Lets get a few things clear. Approximately 2 years ago, I received an unsolicited PM from Bulldozer (as did many others) regarding his website and platinum lounge membership.
In the initial invitation, John asked if I was Maltese. I informed John that I am English, I am not Maltese, I informed him that I have business interests in Malta, and that I am classified as resident in Malta for the purposes of taxation etc. So your statement regarding an invitation being extended out of sysmpathy, on the grounds of my nationality is complete and utter nonsense.
I also informed John, quite politely I may add, that I had no interest in derivatives, and that perhaps there where others who might benefit from the invitation.
However, despite making all of the above points quite clear, over the coming months, I continued to receive a stream of PM's from the various NICS used by John, Bulldozer, Options 69, Paddy Blue Boy etc each blatantly soliciting for business.
Now I can fully understand why someone running a failing trading website might wish to solicit for business in this way, rather than paying for legitimate advertising space. But I must admit I found it hard to understand why the illiterate moron would continue sending unsolicited PM's, littered with childish icons, in which he refers to the membership and management of T2W as a bunch of phuckin monkeys, or why he chose to send me PM's disclosing other members personal information, or PM's that where little more than vitriolic attack upon a certain long standing member of this site. His personal issues with other members should remain just that, but he chose to involve me, and indeed others in his childish games.
Furthermore, I am unclear as to how I "misused" a membership that I did not accept. This insinuates that I was a member who somehow misbehaved and violated the rules of your site, and as you are very well aware this simply isnt the case, and its disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise. There was no futurology involved on my part in declining John's offer, my instincts simply informed me that I was dealing with at best an uneducated fool, and more likely a mentally unstable zealot.
You may well feel that I am sniping at every opportunity, however, if you insist on posting nonsense, I'll continue to comment if I feel a comment is warranted, or if it amuses me to do so. As you are aware this is a public board, you have no control over the responses that your comments solicit. If you wish to discuss issues amongst those you classify as your peers (Bully & Gombeen Man), you have of course the option of posting over at city bulls, in your private forum.
Finally I would also suggest that given that you are now a shareholder in the aforementioned site, perhaps a vendor tag might now be in order.
If you wish to throw around insults, perhaps a PM would be more approprate and we can allow the thread to continute without interruption and disruption.
I am more than happy to discuss trading related issue's, and as Ive said on many occassion I find your posts both entertaining, enjoyable, stimulating, and on occassion bordering on genius. Its pretty clear to me, that youve got your ducks in a row. HOWEVER, attempts to distort the truth, by propoganda and constant repetition, will not go unchallenged. You have no need to stoop to bully or CYOF's level, I know that, you know that, and I suspect the majority of members here at T2W know that.
regards & best wishes