The Next US President

Peanuts to a billionaire

What on earth does Obama think he is doing talking about what Trump thinks ? Vlad has got him round his little finger !

Where is your proof he's a billionaire? Let me tell you he will take every bit of that 400K, and like he is now whining thats its not enough. That was actually his suggestion..

my god some you people are naive:|

well ys thats how he got elected
I'm beginning to get a creepy sense of deja vu of the 1930s when the extremes of populism, nationalism, the right and the left were bubbling up in a cauldron of viciousness and hatred which resulted in catastrophe for much of the world.

I've had that sense for some time. I was reading an article today about how we needn't be all that "concerned" because though the right won the battle it will eventually lose the war. Well, Hitler won his battles and lost the war, but look at all that happened in the meantime. Just substitute "Jew" for Muslim, Mexican, Central American and the parallels should be clear.
In the UK system an unpopular Prime Minister. like Mrs Thather, can be got rid of by his own party rebelling. Probably not true in the States as far as I know unless they are caught doing crimes like Watergate.
It's going to be a bumpy ride for some
. . . but giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who has promulgated extreme right wing (and I'd feel the same about the extreme left as with Corbyn here) seems to me to be overly optimistic and generous. . .
I hear you Richard, and you may turn out to be right. Hopefully you won't, and Trump won't be as bad as you and others fear. My optimism and generosity, such as it is, is directed more at the American people en mass, than at Trump the individual. Of course there are some thoroughly rotten apples in the Republican barrel, just as there are in the leave camp here in the U.K. (the post Brexit xenophobes attacking the Poles etc.) But most Americans, like us, are decent people who don't foster extreme views. Trump will have to cater for them, along with all the democrats, otherwise he faces four years of civil unrest and zero prospect of getting re-elected.

As a businessman, a deal maker, and pragmatist, I suspect he'll park many of his personal views, along with the campaign rhetoric, and adopt a much more mellow approach when he takes office. He'll pretty much have to. IMO, the biggest concern is his views on the environment and climate change. That's the one issue that 'trumps' all others and, if he bu88ers that up, it's not just the American people that will suffer - it's all of us.
As a businessman, a deal maker, and pragmatist, I suspect he'll park many of his personal views, along with the campaign rhetoric, and adopt a much more mellow approach when he takes office. He'll pretty much have to.

What he does or does not do with regard to his personal views is no longer pertinent. The genie is out of the bottle. Getting it back in will take some doing:

A man punched a woman in the face at a popular French restaurant in Brooklyn after she expressed disappointment about the election of President-elect Donald Trump, according to reports from restaurant staff and witnesses.

On Saturday night, a 49-year-old woman who has not been publicly identified was at Bar Tabac in Boerum Hill with a female friend. According to Jonas Leon, the manager who was working that night, the two women were discussing the outcome of the election when a man at a nearby table got into an argument with them.

The man asked the manager to kick the women out of the restaurant. Instead, Leon moved the man and his dining companion to another table. The man paid for his meal and left the restaurant, Leon said, before sprinting back in and punching one of the women square in the face.

“The guy came back almost running, and he started pushing some customer and the high-chair next to him with the baby because he couldn’t reach the girl,” Leon said. “Then he punched the girl.”

Leon told DNAInfo that the assault was because of politics.

“The guy who punched the girl was pro-Trump for sure,” he said.

One witness, Katie Nave Freeman, told DNAInfo that she was dining at the eatery when she heard people yelling “call 911.” She saw a woman in the back of the restaurant with her hands over her face.

“The woman was extremely (and understandably) shaken,” Freeman said. “She grabbed me, sobbed and held the left side of her face in her hand.”

An NYPD spokesman confirmed to Gothamist that an assault occurred at the bar. The woman did not suffer any visible injuries and refused medical attention. No arrests have been made in the case.

On Monday, Bar Tabac posted a statement about the incident on Facebook.

We at Bar Tabac do not condone violence of any type or manner, especially in our own establishment; to the tough guy who assaulted a female patron of ours on Saturday night over a political conversation: Once the law is done with you, do not come back to Bar Tabac (this includes your partner). At a point in this nation when tensions are highest we need to come together now more than ever, we apologize to any customers who had to witness this vulgar outburst.

In the aftermath of Trump’s surprise election, there has been a slew of reports of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-women attacks by Trump supporters.

“Since the election, we’ve seen a big uptick in incidents of vandalism, threats, intimidation spurred by the rhetoric surrounding Mr. Trump’s election,” Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, told USA TODAY.
Much as I admire your sentiments Tim and dbphoenix, I think we should accept what Trump said as fairly explaining his views and no amount of apologising on his behalf will stop him. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and also explained his vile views which he put into effect as soon as possible, brushing aside any criticism. Treat him as a foul person from the start and hope we are proved wrong, rather than waiting until it is too late.
Give him an inch he will take the lot. Democracy seems to fail in hard conditions and elect the wrong people.
What he does or does not do with regard to his personal views is no longer pertinent. The genie is out of the bottle. Getting it back in will take some doing . . .
These are one-off incidents dbp. Tarring everyone with the same brush is a mistake. The genie may be out of the bottle for a tiny handful of extremists just as it was here post Brexit. On the front page of many of today's newspapers the face of Joe Cox' killer appears as he's gone on trial for her murder. He is a nutter, a sick man, an extremist. Leave voters and remain voters alike are completely united in their horror and contempt for his appalling crime. In no way are his actions endorsed by leave voters.

I've not seen any recent stats, so I may be wrong about this, but my impression is that after an initial post referendum flurry of racist and xenophobic attacks here the U.K. - they've since tailed off after everyone across the board made it crystal clear that such incidents are totally unacceptable and any culprits caught will be prosecuted and punished. Quite right too. My guess is that the same thing will happen in the U.S.

Now there's a thought . . . could this be one of those rare instances of the U.K. leading the way and the U.S. follows!
These are one-off incidents dbp. Tarring everyone with the same brush is a mistake.

Surely it isn't necessary to repost all of them.

I've not seen any recent stats, so I may be wrong about this, but my impression is that after an initial post referendum flurry of racist and xenophobic attacks here the U.K. - they've since tailed off after everyone across the board made it crystal clear that such incidents are totally unacceptable and any culprits caught will be prosecuted and punished. Quite right too. My guess is that the same thing will happen in the U.S.

The number of hate crimes reported to police nationwide surged in 2015 by 6.7 percent compared to 2014, according to date released by the FBI on Monday.

Far outpacing the national increase in hate crime overall was the elevated number of bias crimes against Muslims. The FBI said there were 257 anti-Islamic incidents last year compared to 154 reported in 2014, an uptick of 67 percent. That was one of the largest increases against any group, according to the bureau’s data.

It’s a level of Islamophobia unseen since the Sept. 11 attacks, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“We believe this jump in anti-Muslim incidents should push our nation’s leaders to finally come out against the growing Islamophobia in our society,” said Council on American-Islamic Relations spokesman Ibrahim Hooper. “This repudiation should start with President-elect Donald Trump, who rode a wave of Islamophobia into the White House.”

Trump has tapped into people's dark side and it remains to be seen how much of it was just election tactics (reprehensible ones) and how much of it is his real agenda.

Unwholesome he may be, but I don't see him in the evil dictator camp. Nonetheless the lessons of history show that it's pretty easy to whip up the dark side to allow such people to get away with murder (literally) and to have the support of millions of their citizens for doing so.

It's always nice to have someone to blame for your woes and take it out on them. It's always my brokers fault when I have a losing trade - p'raps I should toss a brick through their window if the PM tells me they really are screwing me..
there are legitimate concerns but AUTOMATION has decimated manufacturing jobs, not global trade agreements. The US still has greatest GDP on this earth. Just we need fewer people to create it.

i don't know what the solution is as robots take more jobs. not everyone can be a rocket scientist, in fact very few. but everyone has to eat, raise a family, and feel worthy.:| i am worried about humanity
Minor or major note based on your perspective. Feel we need to highlight a distinction between prejudice something we all have and racism, not everyone is.

Are there healthy or unhealthy parallels between the two? Yes I think so.

Prejudice leads to incorrect assessment and or preference leading to less than optimal outcomes.

Racism is just retards who think they are superior to everyone else but truth be told they are less than average and that's their egos self defense mechanism for being weak.
Racism is also ingrained from childhood to a point where the individuals racism is an expression of an entire life of it. These people don't even know they are being racist and will say things without thinking about it. These people aren't ignorant or idiots but system born racists that have little chance of ever being normal.
Racism is also ingrained from childhood to a point where the individuals racism is an expression of an entire life of it. These people don't even know they are being racist and will say things without thinking about it. These people aren't ignorant or idiots but system born racists that have little chance of ever being normal.

Totally wrong. 100% misconception. Animals co-exist. If race was engrained in our DNA we would not have such variety of life in the planet.

Animals only kill to stay alive. Foxes one of the few breeds who would kill all the chickens in the coupe and take just one. That's probably because they too get spooked out and fall into their panick zone.

As for children they immitate and copy parents, friends and peer group and social media. That's a fact.

Leave kids from different races and religions out in a desert island and they'll not end up killing each other but cooperate as humans are social animals.

You are if may say so mistaking prejudice choosing what is familiar and same as you to racism actually believing one is superior to another race or religion or other belief system in humans.
Totally wrong. 100% misconception. Animals co-exist. If race was engrained in our DNA we would not have such variety of life in the planet.

Animals only kill to stay alive. Foxes one of the few breeds who would kill all the chickens in the coupe and take just one. That's probably because they too get spooked out and fall into their panick zone.

As for children they immitate and copy parents, friends and peer group and social media. That's a fact.

Leave kids from different races and religions out in a desert island and they'll not end up killing each other but cooperate as humans are social animals.

You are if may say so mistaking prejudice choosing what is familiar and same as you to racism actually believing one is superior to another race or religion or other belief system in humans.

You don't understand true racism.

As for children they immitate and copy parents, friends and peer group and social media. That's a fact.

You said it and yet you can't comprehend it because you have no first hand reference, only books, movies, stories.

If children imitate their parents, fiends and peer group; how do you think it will be growing up in this:

A world where its not only acceptable it's in law. A world where you are taught racism in school. All your friends, family, and every white person you know accepts the status quo as normal. Black people were beaten, killed, forced to live in dedicated areas, ride different buses, not eat in the same restaurants, work the same jobs, have access to the same education. The list goes on and on and on. Racism in South Africa today is an ongoing war. A war that's lasted generations and is in constant conflict.

I can understand that even with me trying to explain it to you, that you'd not be able to grasp it in its entirety. After all you are referencing racism as reading material, perhaps have a few life experiences, seen it in movies.
Extremely funny:

Latinos rain from the sky in “M.A.M.O.N.,” a new short film, in which Donald Trump’s “big, beautiful” multi-billion-dollar wall stands tall and a giant robot replica of the president-elect enforces border law as he sees fit.

Things get real when Mexican protesters call him a “f―-ing racist gringo.” That’s when robo Donald barrels into Mexico with an Uncle Sam sign that reads, “I Don’t Want You,” launching crotch rockets in “Pacific Rim”-style vengeance.

A mariachi singer and scores of hapless others fall victim to the Trump bot before they turn to an unlikely hero to save them. Watch the video below to see how it all plays out.
You don't understand true racism.

You said it and yet you can't comprehend it because you have no first hand reference, only books, movies, stories.

If children imitate their parents, fiends and peer group; how do you think it will be growing up in this:

A world where its not only acceptable it's in law. A world where you are taught racism in school. All your friends, family, and every white person you know accepts the status quo as normal. Black people were beaten, killed, forced to live in dedicated areas, ride different buses, not eat in the same restaurants, work the same jobs, have access to the same education. The list goes on and on and on. Racism in South Africa today is an ongoing war. A war that's lasted generations and is in constant conflict.

I can understand that even with me trying to explain it to you, that you'd not be able to grasp it in its entirety. After all you are referencing racism as reading material, perhaps have a few life experiences, seen it in movies.

Sounds like you are suggesting one can only understand or appreciate racism unless one is either dishing it or receiving it. Have I got it wrong?

- People who believe in the Aryan race
- Zionists
- Hindu's who believe in the cast system and
- Anyone who utters the words, pagan, infidel or gentile (ie religious bodies) are racists imo.

For example they enforce marrying within once own belief system. Zionist go one step further and have concept of pure blood. Chosen tribe and people and all that rubbish. Can you imagine that God has chosen some people above others??? Christians in the US being tought the black man was created to serve white man. Bunch of nutters the lot of them. Can you imagine these numpties as being a superior race to another. What mummy and daddy tells you is not necessarily true. 😆

Man's law is not universal. Doesn't make it right and SA has been coming into the 21st century in admirable fashion thanks to Nelson Mandela. Bit like Ghandi a world leader to be admired by all.

Racism is like God worship just another made up stuff similar to gangs, people selling belonging to some cause to make one feel super great in existence. Key word is belonging to fulfill our social need.

Whether race originates from genetic look (aryan's pov) or belief system (religious pov) it's a set of arbitrary rules created by numpties to rule or dominate other humans.

Rest is all b0ll0cks.

There are some real good social clubs one can join to achieve the same end of human belonging. I'd recommend...

Ramblers club
Chess club
Dancing club
Debate club

There is just about any number of clubs where irrespective of race colour or creed by virtue of joining the club one has shared interest and great way to spend an hour or two.

It's good when young people go travelling and see the World. Opens up ones horizon and mind.

Christians in the US being tought the black man was created to serve white man. Bunch of nutters the lot of them. Can you imagine these numpties as being a superior race to another. What mummy and daddy tells you is not necessarily true. 😆

Let's not forget that England was part of the slave trade until 1808 (your exiting the slave trade is one of the reasons why a number of American colonies signed the Declaration of Independence).