The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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I will lend a hand - seen as I have not posted the cover page, which I will now do.

Here we go - snippet two - and the first question:

1. What is the purpose of this Trader Monthly article?

The purpose of this Trader Monthly article is to suggest to the public, what levels of success can be achieved by some traders in the world. They have listed 100 top traders - and it just so happens that this person, known as the Jack of All Trades in the mag, is on the front of the magazine - so we will concentrate on his story.

ian said:
I dont know about a waste of time but you certainly do waste a lot of space!
Are you the reason, with huge posts, that this web site is slow to load sometimes? 😈

No, it is because T2W will not spend any money on the right gear :idea:

It is not the first time it has crashed, and it will not be the last.

I have seen on another website where many have left this site due to the speed alone, I suppose you could argue that they may be the lucky ones 😆

So, is anyone going to respond to the questions, or is anyone here the least bit interested in finding the Truth.

Remember, we do not know what we will find yet, it is all in the hands of the WWW now.

Those who tell the Truth are never worried about such things, for they know that Truth will always prevail - not like Lies. :idea:

So Split, what do you say, and you Dblade, come on, lets start analysing :idea:

2. What do you think the 3 rules put forward will be after reading this snippet?

3. Whose best interest do you think the 3 rules put forward will be in favour of?

4. Who do you think benefited most from the publishing of this article?

CYOF said:
1. What is the purpose of this Trader Monthly article?

I can think of lots but here's on for starters

1) To fill what would otherwise be a blank white space ?
zupcon said:
I can think of lots but here's on for starters

1) To fill what would otherwise be a blank white space ?

I have answered 1. for you.

Please answer 2>4.

Thank You Zu
zupcon said:
2) To annoy John C Bulldozer

I will help you again Zu.

Here is No.2

2. What do you think the 3 rules put forward will be after reading this snippet?

You must state what you think the 3 Rules are - and you are good at rules, so that should be very easy for you 😆
CYOF said:
I have answered 1. for you.

I take it then that you are the editor or publisher of the magazine ?, surely only they know the true reason the article was published.

It certainly filled a blank space, and it certainly annoyed John C Bulldozer, so my interpretation must at least be as valid as yours !

CYOF said:
Let us analyse as our good friends, Split & The Blades, suggest :idea:

once again, as Socrates does, you suggest people have said things, or think in certain ways, in order to make your next wordy and utterly pointless post.

I haven't suggested anyone does anything (though putting you on ignore would seem like good advice)

There is only one out of the two of us who is being told how to think. You've clearly demonstated this over the last few months. You have no idea how I think, and what methods I'm using - which are not conventional at all.

zupcon said:
I take it then that you are the editor or publisher of the magazine ?, surely only they know the true reason the article was published.

It certainly filled a blank space, and it certainly annoyed John C Bulldozer, so my interpretation must at least be as valid as yours !


No, as Socrates would say, you are detracting, but I prefer to call it what it really is, and that is Interfering.

This is not a joke -although many of you would like to present it that way :idea:

Let us see some real answers, and then the proper search for the Truth will commence.

This is about discovering the Truth, nothing else, and following this exercise I will then reply to Split, and what my interpretation of Murphy's Law, and the rolling stone, really is.

You will all be surprised how relative this article really is, that is if any of you are interested of course?

Let us see.

Answers please.

2. What do you think the 3 rules put forward will be after reading this snippet?

3. Whose best interest do you think the 3 rules put forward will be in favour of?

4. Who do you think benefited most from the publishing of this article?
the blades said:
once again, as Socrates does, you suggest people have said things, or think in certain ways, in order to make your next wordy and utterly pointless post.

I haven't suggested anyone does anything (though putting you on ignore would seem like good advice)

There is only one out of the two of us who is being told how to think. You've clearly demonstated this over the last few months. You have no idea how I think, and what methods I'm using - which are not conventional at all.


You want to analysis my writings, but when I present an article that is very relative to how people are led to think, I am now twisting your words 😱

What is heavens name are you saying man.

You either want to discover the Truth here, or not?

It is really that simple - a Yes, or a No.

No detracting, no interfering, no waffle, no wabble, no nothing.

Yes or No.

It is your choice - no one is twisting your arm?

But do please have the decency to be consistent with your actions, and not be changing to suit yourself, for that is wrong, and people will see that that is wrong, very quickly indeed :idea:

Your answers please:

2. What do you think the 3 rules put forward will be after reading this snippet?

3. Whose best interest do you think the 3 rules put forward will be in favour of?

4. Who do you think benefited most from the publishing of this article?
CYOF said:
2. What do you think the 3 rules put forward will be after reading this snippet?

You must state what you think the 3 Rules are - and you are good at rules, so that should be very easy for you 😆

The problem is I know what the 3 rules are, because I read the article several months ago, but only because your mate Bulldozer, PM'd me with a link to the article, and the offer of a one week free trial at the platinum lounge 😱

I havnt got a perfect photographic memory, but my powers of recall are pretty sharp, so it would spoil your fun if I where to provide the actual answers.

I find rules and the effects they have on people's behaviour quite fascinating, dont you agree ?

zupcon said:
The problem is I know what the 3 rules are, because I read the article several months ago, but only because your mate Bulldozer, PM'd me with a link to the article, and the offer of a one week free trial at the platinum lounge 😱

I havnt got a perfect photographic memory, but my powers of recall are pretty sharp, so it would spoil your fun if I where to provide the actual answers.

I find rules and the effects they have on people's behaviour quite fascinating, dont you agree ?


Ok Zu,

You have read it, and if you have then many more have, so I will post the rules and then we can discuss the article in detail and research the information to determine if it is Factual.

What do think of this?

As for Bulldozer, well, I can not comment on that, for I speak for myself only, but if Bulldozer did offer you a chance to join the Platinum Lounge, then all I can say is that you made some big mistake in not taking him up on his offer.

As for the effect of the rules, and the Truthfulness of the information, I think we will let the Facts decide that - and what will be, will be.

I will accept whatever comes out in the wash :idea:

Rules to follow for discussion prior to validating the Truthfulness of the article.

CYOF said:
Ok Zu,

You have read it, and if you have then many more have, so I will post the rules and then we can discuss the article in detail and research the information to determine if it is Factual.

What do think of this?

As for Bulldozer, well, I can not comment on that, for I speak for myself only, but if Bulldozer did offer you a chance to join the Platinum Lounge, then all I can say is that you made some big mistake in not taking him up on his offer.

As for the effect of the rules, and the Truthfulness of the information, I think we will let the Facts decide that - and what will be, will be.

I will accept whatever comes out in the wash :idea:

Rules to follow for discussion prior to validating the Truthfulness of the article.


Your constant obsession with the 'Truth' tells a sad story in itself.....something from a bad past experience maybe?

Care to's good to talk
ian said:
Your constant obsession with the 'Truth' tells a sad story in itself.....something from a bad past experience maybe?

Care to's good to talk

You will never know the meaning of the Truth - for you are like the Ostrich - you bury your head in the sand when you sense danger, what a mentality - it is so obvious 🙄

We may have some expert advise shorty - let us see.
Ok, as Zu has changed the Rules, again, we shall continue as follows:

1. Let us pick out the main points for Mr Retire @ 30.
2. Let us check out these points to see what supporting Facts are available.
3. Let us evaluate - honestly - using the Facts discovered - the real Truth in relation to this article.

We will then look at Murphy and see how he fits into the picture?

Where do we start?

Let me see?

Well, a good place to start is always at the beginning, so we will try that.

Do we have any other suggestions, before I start :?:

And please, do not be shy, Split and Dblade, and even Zu, do not think I want all the glory, feel free to step in and post. :idea:

Maybe Dbphoenix will even join in :?:

And what about Profitaker, he has a wealth of knowledge, and I have even invited him to help us out here, let us see if he wants to discover any real Truths for the readers :?:

This should be very easy, for we have only one page to analyse, and from what you are all saying, you have all analysed many, many textbooks, for many, many years, so come on, let us get stuck in and wipe out this little project. :idea:
Sounds like quite a nice career to me. If I was about to launch a new hedge fund, then the opportunity for a bit of free marketing in a glossy magazine would be worth taking, wouldn't it?
Jack o'Clubs said:
Sounds like quite a nice career to me. If I was about to launch a new hedge fund, then the opportunity for a bit of free marketing in a glossy magazine would be worth taking, wouldn't it?

No detracting or interfering, Please :idea:

1. Let us pick out the main points for Mr Retire @ 30.
2. Let us check out these points to see what supporting Facts are available.
3. Let us evaluate - honestly - using the Facts discovered - the real Truth in relation to this article.
Ok, I will start, but you must all help me here, for I am not one for glory, at all, I do not want any more green dots please, I want to get rid of the ones I have, really.

The Picture

As a picture speaks a thousand words - let us first examine the picture for clues :idea:

What type of character do you see here?

What type of image does he portray?

What way is he looking?

Where is the location?

Does he look intelligent?

Does he look silly?
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