Trump Says No To Presidential Salary
Peanuts to a billionaire
What on earth does Obama think he is doing talking about what Trump thinks ? Vlad has got him round his little finger !
Actually, he is required by law to be paid a salary which in this case is 1 dollar. Must be the first president to ever do this. Looking forward to his work
Trump's America:
The director of a state and federal-funded nonprofit in West Virginia has been removed after writing a racist Facebook post referring to first lady Michelle Obama as an “ape in heels.”
Clay County Development Corp. director Pamela Ramsey Taylor wrote the offensive post after Donald Trump was elected president in an exchange that also embroiled the mayor of Clay, a small town near Charleston.
“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels,” she wrote.
Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling replied to the comment, “Just made my day Pam.”
Hi dbp,Trump's America:
The director of a state and federal-funded nonprofit in West Virginia has been removed after writing a racist Facebook post referring to first lady Michelle Obama as an “ape in heels.”
Hi dbp.Largely "2", though it has more to do with societal and cultural norms than politics. After the 50s and 60s, particularly after all the assassinations, being openly racist was discouraged. The candidacy of George Wallace was to some extent a last gasp, though the patient lingered on.
You can tell a man by the company he keeps.
Trump has appointed the openly racist Bannon as chief "strategist".
That says it all.
Hi dbp.
Thanks for the clarification.
I sense some desperation in your posts, as if something truly awful has happened. Whilst I don't care for Trump at all and agree with everyone else that his sexist and racist (etc.) views are at best highly distasteful, I'm not otherwise overly concerned. The reason being that I suspect strongly that most people that voted for him feel the same way, i.e. they're no more racist or sexist than you or I. And the reason is because a vote for Trump wasn't an endorsement of his unacceptable views, so much as a vote against Clinton. Big difference: he didn't win the election, she lost it.
I was critical of Hillary prior to the election and now feel sorry for her, as I suspect she'll spend much of her retirement in therapy, trying to understand how on earth she managed to lose to a man like Trump. Suffice to say, if I was a U.S. citizen, a democrat and ever so slightly stinking rich, I reckon I'd be the new President elect. President timsk - it's got a certain ring to it don't you think!
Depends largely on how one feels about Hillary Clinton. Context, as in all things, matters. I, for example, grew up in the South. I have a great deal of experience with Coloreds Only/Whites Only this and that, so I recognize things that many people won't, particularly people who don't live here. And I understand your lack of concern. But watch Europe. And your own. This has all happened before, in much the same way.