CYOFCYOF said:Ok, I will start, but you must all help me here, for I am not one for glory, at all, I do not want any more green dots please, I want to get rid of the ones I have, really.
The Picture
As a picture speaks a thousand words - let us first examine the picture for clues :idea:
What type of character do you see here?
What type of image does he portray?
What way is he looking?
Where is the location?
Does he look intelligent?
Does he look silly?
CYOF said:Ok, I will start, but you must all help me here, for I am not one for glory, at all, I do not want any more green dots please, I want to get rid of the ones I have, really.
The Picture
As a picture speaks a thousand words - let us first examine the picture for clues :idea:
What type of character do you see here?
What type of image does he portray?
What way is he looking?
Where is the location?
Does he look intelligent?
Does he look silly?
ian said:Looks like nobody wants to play with you, CY.
Maybe you would be better to hop on back to the 'Puzzle Factory' for some tea.
ian said:Looks like nobody wants to play with you, CY.
Maybe you would be better to hop on back to the 'Puzzle Factory' for some tea.
andycan said:CYOF
is this person in the picture a renowned trader??
because if he is then i suspect he has the right to look cool.
but on the other hand if what they say is not quite what it seems then thats a different situation
FXSCALPER2 said:LOL, he has always been playing on his own, I gather. The trouble is, I have no idea what this fella writes. I just read the first line and it bores me no end. But I bet it is about TRUTH and or some bull. I can just see the pub emptying when CYOF arrives. What a bore.
CYOF said:We have now identified two (2) detractors - or interferers.
2. ian
Let us see how many more will try the usual stunts?
Zu, are you beginning to see the Truth in what I say :?:
And what about you Split, are you still interested in the rolling stone, and Murphy :?:
Dblade, you are the expert analyser, I thought you agreed to help us.
I will give you all my green dots if you help us here - you can have every little one of them :idea:
CYOF said:Zu, are you beginning to see the Truth in what I say :?:
CYOF said:Aha, silly me, we have been given a head start, down in the right hand corner, let us expand:
Road to Profits
Robert Kelvey has travelled a long road to trading glory
We have the path, we have the trees, we have the mobile phone in the hand, we have the side profile, we have the slick suit, we have, we have, we have,
Do we have a Yuppy :?:
What is a Yuppy :?:
Do we have Yuppy traders :?:
Now, I am not given this due attention - for the picture may be a screen shot, a prop, a marketing ploy.
Let me think - I will need to now go to the text -
dc2000 said:Rob AKA pitscum has forgotten more than you will every know about the markets
zupcon said:Im not sure if youve said anything yet. Its a picture for gods sake, from a magazine. The publisher of the magazine has an agenda, the writer of the article has an agenda, the subject of the article has an agenda.
Out of those 3, who has the most influence ?
LOLCYOF said:Well Andy, thank you for the logical reply.
The Truthful answer is, I do not know.
It is obvious that the magazine think so, as they are doing this big fancy story on Mr Retire @ 30.
But as we all know, magazines do not always tell the Truth, the tell people what they want to tell them, and they tell them what they want to tell them for a reason, and that reason is always not on bit concerned with the best interests of the public, quite the opposite actually.
But does he look cool?
I would have thought that he looked confused?
He looks as if he is been told what to do?
And if he is been told what to do, then there is every possibility that he is been told what to say :idea:
So, let us continue to look for Facts that support the writings and let us get to the Truth of this article, whatever it may be.
Do you think this is a fair statement?
Thank You.
CYOF said:Zu,
I am considering Malta for my holidays this year 😉