The Little Circle

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Soccy, you know why I find you insufferable? Because you keep on saying you are always right and every body else is stupid. Serioudsly man.

I noticed you quoted Einstein somewhere. What about these:

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods

If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.

Maybe you are more of a genius than our physicist here, but you will do very well to realise that even the best among us don't know the Truth and will do well to keep our mouths shut from time to time.
That is precisely it. You don't know and what is more you don't want to know and probably you don't want anyone else to know. But there are at least 3 of us who know and can prove it.

Now, you carry on like that just like an ostrich buries its head in the sand in the idiotic belief that because it cannot see you you cannot see it and what you get is torpor.

Now, there are three people wishing to tell you the truth, one is CYOF, the other is Bulldozer who banned himself, and then there is me.

How many times do you have to see the evidence before you stop contradicting ?

How many times does it have to be explained to you before you realise? How many ?

This applies to you and to Profitaker and to Duccatti.

Duccatti is out of the picture for the moment .... he is "jogging" ......we will see if his own fog has lifted when he comes back. Einstien never said he was a genius, it was said about him. He said he was not a genius, he just admitted persisting with a problem that little bit longer, which is what I am doing.
Soccy, you know why I find you insufferable? Because you keep on saying you are always right and every body else is stupid. Serioudsly man.

I noticed you quoted Einstein somewhere. What about these:

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods

If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.

Maybe you are more of a genius than our physicist here, but you will do very well to realise that even the best among us don't know the Truth and will do well to keep our mouths shut from time to time.

You again, you are really becoming the Wrong Thread Man in every sense of the word :cheesy:

Truth - you would not know Truth if it jumped up and bit you on your bottom 🙄

A is the first letter of the alphabet :idea:

Z is the last letter :idea:

There are 24 letters in between :idea:

The square root of 24 = 4.898979486 :idea:

The cubed root of 4.898979486 = 1.69838133 :idea:

Do you know the Real Value of 1.698838133 :?:

It is not the start or the finish that matters most -it is what is In Between :cheesy:
CYOF said:
You again, you are really becoming the Wrong Thread Man in every sense of the word :cheesy:

Truth - you would not know Truth if it jumped up and bit you on your bottom 🙄

A is the first letter of the alphabet :idea:

Z is the last letter :idea:

There are 24 letters in between :idea:

The square root of 24 = 4.898979486 :idea:

The cubed root of 4.898979486 = 1.69838133 :idea:

Do you know the Real Value of 1.698838133 :?:

It is not the start or the finish that matters most -it is what is In Between :cheesy:

I couldn't read all that, way too long, but I bet you are saying you know the Truth and Einstein doesn't know the Truth and all that. You kill me, you really do.
What are you on, buddy? You are a complete nut case. You don't know anything about me, old man. You are beyond redemption, nutcase. You keep on saying you are a genius, you know this and that. You are a fantasist, you really are. I better quit wasting my time with you, soccy the sock.
All I know about you is that you argue for the sake of it...hahaha...I never said I was a genius...I said I persist with a problem that litle bit longer...but it seems to me that you are a genuine ass, which is a different proposition altogether.

I have just been talking to Bulldoder who adds that the truth will not kill you but not knowing the truth will hurt you and your pocket...hahaha...funny....and don't forget the by product = TORPOR.....hahaha
And now just for fun up goes the market...hahaha...perfectly in line with my expectation, u c ?
CYOF said:
A is the first letter of the alphabet, Z is the last letter, There are 24 letters in between, The square root of 24 = 4.898979486,The cubed root of 4.898979486 = 1.69838133

This whole natural law vibration idea has some merit, but its a lot more complex than a simple harmonic series. Im not sure why you refer to the alphabet in this argument. Surely its a bit arbitary taking a 26 letter alphabet, There are many alphabets, some have more than double the characters.
The Sequel

CYOF said:
I had a dream last night - a flying dream - and it went as follows:

I was flying over the wide Ocean, the Sky was brilliant Blue, and the smell of fresh air was all around. In the distance I spotted a little Island. I headed over, and as I approached, I saw a big building with T2W wrote on the top of the roof.

I heard a lot of screams coming from the building, so I headed down and landed easy on the roof, as it was made of perspects. Inside, I could see everyone scurrying around, running here and there, some falling down, then getting back up again, only to be knocked down again immediately. This had me amazed, for as soon as the people who were falling down got up, there was someone waiting to knock them down again. These people were not scurrying like the rest, and they were stationary.

This made me wonder, so I decided to try something. I flew up high, and gathered some clouds together. When I had enough gathered, I then started to blow on the clouds until rain started to appear. I kept blowing, harder and harder, until some hailstones started. I kept it up, and eventually the hailstones were the size of tennis balls.

What happened next was amazing - the tennis ball hailstones fell down with such force that the shattered the perspects roof on the top of the T2W building. Everyone inside dived for cover and headed for the exits. Then, the hailstones stopped.

What do you think happened next?

Yep, everyone headed back inside and started the same old lark, over and over, the same as if nothing had happened 😱

But, guess what, some of the people were still standing outside, so I headed down to see why they did not go back in right away, as I was very curious.

"Hello" I said, "are you 16 OK, for that was a heavy shower there"?

"Yes", they all replied in sync.

"What is going on in there, as it seemed all funny to me", I said.

One replied in earnest, as follows:

"Well, it is like this. Since we arrived here, some of us have been trying to explain to others that what they are doing is just wasting their time, going around in circles each and evey day, and getting nowhere. Then, for some silly reason, we get knocked down by the certain people, the ones who stand still, for they are easy to spot. Every time we get up, we are pushed down again
immediately, so even though we keep shouting to tell the people, they seem to never hear us"

"That is funny", I said, " let me go and see if I can find out what is wrong"

Then I woke up - maybe I will finish the dream tonight, but it is very hard to pick up on a previous dream, but I will try and see.

Anyone care to help me out here, with the answer, just in case I can't return to my dream :?:


Here is the rest of my dream last night - I will have to gwet my white coat on again later on, and start shovelling those Siberanian Truth Ehhancers into the buckets - and let us not forget the Forty Gallon Drum, as well. 😆

The Sequel

I left the 16 and headed in to see if anything was different after the hailstones; for I thought that the shock of the large hailstones may have changed things somewhat.

When I got inside the T2W building the fighting had started all over again, with the stationary guys bullying the others into submission, by knocking them down again. The newbie’s were not even spared, and they too got a good knocking as they tried to feel their way around the perimeter of the building.

I decided to exit – as I could see that this was going to require some serious thinking.

As I was coming out of the building I then saw the 16 were still together and discussing things among themselves, but, they looked like they were confused and couldn't decide if they should return to that same old routine and knocking down in the T2W building.

Then, suddenly, out of the clear blue sky, we noticed a huge Gold Coloured Bulldozer arriving with the words Theta Time Machine written on the front.

It was driven by a GREEK looking bearded fat man who looked like Demis Rouso, and there was a passenger in the front seat with a head of a Black Bull, who was studying a map in great detail.

The Golden Bulldozer had 17 vacant seats in the back. It stopped outside the building with a screeching of brakes, and it stared a mini sandstorm.

The Greek driver said to the 16, who were looking with great interest, as the rays of the sun reflected off the Gold Bulldozer, “I have 17 empty seats, so hop in quickly before anyone else tries to jump in”.

The Black Bull then looked up at the Greek, and said, in a very distinct voice, “Do not wait more than 16 seconds for the 16 to get on board”.

The 16 mumbled and squabbled about the title at the front of this magnificent Golden Bulldozer, which read Theta Time Machine, BUT, they did NOT get in before the 16 seconds had passed, as they did not notice the time with their squabbling.

Suddenly, the Golden Bulldozer drove away at slow pace.

As it drove away past the 16, straight in front of me, the door swung wide open.

Inside, I noticed it had the words MONEY MONEY MONEY written at the rear, and the music song to ABBA’s record of the same name played in stereo, and the music started to get louder and louder.

I run after the Golden bulldozer as fast as I could, and caught up, and with one huge leap jumped on board. As soon as I got in the doors slammed shut and sped away.

What I saw next was nothing short of amazing.

The gear stick was made of Platinum, and all around the edges of the 17 seats was a Gold Rope. Above the sets, on the sides, there were several slots, which looked like mailing boxes, but were much bigger, the type that would hold maps.

Suddenly I heard a movement, and turning around I saw the Black Bull staring at me, with a very serious look in his eyes.

“You like what you see” he said, with a big grin from ear to ear.

“Yes”, I said, but this is overwhelming.

“Never mind that, do you believe in The Truth” he said.

“Yes, always, nothing else” I said.

The Black bull continued, “Good, for this Golden Bulldozer is only for those that believe, as those that believe have already taken the first step in the long journey, and the purpose of the Golden Bulldozer is to assist those who have taken this mighty leap.

However, we are very selective in who we allow in here, for many have tried to get in to discover the great Truths which we hold.

But, to counteract the Evil that tries to destroy the Truth, I have been given these Big Black Horns, and if anyone tries to mess with the Golden Bulldozer, then they will get rammed with these horns, right in the Groin, where it is effective, immediately”

“But what are all these boxes and maps for”, I asked.

The Black Bull replied “Simple, they are but the routes we take when we are on our journey. We have travelled these routes for many many years, and now, like a good mountaineer, we have the correct map for the journey at hand. The maps are so exact, that the Golden Bulldozer is on Autopilot most of the time, and it is only when we encounter a Black Hole, or a Black Swan, that we disengage Autopilot and take control, and also, as another safeguard, we have installed an Early Warning Device that knows well in advance if any of the Black Holes or Black Swans are in any of our map routes. Is all this clear”

“Yes, but what about the 16 empty seats”, I asked

“Well, I think you know the answer to that, better than me”, he smiled.

We sped off into the clear blue sky, and as I looked down from above, I could see 16 little dots on the ground, still outside the T2W building, walking towards the front door of the building.

I smiled to myself, and turned to the Black Bull, and was just about to ask him another question, when, I woke up.

LouDean, where are you, please, the viewers want to know what I was about to ask the Black Bull, and what his reply will be.

"CYOF, please be patient, for you know I am still in Siberia, and what is more, it is very cold over here, ,and this Russian Vodka is no way as good as our Paddy Whiskey, in fact, it is no better than a bottle of Plonk, but it sure as hell makes you dream when taken with the new Siberian Truth Enhancer, does it not"

"Ok, LouDean, as usual, you know best. Send me on the next batch when ready, and remember, we have a Forty Gallon Drum to fill this time, as well. 😱
Do they make 40 Gallon drums?...I thought they were 45 Gallon job's....hmmm.. 😕
zupcon said:
This whole natural law vibration idea has some merit, but its a lot more complex than a simple harmonic series. Im not sure why you refer to the alphabet in this argument. Surely its a bit arbitary taking a 26 letter alphabet, There are many alphabets, some have more than double the characters.

Ah Zu,

The study of History - in the Right Quarters - can reveal many Truths.

Is it really arbitrary :?:

Did I just happen to come up with this within a few minutes of thinking :?:

If so, then what does it mean :?:

If not, then what does it mean :?:

Remember what the Buddha said, for he was in the KNOW

The Lord Buddha has said that we must not believe in a thing said merely because it
is said; nor traditions because they have been handed down from antiquity; nor
rumors, as such; nor writings by sages, because sages wrote them; nor fancies that
we may suspect to have been inspired in us by a Deva (that is, in presumed spiritual
inspiration); nor from inferences drawn from some haphazard assumption we may
have made; nor because of what seems an analogical necessity; nor on the mere
authority of our teachers or masters. But we are to believe when the writing,
doctrine, or saying is corroborated by our own reason and consciousness. "For this,"
says he in concluding, "I taught you not to believe merely because you have heard,
but when you believed of your consciousness, then to act accordingly and

- Secret Doctrine, Vol. III, page 401. [vii]

Now, do you think I have posted enough reading material, and how many do you think will read any of it.

I have much more of where that came from - some of it very very interesting indeed :idea:
- Secret Doctrine, Vol. III, page 401. [vii]

secret doctrine from a paddy in MAYO...."Talk to a fool as long as you will,he'll be of the same opinion still."
ian said:
Do they make 40 Gallon drums?...I thought they were 45 Gallon job's....hmmm.. 😕

Everything has a reason why it is so :idea:

The square root of 40 =6.32455532

The Great Divide

One half of 6.32455532 = 3.16227766

Magic mushrooms can only be transported in containers that have a vibration close to PYE, with very little tolerance, so 3.16227766 is fine :idea:

45 Gallons will not do - they will start to go off - and smell like rotten socks - which you are probably used to, but I am not, I can assure you :cheesy:

The history of the theorem can be divided into three parts: knowledge of Pythagorean triples, knowledge of the relationship between the sides of a right triangle, and proofs of the theorem.

Megalithic monuments from 4000 BC in Egypt, and in the British Isles from circa 2500 BC, incorporate right triangles with integer sides[1][2] but the builders did not necessarily understand the theorem[3][4]. Bartel Leendert van der Waerden conjectures that these Pythagorean triples were discovered algebraically [citation needed].

Written between 2000–1786 BC, the Middle Kingdom Egyptian papyrus Berlin 6619 includes a problem whose solution is a Pythagorean triple.

During the reign of Hammurabi, the Mesopotamian tablet Plimpton 322, written between 1790 and 1750 BC, contains many entries closely related to Pythagorean triples.The history of the theorem can be divided into three parts: knowledge of Pythagorean triples, knowledge of the relationship between the sides of a right triangle, and proofs of the theorem.

The Baudhayana Sulba Sutra, written in the 8th century BC in India, contains a list of Pythagorean triples discovered algebraically, a statement of the Pythagorean theorem, and a geometrical proof of the Pythagorean theorem for an isosceles right triangle.

The Apastamba Sulba Sutra (circa 600 BC) contains a numerical proof of the general Pythagorean theorem, using an area computation. Van der Waerden believes that "it was certainly based on earlier traditions". According to Albert Bŭrk, this is the original proof of the theorem, and Pythagoras copied it on his visit to India. Many scholars find van der Waerden and Bŭrk's claims unsubstantiated[citation needed].

Pythagoras, whose dates are commonly given as 569–475 BC, used algebraic methods to construct Pythagorean triples, according to Proklos's commentary on Euclid. Proklos, however, wrote between 410 and 485 AD. According to Sir Thomas L. Heath, there is no attribution of the theorem to Pythagoras for five centuries after Pythagoras lived. However, when authors such as Plutarch and Cicero attributed the theorem to Pythagoras, they did so in a way which suggests that the attribution was widely known and undoubted.

Around 400 BC, according to Proklos, Plato gave a method for finding Pythagorean triples that combined algebra and geometry. Circa 300 BC, in Euclid's Elements, the oldest extant axiomatic proof of the theorem is presented.

Written sometime between 500 BC and 200 AD, the Chinese text Chou Pei Suan Ching (周髀算经), (The Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven) gives a visual proof of the Pythagorean theorem — in China it is called the "Gougu Theorem" (勾股定理) — for the (3, 4, 5) triangle. During the Han Dynasty, from 200 BC to 200 AD, Pythagorean triples appear in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, together with a mention of right triangles.[2]

There is much debate on whether the Pythagorean theorem was discovered once or many times. B.L. van der Waerden asserts a single discovery, by someone in Neolithic Britain, knowledge of which then spread to Mesopotamia circa 2000 BC, and from there to India, China, and Greece by 600 BC. Most scholars disagree however, and favor independent discovery.

More recently, Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji in his book Vedic Mathematics claimed ancient Indian Hindu Vedic proofs for the Pythagoras Theorem.
ammo said:
- Secret Doctrine, Vol. III, page 401. [vii]
secret doctrine from a paddy in MAYO...."Talk to a fool as long as you will,he'll be of the same opinion still."[/QUOTE]

Kilkenny is 121 miles from Mayo :idea:

In case you do not know, The Lord Buddha and The Leprechaun have a lot in Common. :idea:

But, then again, what do you know, not much by the look of things.

I will help you start, Ok.

1+1 = 2
2+2 = 4
4+4 = 8

Now, we have the number 248.

The square root of 248 = 15.748

The cubed root of 15.748 = 2.5

What does this mean to You :?:

Nothing at all, I would imagine 🙄
CYOF said:
secret doctrine from a paddy in MAYO...."Talk to a fool as long as you will,he'll be of the same opinion still."
Kilkenny is 121 miles from Mayo :idea:

In case you do not know, The Lord Buddha and The Leprechaun have a lot in Common. :idea:

But, then again, what do you know, not much by the look of things.

I will help you start, Ok.

1+1 = 2
2+2 = 4
4+4 = 8

Now, we have the number 248.

The square root of 248 = 15.748

The cubed root of 15.748 = 2.5

What does this mean to You :?:

Nothing at all, I would imagine 🙄[/QUOTE]

It is not prudent, please. That's enough now.
Kilkenny is 121 miles from Mayo :idea:

In case you do not know, The Lord Buddha and The Leprechaun have a lot in Common. :idea:

But, then again, what do you know, not much by the look of things.

I will help you start, Ok.

1+1 = 2
2+2 = 4
4+4 = 8

Now, we have the number 248.

The square root of 248 = 15.748

The cubed root of 15.748 = 2.5

What does this mean to You :?:

Nothing at all, I would imagine 🙄

It is not prudent, please. That's enough now.[/QUOTE]

Ok Socrates,

I am probably still feeling the effects of that Russian Vodka, so I will stop as you rightly say, it is not prudent.

Thank You.
I am beginning to feel nostalgic for Socrates!

At least his twig-bird and rolling-hedgehogs had a sort of twee loveliness, but CYOF, well, its just blatant advertising, isnt it?

ducatti: thanks for posting your "charts". where can I get some of that equity?

whats the odd number out?

EDIT: spelling error of beginning!
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CYOF said:
Yes, you are another one that I don't remember, I wonder why :cheesy:

If you Hang around long enough you may just find out, what Exactly will happen when we reach 16, b🙄

Yea, sure sure, the old 'something big is going to happen' type hook ....classic.
CYOF said:
Magic mushrooms can only be transported in containers that have a vibration close to PYE

Surely the resonant frequency of a container, has very little to do with its volume. I could design you a container which holds 45 or 40 gallons, with very similar frequency response charactersistics.

shrooms are regularly transported without incident, in all manner of containers, vibrational characteristics are the least of the problems under consideration, if you know what I mean 🙄
zupcon said:
Surely the resonant frequency of a container, has very little to do with its volume. I could design you a container which holds 45 or 40 gallons, with very similar frequency response charactersistics.

shrooms are regularly transported without incident, in all manner of containers, vibrational characteristics are the least of the problems under consideration, if you know what I mean 🙄

I am sorry Zu,

As mush as I would like to continue this very interesting discussion, as Harmonic Vibrations and their corresponding Numbers, are very relative, to everything we do, I can not :idea:

The Russian Vodka is now wearing off - but I have some more for tonight, as I kept some from last night and did not finish it All 😀

Have you not read up on the Law of Sevens yet :idea:

BTW, what about an update on the list, just to see how we are doing, maybe we will get there next week, hopefully, as Batty Brennan is now trading Leaps again, and he has put in a massive order with LouDean, without Minny Brennan even taking off her Tea Cosy.

Good old Batty, Go Wan Ye Boya 😀

Go wan......Go wan......Go wan
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