The Next US President

Big bold promises with little to no detail. When it doesn't play out (and most won't because its bs) his out is blaming the republicans for blocking his stuff. Where is downside for him? Answer: there is none. trumpeteers believe anything he says. it's take quite some time for them to be disillusioned with then...mission accomplished $$$$$:cheesy:

Trump won, Killary LOST. accept it and go back to your hole.

Welcome to Trump's America:


One incident from an elderly gentleman in a restaurant does not condemn an entire nation of 320MN people or a Presidential Transition Team. It was an unfortunate incident and i hope he sues Chili's.

But, the thousands of hooligans that are protesting in the streets obstructing traffic looting businesses, assaulting people in their cars and walking down the street...
I guess you forgot about them.
But, the thousands of hooligans that are protesting in the streets obstructing traffic looting businesses, assaulting people in their cars and walking down the street...
I guess you forgot about them.

The media is trying to blame Trump. It's usually the liberals who riot in the streets. NOT Trump supporters.

Not exactly true most of that HH...Our police have very strict protocol with regards gathering evidence, it is then presented to the Crown prosecution service whom then decide if said evidence was obtained in the correct manner and sufficient to win a case in court, many cases dont make it to court for this very reason...unlike USA the evidence cannot be obtained through entrapment nor by illegal or unlawful means...For example, Dog the bounty hunter would be arrested and locked up in a secure hospital should he try his tactics over here..
Also the farce that was the OJ Simpson trial would of sent him straight to jail on the first trial...there's no way you could make a showcase like that in a UK court, nether do we support any form of plea bargaining, therefore, I do think our policing and judicial system is far superior to my case your honour..😆

Exactly, the British society is less litigious and less lawyer happy. We like to sue every chance we get. Tort law is much much stronger here.

Thank you for making my point. Be it superior or not. The points still stand. I was not arguing for superiority. Technicalities happen more. Dog the bounty hunter would indeed be arrested over there. That is what I was pointing out. Dog the bounty hunter does not collect evidence, he collects individuals who have skipped bail. No, the United Kingdom does not have an Exclusionary Clause. "Fruit of the poisonous tree" is not automatically exluded in the UK. Here criminals do indeed get off on technicalities. In the UK, if the judge believe that an error made by the prosecution was made in "good faith", he/she has the power to decide to include such evidence. In the US, they do not. Like forgetting to reseal an evidence bag. That is an error made in good faith. The intentions may not have been to sabotage the defendant.

Entrapment is a gray area. Police officers there are allowed to present misleading evidence to a suspect to try to get the suspect to incriminate himself just as they in any commonwealth nation like Canada. The UK also does not protect against self incrimination.
The media is trying to blame Trump. It's usually the liberals who riot in the streets. NOT Trump supporters.


Agreed. The Trump rally in Costa Mesa was crashed by anti-Trump supporters who started throwing things. Trump supporters have not crashed any Hillary events.
Exactly, the British society is less litigious and less lawyer happy. We like to sue every chance we get. Tort law is much much stronger here.

Thank you for making my point. Be it superior or not. The points still stand. I was not arguing for superiority. Technicalities happen more. Dog the bounty hunter would indeed be arrested over there. That is what I was pointing out. Dog the bounty hunter does not collect evidence, he collects individuals who have skipped bail. No, the United Kingdom does not have an Exclusionary Clause. "Fruit of the poisonous tree" is not automatically exluded in the UK. Here criminals do indeed get off on technicalities. In the UK, if the judge believe that an error made by the prosecution was made in "good faith", he/she has the power to decide to include such evidence. In the US, they do not. Like forgetting to reseal an evidence bag. That is an error made in good faith. The intentions may not have been to sabotage the defendant.

Entrapment is a gray area. Police officers there are allowed to present misleading evidence to a suspect to try to get the suspect to incriminate himself just as they in any commonwealth nation like Canada. The UK also does not protect against self incrimination.
Good post.....

question... How does one protect themselves against being sued for whatever reason ? Do you have personal liability insurance just in case ? Same question to the large company tort case's ?
Good post.....

question... How does one protect themselves against being sued for whatever reason ? Do you have personal liability insurance just in case ? Same question to the large company tort case's ?

Yes, liability insurance is very common here. Home owner's have home owner's insurance that covers them. Businesses have insurance. Renter's have insurance. Insurance for just about anything. It can be very beneficial. It does not just protect you from others, but protects yourself as well. Insurance fraud is a big thing.

I do not know if any places do this in the UK, but here, place like McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts have "Caution, the beverage you are about to consume is hot." No $h** Sherlock. But, a lady sued McDonald's because she spilled her coffee on herself. I am pretty sure that is why they print that on most coffee cups.

If I buy a candy bar and there is a disgusting insect inside, I can sue the company on many fronts. Tort cover the psychological trauma I experienced when I bit into the candy bar and discovered the creature. There will be punitive damages awarded for psychological stress. I can claim that I will never look at a candy bar the same way again. 😆

My British expat friends say that you cannot do this in the UK. If I were to slip and fall in a restaurant, they could be sued. I think if this happened in the UK, they would just send me to the hospital and cover any expenditures but no suit.
There are many high-powered attorneys where I live. I do not know if it's a lawyer's paradise or if they all just want offices here.
I have read many of the John Grisham novels, he specialises in US law though fictionalised, I enjoy reading about it.....we're starting to veer a little of topic, saying that, I think the presidential issue is done and dusted now.....
Think you need to back off a touch on the colombian marching powder Pip, it's not you want another go ? or we done here ?
The elections are done yes but the presidency it isn't , as long as trump is the president there will be opposition , they are not going anywhere .


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