The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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PKFFW said:
I have no interest in analysing articles. From my understanding of this thread, that is what the list is about. So no, I am not interested in taking position number 9.

I have stipulated my reasons for posting in this thread in the above post. Should those reasons not be valid I will return to reading and not posting.


Not correct.

As a matter of Fact, I have decided not to analyse the Magazine article any further - for it is of no relevance - and there is too much time wasting here as it is.


The list is about 0.025% of T2W, 16 out of 67,000+ showing an interest in me posting something of value.

The value of what I will post will be subjective - and I prefer to use this meaning of subjective:

Philosophy. relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.

Some will dismiss it completely - as usual - BUT some will find it very helpful - only if they want to, that is :idea:

The choice is yours - always has been - always will be.

Remember - I know absolutely nothing about anything, really :idea:
I had a dream last night - a flying dream - and it went as follows:

I was flying over the wide Ocean, the Sky was brilliant Blue, and the smell of fresh air was all around. In the distance I spotted a little Island. I headed over, and as I approached, I saw a big building with T2W wrote on the top of the roof.

I heard a lot of screams coming from the building, so I headed down and landed easy on the roof, as it was made of perspects. Inside, I could see everyone scurrying around, running here and there, some falling down, then getting back up again, only to be knocked down again immediately. This had me amazed, for as soon as the people who were falling down got up, there was someone waiting to knock them down again. These people were not scurrying like the rest, and they were stationary.

This made me wonder, so I decided to try something. I flew up high, and gathered some clouds together. When I had enough gathered, I then started to blow on the clouds until rain started to appear. I kept blowing, harder and harder, until some hailstones started. I kept it up, and eventually the hailstones were the size of tennis balls.

What happened next was amazing - the tennis ball hailstones fell down with such force that the shattered the perspects roof on the top of the T2W building. Everyone inside dived for cover and headed for the exits. Then, the hailstones stopped.

What do you think happened next?

Yep, everyone headed back inside and started the same old lark, over and over, the same as if nothing had happened 😱

But, guess what, some of the people were still standing outside, so I headed down to see why they did not go back in right away, as I was very curious.

"Hello" I said, "are you 16 OK, for that was a heavy shower there"?

"Yes", they all replied in sync.

"What is going on in there, as it seemed all funny to me", I said.

One replied in earnest, as follows:

"Well, it is like this. Since we arrived here, some of us have been trying to explain to others that what they are doing is just wasting their time, going around in circles each and evey day, and getting nowhere. Then, for some silly reason, we get knocked down by the certain people, the ones who stand still, for they are easy to spot. Every time we get up, we are pushed down again
immediately, so even though we keep shouting to tell the people, they seem to never hear us"

"That is funny", I said, " let me go and see if I can find out what is wrong"

Then I woke up - maybe I will finish the dream tonight, but it is very hard to pick up on a previous dream, but I will try and see.

Anyone care to help me out here, with the answer, just in case I can't return to my dream :?:

CYOF said:
Anyone care to help me out here, with the answer, just in case I can't return to my dream :?:


Don't throw hail stones at glass houses?

CYOF said:
I had a dream last night - a flying dream - and it went as follows:

I was flying over the wide Ocean, the Sky was brilliant Blue, and the smell of fresh air was all around. In the distance I spotted a little Island. I headed over, and as I approached, I saw a big building with T2W wrote on the top of the roof................

..........Anyone care to help me out here, with the answer, just in case I can't return to my dream :?:


Yes, you are making it up as you go along and cant think of an suitable ending so you take a 'break' in the hope of finding some passage that you can plagiarise to make the finale sound windswept and interesting...Rinse - repeat etc,
ian said:
Yes, you are making it up as you go along and cant think of an suitable ending so you take a 'break' in the hope of finding some passage that you can plagiarise to make the finale sound windswept and interesting...Rinse - repeat etc,

Ok, then, just to show you, I have just contacted LouDean, who has sent me a special Magic Mushroom, these ones only grow in Siberia, where he still is, and, this special Magic Mushroom is called:


So, here we go:


Hmm, thissssss issssssssss veriiiiiiii gooddddddddddd, Zzzzzzz......zzzzzz......zzz......zz......z
CYOF said:
Ones view may be 100% wrong - no more so in the world of trading ....

Thought is the ONLY Spiritual Ability - therefore Thought, and more importantly, The Process of Thought, is what brings about Realisations

It is only different because the way that ones lives is - Forced Living - so as to speak. In order to fully understand anything, IMHO, we must look to the past for Guidance, but as the majority of our past has been Corrupted, then the look must be very selective. This in itself, is one of the greatest of Realisations.

But the meaning of the "Words" are no more than the views of certain people, most of whom, in the past, were forced to write what they did, instead of writing what they actually thought themselves.

That is your opinion - which is based on your "Learning", which has been handed down from Generations of Power & Domination - it is not my opinion - far from it, actually, but in order for me to express my opinion, in "Words", so as to speak, it would require me to write many, many, pages, for the Jigsaw has many, many parts.

As above - Generations of Power & Domination

Not the "Words" in themselves, but how the "Words" are arranged for to convey the message to the masses.

As this is a trading forum - the most important thing, IMHO, is Experience. All the "Words", in the many, many, books, again do nothing but confuse the confused. This is done for many reasons, some of which are unknown to many, but the most noticeable for many will be Profits from the selling of these "Words". Now, take "Experience", no "Word" will allow one to become consciously aware of what is happening, when the Ding Dong starts, and Quasimodo rings that bell as loud as he can, and the ensuing collective actions that will follow, some of which are planned, well in advance, but which, are unknown to many, only the very few, and in order to come to this Realisation, which the majority fail to do, for reasons I have stated, many many times, it requires very serious thinking indeed, for it defies all logic, hence, the majority will always be the majority, for the majority work on logic, not on intuition, thanks to our previous Generations of SO CALLED Wisdom.

I have given many hints in this reply

De-ciphering is always required - and it is required because the REAL WORDS OF WISDOM have been hidden for many centuries, and the reason that they were hidden has been stated many, many times, and that is, and will always be - Power & Domination of The Majority By The Few.

Do you think I tell Lies - for I am unable to tell Lies - and until one comes to the Realisation that Lies will stop you from learning anything of value, then one is doomed to walk the path of Ignorance for eternity.

TRUTH is the only TRUE Realisation that will allow one to fulfil their purpose in life, and the purpose of every human being, whether they know it or not, is to live in harmony with Mother Nature - and I do not mean our hippy friends talk, or cults, or any other such mumbo jumbo nonsense. When I talk of Mother Nature, I speak of the Universal Laws, the Cosmic Plan, the all ever present Ether that fills all space, everywhere, and this is not rubbish, this is far from rubbish, for very thought that was ever thought is still in existence, just waiting for the INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS to come to this REALISATION:

BUT - coming to this Realisation is just the beginning, for knowing about the Universal Immutable Laws, and complying with them, is two completely different things, and this is what it is really all about, for THOUGHT WITHOUT ACTION is as much use as an uprooted plant which has its roots on the surface of the ground - The Law Of Use and Nourishment is all around, but the Plant World, which naturally surmounts the Mineral World, has been turned upside down, so as to speak, and this is exactly what is happening to the majority of mankind, but, what the majority fail to see, is that Man, by the Fact that he is a conscious being, not like the Plant, has the means whereby he can change anything he so desires - hence, the Rolling Stone, and that is only the beginning, for the real journey only starts with a BELIEF in the Fundamental Truths, and without this Belief, one may as well be piddling against the wind, for they will get nowhere, ever, and the reason they will get nowhere is simple, because the Universal Laws are Immutable, and they can not be changed by anyone, EVER.

Obey the Laws or suffer the consequences - the choice is yours - always has been - always will be - BUT - and this is the best part - these Laws have been around since the Law of Attraction caused the first single cell amoeba to evolve into the first conscious being - and throughout all evolution, the Laws have operated the same, second by second, and when Man evolved to the stage where the Laws were fully understood, by the Few, then we started to develop what are called Societies, and we all know what happened next - just look to History for the Facts.

Well, you did ASK!

My apologies CYOF for misinterpreting what you mean when referring to Realisation.

We are clearly discussing two entirely different things. Hence I will refrain from posting further in this thread.

CYOF said:
Ok, then, just to show you, I have just contacted LouDean, who has sent me a special Magic Mushroom, these ones only grow in Siberia, where he still is, and, this special Magic Mushroom is called:


So, here we go:


Hmm, thissssss issssssssss veriiiiiiii gooddddddddddd, Zzzzzzz......zzzzzz......zzz......zz......z

You must have had a great tutor.....


  • cyof truth.JPG
    cyof truth.JPG
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In the name of The Shamrock, you will not believe this. 😱

I was just about to re-enter the T2W building on the island, when suddenly, I heard a phone ringing on top of a coconut tree.

I hurried up the tree, picked up the ringing cocunut, and heard a voice say inside, "Break Me Open".

I left if fall to the ground, and lo and behold, there was a little message inside.

The message was addressed to Frugi :?:

I unfolded the white corners, which were carefully wrapped, and as the milk oozed out from the sides, I saw words beginning to appear.

" Dear Mr Frugi.

I hope you are well. This letter is to clear up a little problem, which may shed some light on why everyone is running around in circles all of the time.

Some time ago, there was a member of T2W, who went under the name of Bulldozer. This member, came to the site to share his ideas, which just happened to be very suited to trading Options, with others. On arrival, certain members, for what ever reason, persisted to attack Bulldozer, and Bulldozer, been the truthful person that he is, did not like these attacks, as all the words stated in the attacks were Lies, nothing but pure Lies, and Bulldozer has the facts to prove that they were Lies, and posted the Facts for all to see.

Now, what happened next may give a clue as to why the majority keep scurrying around in circles, all of the time. Bulldozer, haven replied to his attackers in the manner in which he was attacked, was treated differently than his attackers, and as he considered this to be unfair, he requested from you, Frugi, that he be banned from the T2W site, as it was the only way he could get out, for he was been knocked down all of the time.

But, he asked for his post to remain up on T2W, so that, in the future, any one else who found themselves in the same predicament, could also see a way out.

So, the question for you is:

Can you please confirm that this is The Truth, and that Bulldozer asked to be banned himself, and that he also asked for his post to be left up, for all to see, and that his post was not left up, as he asked, and then, as a conclusion, you might just please state why his post was not left up, as he asked.

Thank You Frugi"

Oh well, I have some of the mushroom left for later on, but I need to be careful, for if I take too much in a short time, God knows what might happen 😱
ian said:
You must have had a great tutor.....

Siberia is full of SNOW & ICE............Not SAND & STONE :idea:

Magic Mushrooms are very temperamental :idea:

Who is that guy anyway :?:

He may be dressed in Green, but he is definately no Leprechaun, that much is for sure :idea:
CYOF said:
In the name of The Shamrock, you will not believe this. 😱

I was just about to re-enter the T2W building on the island, when suddenly, I heard a phone ringing on top of a coconut tree.

I hurried up the tree, picked up the ringing cocunut, and heard a voice say inside, "Break Me Open".

I left if fall to the ground, and lo and behold, there was a little message inside.

The message was addressed to Frugi :?:

I unfolded the white corners, which were carefully wrapped, and as the milk oozed out from the sides, I saw words beginning to appear.

" Dear Mr Frugi.

I hope you are well. This letter is to clear up a little problem, which may shed some light on why everyone is running around in circles all of the time.

Some time ago, there was a member of T2W, who went under the name of Bulldozer. This member, came to the site to share his ideas, which just happened to be very suited to trading Options, with others. On arrival, certain members, for what ever reason, persisted to attack Bulldozer, and Bulldozer, been the truthful person that he is, did not like these attacks, as all the words stated in the attacks were Lies, nothing but pure Lies, and Bulldozer has the facts to prove that they were Lies, and posted the Facts for all to see.

Now, what happened next may give a clue as to why the majority keep scurrying around in circles, all of the time. Bulldozer, haven replied to his attackers in the manner in which he was attacked, was treated differently than his attackers, and as he considered this to be unfair, he requested from you, Frugi, that he be banned from the T2W site, as it was the only way he could get out, for he was been knocked down all of the time.

But, he asked for his post to remain up on T2W, so that, in the future, any one else who found themselves in the same predicament, could also see a way out.

So, the question for you is:

Can you please confirm that this is The Truth, and that Bulldozer asked to be banned himself, and that he also asked for his post to be left up, for all to see, and that his post was not left up, as he asked, and then, as a conclusion, you might just please state why his post was not left up, as he asked.

Thank You Frugi"

Oh well, I have some of the mushroom left for later on, but I need to be careful, for if I take too much in a short time, God knows what might happen 😱

I was wondering Jon, when you re-posted the post that was deleted by Frugi, the one belonging to Bulldozer, some time ago, you then took it down again.

Can we get it back up - edited if you like - just to clarify the Bulldozer asked for the ban himself.

This, IMHO, is a fair and reasonable request, for if I was been accused of been banned from a website, each and every day, by a persistent nuisance, who must have an alternative motive for doing what he is doing, then I would also like to show the Truth, the Facts, and stop all this Lies that is been said.

Thanks Jon & Frugi,
Watch it - no follow up - still 70/30

Will need to break 70/30 upside for BUY

SORRY - wrong thread - this is what happens when you open 2 windows, silly me, oh well.
I have saved some of THE SIBERIAN TRUTH ENHANCER for tonight, as I want to get a good dream to find out the real Truth.

Be prepared for a good conclusion tomorrow - for LouDean has told me that this SIBERIAN TRUTH ENHANCER MAGIC MUSHROOM is laced with VODKA 😀
PKFFW said:
My apologies CYOF for misinterpreting what you mean when referring to Realisation.

We are clearly discussing two entirely different things. Hence I will refrain from posting further in this thread.


Yes PK,

I THINK I know what you are thinking - you are on the lines of Initiation :?:

This path is not for many - it is for the very very few - and very very special few at that:idea:

Some have called them SAINTS - but a SAINT is not a fitting word - for to travel the path to Initiation is a lifetime journey of understanding, compassion and service :idea:

It is far from easy IMHO - quite the opposite I would say.

Many concoct STORIES for personal gain - like the idiotic ABRAHAM ESTER HICKS

Are you aware this is a complete and utter SCAM :?:

Remember - I am a TRUTH SEEKER - and TRUTH SEEKERS do find the TRUTH - guaranteed :idea:

Am I correct :?: - or are you maybe thinking along different lines :?: - for if you are - I will now tell you - in good faith - you are wasting your time - GUARANTEED :idea:

There is but one true PATH that leads to ALL THAT HAS BEEN - ALL THAT IS - AND ALL THAT WILL EVER BE - and that path is:


Frugi - you wanted some good reading material - then here you go -read this attachment.

And please, do consider what has been done to Bulldozer, for it is THE TRUTH, whether we like it or not, and THE TRUTH will always prevail sooner or later - GUARANTEED
By the way, you have just reminded me....

Ducatti....has not been seen for some time.

He is very fond of jogging it appears...

I am worried he has got lost in the course of his ramblings....his meanderings...🙄

see if you can spot him as you go about your inverted peregrinations, or as a last resort, organise a search party to go out to rescue him....😆

Soccy baby

I can only endure the endless nonsense from you guy's for finite periods of time.
Until my next visit, something worth visting this sorry-ass thread for;

jog on


  • farmgirl.jpg
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ducati998 said:
Soccy baby

I can only endure the endless nonsense from you guy's for finite periods of time.
Until my next visit, something worth visting this sorry-ass thread for;

jog on
Ah ! There you are, duccatti at last !

Everyone has been so worried about you....we thought you fell down a kangaroo hole down to the centre of the earth during your jogging.

PKFW even summoned a fully manned fire engine to go out and search for you all over the bush.

But.......... now all is clear.

We are all very pleased and relieved you are alright after all.

Have you noticed how what is happening is not what ought to be happening ?

Naughty market.....naughty, naughty market.........contradicting your ideas it is....mischievous....naughty.....and not a Black Swan in sight either.😆
texral said:
count me in CYOF

Keep up the good work...always look forward to your posts

2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 frugi
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
11 textral
16 Charlton

and thanks to ducatti for the eye candy 😆
I have decided to reply to this post only. I realise I said I would not reply anymore and therefore I apologise again for interupting your thread. This will truly be my last post in this thread as it is very apparent to me that we are indeed discussing two different things.
CYOF said:
Yes PK,

I THINK I know what you are thinking - you are on the lines of Initiation :?:
No I am not talking about initiation.
CYOF said:
This path is not for many - it is for the very very few - and very very special few at that:idea:

Some have called them SAINTS - but a SAINT is not a fitting word - for to travel the path to Initiation is a lifetime journey of understanding, compassion and service :idea:

It is far from easy IMHO - quite the opposite I would say.
As I said above, I am not referring to Initiation. Having said that, I agree the path of Initiation is a difficult one. However it is for all who want it. Few will wish to travel it. Of those that do set foot on the path of Initiation, few will succeed in treading that path their entire lives. That does not mean the path is only for the few though.
CYOF said:
Many concoct STORIES for personal gain - like the idiotic ABRAHAM ESTER HICKS

Are you aware this is a complete and utter SCAM :?:
I have no idea who Abraham Ester Hicks is. I have no idea if what he/she has written is a scam. I have no interest in those writings.
CYOF said:
Remember - I am a TRUTH SEEKER - and TRUTH SEEKERS do find the TRUTH - guaranteed :idea:
Not necessarily true. Not all who seek something will find it. You may or may not find the Truth, that is up to you and frankly holds little interest to me. No offence intended though.
CYOF said:
Am I correct :?: - or are you maybe thinking along different lines :?: - for if you are - I will now tell you - in good faith - you are wasting your time - GUARANTEED :idea:
Firstly, are you correct in thinking I am talking about the path of Initiation? As I have stated above, no you are not.

Secondly, as you seem to have little to no understanding of what is meant by Realisation as it pertains to Spiritual Ability then I can assure you that you have no idea if I am wasting my time or not.
CYOF said:
There is but one true PATH that leads to ALL THAT HAS BEEN - ALL THAT IS - AND ALL THAT WILL EVER BE - and that path is:

Very true. However, stating something is the truth does not make it so. Just as stating something is not the truth does not make that so either.

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