The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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penrithem said:
It's posts like this, that keep bringing me back! Sometimes, I really do enjoy your posts CYOF, but there must be a better way to filter the noise. I did have a good laugh at the exam questions, intelligent answers in their own little way.

Yes, but do they not show their own ignorance by posting such rubbish :idea:

An "eye for an eye" means just that - and those who ridicule and twist things will get exactly what they deserve, as that is how it all works, no other way.

Zu, I may have an answer that will explain the 40 Gallon Drums that we use for transporting the Magic Mushrooms, but I am busy today, so please do read up the rest as I have not time to do any more quotes.

To get to Here:

The first and foremost thing to remember is that the name of the game is money—or at least the acquisition thereof, This is not only the name, but the object of the game. If you have any other purpose in mind, then the game and this book are not for you. As in all good games there are two teams. There is the "we" team; naturally enough, that's our team. The "they" team can be a large syndicate (although this is seldom true now) or, more frequently, can be a group of unrelated professional traders acting in concert. The object of the game is the acquisition of the available money that is used to fuel the game. The gambits, feints, and intricate plays used are endless and would cause Knute Rockne to turn green with envy.

In My View, You must understand the below concepts as they pertain to making Money, but you do not need to fully understand them, for that is not the Goal :idea:

If the Goal was Initiation, then that is a different story altogether, and not only do you need to understand them, you need to live them out each and every day, maybe for years and years, and, if you want to do that, be my guest, but all I want is the money, But, I want the money for a good reason, and that is the Big difference, for the reason -or Belief - is what drives the Will - and without the Will, we Will Get Nothing of real value, so as to speak :idea:

So, do not be alarmed when you see Occult, as the majority read this the wrong way completely, and associate it with Evil, when it is the exact opposite, it is not Evil, it is all that is Good :idea:

In the creation of the sun and the seven sacred planets composing our solar system, our Logos employed matter that was already impregnated with particular qualities. Mrs. Besant in her book, "Avataras," (which some of [3] us think the most valuable of all her writings, because one of the most suggestive), makes the statement that "our solar system is builded out of matter already existing, out of matter already gifted with certain properties..." (page 48). This matter, therefore, we deduce, held latent certain faculties that were forced to demonstrate in a peculiar way, under the law of Cause and Effect, as does all else in the universe.

A gradual grasp of the law of vibration as an aspect of the basic law of building, the law of attraction, is brought about, and the initiate learns consciously to build, to manipulate thought matter for the perfecting of the plans of the Logos, to work in mental essence, and to apply the law on mental levels, and thereby affect the physical plane. Motion originates cosmically on cosmic levels, and in the microcosm the same will be seen. There is an occult hint here that, pondered on, will reveal much. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realizes the meaning of the Law of Attraction, in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realization, and himself to apply the law, will depend his power to progress.

Must run - have a nice day.

Why should anythng posted on these threads be of any help ?

Surely if you want or need help you engage a consultant whom you consult and to whom you pay a fee.

To try to solve your problem you cannot solve, this is the way to do it ...or....try to solve it on your own if you can.

This does not imply in any way I am offering to solve problems for people here, and as I have said many times, I am not interested to do so, whether paid or unpaid.

Surely a website such as this ought to be a medium of exchange of ideas between EQUALS, instead of arguments between sharply polarised UNEQUALS.

The thing is, there are many many members here but some are more equal than others, you see ?

you know that reply is exactly what I expect from you, and I've heard it all before, repeated many times over about how it is that you see this forum.

What gets to me is why you bother to suffer these "fools" and "dunces", is it a sport, do you take sadistic pleasure in it? In fact why bother posting at all, just PM members of your group, or are you still on the lookout for more members? Is CYOF trying to suck up to you to get in? Just as you accuse dbpheonix of trying to suck up to Mr Marcus?

What I am trying to say is that your agenda is your own, Socrates. Others need not share it. But on the other hand I do sympathise that when you try to share something of worth you are ridiculed by someone of no obvious understanding nor ability thinking that they know better, it's not pleasant, and it's not nice and it feels that someone just wants to undermine you and throw your kindness back in your face.

On the subject of "sucking up", I'm sure you know that it occurs all the time in professional working life (there are a few exceptions of course). The conditions for it to happens is usually, but not necessarily, due to status disparity, where one person of lower status (money, intelligence, political power), trys to extract/coerce another individual for favours etc. . . happens all the time. Sucking up does not occur when the said individual is asking for an apprenticeship, wanting to learn, starting out to find his own feet etc. . .
Very well, CYOF, you have a deal.
"I am happy to change my persona " - yes, I thought you could do that quite easily.

Why 13 ?
I think I explained that, although in view of your handle I'm tempted to say, " to boldly go where no man has gone before".
btw, I sense I might possibly have met you in some green place on a summer's day....
Mr. Charts said:
Very well, CYOF, you have a deal.
"I am happy to change my persona " - yes, I thought you could do that quite easily.

Why 13 ?
I think I explained that, although in view of your handle I'm tempted to say, " to boldly go where no man has gone before".
btw, I sense I might possibly have met you in some green place on a summer's day....

Good Richard,

Maybe now the dunces will see and go back to school and try a few more simple exams 😆

As for starspacer, he has given up No.8, a privileged position, the centre of the Universe, so as to speak.

Must run - mortal labour requires some attention, for we must not forget out obligations, after all, we all have obligations, some of us just have more than others :idea:

Beam me away Scottie - back to the grindstone

But wait, I think a dose of some more Red Siberian truth Enhancers are required, for that fellow is a hungry bugger, and he gobbles them up like The Langry (I think this is the correct name, as the film was many years ago) - do you remember that bunch of unsightly creatures, they ate everything in their path, even consumed the whole world.
CYOF said:

To get to Here:

The first and foremost thing to remember is that the name of the game is money—or at least the acquisition thereof, This is not only the name, but the object of the game. If you have any other purpose in mind, then the game and this book are not for you. As in all good games there are two teams. There is the "we" team; naturally enough, that's our team. The "they" team can be a large syndicate (although this is seldom true now) or, more frequently, can be a group of unrelated professional traders acting in concert. The object of the game is the acquisition of the available money that is used to fuel the game. The gambits, feints, and intricate plays used are endless and would cause Knute Rockne to turn green with envy.
Edit: Funny how Knute Rockne is also related to Quasimodo 😱


Oops, I forgot my source, before I am accused of Plagiarism, again 😆

Extracts from The Ultimate Trading Guide by John R.Hill & Associates

I am not endorsing or putting down this book - I just remember some interesting Facts in it when browsing it :idea:

And this is another little bit from the same section:

Introduction: The Search for Truth

Technique number one is the lie—or, to be charitable, the loose truth. Breathes there a man, woman, or child in the continental United States who is not familiar with the television picture of sad Farmer Brown holding a black ear of corn in his calloused hands? True, there was the corn blight of 1971 which saw corn rise from $1.40 per bushel to $1.67 per bushel for a 27 rise.

It looked for a while as though we would need ration cards to get corn, but surprise! The production was a full third over anything seen before in history and corn went down like the Titanic to the tune of 47 per bushel.

This is a principle as old as the hills, Brunswick and AMF, Inc. in the late 1950s and early 1960s rose from obscurity to the $60 to £70 area and then fell back to 6 for Brunswick and to 14 for AMF. For a period, it appeared that there would be a bowling alley for every third
family in the world, including new nations. Computers, too, Levin-Townsend at 1 1/2 in 1965.

Now the tom-torns are heard and it's 1968. The stock, LTX, is at 68 1/2 There's a good story
going in computer technology, but two years later in 1970, LTX's fortunes are at a low ebb. The stock later dropped to $3.00 per share— something to do with accnunting procedures and dull pencils. Of more recent vintage, take the example of current companies that have ".com" as part of their names. One such company is The, Inc. Their stock was initially offered at around $25 in November, 1998. It immediately went to about $48.5 per ahare in a matter of days. Only, one year later the price has dropped to around $7 per share.

The point is that in all four cases there was a good story—lie—going: No corn. Everybody's bowling. Computer technology is the wave of the future. Buy anything with ".com." Maybe so, but the true facts were on the bar chart. The lesson to be learned here is to ignore all news, tips, and garbage that are constantly being put out by the "they" team in an effort to deceive us. The only thing that counts is the chart. That is fact. That is the only truth.
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Just read some of your posts. I'm afraid none of them can be my exam papers for the simple fact that I have too much self respect to graffiti exam papers like that. We all know the silly 3,4,5 pythagorean triplet, of which there are infinitely many . . .
stoic said:

Just read some of your posts. I'm afraid none of them can be my exam papers for the simple fact that I have too much self respect to graffiti exam papers like that. We all know the silly 3,4,5 pythagorean triplet, of which there are infinitely many . . .

Yes, must go, time for Telly Tubby Toast 😀
A more interesting question is why all of this nonsense continues to show up on the front page . . . 🙄
dbphoenix said:
A more interesting question is why all of this nonsense continues to show up on the front page . . . 🙄

because, strangely enough, the site programs looks for the most recent additions timestamp and pops the thread names onto a heap, so anyone going to the front page sees the most recently active threads.

Hey, Ducat998, I suppose you take the stance that since Socrates and co. weren't doing anything of worth you might as well inject some pointless, tasteless humour into the preceedings?
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stoic said:
because, strangely enough, the site programs looks for the most recent additions timestamp and pops the thread names onto a heap, so anyone going to the front page sees the most recently active threads.

Not all of them. Those that are essentially "chat" don't show up on the front page at all.

The simple answer to your question is that this thread is the SECOND highest
viewed thread in intire history of T2W Boards. 25,000 viewers and 350+ posts
in under a month.

The TOP THREAD in T2W history is Mine,,,,,,, "Plain vanilla options" Both these
treads were started on 22 Jan this year.

My thread has already gone past 35,000 views and over 1,200 posts.

There must be something in these TWO threads that get all this attention.
Perhaps there is nothing better elsewhere? Hows your thread doing???

"Allof it is obvious" as Pod G says " If you do not understand this....then you ought not to be reading it......😆 ought not to be reading it at all".
dbphoenix said:
A more interesting question is why all of this nonsense continues to show up on the front page . . . 🙄

Perhaps because the thread starter likes to talk out of his little circle ?

I will continue to educate the dunces for the benefit of others :idea:


Some of Us can trade and post at the same time - but you need to know what you are doing for to be able to do that, which none of you dunces will ever be able to do.

Go over to my Buy & Sell thread, we are waiting for the next person to have ago - please, go and show us what you can do, for we will not ridicule you, we will actually help you if you need help, really, and even if you can call some winning trades, in real time, with a running commentry, live, then we will show you how to do it with multiple instruments, really :idea:

Mr Dunce b Phoney ix, the Foyer man 🙄

It is a wonder you have not yet requested this thread to be sent to the Foye, like you did with the "How To Think Correctly Thread" - were you waiting for the other dunces to make a fool of themselves first, as you usually do.Boy, you lot are really as thick as forty planks put together, really. :idea:

I will not let ye drag this one down, as some have shown an interest in worthwhile discussions, but as you lot of school bullys persist to post your usual graffiti, like the back of the class fellow, Mr Dicatti, and the other thimble head who sits alongside him, whose name I have forgotten, 🙄 as he is of no consequence what so ever.

Let me educate ye somewhat, as I know ye struggle all of the time, in understanding the basic of basics.

The simple answer to your question is that this thread is the Second Highest viewed thread in the recent history of T2W Boards.

25,000 viewers and 350+ posts in under a month.

The Top Thread in T2W history is Socrates "Plain Vanilla Options"

Both these treads were started in Jan this year.

Socractes thread has already gone past 35,000 views and over 1,200 posts.

There must be something in these Two threads that get all this attention.

Do you really think it is what the dunces say, really, for if you do, then you are indeed the biggest dunce of all. :cheesy:

Perhaps there is nothing better elsewhere?

How is your new Private Forum doing, btw, the one where you asked all of your subscribers to your Private Compilations 😆 🙄 to PM you for some important news 😆 🙄

Is it still saying "never"

I bet it is, and I bet it will be saying "never" for a long time to come :cheesy:

Why dont you start a new private forum called The Dunces, you will at least get 6 to join you there, and maybe ye can all sit yere exams again, but I would not be expecting any miracles now, for you have really picked a right bunch of Yobs there, well suited I might say, just your cup of tea :cheesy:
CYOF said:
I will continue to educate the dunces for the benefit of others :idea:


Some of Us can trade and post at the same time - but you need to know what you are doing for to be able to do that, which none of you dunces will ever be able to do.

Go over to my Buy & Sell thread, we are waiting for the next person to have ago - please, go and show us what you can do, for we will not ridicule you, we will actually help you if you need help, really, and even if you can call some winning trades, in real time, with a running commentry, live, then we will show you how to do it with multiple instruments, really :idea:

Mr Dunce b Phoney ix, the Foyer man 🙄

It is a wonder you have not yet requested this thread to be sent to the Foye, like you did with the "How To Think Correctly Thread" - were you waiting for the other dunces to make a fool of themselves first, as you usually do.Boy, you lot are really as thick as forty planks put together, really. :idea:

I will not let ye drag this one down, as some have shown an interest in worthwhile discussions, but as you lot of school bullys persist to post your usual graffiti, like the back of the class fellow, Mr Dicatti, and the other thimble head who sits alongside him, whose name I have forgotten, 🙄 as he is of no consequence what so ever.

Let me educate ye somewhat, as I know ye struggle all of the time, in understanding the basic of basics.

The simple answer to your question is that this thread is the Second Highest viewed thread in the recent history of T2W Boards.

25,000 viewers and 350+ posts in under a month.

The Top Thread in T2W history is Socrates "Plain Vanilla Options"

Both these treads were started in Jan this year.

Socractes thread has already gone past 35,000 views and over 1,200 posts.

There must be something in these Two threads that get all this attention.

Do you really think it is what the dunces say, really, for if you do, then you are indeed the biggest dunce of all. :cheesy:

Perhaps there is nothing better elsewhere?

How is your new Private Forum doing, btw, the one where you asked all of your subscribers to your Private Compilations 😆 🙄 to PM you for some important news 😆 🙄

Is it still saying "never"

I bet it is, and I bet it will be saying "never" for a long time to come :cheesy:

Why dont you start a new private forum called The Dunces, you will at least get 6 to join you there, and maybe ye can all sit yere exams again, but I would not be expecting any miracles now, for you have really picked a right bunch of Yobs there, well suited I might say, just your cup of tea :cheesy:
No, not exactly, I hold the record with 143 thousand views for Journey from the Basement.
I stopped.....because I eventually got fed up with struggling with dunces.....and then....a new if they had not had it explained clearly enough....and of course the messages imparted therein had not landed.........🙄 ........Oh dear Oh dear.........Commentary on Journey from the Basement in which the dunces went on to discuss among themselves what is patently obvious....funny...nothing ever changes......😆 ...and then I am accused of being snobbish, autocratic and a wordsmith....yes really....hilarious....😆

The simple answer to your question is that this thread is the SECOND highest
viewed thread in intire history of T2W Boards. 25,000 viewers and 350+ posts
in under a month.

The TOP THREAD in T2W history is Mine,,,,,,, "Plain vanilla options" Both these
treads were started on 22 Jan this year.

My thread has already gone past 35,000 views and over 1,200 posts.

There must be something in these TWO threads that get all this attention.
Perhaps there is nothing better elsewhere? Hows your thread doing???

"Allof it is obvious" as Pod G says " If you do not understand this....then you ought not to be reading it......😆 ought not to be reading it at all".

no doubt this explains the circulation of chat magazines, or the queue's on the M1 when there's been an accident on the other carriageway. Insult enough people and you will invariably draw a large response, though we should know better I admit.

I wouldn't flatter yourself too much here.

the blades said:
no doubt this explains the circulation of chat magazines, or the queue's on the M1 when there's been an accident on the other carriageway. Insult enough people and you will invariably draw a large response, though we should know better I admit.

I wouldn't flatter yourself too much here.


the blades said:
no doubt this explains the circulation of chat magazines, or the queue's on the M1 when there's been an accident on the other carriageway. Insult enough people and you will invariably draw a large response, though we should know better I admit.

I wouldn't flatter yourself too much here.

Yes exactly you are what you everything.........😆 ........or nothing.

The simple answer to your question is that this thread is the SECOND highest
viewed thread in intire history of T2W Boards. 25,000 viewers and 350+ posts
in under a month.

The TOP THREAD in T2W history is Mine,,,,,,, "Plain vanilla options" Both these
treads were started on 22 Jan this year.

My thread has already gone past 35,000 views and over 1,200 posts.

There must be something in these TWO threads that get all this attention.
Perhaps there is nothing better elsewhere? Hows your thread doing???

"Allof it is obvious" as Pod G says " If you do not understand this....then you ought not to be reading it......😆 ought not to be reading it at all".

lol well thats a blatant lie for a start.. since you S Club 3.4 guys are such fans of the truth, you may want to observe these truths..

Dow 2005 - 8,193 posts, 283,647 views
Dow 2006 - 3,401 posts , 140,016 views
Trading the SPX - 1080 posts 64,960 views

and thats just for starters, there are probably some others i have missed.

and if you dont understand the real reason why "your" threads get so much attention, then there has to be a problem somewhere..

its like a victorian freakshow in here sometimes 😉
FetteredChinos said:
lol well thats a blatant lie for a start.. since you S Club 3.4 guys are such fans of the truth, you may want to observe these truths..

Dow 2005 - 8,193 posts, 283,647 views
Dow 2006 - 3,401 posts , 140,016 views
Trading the SPX - 1080 posts 64,960 views

and thats just for starters, there are probably some others i have missed.

and if you dont understand the real reason why "your" threads get so much attention, then there has to be a problem somewhere..

its like a victorian freakshow in here sometimes 😉
Are you trying to argue with me fettered ?

Look at the facts.Get your calculator out while you are at it.

My thread hit 35000 views inside a month, just over 3 weeks.

You are talking of threads that run for one whole year, and all of them are drivel.

But I am not so concerned with quantity, I am concerned with quality.

After I complete my thread I am going to do another one again.......😆 ....... another series of 20 trades, live, and I have not yet decided which instrument.

But I shall not be doing it on this website.

Then you can go and accuse who you like of telling blatant lies and of running a victorian freakshow and put yourself in it if you like, as it makes no difference to me.
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