The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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dc2000 said:
CYOF you seem to want to personally attack this person in order to prove a theory the comment I made was based on the fact that Rob has been trading the markets for years in the city you however by your own admission and posts in mid December of 2006 have yet to become profitable. You can analyse the article but what exacly makes you an expert that you can say he is wrong??

What I can, or can not do, in trading, is of no consequence to this excercise.

This is about The Truth, remember. :idea:

Anyone can do what I am doing, it is called research, and you do not need to be able to trade Options to do research :idea:

Although, I do have a good teacher at the moment in relation to Options, and he is called Mr John C Bulldozer, and if you want to see what he knows, then you can have a look on these T2W threads, and make your own mind up then :idea:
CYOF said:
What I can, or can not do, in trading, is of no consequence to this excercise.

This is about The Truth, remember. :idea:

Anyone can do what I am doing, it is called research, and you do not need to be able to trade Options to do research :idea:

Although, I do have a good teacher at the moment in relation to Options, and he is called Mr John C Bulldozer, and if you want to see what he knows, then you can have a look on these T2W threads, and make your own mind up then :idea:

Yes, you don't have to be a good trader to obssess about some article in some trading rag ,but you certainly have to be slightly deranged (at least a bit sad, any way), don't you think?
CYOF said:
Anyone can do what I am doing, it is called research

Research isnt about taking the first scrap of information you find, from any source, and jumping to a conclusion.

Now I see why you (and indeed other 3.4S members) have so many problems ! 😆


Yes, you don't have to be a good trader to obssess about some article in some trading rag ,but you certainly have to be slightly deranged (at least a bit sad, any way), don't you think?

As usual, you detract, but as some are interested in this Truth, I will elaborate for their benefit, not yours.

things just do not happen in life, like the rolling stone, one needs to first understand the Universal Laws that are inherent in everything around us.

The Law of Use and Nourishment is no mumbo jumbo as many think, and I would even say that the majority have never even heard of it.

Now, the Law of Use on its own is very, very important in relation to accumulating wealth.

Looking at these magazine articles, one is led to believe that the accumulation of wealth is only for the few.

This is not TRUE - it is one of the biggest LIES ever created in the history of mankind.

And, it was created for a reason, and I have stated that reason many times in the past, many times, so I will not state it again, now.

I must go now, but I will leave you all with another little bit of reading for the weekend, and please do take this seriously, and remember what the Budda said, and Montaigne, and Socrates, and all the other "fools" who knew absolutely nothing about anything :idea:

It is a funny little world we live in, really :idea:

Apologies, but I must really run, for as Socrates rightly says, we are veri bizzi.

Have a nice weekend all - I will post time permitting - if not I will talk to you all on Monday.

zupcon said:
Research isnt about taking the first scrap of information you find, from any source, and jumping to a conclusion.

Now I see why you (and indeed other 3.4S members) have so many problems ! 😆


You might want to wipe that big tear from under your eye there, for I am are only starting, who said anything about a conclusion, a lot more searches to be done yet 😎
jesus christ, just how much ******** do you get through in a day?

talk about over complication of virtually everything.

in trading the markets go up, down or sideways.. so trade accordingly

in life, so what about the search for "the Truth". there are a vast number of people (probably most people), myself included, who dont care about the search for universal understandings. life is too short to worry about such things. far better to get on with life, and enjoy it while we can.. becoming tied up in such emotional and mental knots does no-one any good whatsoever..

and of course the accumulation of immense wealth is for the few, otherwise you end up in a hyperinflationary environment where currency is nigh on worthless.

i cant believe i have even contributed to this thread. but this site is rapidly approaching farcical levels..
dc2000 said:
CYOF you seem to want to personally attack this person in order to prove a theory the comment I made was based on the fact that Rob has been trading the markets for years in the city you however by your own admission and posts in mid December of 2006 have yet to become profitable. You can analyse the article but what exacly makes you an expert that you can say he is wrong??
For the benefit of the readers of this thread heres Rob's recent FSA registration

Also Robs pilots log shows 92 flying hours

This is the last post I will make on this thread as I believe you are overstepping the line and until you show how you are qualified in the field of options trading I will stand by my statement re Rob and yourself
Wait a minute....did he not declare he had retired at 30 ?

He is now 39 is he not ?

So what was he doing working for an employer for four years in between ?

And why is it that when approached for a reference...none is offered ?

I thnk it looks very bad for the magazine for them to be taken in with this hedge fund nonsense since his FSA licence has been inactive for a considerable period of time has it not and it looks as if it is currently not valid, so it seems?

And there again, if it is the case, what would the subscribers and advertisers in the magazine make of material which is not true ?

Does this mean therefore information published in the form of articles profiling individuals is not reliable , not factually correct, or not even true ?

Insofar as flying hours is concerned, that could mean anything.

A PPL (Private Pilot's Licence) is awaded when the learner pilot has passed the exams and flown 50 hours, some of them with an instructor and some solo.

92 flying hours means nothing.

Fly 4 times from here to South Africa and back as a passenger ......😆 .......and you have 92 flying hours to talk about.......😆....but it has nothing to do with being a pilot or flying a plane as a qualified pilot.
trendie said:
Put "but note this, also, nature does not encourage the hoarding" into Google.

(it is STILL considered good manners to show your sources, when you dont write anything original of your own.)

who are you, really, Jeffrey Archer? 🙄

Have this one for free - everything is the same really

try the I-ching too


T2W keeps going down for hours at a time.
Is this you, CYOF, or some of your little GREEN LEPER COLONY friends?
Tell the TRUTH now, let's have the FACTS.
There are IMMUTABLE LAWS and I have noticed a definite co-relation between t2w going down and you not posting and that cannot be denied.
This tells me INTEFERERS are working behind the scenes.
Help me - I am addicted to your posts - I lose all self control when I read them.
CYOF said:
What I can, or can not do, in trading, is of no consequence to this excercise.

This is about The Truth, remember. :idea:

Anyone can do what I am doing, it is called research, and you do not need to be able to trade Options to do research :idea:

Does this qualify as worthwhile research? I'm not sure as to the value of it, what do you think ?
Is it The Truth?


counter_violent said:
Does this qualify as worthwhile research? I'm not sure as to the value of it, what do you think ?
Is it The Truth?

LOL, Too many questions........VSA Version 4.3.4...the forerunner to the 3.4s club?
Mr. Charts said:
T2W keeps going down for hours at a time.
Is this you, CYOF, or some of your little GREEN LEPER COLONY friends?
Tell the TRUTH now, let's have the FACTS.
There are IMMUTABLE LAWS and I have noticed a definite co-relation between t2w going down and you not posting and that cannot be denied.
This tells me INTEFERERS are working behind the scenes.
Help me - I am addicted to your posts - I lose all self control when I read them.

Oh Richard, why do you always throw in a WOBBLER.

You really must stop thinking, it is not fair 😆

I will Generalise, AGAIN, as it is warranted, but we must not divert too much from our exercise, as I have another good one to examine after this article.

Firstly, I have posted links to all of my e-book sources, on another thread, and I am not interested in doing peoples thinking for them, as that is an injustice to humanity. I will cite the source when copyright is marked on the document, as this is the correct thing to do. I have stated this in the past, and as I do not believe in distributing others people intellectual works for free, unless I am giving them away after paying for them, then I will continue as I am doing, sorry guys, you must get your own material, for it there for all who want it :idea:

I will now continue.

I have already stated that plagiarism in relation to "Self Improvement" is rife, and it is so rife, that we have all of the rubbish that I have already posted links to.

However, as I mentioned, to get to the valuable information, you must be prepared to do some serious research, to discover the true evolution of ideas :idea:

What happens next is the classic "not able to see ones nose despite the fact that it is right on ones face".

Why is this so?

I will give another extract from an e-book, which will again demonstrate why this is so, and will also show why so many, even when presented with Fundamental Truths, fail to see the Truth, and the reason they fail to see, is because of alternative motives by others, they are been led up the garden path, so as to speak, and not only do the take the bait, they take "hook line and sinker" as well 😱

Now, over in the vanilla thread, Socrates made a statement in relation to Black Swans, and how many keep repeating how these un-materialized events MUST BE taken into consideration when trading.

But, how does this type of thinking fit in with the Immutable LAWS :idea:

Let us now see, and let us use a simple e-book reference, which is available to ALL, to shed some light on this :idea:

Let me get the relevant post by Socrates and expand.

Let us now see how this ties in with the Immutable Laws :idea:

That is all for today -time permitting.

Now, how many do you think will take this serious?

Ah, that gives me a new little exercise :idea:

I will post before I finish now, a few minutes please.
I will post something of value - providing the following happens :idea:

Let me explain:

As a daytrader of stocks, a good conservative risk of available capital is one quarter of one percent, or, for our decimal minded people, 0.25%

Now. we have 67,000+ members at T2W, but for ease we will call it 67,000.

So, 67,000 x 0.25% = 167

Now , that is asking a lot, so we will divide it by 10 to gives us 0.025% = 16.75

We will now round down for ease again.

What we now have is 16 traders :idea:

So, what needs to happen now, for me to post something of value, is that 16 traders, and that is only 0.025% of all members, a long way from 5%, have to post as follows:

Trader No.1 will post nothing only the following:

Number 1

Trader No.2 will post nothing only the following:

Number 2

And so on until we reach Number 16.

We start now, and see how long it will take us to get the 16, or the 0.025%.

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counter_violent said:
Does this qualify as worthwhile research? I'm not sure as to the value of it, what do you think ?
Is it The Truth?

Cv, this is another attempt at detracting from the exercise.

If you are suggesting that Socrates is CW, which he may or may not be, for I can't , nor will I speak for anyone else, unless I am asked to do so, this has nothing to do with anything here.

Socrates has clearly stated he is selling nothing, nor will he be selling anything :idea:

The Fact that Bulldozer has ASKED him to be the guardian of the Platinium Lounge at, has nothing what so ever to do with CW, for is all about Options trading, in case you have not noticed :idea:

Do I need to post some more Fundamental Truths to show what is really going on here, and who is really trying to smear who, and for what reasons :idea:

Go back and read the start of the analysis of this article again, and you will see how silly your detracting is, as usual 🙄

But, it is good, for it shows how the majority are always trying to be stemmed from progressing by the small few with limited perspective :idea:

But, remember, the days of the long haired men and short haired women are well gone, and it is the few who persist to try and stem the majority from learning that will be shown up for what they really are, and that is nothing but INTERFERERS.

So, please do do as much research as you like, and when you are at it, you might try and do some on the article relating to Mr Robert Kelvey, for if that hedge fund is started up, I am sure that a lot of people will be REALLY interested in what TRUTHS we discover.

Have a nice weekend - All.
Blinkers on , fingers in's up to you ....

i'm off for a banana


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CYOF said:
I will post something of value - providing the following happens :idea:

Let me explain:

As a daytrader of stocks, a good conservative risk of available capital is one quarter of one percent, or, for our decimal minded people, 0.25%

Now. we have 67,000+ members at T2W, but for ease we will call it 67,000.

So, 67,000 x 0.25% = 167

Now , that is asking a lot, so we will divide it by 10 to gives us 0.025% = 16.75

We will now round down for ease again.

What we now have is 16 traders :idea:

So, what needs to happen now, for me to post something of value, is that 16 traders, and that is only 0.025% of all members, a long way from 5%, have to post as follows:

Trader No.1 will post nothing only the following:

Number 1

Trader No.2 will post nothing only the following:

Number 2

And so on until we reach Number 16.

We start now, and see how long it will take us to get the 16, or the 0.025%.


Can someone please translate this into english for me 🙄

thanks zu
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zupcon said:
Can someone please translate this into english for me 🙄

thanks zu

:idea: :idea: I think I have it!

You should have put

Number 3

Come on, zupcon, you can do better than that! 😀

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