The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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FetteredChinos said:
lol well thats a blatant lie for a start.. since you S Club 3.4 guys are such fans of the truth, you may want to observe these truths..

Dow 2005 - 8,193 posts, 283,647 views
Dow 2006 - 3,401 posts , 140,016 views
Trading the SPX - 1080 posts 64,960 views

and thats just for starters, there are probably some others i have missed.

and if you dont understand the real reason why "your" threads get so much attention, then there has to be a problem somewhere..

its like a victorian freakshow in here sometimes 😉
Ah, what's a decimal point here or there!

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg
Are you trying to argue with me fettered ?


Look at the facts.Get your calculator out while you are at it.

No thanks, the site does a perfectly good job of counting them for me

My thread hit 35000 views inside a month, just over 3 weeks.

You are talking of threads that run for one whole year, and all of them are drivel.

In which case you should surely feel at home there. but aside from that, the facts do not lie.. you cant state "most views ever" (to paraphrase) and then pick and choose stats at random. Do you work for the government?


But I am not so concerned with quantity, I am concerned with quality.

so why are you referring to quantity in your argument?

After I complete my thread I am going to do another one again.......😆 ....... another series of 20 trades, live, and I have not yet decided which instrument.


But I shall not be doing it on this website.

a terrible shame. sparing us another of these threads. im sure the mods will be happy


Then you can go and accuse who you like of telling blatant lies and of running a victorian freakshow and put yourself in it if you like, as it makes no difference to me.

i already have been, and jolly good fun it was too

Yes, indeed, so why are so many people reading it, including you ? Surely they ought to know better, oughtn't they FX..............😆 .............., and not read anything at all, just like I do ? I don't do the reading........😆 .......I just do the writing.

Good point soccy 🙂 To be honest, I don't read what you write as well, unless it is really short. The thing is, if you put the Daily mail and the FT in front of me, I will pick the Mail because it is much more amusing. I am, of course, not going to then argue the Mail is good quality stuff. It is just crap that entertains me.
Good point soccy 🙂 To be honest, I don't read what you write as well, unless it is really short. The thing is, if you put the Daily mail and the FT in front of me, I will pick the Mail because it is much more amusing. I am, of course, not going to then argue the Mail is good quality stuff. It is just crap that entertains me.
Good point FX 😆 To be honest, I don't read either because to me both are like comics but if they are put in front of me, I would roll them up and keep them just in case a black swan should come along and a quick swat is needed to shoo it away.....😆
SOCS If you can write in riddles so can we, can we not!

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt. Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes
first and follows after Ends life, kills laughter.shoo shoo mr socs, go on shoo

Consume you it will.

I am starting to get fed up with these dunces, really.

No more time wasting for me with this lot of yobs - they can post all the tripe they like, for I will just ignore them from now on, even the big yob, and you know who I mean :cheesy:

CYOF said:
The lesson to be learned here is to ignore all news, tips, and garbage that are constantly being put out by the "they" team in an effort to deceive us. The only thing that counts is the chart. That is fact. That is the only truth.

I couldn't agree more. But should we discount fundamental analysis completely? The successful trader knows how to filter noise and discard the rubbish. The really successul trader does this with his emotions in check. All to often in the past I have let my ego filter this information, only to find out later that I was letting through the information I wanted to hear, and not the truths. This is something I've found difficult to learn; you make it sound so easy.
penrithem said:
I couldn't agree more. But should we discount fundamental analysis completely? The successful trader knows how to filter noise and discard the rubbish. The really successul trader does this with his emotions in check. All to often in the past I have let my ego filter this information, only to find out later that I was letting through the information I wanted to hear, and not the truths. This is something I've found difficult to learn; you make it sound so easy.

You must do what You must do :idea:

Read my slogan :idea:

please take the hint of my continued deletions and stop posting those pictures. thanks


Fine, no problem.

However, the bilge that passes for posts, that goes through unmolested, has pretty much destroyed the credibility of this site. I could not in all honesty recommend this board to anyone for fear of litigatable liability.

But, that is not my problem, being a management decision.

jog on
Mr. Charts said:
Very well, CYOF, you have a deal.
"I am happy to change my persona " - yes, I thought you could do that quite easily.

Why 13 ?
I think I explained that, although in view of your handle I'm tempted to say, " to boldly go where no man has gone before".
btw, I sense I might possibly have met you in some green place on a summer's day....
Welcome to species 3259 Mr Charts. You must know, you will be assimilated........

Species 218 for the non-16, particularly since they will not know what all this means. In confusion, they will unsubscibe from this thread. Their 'muse of life' has expired; gone, no more, ever. 🙁 😆

May you trade long and prosper ... :cheesy:
zupcon said:
2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
12 penrithem
13 Mr Charts
16 Charlton

15 - 14 = 1

7 - 6 = 1

4 / 4 = 1

Who will be the One?
can no one save this website?

There was a time when soccy's self absorbed posts were harmless fun and they still are by and large. However, I think it is time for the managers of this site to stop and think what happened to it. This is pretty serious stuff, I think. There is a lot of competetion from some very well run websites out there and it is now becoming ridiculous some of the threads on this post must be driving people away in droves. At the very list, T2W must appear as some kind of lunatic asylum.

Rememeber this is a trading site and it is incumbannt upon the moderators to make sure it remains and is perceived as such. Maybe it is time to change the rules and be a bit more ruthless. Ask the guys at Forex Factory how they do it. Merlin's gang are like Marxists but no one can accuse that site of failing to appear like a proper trading forum. Time to put your thinking caps, mods.
As I feel some little discontent at responding to the dunces, in the past, and wasting peoples time, I am considering starting another thread called Tips on Technicals.

Now, my own view on Technicals is somewhat narrowed, due to my experiences, but the discussions may be beneficial for others to get an understanding of what is available for use, so they can then make up their own mind as to the best approach to suit their own personal circumstances, as, in all reality, it is your personal circumstances that will govern what time is available for to trade the markets, and as Time = Money, this is very important, I think.

So, let me work on it, as I have many many files, most of which are not worth the effort to look for, but some are, are they are deep in my mind, so it should not be that hard to locate them.

However, copyright has to be acknowledged, as we are not out to do anyone out of money here, quite the opposite actually, so, if the good ones are copyright, then, I will either need permission to publish, or post links to source, if available.

Oh, I forgot, my previous post, if anyone wants to find the source to the Tree of Knowledge, then, they will find it quicker if the like apples :idea:
and........urge you to consider the next round of Live Trades will take place in another venue. Bully has graciously offered to host it and I have accepted.

This will please my detractors and disappoint my fans.

......and absolutely delight Bully, who'll be ready and waiting to extract £400 from members of your entourage. Still, at least the whole purpose becomes a little clearer at last. 😉

barjon said:

please take the hint of my continued deletions and stop posting those pictures. thanks

Surely the picture of my namesake with the blackboard cannot be considered off topic or offensive, provided that what is on the blackboard in white chalk is correct, surely, Barjon please ? I have no objection if you deem it appropriate to reinstate it, all else off topic and an unecessary distraction I agree. It served to "illoominate" a point.
......and absolutely delight Bully, who'll be ready and waiting to extract £400 from members of your entourage. Still, at least the whole purpose becomes a little clearer at last.

Many thought it was clear from about post number 5 what amazes me is how blatant they are becoming and are not being slapped down by the mods now Im sure Sharky is loving all the page views that these threads are generating but it will come at a price T2W will no longer be seen as a place for traders just a place where a select few can throw insults at the many. All the other sites Soc has tried this on have been very quick to show him the door why is T2W so slow?
If any mods are reading this can I also ask with reference to the rules how long is tooooo long for a signature
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