The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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zupcon said:
You poor thing, its hot, and dusty, and the phones dont work, and when it rains people drown in the floods, the roads are full of holes, a high percentage of the population are mad as hatters, wild cats roam the streets, the locals shoot anything that flies, and they aim large fire fireworks at passing planes, there's nothing to do, nowhere to go, and the place is one giant building site, the locals are rude and hostile. Even John C Bulldozer got out when he could 😆

You'll probably like it

Blimey, I nearly emigrated there last year. Reading that, I'm pleased I didn't 😆 .
In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, incorrect, inaccurate, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.

If a troll posts on a thread in the forest, and there isnt a reader to read it, would anybody care?
dc2000 said:
What is it you are wanting to know?

Dunno. I gather there has been some fella who is in some rag after making some dosh. Why is that even remotely ineresting? This stuff appears all the time in all sorts of papers. I can't even read that b**locks after the first two sentences. Worse that CYOF's ramblings.

Some of us do work in the afternoons, you know!

I've just seen your post of the full article so there's not much good me guessing, is there?

However, I would like to say that this a typical Weekend FT article, probably written by a newbie journalist and is meant to pad out a bit of the paper. I stopped buying the FT because of stuff like this. As far as Kelvey is concerned, it is meant to promote his new company.

That is the answer to Q1.

Q2 I thought would be rules meant to entice the reader into investing in his company.

Q3 Whose best interests. Robert Kelvey's.

Q4 Who benefits? Robert Kelvey and the magazine.

I'm a bit of a suspicious character, I know. I have years of training!

What should be remembered when reading these articles is "They Want Your Money".

CYOF said:
For your information Dblade, I got this article from the T2W site last night, as I stated.
Bullsh*t pal

CYOF said:
I have no reason to lie about anything - and again, you try to divert from the topic at hand.
Again, bulls*t
CYOF said:
IWe will continue - and if no replies are forthcoming, then so be it, for I am not posting information to just suit some people, and then, when they are confronted with a real challenge, the scurry away and hide, and for whatever reasons, are just beyond me 😱

You and me both know, you're publishing personal info ie publishing wife's name on (you really wanna open up the platignum lounge 😉 )

Afaik, that's totally beyond out of order.
2. What do you think the 3 rules put forward will be after reading this snippet?

3. Whose best interest do you think the 3 rules put forward will be in favour of?

4. Who do you think benefited most from the publishing of this article?

let me guess you are going to say that that the rules are put forward because he didn't want everyone to know the secret and that secret is to "write naked options"

let me ask you a question if you were going to be in an article in a magazine read by traders would you

A fill the article with bulldust in an attempt to misdirect the retail trader but make yourself look silly or
B Put forward genuine basic rules that some readers may not be aware of
To put all this is context

Rob had a pop at Bull re: Bull's "knowledge" -cough cough- about option "trading" on these boards

This spilt over onto and has resulted in personal info re: Rob's wife & kids being posted.

I think Pitscum is onto user id Pitscum13 over thare atm as i) Bull's too thick to work out how to ban peeps quickly or ii) too thick to work out how to delete threads -and let's face it, proboards is about as simple and cheap as it gets wrt running a bulliten board -

If you want a laugh, go over there and rank members by "number of posts"

This spat is now spilling over to TW2
zupcon said:
You poor thing, its hot, and dusty, and the phones dont work, and when it rains people drown in the floods, the roads are full of holes, a high percentage of the population are mad as hatters, wild cats roam the streets, the locals shoot anything that flies, and they aim large fire fireworks at passing planes, there's nothing to do, nowhere to go, and the place is one giant building site, the locals are rude and hostile. Even John C Bulldozer got out when he could 😆

You'll probably like it


Sounds a bit like Paddys Green Isle - except for the hot & dusty bit 😆 - yep, should feel right at home there, at least the people there are Truthful :idea:
Splitlink said:

Some of us do work in the afternoons, you know!

I've just seen your post of the full article so there's not much good me guessing, is there?

However, I would like to say that this a typical Weekend FT article, probably written by a newbie journalist and is meant to pad out a bit of the paper. I stopped buying the FT because of stuff like this. As far as Kelvey is concerned, it is meant to promote his new company.

That is the answer to Q1.

Q2 I thought would be rules meant to entice the reader into investing in his company.

Q3 Whose best interests. Robert Kelvey's.

Q4 Who benefits? Robert Kelvey and the magazine.

I'm a bit of a suspicious character, I know. I have years of training!

What should be remembered when reading these articles is "They Want Your Money".


Thank you Split,

At least you have the decency to reply to the questions, as you know this is of interest, and you also know that the usual detractors will try and twist things, but they will never twist the Truth.

Now, whilst all of your answers may be correct, they may have been written in what is called good faith.

It is unfair of us to judge any publication, or the journalist who wrote the publication, for a lot of the times the journalist is given information under what is termed good faith.

However, in certain industries, like the financial industry, for some reason journalists seem to take all of this good faith thing too lightly, and fail to do the required research prior to publishing their article.

The objective of this exercise is to determine if all the information contained in this article is Truthful.

If we discover that some of it is not Truthful, then we will bring same to the attention of the viewers, and vice versa.

It does not matter what the detractors say, as we now know that some of them are personal friends of the person in the article, Mr Robert Kelvey, and as a matter of Fact, that makes the exercise even more interesting, for if we discover that some of the information is not Truthful, and we then find that Mr Robert Kelvey is posting on T2W, under another alias, then this exercise will be indeed very interesting, as it will shed some light on a lot of the posts that are been put up here by some people :idea:

Summary: If this article is all Truthful then no one has anything to worry about, and it will have been a good exercise in how we must never draw conclusions without first obtaining all the Facts in relation to the subject matter under discussion.

When one decides to put their character in the public domain, then they should be prepared for it to be scrutinised.

All those who operate in conjunction with the Universal Laws know this, and this is why they always tell the Truth, for they know the truth will always prevail, as there is no other way, it just cannot be any other way, but many fail to recognise this great Fundamental Truth.

Look at History for the many examples of what I say - I do not Lie, for I have no reason to Lie, I always tell the Truth :idea:

Either way the viewers will win here - and when completed, I will add my views as to how this, exercise and Murphy's Law, and the Law of Use & Nourishment, are all very relative.

Many will have you believe that the info I post is all rubbish - but I can tell you now Truthfully, it is not rubbish, it is far from rubbish actually, it is the most important information required in order to achieve success with anything in life, it is called The TRUTH, but for may reasons that I have mentioned in the past, many do not want The Truth to be ever known, and it should be obvious by now why that is so :idea:

A Dashing Blade said:
Bullsh*t pal

Again, bulls*t

You and me both know, you're publishing personal info ie publishing wife's name on (you really wanna open up the platignum lounge 😉 )

Afaik, that's totally beyond out of order.

Is that so Mr Dblade.

It will be in your own best interests to realise that when I say I always tell The Truth, I mean it :idea:

The article is in post#6

And I see you speak as usual in post#11 :idea:

Please do continue, and remember, The Universal Laws can't be changed, EVER, no matter how hard one tries :idea:
A Dashing Blade said:
To put all this is context

Rob had a pop at Bull re: Bull's "knowledge" -cough cough- about option "trading" on these boards

This spilt over onto and has resulted in personal info re: Rob's wife & kids being posted.

I think Pitscum is onto user id Pitscum13 over thare atm as i) Bull's too thick to work out how to ban peeps quickly or ii) too thick to work out how to delete threads -and let's face it, proboards is about as simple and cheap as it gets wrt running a bulliten board -

If you want a laugh, go over there and rank members by "number of posts"

This spat is now spilling over to TW2


I am sure you are not going to stop detracting, but I will reply as your attack requires a response.

Firstly, you dont have a clue what the "SPAT" is about.

T2W has a higher percentage of none posters than, and I am prepared to offer you a wager if you like.

T2W has also a higher percentage of members that has posted Less than 5 posts. I am also prepared to offer a wager on this too.

T2W also has a Higher percentage of furry creatures than . Another wager if you want it.

T2W also has a Higher percentage of paper traders than Again, another wager if you want it. gives live derivatives trades and shows same to members. It provides a Truthful service

T2W does not post live Options trades, and without Socrates and myself, even though I only done 1 trade for 3 contracts, as I am still in the learning stage, try to find ONE live Options trade at T2W.

"Spider" Dashing Blade, why do YOU visit ?

You visit every week and take info from there and never post?

Can you tell us why ?

If its a crappy forum, why do you return each week?

Do you rank a forum by the number of members and posts?

I rank a forum by the info it gives out :idea:

And by the number of winning trades it gives to its members :idea:

Its Quality, and NOT Quantity, that matters, my dear friend :idea:
CYOF said:
Aha, so Mr Retire @30 is a friend of yours, and he also goes by the name of Pitscum.

We are now starting to discover what is called Truths.

Ok dc200, as you seem to know Mr Retire @30 personally, do you want to clarify anything for us, or do you want us to continue on all by ourselves, just Split, Dblade, Zu and me.

As for him slapping me, I am not into that, but I do have some Magic Mushrooms for him, they will go well with that suit, and we can plant some behind those nice trees for next week, for I also know a little trick for making them grow out of season 😉


You have identified the subject of this article as a T2W member so be very, very careful where you go with this thread - particularly our guidelines concerning defamatory, harassing, insulting or offensive content.

barjon said:

You have identified the subject of this article as a T2W member so be very, very careful where you go with this thread - particularly our guidelines concerning defamatory, harassing, insulting or offensive content.



In case you have not noticed, it was Dc2000 who made the statement, not me, I was just commenting(my post#114) on his statement in post#111

Rob AKA pitscum has forgotten more than you will every know about the markets

"I have the trading edge"

So, what is your answer to that :?:

If a member wants to openly state that he knows a person who has put his character into the public domain, and if another member is then warned for replying to this statement, then, this is surely not correct 😱

Are we to now think that we are not allowed analyse articles that are put into the public domain for to assert as to their validity in relation to the content, to determine if all the information is indeed Truthful.

I am sorry Jon, I will continue to analyse this document as I see fit, and post information in relation to my research, for all to see.

I have every right, legal and otherwise, to examine any document that is placed in the public domain, and what is more, I can state my views openly in relation to that document, for that is what Democracy is all about. People who put their personal details into the public domain are fully aware of this.

Also, if a member attacks me in relation to my dealings with another website, I will also defend myself. I have nothing to hide, ever.

Remember, this is a Public Forum, and as such, I can reply and post what ever information I so desire in relation to a question posed to me.

If T2W does not like this information, then Tough, for you also have to be aware that this is a Public Forum, not a Private Forum. I will abide by your rules as best I can, and if I divert, I am sure you will point that out to me. But you, been in a position of authority, must be fully aware of what your power is, and if you are not fully aware, then you should not be doing the job that you are doing.

Make sure you are correct before you ban me again :idea:

No hard feelings by the way, the Truth is always hard for some to understand, but I am well used to this, for I have been telling The Truth all of my life.
You need to calm down, CYOF. You are taking this stuff far too seriously. This is public BB where you should just read, post, laugh about it, and relax. There is no point getting so concerned and involved about all the stuff you seem to be up in arms about. It just isn't healthy, seriously. Why does it matter to you so much?
You need to calm down, CYOF. You are taking this stuff far too seriously. This is public BB where you should just read, post, laugh about it, and relax. There is no point getting so concerned and involved about all the stuff you seem to be up in arms about. It just isn't healthy, seriously. Why does it matter to you so much?

In case you have not noticed FX, all I am doing is replying to posts.

When I am asked a Truthful question I will reply to that question as best I can.

I stated at the outset, that even though I do not have much time for this at the moment, I will make some time because it concerns the foundation regarding all that I learn and do -and that is self improvement by Truthful information only.

The reply will be in line with the post that is put to me.

Nothing out of the ordinary here - just all common sense stuff - really.
CYOF said:
.................If a member wants to openly state that he knows a person who has put his character into the public domain, and if another member is then warned for replying to this statement, then, this is surely not correct 😱.................


I have not warned you for replying to the statement, but I have sounded a warning as to where you might take the thread.

You are right to say that this is a public forum, but wrong to say that you can post whatever you so desire. The site is governed by guidelines and you must stay within them.


CYOF said:
I will have to do this in little bits - for I have been accused of shutting down T2W with my posting, and I do not want to deprive you all of your educational endeavours.

I will leave you with this to ponder for tomorrow:

For someone who retires and fly's planes, and can make £150,000 in one day, surely he can afford some good flying time to acquire the required skills for doing those Adrenalin loop the loops?

This is all I can find at the moment.

I must go now, so please feel free to comment in my absence.
So, what is your answer to that

If a member wants to openly state that he knows a person who has put his character into the public domain, and if another member is then warned for replying to this statement, then, this is surely not correct

Are we to now think that we are not allowed analyse articles that are put into the public domain for to assert as to their validity in relation to the content, to determine if all the information is indeed Truthful.

I am sorry Jon, I will continue to analyse this document as I see fit, and post information in relation to my research, for all to see.

I have every right, legal and otherwise, to examine any document that is placed in the public domain, and what is more, I can state my views openly in relation to that document, for that is what Democracy is all about. People who put their personal details into the public domain are fully aware of this.

Also, if a member attacks me in relation to my dealings with another website, I will also defend myself. I have nothing to hide, ever.

Remember, this is a Public Forum, and as such, I can reply and post what ever information I so desire in relation to a question posed to me.

If T2W does not like this information, then Tough, for you also have to be aware that this is a Public Forum, not a Private Forum. I will abide by your rules as best I can, and if I divert, I am sure you will point that out to me. But you, been in a position of authority, must be fully aware of what your power is, and if you are not fully aware, then you should not be doing the job that you are doing.

Make sure you are correct before you ban me again

No hard feelings by the way, the Truth is always hard for some to understand, but I am well used to this, for I have been telling The Truth all of my life.
CYOF you seem to want to personally attack this person in order to prove a theory the comment I made was based on the fact that Rob has been trading the markets for years in the city you however by your own admission and posts in mid December of 2006 have yet to become profitable. You can analyse the article but what exacly makes you an expert that you can say he is wrong??
For the benefit of the readers of this thread heres Rob's recent FSA registration

Also Robs pilots log shows 92 flying hours

This is the last post I will make on this thread as I believe you are overstepping the line and until you show how you are qualified in the field of options trading I will stand by my statement re Rob and yourself
dc2000 said:
CYOF you seem to want to personally attack this person in order to prove a theory the comment I made was based on the fact that Rob has been trading the markets for years in the city you however by your own admission and posts in mid December of 2006 have yet to become profitable. You can analyse the article but what exacly makes you an expert that you can say he is wrong??
For the benefit of the readers of this thread heres Rob's recent FSA registration

Also Robs pilots log shows 92 flying hours

This is the last post I will make on this thread as I believe you are overstepping the line and until you show how you are qualified in the field of options trading I will stand by my statement re Rob and yourself

I will clear it up for you, as you appear to be detracting, Again.

I was asked a question by Split in relation to Murphy's Law, to which I replied.

I came across the article on Mr Robert Kelvey, which I have shown where I got it on T2W, which you tried to say that I got elsewhere, which was not the Truth.

Now, I will state clearly again, for ALL, including You, that the purpose of this exercise is to examine the article and see if there is any information in the article that is not Truthful.

No more - no less.

Do you see something wrong with this?

If so, why do you see something wrong?

Are you trying to stop me from looking into this article, for I will tell you now, that when I set my mind on finding out about Truthful information, I will not stop until I have done so.

I do not mind what comes out, and I will accept what comes out either way.

If Mr Robert Kelvey is telling the Truth, then I will congratulate him on his success, and I will also wish him further success in the future.

But, on the other hand, if Mr Robert Kelvey is not telling the Truth, then that is a different story altogether, and I do not associate with any traders who do not speak the Truth - ever. And what is more, the public have every right to know if the information is not Truthful, and any person who puts their name in the public domain, knows this.

I will converse with them in the Socratic Dialogue method, if they will engage, but you will find that people who will not engage usually have something to hide.

I have done this a lot, so I tell you now, I know what I speak of.

The TRUTH will always prevail, and this is due to what is called The Immutable Laws.

An Immutable Law, means that it is a Law that cannot change, that is what Immutable means.

So, for the umpteenth time, it is no good trying to cover up something if it is not The Truth, for it is not possible to cover it up - EVER - the Immutable Laws will not allow it to happen - EVER.

With that, I will now continue.

If you want to provide evidence supporting the 92 flying hours, then please feel free to do so.

I have posted what I have found, but that does not mean we have additional Facts to support the claim of flying planes - so - it is now in your hands for I am finished with that part of the research.

I will now move on to the information that you have supplied, and see how that ties in with the article.

Thank you for that, Dc.

Please feel free to help me some more, as I always freely accept good research help.
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