The Next US President

It is estimated that there will be an extra 3 million in jail if Trump goes ahead with his anti illegals policy.
Trump Says No To Presidential Salary


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Trump Says No To Presidential Salary

Peanuts to a billionaire

What on earth does Obama think he is doing talking about what Trump thinks ? Vlad has got him round his little finger !
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Peanuts to a billionaire

What on earth does Obama think he is doing talking about what Trump thinks ? Vlad has got him round his little finger !

It is not about money, it is a good signal.

If he is a billionaire, is because he made himself one.
Actually, he is required by law to be paid a salary which in this case is 1 dollar. Must be the first president to ever do this. Looking forward to his work
Well I wouldn't count mayors or ceo's. One thing that stands out is those presidents that did the same are remarkable in the list of presidents and often come up in interesting conversations.
Actually, he is required by law to be paid a salary which in this case is 1 dollar. Must be the first president to ever do this. Looking forward to his work

I'm looking forward to see what he does, too. Althiough I don't like him (or Farage, either, for that matter) he might impress me favourably. I hope so, for all of our sakes.
There are few ways of looking at this move imo.

1. Good move, showing allegiance to nation becoming an idealistic public servant working for the great good and not personally for him self.

2. Good politics. Fantastic campaign move for his second office.

3. He is offended by the salary if he accepts. It will belittle his ego, demean self worth, based on his past narcissistic outbursts to criticism. He is different. He is unique. He is better than 400K.

Considering he is a mutli-billionaire he can afford to be what he is...

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Hence he is a billionare then that's a meaningless gesture , maybe if he was poor it will mean something . Add to that there is no negative correlation between being bad and refusing to take money , you can be worse than Hitler and still refuse money .

I would say he will make much more money from his position and certainly his bussinesses will thrive during his presidency 😉
Trump's America:

The director of a state and federal-funded nonprofit in West Virginia has been removed after writing a racist Facebook post referring to first lady Michelle Obama as an “ape in heels.”

Clay County Development Corp. director Pamela Ramsey Taylor wrote the offensive post after Donald Trump was elected president in an exchange that also embroiled the mayor of Clay, a small town near Charleston.

“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels,” she wrote.

Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling replied to the comment, “Just made my day Pam.”
Trump's America:

The director of a state and federal-funded nonprofit in West Virginia has been removed after writing a racist Facebook post referring to first lady Michelle Obama as an “ape in heels.”

Clay County Development Corp. director Pamela Ramsey Taylor wrote the offensive post after Donald Trump was elected president in an exchange that also embroiled the mayor of Clay, a small town near Charleston.

“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels,” she wrote.

Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling replied to the comment, “Just made my day Pam.”

A really nasty comment !!
Trump's America:

The director of a state and federal-funded nonprofit in West Virginia has been removed after writing a racist Facebook post referring to first lady Michelle Obama as an “ape in heels.”
Hi dbp,
I'm not sure what the point is that you're making with your 'Trump's America' posts?

> Is that there's a sea change in views and that it's now deemed acceptable to have racist views whereas it wasn't under Obama and past administrations?

> Is it that it exposes views that were probably held prior to Trump's election but were not voiced because it was politically incorrect?

> Is it that people who were once tolerant of black people (in this example) have suddenly changed their minds and adopted racist views much like parents name their babies the same names given to new born royal babies?

> Is it a more general point about the typical Trump supporter? Post Brexit here in the U.K., there was a surge in xenophobic attacks. 'Remainers' were quick to characterise the perpetrators as typical leave voters. This was then, and is still, highly offensive and completely wrong of course: akin to accusing all Muslims of being terrorists.

> Is it all of the above, some of the above or none of the above?
Largely "2", though it has more to do with societal and cultural norms than politics. After the 50s and 60s, particularly after all the assassinations, being openly racist was discouraged. The candidacy of George Wallace was to some extent a last gasp, though the patient lingered on.

Now Trump and the Trump campaign has bestowed legitimacy on racism, sexism, ethnicism, and so forth, giving these people "permission" to air their views openly. The belief that these people were a dwindling minority, confined to right-wing radio and message boards, has been pretty much blown up.

Granted the US is not unique in this. Many people in Europe also believed that the attitudes which drove Nazi Germany had pretty much dissipated. Now they know that they did not. But given that Obama won two terms, both the popular vote and the electoral vote, many here came to believe that we had at least somewhat evolved. And given that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by such a large margin, perhaps we have. But not nearly as much as we thought.

So here we are, in the 21st century, sliding backward yet again. And we're running out of time.
You can tell a man by the company he keeps.

Trump has appointed the openly racist Bannon as chief "strategist".

That says it all.
Largely "2", though it has more to do with societal and cultural norms than politics. After the 50s and 60s, particularly after all the assassinations, being openly racist was discouraged. The candidacy of George Wallace was to some extent a last gasp, though the patient lingered on.
Hi dbp.
Thanks for the clarification.

I sense some desperation in your posts, as if something truly awful has happened. Whilst I don't care for Trump at all and agree with everyone else that his sexist and racist (etc.) views are at best highly distasteful, I'm not otherwise overly concerned. The reason being that I suspect strongly that most people that voted for him feel the same way, i.e. they're no more racist or sexist than you or I. And the reason is because a vote for Trump wasn't an endorsement of his unacceptable views, so much as a vote against Clinton. Big difference: he didn't win the election, she lost it.

I was critical of Hillary prior to the election and now feel sorry for her, as I suspect she'll spend much of her retirement in therapy, trying to understand how on earth she managed to lose to a man like Trump. Suffice to say, if I was a U.S. citizen, a democrat and ever so slightly stinking rich, I reckon I'd be the new President elect. President timsk - it's got a certain ring to it don't you think!
Hi dbp.
Thanks for the clarification.

I sense some desperation in your posts, as if something truly awful has happened. Whilst I don't care for Trump at all and agree with everyone else that his sexist and racist (etc.) views are at best highly distasteful, I'm not otherwise overly concerned. The reason being that I suspect strongly that most people that voted for him feel the same way, i.e. they're no more racist or sexist than you or I. And the reason is because a vote for Trump wasn't an endorsement of his unacceptable views, so much as a vote against Clinton. Big difference: he didn't win the election, she lost it.

I was critical of Hillary prior to the election and now feel sorry for her, as I suspect she'll spend much of her retirement in therapy, trying to understand how on earth she managed to lose to a man like Trump. Suffice to say, if I was a U.S. citizen, a democrat and ever so slightly stinking rich, I reckon I'd be the new President elect. President timsk - it's got a certain ring to it don't you think!

Depends largely on how one feels about Hillary Clinton. Context, as in all things, matters. I, for example, grew up in the South. I have a great deal of experience with Coloreds Only/Whites Only this and that, so I recognize things that many people won't, particularly people who don't live here. And I understand your lack of concern. But watch Europe. And your own. This has all happened before, in much the same way.
It doesn't matter so much how a demagogue comes to power democratically, once they have power, but giving the benefit of the doubt to someone who has promulgated extreme right wing (and I'd feel the same about the extreme left as with Corbyn here) seems to me to be overly optimistic and generous.
As for Hillary, maybe Trump will appoint a special prosecutor to go after her and with the FBI taking sides, she will probably run the risk of prison just as the hate filled Trumpeteers chanted.
Depends largely on how one feels about Hillary Clinton. Context, as in all things, matters. I, for example, grew up in the South. I have a great deal of experience with Coloreds Only/Whites Only this and that, so I recognize things that many people won't, particularly people who don't live here. And I understand your lack of concern. But watch Europe. And your own. This has all happened before, in much the same way.

I'm beginning to get a creepy sense of deja vu of the 1930s when the extremes of populism, nationalism, the right and the left were bubbling up in a cauldron of viciousness and hatred which resulted in catastrophe for much of the world.