The Little Circle

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The problem here is this.....not all people are dumbed down...although i'm sure you would like to think so.

Now what about a simple answer to a simple question....What is the £400 membership fee to the P L all about?
The problem here is this.....not all people are dumbed down...although i'm sure you would like to think so.

Now what about a simple answer to a simple question....What is the £400 membership fee to the P L all about?

Why are you curious to know about the Platinum Lounge ?

Haven't I told you very clearly you are not eligible for membership and in any event would never be invited ?

Haven't I also stated categorically I am not interested in nicks ?

Haven't I also stated I am not interested in any member here who is not known to me personally beforehand ?

Haven't I explained several times this not only applies to T2W but also to every other website which is trading related ?

And have I not told you and everyone else several times that I am the gatekeeper and my role is to keep unsuitable people out ?

Haven't I told you and explained these things several times ?

Haven't I ?

Well then..🙄

Why are you curious to know about the Platinum Lounge ?

Haven't I told you very clearly you are not eligible for membership and in any event would never be invited ?

Haven't I also stated categorically I am not interested in nicks ?

Haven't I also stated I am not interested in any member here who is not known to me personally beforehand ?

Haven't I explained several times this not only applies to T2W but also to every other website which is trading related ?

And have I not told you and everyone else several times that I am the gatekeeper and my role is to keep unsuitable people out ?

Haven't I told you and explained these things several times ?

Haven't I ?

Well then..🙄

There is no hope for you🙄
Maybe the old duffer should have said 3-metres. Not the lad's fault that the old fella can't do metric :cheesy:

Why do you go round making excuses for someone who is obviously a dunce ?

Why ?

Is it that you sympathise with the dunce ?

Or is it that you are adopting this posture to attract the sympathy of other dunces ?

I am curious to know.

Because when I met you several months ago you did not seem like a dunce to me, yet, you seem to sympathise with duncery and actually go on to defend it.

Why is this ?

Popularity ?

What is it ? What ? Go on...explain.

I had a visit from my plumber this morning to overhaul the central heating...he is an old boy and very pleasant and affable and we always sit together and have a cup of tea and a chat when he visits and has finished his work.

He tells me all about his experiences, which I find very interesting.

Today he told me about an experience he had last year.

He took on an assistant, a youngster, 16 years old...

One day he was due to install a central heating system in a flat, he went along to the plumbing supply company and took his assistant with him...

He goes and purchases twelve 20 foot copper tubes amongst other stuff to do the job.

The conversation between him and his assistant goes somewhat along these lines...

P. " I have to go round the other shop nearby and I will be some the meantime...because these pipes will not fit into the van...I want you to cut 10 feet off each one...and like that we can make them fit"

A. "Ah..oh..OK"

P. " Let me give you a tape measure...not this one...not that one...this one"

A. "Ah...oh...OK"

P. " I won't be long"

A. "Ah ...oh...OK"

So my plumber goes and runs his errand and returns 20 minutes later....and sees...that the pipes...look intact...

P. "Well ?"

A. "Wot"

P. "Why have you not done as I asked ?"

A. "But I have...."

P. "No you haven't...the pipes are still the same."

A. "No they are NOT...I cut them"

P. "What do you cut them...they are still the same..."

A. Noooooo....I cut them...10 feet.."

P. No you have not...go me..."

The assistant now points to a pile of one dozen 2 inch tubes on the ground...

P. "That's not 10 feet is it ?"

A. "Yes it is..."

P. Losing his patience...."WHAT ! "

A. "yes...10 feet...that is what it says on the tape (the tape measure)"

P. "Show me...go on"

A. " says here"...pulling out the tape the first 2 inches..."It says here on the end of the tape right here....TEN FEET"

P. "THAT...just shows the length of the whole tape when it is pulled out"...."What is a foot ?"

A. "Dunno..."

P." What is an inch ?...two inches? ...what is a yard?"

A." Dunno....."

And so it is that in all this there is a lesson.

The lesson is that we live in an age where for people to be dumbed down is a commonplace.

It is also not unusual, because they are dumbed down, for them not to venture to ask QUESTIONS...and to take any nonsense that comes into their heads to be the right idea...just like you are doing right now.

It's a noun.
Why do you go round making excuses for someone who is obviously a dunce ?

Why ?

Is it that you sympathise with the dunce ?

Or is it that you are adopting this posture to attract the sympathy of other dunces ?

I am curious to know.

Because when I met you several months ago you did not seem like a dunce to me, yet, you seem to sympathise with duncery and actually go on to defend it.

Why is this ?

Popularity ?

What is it ? What ? Go on...explain.

J O C ....step up to the met socco...whats the verdict?...don't be shy ...tell it like it is:|
Pros don't need to prove anything.

utterly reprehensible reply. I personally think that someone like you, andycan, would be a little bit more gentlemanly. But, na, let's get degenerate into outright lashing out instead. If you are successful and making decent money (which I'm sure you are), pray tell, why do you need to say this to someone?

I am not on anyone's side, and can we all stop being nasty to Socrates, he doesn't actually deserve it . . .

Hello, Temptrader.

Andrew 'needs' to defend himself and the PL, as does Soccy and the rest of mugs on CBs.

Ask yourself why.

Their sentiment tells you everything you need to know about unsuccessful traders.

Burnt out, washed out and in desparate need of trying to prove something to someone about trading.

Watch them quote this post, read carefully....losers can't's all in their words.

Good trading!

Ask yourself why people will pay £400, to hide away, in a secret little circle, pointing fingers at people who are not in 'thier' circle, the little cult.

Soccy couldn't even manage a successful paper trade in all his time on these boards, his only attempt was a monstrosity, 'don't try this one at home' fashion. A failure.

What Soccy did attempt, was to blind people with words. That failed.

So now he hides, he will always hide, until he can come to terms with his status as 'Market Drop Out'.

Don't listen to him.

J O C ....step up to the met socco...whats the verdict?...don't be shy ...tell it like it is:|

Yes, I met him at a local traders' get-together a year or so ago. He was a very nice guy, and it's rather difficult to reconcile with the purple-typeface character here to be honest.
Lets get a few things clear. Approximately 2 years ago, I received an unsolicited PM from Bulldozer (as did many others) regarding his website and platinum lounge membership.

In the initial invitation, John asked if I was Maltese. I informed John that I am English, I am not Maltese, I informed him that I have business interests in Malta, and that I am classified as resident in Malta for the purposes of taxation etc. So your statement regarding an invitation being extended out of sysmpathy, on the grounds of my nationality is complete and utter nonsense.

I also informed John, quite politely I may add, that I had no interest in derivatives, and that perhaps there where others who might benefit from the invitation.

However, despite making all of the above points quite clear, over the coming months, I continued to receive a stream of PM's from the various NICS used by John, Bulldozer, Options 69, Paddy Blue Boy etc each blatantly soliciting for business.

Now I can fully understand why someone running a failing trading website might wish to solicit for business in this way, rather than paying for legitimate advertising space. But I must admit I found it hard to understand why the illiterate moron would continue sending unsolicited PM's, littered with childish icons, in which he refers to the membership and management of T2W as a bunch of phuckin monkeys, or why he chose to send me PM's disclosing other members personal information, or PM's that where little more than vitriolic attack upon a certain long standing member of this site. His personal issues with other members should remain just that, but he chose to involve me, and indeed others in his childish games.

Furthermore, I am unclear as to how I "misused" a membership that I did not accept. This insinuates that I was a member who somehow misbehaved and violated the rules of your site, and as you are very well aware this simply isnt the case, and its disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise. There was no futurology involved on my part in declining John's offer, my instincts simply informed me that I was dealing with at best an uneducated fool, and more likely a mentally unstable zealot.

You may well feel that I am sniping at every opportunity, however, if you insist on posting nonsense, I'll continue to comment if I feel a comment is warranted, or if it amuses me to do so. As you are aware this is a public board, you have no control over the responses that your comments solicit. If you wish to discuss issues amongst those you classify as your peers (Bully & Gombeen Man), you have of course the option of posting over at city bulls, in your private forum.

Finally I would also suggest that given that you are now a shareholder in the aforementioned site, perhaps a vendor tag might now be in order.

If you wish to throw around insults, perhaps a PM would be more approprate and we can allow the thread to continute without interruption and disruption.

I am more than happy to discuss trading related issue's, and as Ive said on many occassion I find your posts both entertaining, enjoyable, stimulating, and on occassion bordering on genius. Its pretty clear to me, that youve got your ducks in a row. HOWEVER, attempts to distort the truth, by propoganda and constant repetition, will not go unchallenged. You have no need to stoop to bully or CYOF's level, I know that, you know that, and I suspect the majority of members here at T2W know that.

regards & best wishes

Where is the rest of the deleted posts? Your reply gives us no background. I wholeheartedly agree about this platinum lounge membership malarky. Since Socrates goes on about it, it has served nothing but to create a mystique surrounding it. Also, from a logical point of view, why tout something and then say virtually no one here is fit to join it? Does that not create resentment, animosity and aggression from the other posters? Or am I missing something about a secret marketing plan somewhere?

I once had a conversation with a Historian about biasness in historical records, it was just an obvious elementary observation: how do we know that what is reported is true, isn't the observer always going to be bias in his/her point of view? And isn't the researcher also going to instill his/her's into it as well when submitting a dissertation?

For anyone looking at what Socrates has said, we can only go on what HE claims, everything else is not worth discussing, however to the contrary he may claim.

andycan said:
your thoughts are noted, but before you accuse me of an ungentlemanly conduct please read his post 500 and 506
you will also note that his demeaning attacks were without provocation and unfounded comments were insulting at best.
this person does not know me or know anything about what goes on at citybulls
but choses to have an opinion which is clearly distorted.
i would say i was rather gentle with him, i take great offence from someone who is relatively new to this business (or so his posts leads me to believe) and decides to express his thoughts by calling me a sucker. That statement alone implies that i was being taken for a ride, i can tell that could not be further from the truth.
once paul 71 has earned more money than i have lost in the early years then i may accept his opinion as valid until such a time comes... well i wont state the obvious

For the record Im very succesfull at what i do, i have helped out many people here at T2W and helped them see the markets in a very different way to how most see it and those people that i have dialogued with im sure will agree that i have always been straight up and honest with them. I hope that clear up this matter
the whole purpose of my contribution on this thread was to clear up certain misunderstandings it appears i have created more.

nothing has been elaborated, because everything is withheld. Therefore, from a logical point of view, nothing to discuss there. However, the only sympathy I - or anyone for that matter - can accord you is what is accorded to people who are persecuted for their religious beliefs. I can say that Paul71 has been very rude to you, but you neither provide any decent proof to support any of your claim, in short your only defense is that you have a right to do what you do.

I am totally sick and tired of Socrates going on and on about "You don't know that you don't know", because I can tear his arguments apart to say that he's not only behaving illogically, but also withholding any vital information for proper logical judgement to take place.

Finally I wish to talk about your so called Platinum Lounge: Let me tell you an example. When Einstein was in his old age he was friends with Godel, they meet together regularly (Godel even managed to solve Einstein's field equations - his particular set of solutions is named after him). They has other notable visitors (Erdos being amongst them, although he talked to Einstein more that Godel). My point: usually people of the same intellectual standing/status can be friends. Could you imagine other lesser mortals trying to get into their social circle - it just wouldn't work!! Now if you, and Socrates and Bully etc. . . are of this stature in trading terms (which we will probably never know) why do you need to shout about it?
Why ? Because it is obvious, that is why. You will see that I personally no longer bother to argue interminably with detractors. Attaining this state of mind takes time in having to accept there are people who will argue endlessly just for the sake of arguing and contradicting. But it takes time. You have to experience individual and collective carbunklery to be able finally to accept. So it is experiential. This means you have to (when you are absolute sure of your ground and can prove it) go through this process until one realise it is pointless. I have gone through this experience and have had it patently proved to me that the great majority do not understand that they do not understand and also opportunistically corrupt the others into getting confused and adopting the crowd opinion. Why is this ? Because it is easier to think as a crowd and not on one's feet independently. Why ? Because the crowd can persuade itself of two major misconceptions. The first is that a problem shared is a problem halved and the second is since the crowd is stimulated to be connected by by what it incorrectly percieves through crowd eyes to be unity of purpose then the crowd must be right. The crowd is invariably wrong, utterely wrong. So I have got it out of my system, and that is why I no longer bother to try. Others have not had my experiences and probably are yet to have them and in consequence their rubber bands of patience have not yet snapped like mine finally has. Simple.
This thread is now closed since it has become the vehicle for veiled and not so veiled insults and because the continuing references to the Platinum Lounge can be seen as advertising.

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