The Next US President

Michelle was pissed.







Now imagine this ...............................

we know Obama is a Beta male.

So what if Yingluck comes back to the Prime minister-ship and Donald, an Alpha Male, pays her a state visit?

Donald would be smart enough not to take Melania on the trip?

Joe Biden would be sh***in bullets watching the whole thing on TV. Obama would be pissed.

All Hell would break loose.

Fibo would be laffffing his ass off as he knows Yingluck already digs Donald. Yingluck's stock trading account is with Kim Eng - we have the same broker.

5 Yingluck and brother Thaksin's fav Khao so gai restaurants in CM in land of smiles.

Donald will eat there? You're damn straight! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Fck! it just gets better and better. Never a dull day with donald!

Let's hope for the planet's sake that Bloomberg runs for President and gets elected.
He has a fine record caring about the country too.

A catastrophy if he gets re-elected for another punishing 4 years,
As Republican consultant Steve Schmidt says, “In America a sociopath will beat a socialist seven days a week and twice on Sunday.”
Both parties are ruled by rich billionaires so not much hope of a reasonable man ever getting elected by a dumb majority.
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TRUMP 2020!!

Take it to the bank. Dems have an extremely weak field and are killing themselves with this impeachment sham. It won't go anywhere in the Senate and Trump will claim victory. They can't attack his record on the economy so they try to impeach a legitimate president who has amassed a reelection finance chest larger than the entire democratic field combined.

Leaks from the Kremlin suggest He is a certainty for re-election and then for life like Xi in China.
No expense will be spared to make him immortal. LOL
😱 😱
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