The Sequel
CYOF said:
I had a dream last night - a flying dream - and it went as follows:
I was flying over the wide Ocean, the Sky was brilliant Blue, and the smell of fresh air was all around. In the distance I spotted a little Island. I headed over, and as I approached, I saw a big building with T2W wrote on the top of the roof.
I heard a lot of screams coming from the building, so I headed down and landed easy on the roof, as it was made of perspects. Inside, I could see everyone scurrying around, running here and there, some falling down, then getting back up again, only to be knocked down again immediately. This had me amazed, for as soon as the people who were falling down got up, there was someone waiting to knock them down again. These people were not scurrying like the rest, and they were stationary.
This made me wonder, so I decided to try something. I flew up high, and gathered some clouds together. When I had enough gathered, I then started to blow on the clouds until rain started to appear. I kept blowing, harder and harder, until some hailstones started. I kept it up, and eventually the hailstones were the size of tennis balls.
What happened next was amazing - the tennis ball hailstones fell down with such force that the shattered the perspects roof on the top of the T2W building. Everyone inside dived for cover and headed for the exits. Then, the hailstones stopped.
What do you think happened next?
Yep, everyone headed back inside and started the same old lark, over and over, the same as if nothing had happened 😱
But, guess what, some of the people were still standing outside, so I headed down to see why they did not go back in right away, as I was very curious.
"Hello" I said, "are you 16 OK, for that was a heavy shower there"?
"Yes", they all replied in sync.
"What is going on in there, as it seemed all funny to me", I said.
One replied in earnest, as follows:
"Well, it is like this. Since we arrived here, some of us have been trying to explain to others that what they are doing is just wasting their time, going around in circles each and evey day, and getting nowhere. Then, for some silly reason, we get knocked down by the certain people, the ones who stand still, for they are easy to spot. Every time we get up, we are pushed down again
immediately, so even though we keep shouting to tell the people, they seem to never hear us"
"That is funny", I said, " let me go and see if I can find out what is wrong"
Then I woke up - maybe I will finish the dream tonight, but it is very hard to pick up on a previous dream, but I will try and see.
Anyone care to help me out here, with the answer, just in case I can't return to my dream :?:
Here is the rest of my dream last night - I will have to gwet my white coat on again later on, and start shovelling those Siberanian Truth Ehhancers into the buckets - and let us not forget the Forty Gallon Drum, as well.
The Sequel
I left the 16 and headed in to see if anything was different after the hailstones; for I thought that the shock of the large hailstones may have changed things somewhat.
When I got inside the T2W building the fighting had started all over again, with the stationary guys bullying the others into submission, by knocking them down again. The newbie’s were not even spared, and they too got a good knocking as they tried to feel their way around the perimeter of the building.
I decided to exit – as I could see that this was going to require some serious thinking.
As I was coming out of the building I then saw the 16 were still together and discussing things among themselves, but, they looked like they were confused and couldn't decide if they should return to that same old routine and knocking down in the T2W building.
Then, suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, we noticed a huge
Gold Coloured Bulldozer arriving with the words
Theta Time Machine written on the front.
It was driven by a
GREEK looking bearded fat man who looked like Demis Rouso, and there was a passenger in the front seat with a head of a
Black Bull, who was studying a map in great detail.
The Golden Bulldozer had 17 vacant seats in the back. It stopped outside the building with a screeching of brakes, and it stared a mini sandstorm.
The Greek driver said to the 16, who were looking with great interest, as the rays of the sun reflected off the Gold Bulldozer, “I have 17 empty seats, so hop in quickly before anyone else tries to jump in”.
The Black Bull then looked up at the Greek, and said, in a very distinct voice, “Do not wait more than 16 seconds for the 16 to get on board”.
The 16 mumbled and squabbled about the title at the front of this magnificent Golden Bulldozer, which read Theta Time Machine, BUT, they did NOT get in before the 16 seconds had passed, as they did not notice the time with their squabbling.
Suddenly, the Golden Bulldozer drove away at slow pace.
As it drove away past the 16, straight in front of me, the door swung wide open.
Inside, I noticed it had the words
MONEY MONEY MONEY written at the rear, and the music song to ABBA’s record of the same name played in stereo, and the music started to get louder and louder.
I run after the Golden bulldozer as fast as I could, and caught up, and with one huge leap jumped on board. As soon as I got in the doors slammed shut and sped away.
What I saw next was nothing short of amazing.
The gear stick was made of
Platinum, and all around the edges of the 17 seats was a
Gold Rope. Above the sets, on the sides, there were several slots, which looked like mailing boxes, but were much bigger, the type that would hold maps.
Suddenly I heard a movement, and turning around I saw the Black Bull staring at me, with a very serious look in his eyes.
“You like what you see” he said, with a big grin from ear to ear.
“Yes”, I said, but this is overwhelming.
“Never mind that, do you believe in
The Truth” he said.
“Yes, always, nothing else” I said.
The Black bull continued, “Good, for this Golden Bulldozer is only for those that believe, as those that believe have already taken the first step in the long journey, and the purpose of the Golden Bulldozer is to assist those who have taken this mighty leap.
However, we are very selective in who we allow in here, for many have tried to get in to discover the great Truths which we hold.
But, to counteract the
Evil that tries to destroy the Truth, I have been given these
Big Black Horns, and if anyone tries to mess with the Golden Bulldozer, then they will get rammed with these horns, right in the
Groin, where it is effective, immediately”
“But what are all these boxes and maps for”, I asked.
The Black Bull replied “Simple, they are but the routes we take when we are on our journey. We have travelled these routes for many many years, and now, like a good mountaineer, we have the correct map for the journey at hand. The maps are so exact, that the
Golden Bulldozer is on
Autopilot most of the time, and it is only when we encounter a
Black Hole, or a
Black Swan, that we disengage Autopilot and take control, and also, as another safeguard, we have installed an
Early Warning Device that knows well in advance if any of the Black Holes or Black Swans are in any of our map routes. Is all this clear”
“Yes, but what about the 16 empty seats”, I asked
“Well, I think you know the answer to that, better than me”, he smiled.
We sped off into the clear blue sky, and as I looked down from above, I could see 16 little dots on the ground, still outside the T2W building, walking towards the front door of the building.
I smiled to myself, and turned to the Black Bull, and was just about to ask him another question, when, I woke up.
LouDean, where are you, please, the viewers want to know what I was about to ask the Black Bull, and what his reply will be.
"CYOF, please be patient, for you know I am still in Siberia, and what is more, it is very cold over here, ,and this Russian Vodka is no way as good as our Paddy Whiskey, in fact, it is no better than a bottle of Plonk, but it sure as hell makes you dream when taken with the new Siberian Truth Enhancer, does it not"
"Ok, LouDean, as usual, you know best. Send me on the next batch when ready, and remember, we have a Forty Gallon Drum to fill this time, as well.