask why, then go do some research.

One example of the above happened when over 30,000 scientists petitioned the US government not to adopt Kyoto because they were not convinced of Agw. That was just the number who actually expressed their opposition, there would no doubt be countless thousands more who think the same way but cannot voice their feelings for fear of job or funding loss. Further that was just the US, when you take into consideration the rest of the world especially China, India, Brazil etc how many other world renowned scientists do not agree with the mantra trotted out by IPCC etc?

With regard to the science the AGW lobby is obsessed with CO2 especially that emitted by mankind. Well, go on then, give us all the benefit of your superior knowledge and explain to us how the reduction of mankind's co2 emissions are going to save the planet. While you are doing so perhaps you'd like to let us know the %age of mankind's emissions in relation to the global total.
Obviously if we eat less meat there would be a reduction in the amount of methane etc from the pastures, presumably you are then going to persuade all other forms of animal & sea life to slow/stop breeding or at least to stop farting, and then there are the volcanoes above and below sea level, the shifting plates, the rotting vegetation etc etc..

You might also want to share with us how exactly these manmade co2 levels actually cause the warming to the extent they purportedly do.

You are clearly of a very well informed scientific disposition so I await your next missive with a small amount of interest.

Couldn't help but notice the similarity between the knighted gentleman in your picture and that of none other than Dr Hansen, a big hero around these parts, well apparently! Great irony, well done.

Did you get some emoticons for Christmas?

You will no doubt be able to point out a national science academy or professional association of international standing in some country (democratic or otherwise) that disputes AGW. Let's hear it then.

You can't? Well that about sums the situation up.
Excellent post rwb (all of it, not just the bit about me LOL).

Stop animals farting! 😆
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This is an intersting article. It deals with how temperature records are monkeyed with before being presented. In this case it looks at part of Australia, which is a coincidence (not a dig at Craig, although you have brought up how hot it's getting down there).

Anyway, the point is that the temperature records may not be as pure as we are led to believe. The accusation is that temperature records have been adjusted to an astonishing degree to create a false picture. Apologies for the cut and paste, but there is no point in me paraphrasing. Also the graphics won't come out, so I'll have to put those in at the end. They seem to show arecord that indicates a declining temperaturs, re-jigged to show a rising one.

NOAA/GHCN, the "Global Historical Climate Network", are crooks too

Willis Eschenbach (sounds like a pen-name of someone with a job to lose) has been looking in great detail at the work of one of the alternatives to the CRU. We know that CRU are crooks but what about the alternative sources of climate history? There are only two major alternatives and one of those is NASA/GISS run by Jim Hansen. So you have got the fox minding the henhouse there. That leaves only GHCN. So do they "adjust" their data in the same way that CRU do? Eschenbach uses the data from the Darwin area in Australia as a case in point. He presents the raw data -- which shows FALLINg temperatures -- and then the GHCN adjusted data -- which show RISING temperatures. And the adjustments done to achieve that are just plain weird. An excerpt from Eschenbach below followed by some comments on the risible "reply" to Eschenbach by Tim Lambert:

Then I went to look at what happens when the GHCN removes the “in-homogeneities” to “adjust” the data. Of the five raw datasets, the GHCN discards two, likely because they are short and duplicate existing longer records. The three remaining records are first “homogenized” and then averaged to give the “GHCN Adjusted” temperature record for Darwin.

To my great surprise, here’s what I found. To explain the full effect, I am showing this with both datasets starting at the same point (rather than ending at the same point as they are often shown).

YIKES! Before getting homogenized, temperatures in Darwin were falling at 0.7 Celsius per century … but after the homogenization, they were warming at 1.2 Celsius per century. And the adjustment that they made was over two degrees per century … when those guys “adjust”, they don’t mess around. And the adjustment is an odd shape, with the adjustment first going stepwise, then climbing roughly to stop at 2.4C....

Intrigued by the curious shape of the average of the homogenized Darwin records, I then went to see how they had homogenized each of the individual station records. What made up that strange average shown in Fig. 7? I started at zero with the earliest record. Here is Station Zero at Darwin, showing the raw and the homogenized versions.

Yikes again, double yikes! What on earth justifies that adjustment? How can they do that? We have five different records covering Darwin from 1941 on. They all agree almost exactly. Why adjust them at all? They’ve just added a huge artificial totally imaginary trend to the last half of the raw data! Now it looks like the IPCC diagram in Figure 1, all right … but a six degree per century trend? And in the shape of a regular stepped pyramid climbing to heaven? What’s up with that?

Those, dear friends, are the clumsy fingerprints of someone messing with the data Egyptian style … they are indisputable evidence that the “homogenized” data has been changed to fit someone’s preconceptions about whether the earth is warming.

One thing is clear from this. People who say that “Climategate was only about scientists behaving badly, but the data is OK” are wrong. At least one part of the data is bad, too. The Smoking Gun for that statement is at Darwin Zero......

What this does show is that there is at least one temperature station where the trend has been artificially increased to give a false warming where the raw data shows cooling. In addition, the average raw data for Northern Australia is quite different from the adjusted, so there must be a number of … mmm … let me say “interesting” adjustments in Northern Australia other than just Darwin.

And with the Latin saying “Falsus in unum, falsus in omis” (false in one, false in all) as our guide, until all of the station “adjustments” are examined, adjustments of CRU, GHCN, and GISS alike, we can’t trust anyone using homogenized numbers.

Raw vs Adjusted Temperatures


And again:


The whole thing is here:
Well overnight, one observation near me (according to the BBC weather site) was -9°C. The forecast had only been for about -2 or -3°C. (Benson, Oxfordshire).

As I walked to town and back just now, light global warming was coming down from the sky (the sort you can sledge on, make small icy balls out of, and igloos). Tomorrow the forecast is for the heavy version.

Yes, yes, this is a weather event, not climate, but the man-made-global-warming enthusiasts and climate scientists have been predicting warmer summers and milder winters. Snow and ice were going to become a thing of the past. Apparently not.

The Met Office said the current cold spell was the most prolonged period of freezing conditions across the UK since December 1981, and the Highways Agency asked drivers to make only essential journeys.
Phew! That post was a little serious. Back to Craig-baiting nonsense soon.

Because the thing is Craig and other warmistas:

As I walked to town and back just now, light global warming was coming down from the sky (the sort you can sledge on, make small icy balls out of, and igloos). Tomorrow the forecast is for the heavy version.

With regard to the science the AGW lobby is obsessed with CO2 especially that emitted by mankind. Well, go on then, give us all the benefit of your superior knowledge and explain to us how the reduction of mankind's co2 emissions are going to save the planet. While you are doing so perhaps you'd like to let us know the %age of mankind's emissions in relation to the global total.
Obviously if we eat less meat there would be a reduction in the amount of methane etc from the pastures, presumably you are then going to persuade all other forms of animal & sea life to slow/stop breeding or at least to stop farting, and then there are the volcanoes above and below sea level, the shifting plates, the rotting vegetation etc etc..

Not just eat less meat; you'd have to consume less (or no) dairy, and you'd have to convince India's Hindus to get rid of their sacred cows. Now, even George Monbiot has admitted that he couldn't live on a vegan diet (being, as it is, probably the unhealthiest diet available). And the vindictiveness against meat and methane is even less scientific than that against carbon dioxide:

[link to come - the site appears to be down at the moment]
EDIT: Here it is:
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Of course you won't find a National Science Academy to dispute AGW. They are largely reliant directly or indirectly on their government's largesse to survive.

Here we go again. More totally unfounded accusations of corruption. It is really is pathetic. How about all the professional associations? For example the American Geophysical Union - 50,000 members in 135 countries, 90 year history, elected officers. Also spinning a yarn, you would have us believe. Or the World Meteorological Organization? There are many similar.

These are the most respected scientific associations in the world bar none.

Your totally unfounded accusations look all the more absurd because you invert the time line. It has been scientists pressing for governments to act on AGW not governments governments pressing scientists to "invent" AGW.

Scientific opinion has been unswervingly the same regardless of the colour of governments - for example during the denialism of the Bush administration.
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This is an intersting article.

No it's not in the slightest bit interesting. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns - haggling over the temperature record of Darwin airport. Lets look at the temperature record for the whole of Australia as compiled by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology:


If Anthony Watts has got anything useful to say about temperature record, lets see his global record, or even Australian record showing no warming. Let him publish it in a peer reviewed journal. But that would mean some real work - much easier to focus just one station on a blog. Really pathetic.
With regard to the science the AGW lobby is obsessed with CO2 especially that emitted by mankind. Well, go on then, give us all the benefit of your superior knowledge and explain to us how the reduction of mankind's co2 emissions are going to save the planet.

I already explained the mechanism of the greenhouse effect, simply in a few paragraphs in prior post. Key words "black body radiation". However don't take my word for it - go and look it up.

The greenhouse effect of CO2 is increased by feedback mechanisms including water vapor feedback (higher temperature means more H20 in atmosphere - means more greenhouse effect), reduction of ice sheet area (means lower planetary albedo which means less of suns energy reflected back into space) and other feedbacks. However don't take my word for it - go and look it up.

There are also negative forcings including atmospheric aerosols - fine particles emitted by volcanoes and industrial pollution which have a negative effect on temperature by reflecting solar energy into space- but have less influence than the greenhouse effect.
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As I walked to town and back just now, light global warming was coming down from the sky (the sort you can sledge on, make small icy balls out of, and igloos). Tomorrow the forecast is for the heavy version.


Friend of mine told me London (and I assume the rest of England) was about to have snow, and I thought to myself, well, I'm sure I'll get to read all about that on the global warming thread on t2w.
Sure enough.

Anecdote <> datum.
Anecdotes <> data.

Ad hominems, anecdotes, bullying, and selective cherry picking of data, which amounts to a sophisticated form of anecdote, really, doesn't change the physical properties of CO2, N2O, CH4, or CFCs, any more than a cloudy morning when you don't actually get to see the sun rising in the east means it rises in the west, south or north.
Also, FYI, the earth isn't flat.
Friend of mine told me London (and I assume the rest of England) was about to have snow, and I thought to myself, well, I'm sure I'll get to read all about that on the global warming thread on t2w.
Sure enough.

Anecdote <> datum.
Anecdotes <> data.

Ad hominems, anecdotes, bullying, and selective cherry picking of data, which amounts to a sophisticated form of anecdote, really, doesn't change the physical properties of CO2, N2O, CH4, or CFCs, any more than a cloudy morning when you don't actually get to see the sun rising in the east means it rises in the west, south or north.
Also, FYI, the earth isn't flat.

Not just London mate:

Heavy snow in the south. Very cold and icy everywhere.

This Evening and Tonight: Some southern parts of England will see some heavy snow and strong winds tonight. Elsewhere will be bitterly cold with a widespread moderate or severe frost. Further snow showers are likely, particularly near eastern coasts.

Plenty of other places in the northern hemisphere, as I hear it.

BTW, the ad hominems have come in both directions on this thread. dccraig's first posting addressed at me contained an ad hominem in the first sentence or so. (I was accused of intellectual dishonesty on scant to no evidence). I have not responded in kind (I don't think).
No it's not in the slightest bit interesting. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns - haggling over the temperature record of Darwin airport. Lets look at the temperature record for the whole of Australia as compiled by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology:


If Anthony Watts has got anything useful to say about temperature record, lets see his global record, or even Australian record showing no warming. Let him publish it in a peer reviewed journal. But that would mean some real work - much easier to focus just one station on a blog. Really pathetic.

I'll reply to this nonsense properly later. Just one thing though about the graph posted.

Why does it show "departures from the 1961 -1990 norm". What is significant about this period? It seems to me to be a strange one to choose, and it also seems to be ludicrously short in climate terms.
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No it's not in the slightest bit interesting. Talk about fiddling while Rome burns - haggling over the temperature record of Darwin airport. Really pathetic.

NB: Links to pictures don't seem to be working for some reason. Here is the link to the original article, although I'll try to get the pictures on if I can. If not, do have a look at the graphs - they are hilarious, and show how reliable these "warmest ever blah blah" wibblings are.

Talk about denial! Your response to every item of evidence is the same - this in itself is not fatal to my delusion, therefore I shall ignore it. Lets look at the main points of this story in more detail - it is absolute nonsense to attempt to sweep this under the carpet. It shows nothing less than a complete invesrsion of the trend - from a cooling one to a warming one.

The alarmist claim is that, despite the lies, cheating and corruption at CRU, the temperature data upon which they build their fantasies is sound.

CRU basically uses the GCHN dataset for its raw data. In this dataset there are only 3 stations in Northern Australia that cover the last century. The raw, unadjusted data looks like this (note that this includes the supposed record warmest years of the past decade):


This is only 3 stations, so lets look at more, regardless of when they started.


And now all of them:


Doesn't look much like the IPCC graphs does it? This shows a slight cooling trend, but obviously this is totally raw data, so it is reasonable that there should be some quality control, or "adjustment", applied.

Have a look at the main article for the process used in adjusting the data.

Darwin airport is the first on the list of stations, hence why it was chosen first. Darwin is not one station, but a number of stations grouped together. The graph below shows the temperature data with and without "homogenizing" as the adjustment process is called:


Notice anything odd? Like how a cooling trend has mysteriously been "homogenized" into a warming one?

And again:


Now that's what I call homogenising!

This is blatant fraud, and your attempts to ignore it are truly pathetic. The official temperature record as presented to the public is totally bogus in this area. This obviously been done to suit someone's preconceptions - have the rest been similarly tampered with?

Contrary to your pitiful accusations, Watts says this on his blog:

Now, I want to be clear here. The blatantly bogus GHCN adjustment for this one station does NOT mean that the earth is not warming. It also does NOT mean that the three records (CRU, GISS, and GHCN) are generally wrong either. This may be an isolated incident, we don’t know. But every time the data gets revised and homogenized, the trends keep increasing. Now GISS does their own adjustments. However, as they keep telling us, they get the same answer as GHCN gets … which makes their numbers suspicious as well.

I've highlighted the most relevant bit, since you seem incapable of reading.

Back to CRU and their supposedly sound data. Contrary to the crap that you post over and over again, they won't say which data they have used - the raw or the homogenised. Got it? They refuse to release details of their data. It is no use saying that it's all out there - we don't know whether they used the raw data or the homogenised crap. We also don't know whether they did a more homogenising of their own.

Both of these things are a huge scandal. On their own, they prove nothing. But knowing about the above, what person who was not thoroughly stupid or bigoted would trust the Australian temperature record? Surely you would want to see a similar process applied to the other stations to ensure that they too have not suffered from the same blatant manipulation - manipulation that managed to turn a modest cooling trend into a dramatic warming?

Or are you afraid to face this? Afraid because you have swallowed a scam that does not stand up for 5 minutes under investigation. Afraid because you are embarassed by your own idiocy?
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Craig, I want to apologise. In my above post, I demonstrated the shameful and blatant manipulation of some Australian temperature data, and showed how this had turned a modest cooling into a dramatic warming.

I proved that part of the data from your own country was nothing more than a lie. It raises the distinct possibility that the entire Australian record is about as reliable as the conclusions of a UK climate scientist, or the None of this is controversial.

However, I then overstepped the mark. I said that no reasonable person would accept the Australian dataset until it had been thoroughly checked for similar manipulation. I stated - alas, very clearly - that there are only two reasons why someone would not insist on this before giving credence to the fabricated Australian records. I named them - oh, the shame! - stupidity and bigotry.

I now realise that this is unfair, and I have may have done you a great wrong. There is another reason why a person might take the Australian nonsense-data at face value:



Goddamn it! Pictures won't load! It wasn't important when all I wanted to show was temperature anomalies and whatnot, but this is serious. The picture above (if only you could see it) shows a p1$$ed up kangaroo.
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It may not have been just Darwin that was subjected to some adjustment/manipulation. From this site of Dr Jennifer Marohasy some quite legitimate questions were asked about some of the data and as is normal for these organisations any alterations will always end up showing a bias towards recent 'warming'.

I'll include one quote here from one of the contributors, yes I have been selective in my choice of quote, but nonetheless it is a reasonable summary of what happens ~

Steve Jones says
"I suspect what the ‘global warmers’ have done is to chose the average of ALL sites and since few sites have old records the warmest years on record will be quite recent and therefore the average of ALL sites will show the same pattern but ONLY BECAUSE the older data is missing or drowned out by the more recent data. So it will APPEAR as if there has been global warming when in fact there has not been ANY.”

Until such times as these organisations produce information and charts using reliable scientifically accurate and independently scrutinised data the level of suspicion of their accuracy will prevail. This does not serve the warmist lobby well, relying on bullying and self righteous arrogance for thier response will not cut it, basic honest simple facts will!
As you probably know, CRU has bowed to public pressure and is finally releasing some of it's data. Craig has been maintaining that they didn't destroy anything, didn't hide anything, everything was out in the open etc. Nothing to see here folks.

This seems to contradict some of the things in the letter below. This relates to a refusal to release data:

Our Ref: 22-06-2009-131902-003 23 July 2009
Dear Mr McIntyre

Request for Information – Information not Held and Refusal to Disclose Information
Your correspondence dated 9 June 2009 has been considered to be a request for information in accordance with the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The Ministry of Defence is permitted to withhold information where exceptions are considered justifiable.

You asked “You stated that CRUTEM3 data that you held was the value added data. Pursuant to the Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004, please provide me with this data in the digital form, together with any documents that you hold describing the procedures under which the data has been quality controlled and where deemed appropriate, adjusted to account for apparent non-climatic influences”.

Your request has been assessed and this letter is to inform you that the Met Office does hold some information covered by the request. We do not hold documents describing the procedures under which the data has been quality controlled or adjusted to account for apparent non-climatic influences.

The information held by the Met Office is withheld in accordance with the following exceptions pursuant to the Environmental Information Regulations Act 2004:
• Section 12 (5) (a) Information likely to prejudice relations between the United Kingdom and any International organisation;
• Section 12 (5) (e) Confidentiality of commercial or industrial information where such confidentiality is provided by law to protect a legitimate economic interest.
• Section 12 (5) (f) (i) (iii) The supplier was not under legal obligation to supply the information and has not consented to its disclosure.

As the above exceptions are qualified exceptions, a public interest test was undertaken by the Met Office to consider whether there are overriding reasons why disclosure of this information would not be in the public interest. The Met Office has duly considered these reasons in conjunction with the public interest in disclosing the requested information, in particular the benefits of assisting the public having information on environmental information, whereby they would hope to influence decisions from a position of knowledge rather than speculation.
Access to environmental information is particularly important as environmental issues affect
the whole population.

Consideration of Exception Regulation 12 (5) (a)
Much of the requested data comes from individual Scientists and Institutions from several countries. The Met Office received the data information from Professor Jones at the University of East Anglia on the strict understanding by the data providers that this station data must not be publicly released. If any of this information were released, scientists could be reluctant to share information and participate in scientific projects with the public sector organisations based in the UK in future. It would also damage the trust that scientists have in those scientists who happen to be employed in the public sector and could show the Met Office ignored the confidentiality in which the data information was provided.
We considered that if the public have information on environmental matters, they could hope to influence decisions from a position of knowledge rather than speculation. However, the effective conduct of international relations depends upon maintaining trust and confidence between states and international organisations. This relationship of trust allows for the free and frank exchange of information on the understanding that it will be treated in confidence. If the United Kingdom does not respect such confidences, its ability to protect and promote United Kingdom interests through international relations may be hampered. Competitors/ Collaborators could be damaged by the release of information which was given to us in confidence and this will detrimentally affect the ability of the Met Office (UK) to co-operate with meteorological organisations and governments of other countries. This could also provoke a negative reaction from scientist globally if their information which they have requested remains private is disclosed.

Consideration of Exception Regulation 12 (5) (e)
The information is also withheld in accordance with the exception under regulation 12 (5) (e) because the information comprises of Station Data which are commercially sensitive for many of the data sources (particularly European and African Meteorological services) release of any data could adversely affect relationships with other Institutions and individuals, who may plan to use their data for their own commercial interests. Some of this is documented in Hulme, 1996 but this is not a globally comprehensive summary.

The Met Office are not party to information which would allow us to determine which countries and stations data can or cannot be released as records were not kept, or given to the Met Office, therefore we cannot release data where we have no authority to do so. Competitors or collaborators could be damaged by the release of information which was given to us in confidence and could affect their ability to trade.

The Met Office uses the data solely and expressly to create a gridded product that we distribute without condition.

Consideration of Exception Regulation 12 (5) (f) (i) and (iii)
The information is also withheld in accordance with the exception under regulation 12 (5) (f) (i) (iii) as Professor Jones was not legally bound to release the data to the Met Office and has not consented to the disclosure to any other party. As stated above in 12 (5) (a) Some of the information was provided to Professor Jones on the strict understanding by the data providers that this station data must not be publicly released and it cannot be determined which countries or stations data were given in confidence as records were not kept. The Met Office received the data from Professor Jones on the proviso that it would not be released to any other source and to release it without authority would seriously affect the relationship between the United Kingdom and other Countries and Institutions.

I hope this answers your enquiry.

If you are not satisfied with this response or you wish to complain about any aspect of the handling of your request, then you should contact me in the first instance. If informal resolution is not possible and you are still dissatisfied then you may apply for an independent internal review by contacting the Head of Corporate Information, 6th Floor, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, SW1A 2HB (e-mail [email protected]). Please note that any request for an internal review must be made within 40 working days of the date on which the attempt to reach informal resolution has come to an end.

If you remain dissatisfied following an internal review, you may take your complaint to the Information Commissioner under the provisions of Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act. Please note that the Information Commissioner will not investigate your case until the MOD internal review process has been completed. Further details of the role and powers of the Information Commissioner can be found on the Commissioner’s website,

Yours sincerely,
Marion Archer
FOI Manager

Unbelievable. Confidentiality agreements mean we can't release some of the data. Unfortunately, we haven't kept a record of what data is covered by them. 😆😆
It may not have been just Darwin that was subjected to some adjustment/manipulation. From this site of Dr Jennifer Marohasy some quite legitimate questions were asked about some of the data and as is normal for these organisations any alterations will always end up showing a bias towards recent 'warming'.

I'll include one quote here from one of the contributors, yes I have been selective in my choice of quote, but nonetheless it is a reasonable summary of what happens ~

Steve Jones says
"I suspect what the ‘global warmers’ have done is to chose the average of ALL sites and since few sites have old records the warmest years on record will be quite recent and therefore the average of ALL sites will show the same pattern but ONLY BECAUSE the older data is missing or drowned out by the more recent data. So it will APPEAR as if there has been global warming when in fact there has not been ANY.”

Until such times as these organisations produce information and charts using reliable scientifically accurate and independently scrutinised data the level of suspicion of their accuracy will prevail. This does not serve the warmist lobby well, relying on bullying and self righteous arrogance for thier response will not cut it, basic honest simple facts will!

All the temperature records show the same thing - the world is warming. Surface temperature records and satellite records. All produced by different research groups. Global warming is real


The heat content of the oceans is rising:


Data mining emails, haggling over a handful of stations, pop psychology of "confirmation bias" and all the rest of the stuff whose sole purpose is to confuse and raise unreasonable doubt is not science. Exactly the same tactics as used by the tobacco lobby.

There is no credible temperature record that does not show warming. There has been decades for the deniers to produce one. Where is it?
All the temperature records show the same thing - the world is warming. Surface temperature records and satellite records. All produced by different research groups. Global warming is real


The heat content of the oceans is rising:


Data mining emails, haggling over a handful of stations, pop psychology of "confirmation bias" and all the rest of the stuff whose sole purpose is to confuse and raise unreasonable doubt is not science. Exactly the same tactics as used by the tobacco lobby.

There is no credible temperature record that does not show warming. There has been decades for the deniers to produce one. Where is it?

I've just posted one for Northern Australia. Maybe when other records are properly examined there will be others.

From what I understand, nobody disputes that the world has warmed. This does not mean that the warming has been caused by man.

The graph you posted above starts in the seventies - at the end of a three decade cooling trend that had the wiseacres of the day fulminating on the possibility of a new ice age.

Lets pick another "random" point - when it was warm enough to grow vines in the north of England. Or when Greenland was settled. What would the trend show then?

Or how about another point on your graph - late 80s instead of 70s. There does not appear to be a warming trend then.

Talk about cherry-picking!