The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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CYOF said:
As mush as I would like to continue this very interesting discussion, as Harmonic Vibrations and their corresponding Numbers, are very relative, to everything we do, I can not :idea:

There is no need, their role in the price time heirarchy is of little importance really, a mere distraction 😈

CYOF said:
BTW, what about an update on the list, just to see how we are doing, maybe we will get there next week, hopefully, as Batty Brennan is now trading Leaps again, and he has put in a massive order with LouDean, without Minny Brennan even taking off her Tea Cosy.

Certainly. Perhaps your good friend, with the large black head, and horns, from my island in the sun would care to join the list. Im sure if he listens to the following link, it should be enough to pursuade him.

2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
12 penrithem
16 Charlton
zupcon said:
There is no need, their role in the price time heirarchy is of little importance really, a mere distraction 😈

Certainly. Perhaps your good friend, with the large black head, and horns, from my island in the sun would care to join the list. Im sure if he listens to the following link, it should be enough to pursuade him.

2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
12 penrithem
16 Charlton

Well done Zu,

5 to go - not bad at all.

As for the one with the Big Horns, no can do, remember the maps, he is the Master of The Maps, and without the Master of The Maps the Golden Bulldozer would crash into the little island, and probably go straight through the perspects roof.

But we could ask Father Ted, and Father Dougle, and what about Father Jack., now he is my kind of man, Drink, Feck, A.r.s.e :cheesy:

Hmm, good idea, and then there was two (2) :idea:

Oh wait, what about Mrs Doyle - nah, she may jump out the window, and that will not do now at all, for when one gets into the Golden Bulldozer, they will never want to get out, that is for sure, so we need to make sure we do not let anyone in who may jump out the window with the maps, so Mrs Doyle is out, she will have to stay making the tea, and the Egg sandwiches :idea:
"modern day psychology"...nevermind son keep on reading...I'm not interested in putting the missing runs back in your ladder can fall through them and learn for yourself...isn't my job to do that for you....
chump said:
"modern day psychology"...nevermind son keep on reading...I'm not interested in putting the missing runs back in your ladder can fall through them and learn for yourself...isn't my job to do that for you....

Greetings cHump,

Would you like some more reading material :?:

I see You found it interesting, amazinh what You Miss, is it not :cheesy:

I can provide you with anything worthwhile that you so desire, for my friend LouDean has a magical pass to the Eternal Library, and this is where all the Books of Wisdom are held :idea:
CYOF said:
Oh, hello Mr TopLap1/4

No, the real Fun starts when Socrates puts up the update on those Written Options at the weekend. And guess who will be having a really good laugh when the strikes he predicted end up worthless to the BUYER :cheesy:

Front seats now available:

Watch and learn about how to trade options in real time - like a pro :idea:
I'll offer you a deal.
If you stop your constant use of the words truth, facts, and general insults and lecturing etc. and also stop the use of your shouting capitals I'll take spot number 13 on your list........but please understand I want no part of any other group whatsoever - I'm busy enough running my own private subscription site and have no interest in John C's or any other site, although I did log on to see what all the fuss was about. Not my cup of tea.
Nor do I have any interest in "learning" about options from anyone as I used to trade options very successfully before I moved on to US shares, though I would never dream of calling myself an "expert" in options.
I think you are coming across to many people here in an unfavourable light. Perhaps your sense of "humour" is alien to many on this board........perhaps it's specific to Kilkenny..........
So, I'll take place number 13 as I don't believe in all the superstitious clap trap, secret societies, elites, plotters and all that medieval mumbo-jumbo and pseudo-scientific verbiage.
But, hey, if you get your arbitrary 16, please post things of real value and interest........
It might be interesting to hear your own personal views and opinions rather than quoting others as I am sure you do think for yourself......
So, CYOF, is that a deal?
If that is not acceptable to you, fine, I am only offering to take the 13 spot in an effort to see the real CYOF, who I suspect is very different from the image which you are projecting........
Now I'm sure you realise all this is meant only with goodwill, so please don't take any offence.
Mr. Charts said:
I'll take spot number 13 on your list.........

Welcome aboard (subject to CYOF promising to behave)

2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
12 penrithem
13 Mr Charts
16 Charlton
CYOF said:
Now, I have some other simple little FACTS for you, and maybe our learned friends, the custodians of CIVILISATION can answer them for US ALL.

Some years ago, the exact date currently escapes my mind, a small CHAMBER was discovered in the wall of the QUEENS CHAMBER in the great Pyramid of Giza.

A crew was brought in by the Egyptian Government to investigate this chamber.

When the small chamber was opened fully, some artifacts were discovered, and one of these was a small wooden artifact of some sort.

PROBLEMO NO.1 - when the small wooden artifact was requested for Carbon Dating, which our great Modern Science has allowed us to use to pinpoint the age of any carbon related material to within a few thousand years, guess what :?:

The little piece of wood had mysteriously vanished - what a pity, some little fellow lost it :idea:

Now, this gets even better.

At the back of the small chamber they discovered a small shaft about 6 Inches square. A German scientist was brought in to design a special Robot to climb up the shaft, and to cut a long story short, they eventually got to the top, after many months of trying.

Lo and behold, at the top of the shaft, the journey which was all recorded on Video Camera, the 6 x 6 chamber opened out into another small chamber, At the back of this chamber was a small timber door with a little handle on it.

The scientist brought back the robot and was going to fit a small flexible camera, like the ones used by the FBI for looking under doors - you have all seen them on TV - when guess what happened next:


The Egyptian Government stopped all investigations and removed everything - confiscated the Videos, and shut the lid on the whole investigation.

Now, why do YOU think they done this?

Was it not in ALL of our interests to see what may be behind that door - if anything :?:

Why not get a piece of timber from the door to replace the one that the poor little fellow lost, so that the carbon dating may be completed to give us a rough guide as to what century this timber came from :?:

Why hide anything :?:

Why prevent THE TRUTH from coming out :?:

Oh wait, wait a little minute, have I said something about POWER & DOMINATION OF THE MAJORITY BY THE FEW :idea:

But surely this can not be, for PK says that we are all well educated people now, and surely if we are all well educated, then we have nothing to hide from anyone - EVER :idea:

I suppose this is ALL RUBBISH as well PK - I am sure you have a very common sense explanation as to why this happened - please do tell us, for maybe your Realisations are better than mine, and maybe you have the answers as to why the world is a RAT RACE.

Tell us ALL - Please DO - we are ALL waiting.

My next post will show another TRUTH - and this one is relative to this site and Trading :idea:
So again you resort to throwing personal insults rather than argue in any logical way.

As an aside, I remember seeing a documentary about this.

From memory the shaft was 22 feet long and inclined at a steep angle of perhaps as high an inclination of 45 degrees. I remember seeing the investigative team sending up a camera mounted on a little vehicle mounted on rubber tank tracks with a fibre optic "searchlight" to illuminate the way ahead. The climb was slow and steady and perhaps took about two minutes.

The little robot tank tracked vehicle reached the top of this shaft and showed a pair of tiny wooden doors with little rings opposite to the hinged ends. These little rings were connected or fastened to each other with some sort of fabric or twine binding. The robot gently prodded aganst the door (doors) but they did not give way.

I remember the commentary at the time by way of possible explanation offered.

The idea of the archeologist at the time was that possibly, because of afterlife belief, the shaft had been included in the construction of the pyramid to allow the Pharaoh's soul an exit route or some such theory, in an attempt to solve the riddle of its possible meaning or use.

I was not aware of any artefact having been found in the ante room or of the posture subsequently adopted by the Egyptian Government. My memory of the documentary exclusively relates to what I mention above.

I cannot see how an enthusiastic post relating to such a topic can be construed as a personal insult to any member or visitor, or in what context or for what reason.
PKFFW said:
So again you resort to throwing personal insults rather than argue in any logical way.

If I may be permitted ... I think you are taking this too personally PKFFW. Unless CYOF is sending you PMs, it doesn't appear to me that he is being particularly insulting.

Have a few beers, relax ..... ..... and good trading.

Mr. Charts said:
I'll offer you a deal.
If you stop your constant use of the words truth, facts, and general insults and lecturing etc. and also stop the use of your shouting capitals I'll take spot number 13 on your list........but please understand I want no part of any other group whatsoever - I'm busy enough running my own private subscription site and have no interest in John C's or any other site, although I did log on to see what all the fuss was about. Not my cup of tea.
Nor do I have any interest in "learning" about options from anyone as I used to trade options very successfully before I moved on to US shares, though I would never dream of calling myself an "expert" in options.
I think you are coming across to many people here in an unfavourable light. Perhaps your sense of "humour" is alien to many on this board........perhaps it's specific to Kilkenny..........
So, I'll take place number 13 as I don't believe in all the superstitious clap trap, secret societies, elites, plotters and all that medieval mumbo-jumbo and pseudo-scientific verbiage.
But, hey, if you get your arbitrary 16, please post things of real value and interest........
It might be interesting to hear your own personal views and opinions rather than quoting others as I am sure you do think for yourself......
So, CYOF, is that a deal?
If that is not acceptable to you, fine, I am only offering to take the 13 spot in an effort to see the real CYOF, who I suspect is very different from the image which you are projecting........
Now I'm sure you realise all this is meant only with goodwill, so please don't take any offence.
Any reason why number 13 Mr Charts?

Welcome aboard the leprechaun train (maybe) 😉

And please, Zuppy, BOOK ANTIQUA 2. It is my litttle foible, humour me ... this time :cheesy:
starspacer said:
If I may be permitted ... I think you are taking this too personally PKFFW. Unless CYOF is sending you PMs, it doesn't appear to me that he is being particularly insulting.

Have a few beers, relax ..... ..... and good trading.

As CYOF likes to post within a quoted post, it makes it very difficult to put his entire response in when quoting him. The insulting part was his tone and insinuations within the quoted text of mine.

CYOF knows he was being sarcastic and derisive. Both attitudes are insulting to someone who is attempting to rationally and reasonably discuss an issue.

However, I will take your advice and have a few beers and relax. I will not read, nor respond to, this thread anymore. I should have known better than to attempt to discuss something with CYOF unless I agreed with him. For someone who claims to be a fan of Socratic Dialogue he sure doesn't seem to want to actually discuss anything.

Mr. Charts said:
I'll offer you a deal.
If you stop your constant use of the words truth, facts, and general insults and lecturing etc. and also stop the use of your shouting capitals I'll take spot number 13 on your list........but please understand I want no part of any other group whatsoever - I'm busy enough running my own private subscription site and have no interest in John C's or any other site, although I did log on to see what all the fuss was about. Not my cup of tea.
Nor do I have any interest in "learning" about options from anyone as I used to trade options very successfully before I moved on to US shares, though I would never dream of calling myself an "expert" in options.
I think you are coming across to many people here in an unfavourable light. Perhaps your sense of "humour" is alien to many on this board........perhaps it's specific to Kilkenny..........
So, I'll take place number 13 as I don't believe in all the superstitious clap trap, secret societies, elites, plotters and all that medieval mumbo-jumbo and pseudo-scientific verbiage.
But, hey, if you get your arbitrary 16, please post things of real value and interest........
It might be interesting to hear your own personal views and opinions rather than quoting others as I am sure you do think for yourself......
So, CYOF, is that a deal?
If that is not acceptable to you, fine, I am only offering to take the 13 spot in an effort to see the real CYOF, who I suspect is very different from the image which you are projecting........
Now I'm sure you realise all this is meant only with goodwill, so please don't take any offence.

Well Richard,

Seen as you are already on the list, and thank you Zu for the update, I will agree to all except one little thing, as this one little thing is very very important, and is actually the reason why people read my posts, even though they do not know it, and that little thing is:

The Truth

You see, if we cover up Truths then we are all just wasting our time, and I have no intention of wasting my time, or anyone else's for that matter. This is a serious business indeed, very serious, as anyone who puts their hard earned money on the line each day knows only too well.

But, we must always keep the open mind, for there is always a better way to do things, and there is always someone who will know more than we know, always.

So, it is wise to look out for these people, as these people can make the difference to ones bottom line, big time, and that brings us back to the start.

What do people want out of trading?

I have stated many times in the past that I have no interest in making $500 per day, on average, none what so ever.

But, I have a big interest in making $5,000 per day, on average.

So, if I come across someone who is in the know in relation to the $5,000 per day, on average, then this person, or group of people, will get my undivided attention.

Now, have I come across such a person, or group of people?

I think you already know the answer to that.

And to conclude, well, I am a Paddy, and us Paddy's have a sense of humour which is similar to the Maltese People, and maybe that is why some think that I am Bulldozer, and Bulldozer is me.

But, I can now assure all, that I am not Bulldozer, although at times I wish I was Bulldozer, nor am I Socrates, nor is Socrates me, and at other times I also wish I was Socrates, but as we all know by now that wishing and hoping is of no use to anyone, then the only thing I can do is look for Truths, and the best way to discover truths is to look for Facts, and have I discovered Facts, yes I have, and so have many others here, but they just fail to see the Facts, but, that is another story which Socrates has repeated many times now, so I will not say it all again.

To conclude Richard, as some may think I am starting to ramble, yes, I am happy to change my persona for the benefit of the readers, if that helps, but I will never change what I believe in, for if we start to change what we believe in, then we are doomed to failure, for it is the Belief that supports the Will, and without the Will, one Will Not accomplish anything of real value in their life, ever.

And like your good self Richard, this is also meant with good Will, so I am sure that you Will take no offence like myself.

Welcome to the L.I.S.T

Learn In Something Truthful

PS: I have agreed to stop using All Capitals with the Mods, as many seem to dislike them, but my habits are such that sometimes my finger just hits the little up arrow unknown to myself, and as I do not have the time to edit every post, I am sure this little flaw can be overlooked.

As for the preaching, I wil stop Stressing my views, but when someones asks me a question in relation to what my views are, then, what comes out comes out, for I can not change my views, nor do I want to change my views, for my views are the sum of all my experiences, and as experience is the Key to all understanding and acquisition of worthwhile knowledge, then, to change ones views can indeed be a bad decision, unless, of course, a Realisation allows for a Fundamental Truth to enter into the conscious realm, and this is what some will rightly call - Wisdom.
As an aside, I remember seeing a documentary about this.

From memory the shaft was 22 feet long and inclined at a steep angle of perhaps as high an inclination of 45 degrees. I remember seeing the investigative team sending up a camera mounted on a little vehicle mounted on rubber tank tracks with a fibre optic "searchlight" to illuminate the way ahead. The climb was slow and steady and perhaps took about two minutes.

The little robot tank tracked vehicle reached the top of this shaft and showed a pair of tiny wooden doors with little rings opposite to the hinged ends. These little rings were connected or fastened to each other with some sort of fabric or twine binding. The robot gently prodded aganst the door (doors) but they did not give way.

I remember the commentary at the time by way of possible explanation offered.

The idea of the archeologist at the time was that possibly, because of afterlife belief, the shaft had been included in the construction of the pyramid to allow the Pharaoh's soul an exit route or some such theory, in an attempt to solve the riddle of its possible meaning or use.

I was not aware of any artefact having been found in the ante room or of the posture subsequently adopted by the Egyptian Government. My memory of the documentary exclusively relates to what I mention above.

I cannot see how an enthusiastic post relating to such a topic can be construed as a personal insult to any member or visitor, or in what context or for what reason.

Yes Socrates, if my memory serves me correct there were 2 artifacts.

Also, I think a book has been written on the discoveries, and what significance they have for an understanding of the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx -let me see if I can find the name of it, I will post later if I am correct.

To give a quick overview of the thought, it is put forward for consideration that the Great Pyramid of Giza is built upon what is called The Primeval Mound - which is where all the continental plates meet, and is such, referenced as the centre of the Earth.

We are all aware of the mummification properties of the Great Pyramid, and it is because of this location that this effect is magnified in the Great Pyramid.

By the plotting of stars, which are known to repeat their appearance throughout History, it is put forward that the Great Pyramid was actually built around 10,000 BC. This is long before the dawn of so called first Civilisation.

The so called ventilation shafts in the Great Pyramid are not air shafts at all, although they also serve that purpose, and as you rightly say, they are escape hatches for the spirit to leave the tomb at the correct time, that is when the shafts line up with correct star formations - this is exactly how they worked out with exactitude the time of construction to be around 10,000 BC, by running computer simulations of when all the formation appear throughout History, and guess what happened when the done a model of the Great Pyramid and its shafts, yes, you guessed it, the shafts line up with exactitude to the star formations at exactly in an around 10,000 BC.

Is this a Big Coincidence - I think not, for to state that this is silly is like stating that the world is flat, which of course many thought it was for centuries, which we all know now is if course due to nothing more than ignorance.

Now, would the Egyptian Government want this to be widely known, and would they release any supporting evidence that would back up this proposition, like a little piece of wood for carbon dating, which just happened to be lost by some little curator.

Well, this comes as no shock to me, or you, I am sure, for we know that this type of deception of the public goes on each and every day.

It has also been mentioned, that what ever lies behind those 2 little doors may well change all the History books in relation to our understanding of Modern Civilisation, which will not be allowed to happen of course, well, not yet anyway, but it will some day, fro the real Truth can never be hid, and it is only a matter of time, so as to speak.

Let me see if I can find the book, I think a friend of mine may have it, as I remember him mentioning it many years ago, I will ring him today and reply later on.

Last edited:
PKFFW said:
As CYOF likes to post within a quoted post, it makes it very difficult to put his entire response in when quoting him. The insulting part was his tone and insinuations within the quoted text of mine.

CYOF knows he was being sarcastic and derisive. Both attitudes are insulting to someone who is attempting to rationally and reasonably discuss an issue.

However, I will take your advice and have a few beers and relax. I will not read, nor respond to, this thread anymore. I should have known better than to attempt to discuss something with CYOF unless I agreed with him. For someone who claims to be a fan of Socratic Dialogue he sure doesn't seem to want to actually discuss anything.


Starspacer is correct Pk,

I do not insult anyone unless they are very insulting themselves, like Mr Dicatti, who appears to be very rude and insulting, indeed.

My response to you is all in line with My views, and if some of My views are not in agreement with Your views, then that is the way it will be.

Now, when I say the the only Spiritual Activity is thought, I say this because it is now My View, not My Opinion - and Socrates has highlighted a very important Fact recently in relation to the difference between Views and Opinions, and my understanding of what he said, is that, Views are based on Realisations from Experience, while Opinions are based on nothing more than Words, or to simplify, reading material or words from the mouth of others.

this ties in nicely with what the Buddha said, and as this is so important in order to gain an understanding, I am going to change my slogan to that what the Buddha said, and I must thank Rols for that, for he is the one who posted the Buddha words in a previous thread.

And forget about the silly creatures who will make this out to be something stupid and ridiculous, for, in My View, this is one of the most powerful things ever written.

The Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it
is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor
rumors, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that
we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual
inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may
have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere
authority of our teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing,
doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. "For this,"
says he in concluding, "I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard,
but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and

- Secret Doctrine, Vol. III, page 401. [vii]

I must run now, as I am busy today.

Mr Charts said:
I think you are coming across to many people here in an unfavourable light. Perhaps your sense of "humour" is alien to many on this board........perhaps it's specific to Kilkenny..........
So, I'll take place number 13 as I don't believe in all the superstitious clap trap, secret societies, elites, plotters and all that medieval mumbo-jumbo and pseudo-scientific verbiage.
But, hey, if you get your arbitrary 16, please post things of real value and interest........

It's not just CYOF you know, Richard. It's Socrates as well, although he rather not admit it. I personally think you put CYOF up to this Socrates. Again, nothing of any real help and this thread has been a complete and utter waste of time. I don't know how anyone would want to read the stuff you post, CYOF.

And Socrates, as for your secret club, really . . . . who cares?

Take the Royal Society, that too is by invitation only. But all their publications are open to anyone to see, but then again we are talking about science and not trading. You can get elected to the Royal Society if you produce research of merit, and it need not be judged by your peers.

Again, this thread has been utterly pointless, and the only I fun got from it was when ducati998 trying to imply that CYOF was a homo, pity he didn't do that to Socrates. You know when a thread has degenirated into outright fights when that happens.
2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
12 penrithem
13 Mr Charts
16 Charlton
stoic said:
It's not just CYOF you know, Richard. It's Socrates as well, although he rather not admit it. I personally think you put CYOF up to this Socrates. Again, nothing of any real help and this thread has been a complete and utter waste of time. I don't know how anyone would want to read the stuff you post, CYOF.

And Socrates, as for your secret club, really . . . . who cares?

Take the Royal Society, that too is by invitation only. But all their publications are open to anyone to see, but then again we are talking about science and not trading. You can get elected to the Royal Society if you produce research of merit, and it need not be judged by your peers.

Again, this thread has been utterly pointless, and the only I fun got from it was when ducati998 trying to imply that CYOF was a homo, pity he didn't do that to Socrates. You know when a thread has degenirated into outright fights when that happens.
Why should anythng posted on these threads be of any help ?

Surely if you want or need help you engage a consultant whom you consult and to whom you pay a fee.

To try to solve your problem you cannot solve, this is the way to do it ...or....try to solve it on your own if you can.

This does not imply in any way I am offering to solve problems for people here, and as I have said many times, I am not interested to do so, whether paid or unpaid.

Surely a website such as this ought to be a medium of exchange of ideas between EQUALS, instead of arguments between sharply polarised UNEQUALS.

The thing is, there are many many members here but some are more equal than others, you see ?

This brings us to the next point:~

My little secret club as you call it, does not arouse any curiosity or envy, of that you can be sure. It does not even arouse interest, and I am very pleased at all that.

In the Royal Society what you describe is correct for the Royal Society, whose criteria for membership are very different. There, all you have to do is present research of merit., and it need not be judged by your peers, a very different proposition altogether.


As for duccatti, his downward spirallng bad taste is fast becoming the benchmark for the deterioration of standards of contribution to the site unfortunately, and is visible and discernible on the basis of daily deterioration, if not already on an hourly basis, is my view.

At least it is patently obvious to me if to no one else.
zupcon said:
2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
12 penrithem
13 Mr Charts
16 Charlton

Thank you Zu,

Hopefully we can now keep Mr Charts on the L.I.S.T, for we have some serious business to attend to.

The dunses have now been put in thier right place, for all to See. 😀
CYOF said:
in My View, this is one of the most powerful things ever written.

The Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it
is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor
rumors, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that
we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual
inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may
have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere
authority of our teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing,
doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. "For this,"
says he in concluding, "I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard,
but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and

- Secret Doctrine, Vol. III, page 401. [vii]

I must run now, as I am busy today.


It's posts like this, that keep bringing me back! Sometimes, I really do enjoy your posts CYOF, but there must be a better way to filter the noise. I did have a good laugh at the exam questions, intelligent answers in their own little way.
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