The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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CYOF said:
I have saved some of THE SIBERIAN TRUTH ENHANCER for tonight, as I want to get a good dream to find out the real Truth.

Be prepared for a good conclusion tomorrow - for LouDean has told me that this SIBERIAN TRUTH ENHANCER MAGIC MUSHROOM is laced with VODKA 😀

They say that dreams come true - well -guess what was on my computer this morning - exactly what I dreamt of last night. 😱

Now, all of this may not be 100% correct, as some things may be changing, and the names on some of the Buckets may magically change themselves - BUT, there are definitely two (2)names that will never change, no matter what happens :idea:

Do you know what two (2) Buckets they are :?:

The remainder of my dream will be posted later, as I need to relax for a while after that dose last night, for the VODKA was a little Russian like, and that stuff is LETHAL 😆

"SAINT" a kind of ring to it....maybe attached to a key...key may fit a door...door may belong to a padded cell...


  • siberiantruthenhancerjj9.jpg
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PKFFW said:
Secondly, as you seem to have little to no understanding of what is meant by Realisation as it pertains to Spiritual Ability then I can assure you that you have no idea if I am wasting my time or not.

Very true. However, stating something is the truth does not make it so. Just as stating something is not the truth does not make that so either.


Well, Pk

Firstly, in relation to The Truth, you are 100% correct, and that is why FACTS are required.

Socrates has posted the Live Options Trades for all to see - and even called some of them well in advance - FACT

Myself, I have done some Stock trades with AXP for the last 2 days, again, posting nearly 90 posts with a live running commentary, calling the entries, some in advance, then what the market is doing, and what I will do next, as preparing to exit shortly, for example - FACT

These TRUTHS are there for all to see - and they are TRUTHS because the FACTS are there to support the TRUTHS :idea:

Now, sometimes we will have no FACTS, as what we are trying to understand is not possible to express with WORDS, as WORDS are but MANS expression of his limited consciousness awareness.

Secondly, some readers may be interested in what YOU mean by Realisation, as if is not in relation to mere mortal conscious awareness, or not in relation to Initiation - meaning:

Initiation: From the Latin root meaning the first principles of any science. Process of penetrating into the mysteries of the science of the Self and of the one self in all selves. The Path of Initiation is the final stage of [219] the path of evolution trodden by man, and is divided into five stages, called the Five Initiations.

I will say, however, if you thinking along the lines of Religion, then it may be wise to just say so and leave it at that.

Religion is a very complicated subject, and by mans own doing, has created many of the problems that we face in the world today - and I will say only one thing on this subject - as it is very personal for many, and goes beyond normal discussion in relation to discovering Truths, and that is, just look all around you, and see what Man has created throughout History, all his own doing, and the majority of the doing been BAD, and this BAD DOING was DONE FOR A REASON, and that reason WAS - IS - AND ALWAYS WILL BE


Socrates was indeed a WISE MAN, and I will post this very important information again, for, it is MY VIEW that it is a VERY BIG part of the Jigsaw of Life, but you can't take this VIEW in isolation, and the reason is:


something that Socrates and the many WISE MEN of the past did not have access to - instead they were made to SHUT UP - OR DIE, and, can you imagine where we would be now if the had access to what MODERN SCIENCE HAS NOW REVEALED TO MAN :idea:

BUT - what about the PYRAMIDS of Giza, and the GREAT SPHINX

Do you really think little Egyptian Men were able to move those massive structures - and place them with such precision that even the finest instruments today can not find any errors in the exactitude of the measurements :idea:

And the INCAS & AZTECS - what about them :?:

They never developed a WRITTEN LANGUAGE, and were ignorant to the developments in the Cuneiform Text, as far as my memory serves me(just in case I am corrected here) and with just basic symbols wrer able to construct the massive temples, with similar exactitude to that of the Egyptian Monuments :idea:

What do you think allowed all these MAGNIFICENT THINGS to happen - which if were to be repeated today, would take some of the greatest minds in the world, with all the available technology at their disposal, and, there is every likleyhood, that they would not be able to complete the same FEATS.

Do you THINK you know WHY :?:

Now that is a REAL TRUTH to discover - for if you discover that TRUTH, you will have unlocked the Mystery of Mankind - which so many have tried to unlock, BUT, guess what, AGAIN, when ever they come close to discovering some REAL TRUTHS, things suddenly start to go wrong, and things magically start to disappear, and I can tell you this, for nothing, these disappearances have nothing to do with Leprechauns, for I have asked LouDean, and he has told me that even the Leprechauns are not privy to these REAL TRUTHS, and if they go in search of same, they will lose their Magical Powers, for many many ions ago, a certain group of Individuals cast a spell on all of the world - and that spell was called:


I will give you one guess who the KEEPERS OF THE SPELL are - and I do not mean T2W or anything like that, for this stuff is indeed serious, very serious, and it is so serious that many will never even contemplate it - for that is the way it is -the majority are meant to be kept IGNORANT -for obvious reasons :idea:

BUT WAIT - there is a little thing called FREE WILL - and I do not mean the Killer Whale, the one who goes by the name of FREE WILLY :idea:

FREE WILL means the possibility TO CHOOSE -and guess what is next, YES, you guessed it:

chump said:
"SAINT" a kind of ring to it....maybe attached to a key...key may fit a door...door may belong to a padded cell...

WILL you not join the list CHUMP :?:

We may need some MODERN DAY THERAPY to deal with all the GOLD :idea:

GO WAN......GO WAN...... GO WAN
No, but it would be good to see you save on the wind (and god have the Irish got a lot of that 😉 )
and just post on trading because you know buggerall about psychology 😉 ...and Bull stop pulling his isn't becoming in a grown man and it does you no credit at all .... Jon and Frugi have tried their best to do a job (unpaid) ...there isn't a spiteful or malicious bone in their bodies ,but you keep coming back to them with your juvenile complaint ...perhaps you were right ,perhaps they were right , perhaps everybody misunderstood each other because you are all simply human and will err ...seriously get past it's the kind of behaviour I'd expect from a young person perhaps ,but from you it is embarassing ...pick a number you ask ..I've had your number from the start 😉
You raise a couple of issues that I actually find intersting so I find myself again replying.

CYOF said:
Secondly, some readers may be interested in what YOU mean by Realisation, as if is not in relation to mere mortal conscious awareness, or not in relation to Initiation - meaning:

Initiation: From the Latin root meaning the first principles of any science. Process of penetrating into the mysteries of the science of the Self and of the one self in all selves. The Path of Initiation is the final stage of [219] the path of evolution trodden by man, and is divided into five stages, called the Five Initiations.

I will say, however, if you thinking along the lines of Religion, then it may be wise to just say so and leave it at that.

Religion is a very complicated subject, and by mans own doing, has created many of the problems that we face in the world today - and I will say only one thing on this subject - as it is very personal for many, and goes beyond normal discussion in relation to discovering Truths, and that is, just look all around you, and see what Man has created throughout History, all his own doing, and the majority of the doing been BAD, and this BAD DOING was DONE FOR A REASON, and that reason WAS - IS - AND ALWAYS WILL BE

I have said I will not tell you what I mean when I refer to Realisation. As you so often say, the joy is in the discovering not in the telling.

One thing I will say is, as I have said before, I am referring to Realisation as it pertains to Spiritual Ability and not to religion. The two are distinct and differnt to eachother.
CYOF said:
BUT - what about the PYRAMIDS of Giza, and the GREAT SPHINX

Do you really think little Egyptian Men were able to move those massive structures - and place them with such precision that even the finest instruments today can not find any errors in the exactitude of the measurements :idea:

And the INCAS & AZTECS - what about them :?:

They never developed a WRITTEN LANGUAGE, and were ignorant to the developments in the Cuneiform Text, as far as my memory serves me(just in case I am corrected here) and with just basic symbols wrer able to construct the massive temples, with similar exactitude to that of the Egyptian Monuments :idea:

What do you think allowed all these MAGNIFICENT THINGS to happen - which if were to be repeated today, would take some of the greatest minds in the world, with all the available technology at their disposal, and, there is every likleyhood, that they would not be able to complete the same FEATS.

Do you THINK you know WHY :?:
I'm sorry to disabuse you of your illusions but the above is a load of codswallop. It has been shown quite clearly how these feats could be achieved with the technology and man power available at the time.

It is a common prideful assumption that the ancients were somehow not as smart as modern humans. That they could not have done what they did without some mysterious arcane knowledge lost to us. That just isn't the case. Modern humans are no more inherently intelligent than ancient Greeks or Egyptians. We are simply better educated.

Now, because of that better education we fall victim to pride. We believe if we don't know how something was done then it couldn't possibly be done by those ancients. The truth is, those who think that way have simply not educated themselves on the matter.
CYOF said:
Now that is a REAL TRUTH to discover - for if you discover that TRUTH, you will have unlocked the Mystery of Mankind - which so many have tried to unlock, BUT, guess what, AGAIN, when ever they come close to discovering some REAL TRUTHS, things suddenly start to go wrong, and things magically start to disappear, and I can tell you this, for nothing, these disappearances have nothing to do with Leprechauns, for I have asked LouDean, and he has told me that even the Leprechauns are not privy to these REAL TRUTHS, and if they go in search of same, they will lose their Magical Powers, for many many ions ago, a certain group of Individuals cast a spell on all of the world - and that spell was called:


I will give you one guess who the KEEPERS OF THE SPELL are - and I do not mean T2W or anything like that, for this stuff is indeed serious, very serious, and it is so serious that many will never even contemplate it - for that is the way it is -the majority are meant to be kept IGNORANT -for obvious reasons :idea:

BUT WAIT - there is a little thing called FREE WILL - and I do not mean the Killer Whale, the one who goes by the name of FREE WILLY :idea:

FREE WILL means the possibility TO CHOOSE -and guess what is next, YES, you guessed it:

Many have unlocked the Mystery of Mankind as you put it. Anyone else can too if they apply themselves. The trick is to stay walking on the path to one's destination and not get caught up stopping to smell the roses.

chump said:
No, but it would be good to see you save on the wind (and god have the Irish got a lot of that 😉 )
and just post on trading because you know buggerall about psychology 😉 ...and Bull stop pulling his isn't becoming in a grown man and it does you no credit at all .... Jon and Frugi have tried their best to do a job (unpaid) ...there isn't a spiteful or malicious bone in their bodies ,but you keep coming back to them with your juvenile complaint ...perhaps you were right ,perhaps they were right , perhaps everybody misunderstood each other because you are all simply human and will err ...seriously get past it's the kind of behaviour I'd expect from a young person perhaps ,but from you it is embarassing ...pick a number you ask ..I've had your number from the start 😉

Oh... so you think we JEST :?:

Well then CHUMP, be prepared for some TRUTH, as THE TRUTH will always prevail, it is only a matter of TIME, guaranteed, watch the NEXT post :idea:

As for Psychology.....modern day Psychology......


Here, do some real reading, and then you may be able to TALK TO - NOT AT SOMEONE, and actually HELP THEM TO HELP THEMSELVES :idea:

Socrates, c.469-399 B.C.
The son of Sophroniscus, a sculptor, and Phaenarete, a midwife, Socrates received the education typical of late 5th century Athenian youth. The most important influence on his intellectual development was his interaction with the Sophists who frequented Athens. Socrates took part in three military campaigns at Potidaea (432-429), Delium (424) and Amphipolis (422) and distinguished himself with his bravery, physical vigor and near Spartan indifference to the harshness of the elements. He was an good citizen but only served once on the Council of 500. He was aloof from politics because of his attention to philosophy, the "love of wisdom." The Oracle at Delphi announced him the wisest man in the world, but he wrote no books. His acquaintances were tied to him by bonds of friendship and admiration -- there was no formal bond of discipleship.

From two of his friends, Xenophon (c.435-354 B.C.) and Plato (c.430-c.354 B.C.), we can learn all we know with certainty about the personality of Socrates. Plato often makes Socrates the mouthpiece of ideas that in all probability were not necessarily held by Socrates. Trained as a soldier and not a philosopher, Xenophon makes Socrates a more commonplace person that he probably was. Given the above, we can be assured that Socrates was a bit on the ugly side and overweight. His wife, Xanthippe, was supposed to have been something of a shrew. Socrates spoke of the "divine sign," a supernatural voice that always prevented him from doing wrong. He was charged in 399 B.C. as "an evil doer and a curious person, searching into things under the earth and above the heaven; and making the worse appear the better cause, and teaching all this to others." The substance of Socrates defense appears in Plato's Apology.

Socrates was condemned by a majority of six votes in a jury numbering 500. He refused to contemplate the alternative to death. Thirty days elapsed because of a sacred mission to Delos. Socrates' friends planned his escape but he refused their offer. Having spent his last days conversing with his friends, as Plato relates in his Phaedo, Socrates drank the fatal dose of hemlock and died.

For Socrates, virtue was knowledge and knowledge was to be obtained by the dialectical technique he borrowed from Zeno. With irony, Socrates would pose the question "what is courage?" He claimed he did not know the answer. But by the skilled use of questions and answers, Socrates would "lead" the student to knowledge. His aim was to act as a midwife to those in labor for knowledge. Such is the Socratic style.


Agana Belea and the Death of Socrates (Harold Ravitch)

The Apology of Plato (MIT)

The Apology of Xenophon (Perseus) Note: Link may be down - check site|none

The Crito of Plato (MIT)

The Death of Socrates, Jacques Louis David, 1787

The Euthyphro of Plato (MIT)

Greek Philosophy: Socrates (Richard Hooker)

How Socrates Taught (Sanderson Beck)

The Last Days of Socrates (Clark College)

The Life of Socrates (Sanderson Beck)

The Phaedo of Plato (MIT)

Socrates entry (Garth Kemerling)
From the

Don't be hard on CYOF. He has no friends and has a need to feel valued. Therefore, he may be posting here for a long time.
I would tell him to feck off but his disappearance would deprive many people of a source of amusement during moments of boredom.
However, he still persists in parading other peoples ideas as his own as pointed out by an astute member in a former post.
Nonetheless, I suppose the village idiot, not knowing any better due to the depth of his stupidity, laughs with those who laugh at him.
Before I post the TRUTH, here is something useful for those who want to print some of this very worthwhile material:

1. Copy the text in Explorer
2. Paste into Notepad - FIRST
3. Copy from Notepad
4. Paste into Word

This will prevent the Explorer formatting, which will put many unnecessary lines in Word if you paste in direct.

If you are a little Creative - you can then make your own Pdf's for free, as such, with any free pdf printer utility, such as Primo Pdf :idea:

I have done the first one for ye - exactly as outline above - all for FREE -because I like you ALL, even CHUMP 😉

neil said:
Don't be hard on CYOF. He has no friends and has a need to feel valued. Therefore, he may be posting here for a long time.
I would tell him to feck off but his disappearance would deprive many people of a source of amusement during moments of boredom.
However, he still persists in parading other peoples ideas as his own as pointed out by an astute member in a former post.
Nonetheless, I suppose the village idiot, not knowing any better due to the depth of his stupidity, laughs with those who laugh at him.

Aha......I had forgot about YOU completely......I wonder WHY :cheesy:

Now, let me see if I can find a FORTY GALLON DRUM - for a BUCKET IS OF NO USE TO YOU :cheesy:
As a footnote, the Socrates of 400BC had an additional charge by the tribune levelled against him, that of corrupting the young....a trumped up charge...because his Socratic Dialogues interfered with the politics of the day and unravelled the schemes of hidden agendas. He refused to recant, refused to cooperate in his planned escape, refused everything and opted to take the hemlock "so that generations to follow would remember that the ultimate truth is more important than a man's life".

Now, I have adopted his name as a nick because I am concerned with facts, and the ultimate truth just like him, but the dilemma is that the ultimate truth is too powerful to give to anyone who just happens to ask for it.

When I first started posting on these boards I was openly prepared to share my knowledge and expertise. I thought....I assumed...that this is what members really wanted,,,,but I soon found out that what members really want is to argue for the sake of it and to engage negatively and to perpetuate silly closed loop ignorant arguments for the sake of them, and to use the site to vent their pent up frustrations hiding behind the anonymity that they percieve are afforded by nicks.

I wrote Journey from the an introductory work for the sole reason I needed to be assured the audience was worthy of the next series of contributions. The Journey from the Basement was a test thread to enable me to discover who's who in the zoo, so to speak, and very soon my worst fears were confirmed and therefore my plans for further instructive threads were abandoned because it was proved to me on a daily basis that the audience in very large measure is unworthy of help and instruction.

For this reason I retracted my intention, and I stick to it.

The first Socrates drunk the poison in defence of a moral ideal.

I am not going to repeat his commitment for the reasons I clearly explain above.

What happens ? The clowns on this site prevent anyone from learning anything. Therefore my view is that it is best if you all remain exactly as you are, as no amount of effort can persuade you to change, because before you can succeed you don't and cannot change anything, but you must be prepared to change yourselves.

This for the great majority is either not possible or viewed as not necessary. This is the primary reason I have arrived at my conclusion that in effect...Traders are Born, and not Made.
Last edited:
PKFFW said:
You raise a couple of issues that I actually find intersting so I find myself again replying.

I have said I will not tell you what I mean when I refer to Realisation. As you so often say, the joy is in the discovering not in the telling.

But you are not telling ME - you are telling the readers - as I have stated - for I have no interest in your way of thinking - for you sound to me as if you do not know anything about what you speak

One thing I will say is, as I have said before, I am referring to Realisation as it pertains to Spiritual Ability and not to religion. The two are distinct and differnt to eachother.

The only Spiritual Ability is THOUGHT - or what is YOUR opinion, if you care to TELL ALL

I'm sorry to disabuse you of your illusions but the above is a load of codswallop. It has been shown quite clearly how these feats could be achieved with the technology and man power available at the time.

To show quite clearly, the feats would have to be replicated, with 100% exactitude.

Have you seen another Pyramid of Giza, or another Sphinx, or another INCA Temple, or, or , or

It is a common prideful assumption that the ancients were somehow not as smart as modern humans. That they could not have done what they did without some mysterious arcane knowledge lost to us. That just isn't the case. Modern humans are no more inherently intelligent than ancient Greeks or Egyptians. We are simply better educated.

Better educated 😆 😆 😆

What EDUCATION 😆 😆 😆 Are you talking about the MAJORITY ACADEMIC NONSENSE, that even the few that CAN TEACH within the WALLS OF WISDOM, have clearly stated, that the MAJORITY are nothing but IGNORAMUSES, ans these IGNORAMUSES purposefully keep INFORMATION from THEIR STUDENTS for personal gratification - EDUCATION YOU SAY - YES - YOU MUST BE TALKING ABOUT OUR ILLUSTRIOUS ALL KNOWING ACADEMICS 🙄

Now, because of that better education we fall victim to pride. We believe if we don't know how something was done then it couldn't possibly be done by those ancients. The truth is, those who think that way have simply not educated themselves on the matter.

Ohh, forgive me for SPEAKING, sorry SIR, may I ask a little awkward question, or will I upset the class, for we do not want to upset the STRUCTURE, for the STRUCTURE is what allows us all to learn 🙄

Many have unlocked the Mystery of Mankind as you put it. Anyone else can too if they apply themselves. The trick is to stay walking on the path to one's destination and not get caught up stopping to smell the roses.

Whilst you have grasped some little bits of TRUTH along YOUR PATH, you are missing the obvious, as usual, and you miss the obvious because you are THE MAJORITY, and it is very obvious that you are THE MAJORITY, for when you open your mouth, your words, those empty vessels coined by Man, give you away, time after time. :idea:


Now, I have some other simple little FACTS for you, and maybe our learned friends, the custodians of CIVILISATION can answer them for US ALL.

Some years ago, the exact date currently escapes my mind, a small CHAMBER was discovered in the wall of the QUEENS CHAMBER in the great Pyramid of Giza.

A crew was brought in by the Egyptian Government to investigate this chamber.

When the small chamber was opened fully, some artifacts were discovered, and one of these was a small wooden artifact of some sort.

PROBLEMO NO.1 - when the small wooden artifact was requested for Carbon Dating, which our great Modern Science has allowed us to use to pinpoint the age of any carbon related material to within a few thousand years, guess what :?:

The little piece of wood had mysteriously vanished - what a pity, some little fellow lost it :idea:

Now, this gets even better.

At the back of the small chamber they discovered a small shaft about 6 Inches square. A German scientist was brought in to design a special Robot to climb up the shaft, and to cut a long story short, they eventually got to the top, after many months of trying.

Lo and behold, at the top of the shaft, the journey which was all recorded on Video Camera, the 6 x 6 chamber opened out into another small chamber, At the back of this chamber was a small timber door with a little handle on it.

The scientist brought back the robot and was going to fit a small flexible camera, like the ones used by the FBI for looking under doors - you have all seen them on TV - when guess what happened next:


The Egyptian Government stopped all investigations and removed everything - confiscated the Videos, and shut the lid on the whole investigation.

Now, why do YOU think they done this?

Was it not in ALL of our interests to see what may be behind that door - if anything :?:

Why not get a piece of timber from the door to replace the one that the poor little fellow lost, so that the carbon dating may be completed to give us a rough guide as to what century this timber came from :?:

Why hide anything :?:

Why prevent THE TRUTH from coming out :?:

Oh wait, wait a little minute, have I said something about POWER & DOMINATION OF THE MAJORITY BY THE FEW :idea:

But surely this can not be, for PK says that we are all well educated people now, and surely if we are all well educated, then we have nothing to hide from anyone - EVER :idea:

I suppose this is ALL RUBBISH as well PK - I am sure you have a very common sense explanation as to why this happened - please do tell us, for maybe your Realisations are better than mine, and maybe you have the answers as to why the world is a RAT RACE.

Tell us ALL - Please DO - we are ALL waiting.

My next post will show another TRUTH - and this one is relative to this site and Trading :idea:
As a footnote, the Socrates of 400BC had an additional charge by the tribune levelled against him, that of corrupting the young....a trumped up charge...because his Socratic Dialogues interfered with the politics of the day and unravelled the schemes of hidden agendas. He refused to recant, refused to cooperate in his planned escape, refused everything and opted to take the hemlock "so that generations to follow would remember that the ultimate truth is more important than a man's life".

Now, I have adopted his name as a nick because I am concerned with facts, and the ultimate truth just like him, but the dilemma is that the ultimate truth is too powerful to give to anyone who just happens to ask for it.

When I first started posting on these boards I was openly prepared to share my knowledge and expertise. I thought....I assumed...that this is what members really wanted,,,,but I soon found out that what members really want is to argue for the sake of it and to engage negatively and to perpetuate silly closed loop ignorant arguments for the sake of them, and to use the site to vent their pent up frustrations hiding behind the anonymity that they percieve are afforded by nicks.

I wrote Journey from the an introductory work for the sole reason I needed to be assured the audience was worthy of the next series of contributions. The Journey from the Basement was a test thread to enable me to discover who's who in the zoo, so to speak, and very soon my worst fears were confirmed and therefore my plans for further instructive threads were abandoned because it was proved to me on a daily basis that the audience in very large measure is unworthy of help and instruction.

For this reason I retracted my intention, and I stick to it.

The first Socrates drunk the poison in defence of a moral ideal.

I am not going to repeat his commitment for the reasons I clearly explain above.

What happens ? The clowns on this site prevent anyone from learning anything. Therefore my view is that it is best if you all remain exactly as you are, as no amount of effort can persuade you to change, because before you can succeed you don't and cannot change anything, but you must be prepared to change yourselves.

This for the great majority is either not possible or viewed as not necessary. This is the primary reason I have arrived at my conclusion that in effect...Traders are Born, and not Made.

Yes Socrates - very well and clearly stated.

We must not forget however, that the majority, for a better word, have been brainwashed for centuries, and like your good self, I have also come to the conscious awareness of this FACT, but even after me providing the supportive FACTS, and I had to do it in such a way that it would be interesting, in a story like fashion, to keep their minds working, so that they may see the Truth behind the information, they still laugh and ridicule, and the irony of it all, like the irony of the Socratic dialogue, is that they are laughing at themselves, but they do not know it 😱

So, I will continue as it helps me also, for the Socratic Dialogue is not just for the benefit of the student, but also for the benefit of the teacher, and if the student wants to remain where the student is, as the majority seem to do, then so be it, the choice is theirs - always has been - always will be.

My Truthful post will now follow - but this discussion is worth the sidetrack - for it is all relevant to the real understanding of The Jigsaw of Life.
You can add my name to that list. The sooner we get 16 names the sooner CY might let go. Only jumped onto this thread yesterday so still catching up! Enjoyed your first couple o' posts CY, love a riddle now and again, but really finding it quite tedious to find the gems! I suppose the path you so often refer to, is the search that makes this whole exercise worhtwhile.
The Truth


Bulldozer has asked me to thank frugi for posting The Truth in relation to his ban, with the re-instating of the post in the Tracking Delta thread. As a follow up, Bulldozer is now asking that his name is removed from the Banned Members section for this post, as this was not correct.

A follow up to this later - as I have to run.

CYOF said:
Yes Socrates - very well and clearly stated.

We must not forget however, that the majority, for a better word, have been brainwashed for centuries, and like your good self, I have also come to the conscious awareness of this FACT, but even after me providing the supportive FACTS, and I had to do it in such a way that it would be interesting, in a story like fashion, to keep their minds working, so that they may see the Truth behind the information, they still laugh and ridicule, and the irony of it all, like the irony of the Socratic dialogue, is that they are laughing at themselves, but they do not know it 😱

So, I will continue as it helps me also, for the Socratic Dialogue is not just for the benefit of the student, but also for the benefit of the teacher, and if the student wants to remain where the student is, as the majority seem to do, then so be it, the choice is theirs - always has been - always will be.

My Truthful post will now follow - but this discussion is worth the sidetrack - for it is all relevant to the real understanding of The Jigsaw of Life.
Yes, well, I can clearly see where you are at and where you are coming from. The thing is, everythng has limits. By this I mean you will continue to learn but you will learn what it is you did not expect lo learn, although it seems to me you are well on the path and progressing well in personally experiencing the carbunklery of humanity. Then and only then, will you be ready for the next stage, and not before.
Journey from the Basement

I wrote Journey from the an introductory work for the sole reason I needed to be assured the audience was worthy of the next series of contributions. The Journey from the Basement was a test thread to enable me to discover who's who in the zoo, so to speak, and very soon my worst fears were confirmed and therefore my plans for further instructive threads were abandoned because it was proved to me on a daily basis that the audience in very large measure is unworthy of help and instruction.

Hi Socrates,

That is too bad. It is a very interesting and mind opening thread.

penrithem said:
You can add my name to that list. The sooner we get 16 names the sooner CY might let go.

Done !

2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
12 penrithem
16 Charlton
new_trader said:
Hi Socrates,

That is too bad. It is a very interesting and mind opening thread.

Yes, you are right, and that is what i intended, and if you notice, I had to resort to all sorts of devices to get people to be able to get to grips with it, from reasoned structured judgement right down to having to resort to using allegories, like you would have to talk to children, but sadly only very few are able to penetrate the fogs of their own perceptions that they are unwilling or unable to let go of, with the final consequence, being the sheer futility of continuing.
Soccy, you know why I find you insufferable? Because you keep on saying you are always right and every body else is stupid. Serioudsly man.

I noticed you quoted Einstein somewhere. What about these:

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods

If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.

Maybe you are more of a genius than our physicist here, but you will do very well to realise that even the best among us don't know the Truth and will do well to keep our mouths shut from time to time.
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