The Next US President

He has one plus though. He gave that old fish Salmond some verbal over his new golf course.
Here is the prototype for Chump's new wall. It has been there for 2,500 years and not a single Mexican ha got over it.


  • Donald's new wall.png
    Donald's new wall.png
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Here is the prototype for Chump's new wall. It has been there for 2,500 years and not a single Mexican ha got over it.

Once trump is finished with making US great again, those walls will come in handy to keep people in :idea:
Money may buy you many things, but the US Presidency should not be one of them.

You don't think Hillary is trying to buy the presidency, with all her wall st cronies donating $$$$ ?
She even lies about it (who knew). She lies about lying. She blatantly lies to the public while supposedly telling a different story to the FBI who then claims she didn't lie to THEM. What a con artist she is.
GO TRUMP. (even if he is the lessor of 2 evils)

Hillary is one of the most qualified candidates in US history.

Certainly a far cry from the other choice.

Is she too hawkish. yes. the whole US is too hawkish.

Does she have street cronies. yes.

Is she tough, level headed, inteliigent and full of tons experience governing? yes.

is she sane? YES
You don't think Hillary is trying to buy the presidency, with all her wall st cronies donating $$$$ ?
She even lies about it (who knew). She lies about lying. She blatantly lies to the public while supposedly telling a different story to the FBI who then claims she didn't lie to THEM. What a con artist she is.
GO TRUMP. (even if he is the lessor of 2 evils)


Financing the election run and getting sponsorship is all part of the game.

What has she lied about exactly? I keep hearing about using personal BB emails for government business. Where or what is the big lie?

Nothing compared to Trump's lies about who he is, what a successful business man he is, how much he is worth or the number of writs and libel cases he has taken out on other parties he has disputes with.

I think politely asking Russia to hack emails is rich when accusing Hilary of securing emails on insecure servers? 🙄

Hillary Clinton’s Top 10 Lies & Exaggerations

Secretary Clinton’s claim that she tried to join the Marines in the 1970s is coming under fresh scrutiny from the media. As Chris Cillizza highlighted yesterday “this isn’t the first time that Clinton might have been caught exaggerating the details of her past life.” Far from it. While her campaign tries to prevent the Marine recruitment story from joining the all-time ranks of Clinton’s lies and exaggerations, here’s a refresher on the top ten lies and exaggerations of Secretary Clinton’s career in politics.

Clinton Claim 1: During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Clinton claimed she landed in Bosnia “under sniper fire” during the 1990s.

The Facts: Videos uncovered of then-First Lady Clinton’s arrival in Bosnia showed “a calm scene without any obvious danger”.

Clinton Claim 2: In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt”.

The Facts: PolitiFact rated Hillary Clinton’s claim “Mostly False” that she was “dead broke” when she left the White House.

Clinton Claim 3: Secretary Clinton claimed her e-mail server set up was in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.”

The Facts: Federal Judge: Hillary Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.

Clinton Claim 4: When talking about immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.”

The Facts: PolitiFact says it’s “very clear” that Clinton’s claim is “False.” In truth, only one of Clinton’s grandparents immigrated to America.

Clinton Claim 5: Secretary Clinton emphasized the famous Situation Room Bin Laden photo captured her reacting to the helicopter crash.

The Facts: In actuality, Secretary Clinton said “early spring allergic coughs”, not the helicopter crash, are responsible for her reaction in the photo.

Clinton Claim 6: Passing DOMA was a “defensive action” to prevent further action against same-sex marriage.

The Facts: Independent observers say that “any fair historical analysis” shows DOMA to be “a campaign tactic” by the Clintons.

Clinton Claim 7: Hillary Clinton claims concern over the cost of college is the impetus for her college affordability plan.

The Facts: While Secretary Clinton claims she has a plan to lower college costs, her family has “received millions” from universities across the country.

Clinton Claim 8: Hillary Clinton’s campaign has said they will go carbon neutral.

The Facts: Months after that pledge there have been no records that show Clinton moving to live up to this pledge, all the while she continues to fly around in private jets.

Clinton Claim 9: In an interview, Hillary Clinton declared that the Veterans Affairs scandals are not “as widespread as it’s been made out to be”.

The Facts: Clinton’s campaign was forced to immediately walk back the statement.

Clinton Claim 10: In response to questions about her tenure at State, Hillary Clinton claimed that there was “a long list” of her accomplishments.

The Facts: Given multiple chances, Secretary Clinton has been unable to name a “marquee” or “proudest” achievement from her four years as Secretary of State. Finally giving her something in common with Iowa voters.
One of Hillary's themes during the convention was to bring change. SHE was a part of the current administration's policies that she now wants to change. Obama care is a disaster. We are finding out how UNafforadable the Afforadable Care Act really is. Also, since premiums are expected to increase as much as 50% the democrats want to delay the open enrollment start date until after the election.

She also declared publicly that she NEVER sent classified emails, but FBI director, James Comey, said there were several emails marked as classified. Also many emails were never recovered from her server. Who knows what they contained.

Trump is not exactly an upstanding guy but IMHO, much better than Clinton.

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Financing the election run and getting sponsorship is all part of the game.

What has she lied about exactly? I keep hearing about using personal BB emails for government business. Where or what is the big lie?

Nothing compared to Trump's lies about who he is, what a successful business man he is, how much he is worth or the number of writs and libel cases he has taken out on other parties he has disputes with.

I think politely asking Russia to hack emails is rich when accusing Hilary of securing emails on insecure servers? 🙄

Hillary Clinton’s Top 10 Lies & Exaggerations

BTW, your link does nothing for your side of the argument. If anything it highlights my side :clap:
I agree Hilary is an unsavoury candidate but next to that complete buffoon, liar and mentally retarded Trump, she looks ideal.

How Trump got so far is beyond me and he is an embarrassment to all of America. He is going to lose by such a large margin and cost many Republicans seats and possibly withdraw nearer the day as the realisation of his impending ''huge'' defeat sets in. Then it will have been rigged of course. Nothing to do with the fact that in nearly every area he doesn't have a clue and Clinton could go on holidays till election day and still walk it. Just let Trump talk and that is enough, even most of his own party are acutely embarrassed that he represents them. Never was a candidate so ill prepared and ignorant on just about every topic.
BTW, your link does nothing for your side of the argument. If anything it highlights my side :clap:

That was my point Pete, I don't think those points are really as half as bad as what I'm hearing and seeing about Trump. To me they are simply exaggerations.

As for confidentiality, wikileaks and Snowden has already released literally 000s of private and confidential emails snooped by the US on people all over the world. Doesn't even come close in comparison imo.

More importantly, haven't heard any policy from Trump thus far other than building a wall and abolishing US debt? His a non-stop talker and whaffler who doesn't say much.
The next president of the US of America 😱😱😱😱😱

Trump ignites firestorm with remarks on gun rights, Clinton

Even the Republicans finding this fruitnut difficult to stomach. :whistling

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested on Tuesday that gun rights activists could act to stop his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton from nominating liberal U.S. Supreme Court justices, igniting yet another firestorm of criticism just as he sought to steer clear of controversy.

"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks," Trump said at a rally. "Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know," he continued. The U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment guarantees a right to bear firearms.

Michael Hayden, a former CIA director who on Monday was among 50 Republican national security experts to denounce Trump in a letter, said on CNN, "You’re not just responsible for what you say. You are responsible for what people hear.”

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a liberal firebrand who loves tweaking Trump, tweeted that Trump "makes death threats because he's a pathetic coward who can’t handle the fact that he’s losing to a girl."

Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway fought back in a tweet of her own, calling Warren a "disgrace."
the muslim parents was a bait and he fell for it he should just stop talking
tax returns request all last week was a pivot for hillary against his economic policy....then he talks about economic reform this week. This is childs play for the liberal machine at this point
I would seriously suggest for the sakes of the USA and others that the post of President may be just too much of a strain. It looks like both candidates are cracking up. To have either in charge of the biggest and baddest killing machine in the history of this planet is a big worry to moderates around the world.

It would be much better if Congress were to take back the executive powers of the Presidency and leave the President to do the social side . Ronald Reagan did this very well and charmed other world leaders into sensible decisions to end the cold war etc.

Both Clinton and Trump are obsessed with being vigorous and tough - a fatal combination probably.
Clinton for me is the lesser of 2 evils least shes been road tested inside/outside the USA

Trump getting in ..............jees that would be as crazy as us brits voting for Brexit....
I reckon Trump thinks his playing a clever game, outfoxing people and journalists.

However, I'm increasingly seeing him to be simply stupid to the point of being dangerous.

At first I thought he is just playing politics riling people and voters up. However, now he is the Republican nominee he needs to up his game on policy, vision and leadership. His not doing anything fruitful but just the same old tosh.

The other sad aspect of it all is how the US public can see anything remotely close to a man who could be presidential.

Feeling sad about it all. 🙁
Reagan out spent the Soviets militarily and their economy became weaker which was the main reason why the Evil Empire collapsed. He was disarmingly charming though and history will remember him as one of the greatest presidents; hugely under rated.
I've tried all my life to try and understand the reasons for unreasonable things and often succeeded
In the case of Trump I have failed to comprehend why anyone with more brain cells than an amoeba could possibly support him. I too despair of any American voting for this demagogue. I can now see more clearly how evil triumphs, but not why.
Maybe it's the atavistic desire to smash destroy and kill. Selfishness and hatred bubbling up like stinking sulphurous mud to engulf all that is good and decent in its path.
Reagan out spent the Soviets militarily and their economy became weaker which was the main reason why the Evil Empire collapsed. He was disarmingly charming though and history will remember him as one of the greatest presidents; hugely under rated.

So simple really. He had the wit and the charm while he delegated the boring stuff to the best qualified. It was fortunate that the US doesn't have PM's question time or Ronald would have been repeatedly bowled out.