If you think that SHOUTING IN RED lends any weight to your argument, then you are badly mistaken.
Hey digger ... red was for contrast ... SHOUTING is in caps. Get it right.
So lets just cut the heroics about saving the human race from some dark political force ...
You really do need your mother, don't you. So naive, innocent, gullible. And they all lived happily ever after. It may come as a shock to you, DCraig, but there IS actually evil in the world. There ARE actually groups that would love to control world affairs.
Do you think the Club of Copelesshagen was a meeting for the Sunday School picnic planning committee?
Wake up to yourself, DCraig, these people are NOT there to save the world, but to control the world. If this were not so, there would be little need for Copenhagen at all. The real purpose was to give the Political Alliance some credibility, united under a common cause ... to "Save the Planet."
There is absolutely NOTHING to stop the countries who are so pi$$ed off with China and India, from going ahead and simply cutting their own emissions. But that would not be POLITICALLY BINDING globally. The constituents of the pro-AGW camp would never swallow a deal that didn't include what they see as the greater potential CO2 emitters of the future - the emerging Industrial economies of China and India.
And that is what these people pushing the CC alarm button really want ... C-O-N-T-R-O-L.
India and China are too smart to cede control of their sovereignty. They are not easy to scare, so watch this space ... surprise surprise, we will soon see China and India announcing their own measures to cut emissions, just to show how GREEN they really are. They will do this to prevent pressure and public opinion from coming against them over this issue, and put more distance between themselves and their counterparts of Copenhagen.
I am so pleased - joyed actually - to know that these two heavily populated countries are willing to hold on to their sovereignty, in the face of the great steamroller of Global Political Will.
Kevin Rudd wants to get Australia onto the Security Council of the UN, and wants to be Australia's first delegate to that body (when he's finished stuffing Australia with his big spending, directionless ideas of course). He is and always was a career diplomat - never done an honest day's work. I have met piano players with harder hands.
Please rebut three widely accepted tenets about climate change:
1. The world is warming at the rate of 0.1-0.2 degrees per decade. (No crap about CRU emails please, there are multiple temperature records from multiple independent research groups and they all find that the world is warming at about the same rate).
Those figures are far from settled, and every day more and more information comes to hand about
HOW those measurements were obtained, and
I could trot out just as many Google references as you could, and the result ... ?
Try Googling
Leonard Weinstein, ScD who is no fool. But don't bother - I could put up a list and it would only prove that there are a great many respected researchers and PhD's taking an opposite slant on AGW.
2. The percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere is rapidly increasing due to human activities.
The Keeling curve continues to show a steady rise in CO2 in the atmosphere during the period since oil and coal were discovered and used by man.
Carbon dioxide has increased from the 1958 reading of 315 to 385 parts per million in 2008. But, despite the increases, it is still only a trace gas in the atmosphere. The percentage of the atmosphere that is CO2 remains tiny, about 3.8 hundredths of one percent by volume and 41 hundredths of one percent by weight.
And, by the way, only a fraction of that fraction is from mankind’s use of fossil fuels. The best estimate is that atmospheric CO2 is 75 percent natural and 25 percent the result of civilization.
3. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. It is one of the major factors forcing global heating.
Funny that - I thought CO2 was one of the MINOR GG's. Methane is more potent, I was told, but you don't have the means to tax a fart, do you? At least not in the way CO2 can be measured and taxed ... how convenient!
My references also tell me that simple old H2O is the biggest GG or them all, but hell, how can they tax water? The bloomin' stuff just falls from the sky for free!
All these propositions are widely accepted by climatologists. Please explain how any or all are wrong and you are right. I am waiting to see the colour of your money.
... and I am waiting (patiently) for you to respond to other questions put to you in earlier posts.
You say
"widely accepted by climatologists" but you pooh pooh any climatologist - even well-respected ones - who are not alarmists.
Why is that?
Why are you persistently denying the opinions of respected scientists who just happen to disagree with your fav position. For every climatologist you quote, I can quote one who has an alternate view.
This is the problem with your approach, DCraig. You steadfastly refuse to admit that there are alternative viewpoints which are equally as valid, as far as the "science" goes.
People like myself have simply NOT been convinced of the urgency of the action the alarmists would herd us all into. Kevin Rudd here in Australia was threatening all hell if he didn't get his beloved CC legislation passed by the Senate here, for him to tuck under his arm and march vainly into the great hall of Copenhagen.
And you have been unable to convince me either - your petulant shenanigans, name-calling, avoidance of legitimate questions, failure to show proof other than to quote broad and general opinion, under the guise of "science" and "climatologists" as if these people were part of the 12 Apostles.
I am NOT impressed by sweeping generalisations, or quotes from the University of Google. What I would like you to do, is show me that I am wrong - not quote chapter and verse from someone else's bible. Convince me. Stop assuming that you are right and everyone else is wrong, but build fact-on-fact until you do have a genuine case in favour of CC.
Can you explain why there is a groundswell of scientists now standing aside from the original concept of AGW, GG's and CC?
A personal note. When I first started taking taking global warming seriously, I was far more skeptical than I am now. I even found some of the skeptics to be superficially reasonable. What convinced me, on further examination, more than anything was the extraordinary lack of rigor, in many cases bordering on the downright dishonest nature of nearly all of the stuff.
Funny - that is exactly, to the letter, how I see the CC argument - try the antics of UEA/CRU for starters in the honesty stakes:
"the extraordinary lack of rigor, in many cases bordering on the downright dishonest nature of nearly all of the stuff."
I will not deny that there a (very) few skeptics who do have integrity such as Lindzen of MIT whose scientific work (if not politics) is serious.
Now you are getting serious about a true discussion ...
But most of the arguments peddled by deniers at best rest on research papers long discredited, and more frequently cherry picking of data and in some cases downright lies. Most if it is a complete disgrace.
Sorry - you're losing me again ... all these people can not be liars, discredited and cherry pickers. You see, it is generalisations like this that put people far off-side in this discussion.
Anybody with a open mind should go to
http://www.skepticalscience.com/ which attempts to rebut all the denialist stuff point by point. Not only that, it provides a catalogue of links to all the denialist arguments. You can't get fairer than that.
and I could take you to sites which take apart the alarmist and Stable Climate Deniers arguments, which attempt to rebut all the alarmist stuff point by point. Not only that, I could provide a catalogue of links to all the alarmist arguments. You can't get fairer than that.
Do you see the point, DCraig?
The Internet can provide fodder for almost ANY argument any of us choose to put up.
I could take you to sites and other Internet Forums, where someone by the same name as you, is spreading this same hogwash ... you wouldn't know anything about that would you?
You can't hide from Google. You really need to calm down.
EDIT: Google:
Scientists against AGW ... and try to understand that they are not idiots, deniers, or whatever, but REAL scientists, researchers and thinking people.
I really do question the word: Consensus, when clearly there is none.