The Little Circle

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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zupcon said:


I think that green might be a problematic color, some of the bold versions work OK, but then you have nowhere to go when you wish to add emphesis, other than capitals, and that causes a problem, for as we all know, using capitals is against the rules. 😆

see how we try to assist you, by arranging your list, and assisting you to find a suitable colour


I do not like that, at all.

It reminds me of a Leprechaun Locomotive, the ones they use to gather the magic mushrooms around the Fairy Bush.

Hmmm, maybe the Green on this site is not the best, it may need some more manure ( or Cow Dung for those who are not used to the pleasures of Nature), although I thought that there was plenty of that here on T2W already, buckets of it, actually 😆
CYOF said:
I do not like that, at all.

It reminds me of a Leprechaun Locomotive, the ones they use to gather the magic mushrooms around the Fairy Bush.

Surely Its all hydroponics these days ?
zupcon said:
Surely Its all hydroponics these days ?

Yes Zu,

But there is no nutrient as good as the good old reliable Cow Dung - it smells a lot, but it sure as hell makes those mushrooms grow, and as for the effects, well, you can clearly see what they are:

DRINK ........FECK...............**** 😆
CYOF said:
Yes Zu,

But there is no nutrient as good as the good old reliable Cow Dung - it smells a lot, but it sure as hell makes those mushrooms grow, and as for the effects, well, you can clearly see what they are:

DRINK ........FECK...............**** 😆

take me off your list, please, CYOF.
I dont think this is going anywhere, and I will have to make my Fistful of Pips elsewhere.

trendie said:
take me off your list, please, CYOF.
I dont think this is going anywhere, and I will have to make my Fistful of Pips elsewhere.


2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
8 options
9 starspacer

CYOF. Look what you've done with your mis behaviour, you are down to 6, and Im only here cos I was kidnapped, and force fed hallucinogenic mushrooms

zupcon said:
2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub

Thanks Zu,

You must have noticed I was trading with the lone ranger.

Keep up the good work.

Sorry options,

What WILL be, WILL be


are reserved for those few who entertain the same harmonic thought vibrations

As Socrates says, everything is worked out, in advance, always, you see


Yes! Everything is worked out in advance. I am number 8.

Always will be.

Haven't I been reinstated as such. Already, so soon.
It's ok, 1, 3, 9 is the real harmonic vibration. As Soc has said, 'tis the fine art of mis-direction 😆
Number 16

options said:
Thank you Starspacer...

I will stay with my numbers.

I was going to say Number 8 - non-negotiable for me to enter the list.

It was going to be pistols at dawn !

However I will go for Number 16.

The alpha and the omega

Charlton said:
However I will go for Number 16.

2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
16 Charlton

😆 [shaking head in disbelief that Im actually maintaining CYOF's list ]
zupcon said:
2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
8 options
9 starspacer
10 Jackarub
16 Charlton

😆 [shaking head in disbelief that Im actually maintaining CYOF's list ]

LOL...The mushie tea still works then...
By the way, you have just reminded me....

Ducatti....has not been seen for some time.

He is very fond of jogging it appears...

I am worried he has got lost in the course of his ramblings....his meanderings...🙄

see if you can spot him as you go about your inverted peregrinations, or as a last resort, organise a search party to go out to rescue him....😆
I was not posing my questions to you. Why have you quoted me? Further why have you then not addressed the quoted post in any way at all?

To quote you, "keep your graffitti to yourself. Rude you are. That is all"

If you do have anything meaningful to say in relation to my post I am more than willing to discuss it with you. I am open to debate and am happy to explain my reasoning and rationale. I wont hold my breath on you coming up with anything meaningful to discuss though.

CYOF said:
PK, your honest post will be answered honestly, as I see it.
See, things can actually be discussed in a mature and open way. Especially if one accepts that even though one may have a differing view, it may not be "wrong"(for want of a better word) and worthy of ridicule.
CYOF said:
Realisation to YOU, may well be completely different for ME.
I Had taken you to mean the concept of Realisation as discussed and applied to the realm of Spiritual Ability. If this is not what you are referring to then this discussion holds little interest to me. Mind you, that is not meant as any sort of insult. I mean only that I posted in this thread because I was under the impression that was the topic being refered to and if it isn't then I will refrain from the discussion.
CYOF said:
Intellectual understanding, IMHO, offers limited awareness, but an important part of a basic understanding in relation to the Jigsaw of Life, none the less.
I agree totally.

My point was Intellectual understanding of the idea of Realisation as it applies to Spiritual Ability is totally different to living Realisation.
CYOF said:
Words are but empty vessels - nothing more - they are a means used by man to express his limited awareness of what is going on all around him.

Fancy words, are even worse, and serve to do nothing only confuse the confused :idea:

This is not by chance, for a study of History, in the right quarters, so as to speak, will demonstrate some Fundamental Truths to support this Fact of Life.
Words, as you say, are used to express mans awareness. Whether that awareness is limited or not depends on the individual.

Words are all we have and as such are the only tool we can use to attempt to impart an intellectual understanding of the concept of Realisation as it applies to Spiritual Ability. As you say, intellectual understanding is an important part of basic understanding. It falls far short of living Realisation though.

I am unsure what you mean by words being empty vessels. I am also unsure as to what you mean by saying that this is not by chance but rather by design.

If you mean that words are designed to be confusing and not to truly impart knowledge then I must disagree with you. Words are words. How one uses those words will decide if they are empty words or words full of knowledge.

If, however, you mean that words are empty of wisdom then I do agree. Widsom can only be gained through the internalising and understanding of knowledge and experience.
CYOF said:
So, for the sake of words, what is Realisation, but we must remember that we are using words that have been handed down from Generations of Power & Domination :idea:

Real words of wisdom are not readily available for de-ciphering, and the reason they are not readily available is, well, would you like to answer that one :?:

1: As I specifically told you I am was not asking for your definition or explaination of Realisation, so I will not give you mine.

2: Real "words of wisdom"(I use that term in the hope we can both agree upon it's accepted meaning) are readily available to all. They are there for any who wish to read them. Further to that, no de-ciphering is required. True "words of wisdom" resonate with the inner being and are recognised as truth immediately. Further pondering of those words may grant greater insight into them but this is not required for immediate recognition of their value. Should any de-ciphering be required that in itself is an indecation they are not true "words of wisdom."

zupcon said:
Hi Splitlink, it's my fault really that your on the list, I'll remove you as requested.

2 Counter_Violent
3 zupcon
4 Lightning McQueen
5 trendie
6 ian (aka vin)
7 options
8 starspacer

PKFFW can we interest you in taking position 9 ?

CYOF, please retain startspacers formatting, when maintaining the list.

I have no interest in analysing articles. From my understanding of this thread, that is what the list is about. So no, I am not interested in taking position number 9.

I have stipulated my reasons for posting in this thread in the above post. Should those reasons not be valid I will return to reading and not posting.

PKFFW said:
See, things can actually be discussed in a mature and open way. Especially if one accepts that even though one may have a differing view, it may not be "wrong"(for want of a better word) and worthy of ridicule.

Ones view may be 100% wrong - no more so in the world of trading :idea:

I Had taken you to mean the concept of Realisation as discussed and applied to the realm of Spiritual Ability. If this is not what you are referring to then this discussion holds little interest to me. Mind you, that is not meant as any sort of insult. I mean only that I posted in this thread because I was under the impression that was the topic being refered to and if it isn't then I will refrain from the discussion.

Thought is the ONLY Spiritual Ability - therefore Thought, and more importantly, The Process of Thought, is what brings about Realisations :idea:

I agree totally.
My point was Intellectual understanding of the idea of Realisation as it applies to Spiritual Ability is totally different to living Realisation.

It is only different because the way that ones lives is - Forced Living - so as to speak. In order to fully understand anything, IMHO, we must look to the past for Guidance, but as the majority of our past has been Corrupted, then the look must be very selective. This in itself, is one of the greatest of Realisations.

Words, as you say, are used to express mans awareness. Whether that awareness is limited or not depends on the individual.

But the meaning of the "Words" are no more than the views of certain people, most of whom, in the past, were forced to write what they did, instead of writing what they actually thought themselves.

Words are all we have and as such are the only tool we can use to attempt to impart an intellectual understanding of the concept of Realisation as it applies to Spiritual Ability. As you say, intellectual understanding is an important part of basic understanding. It falls far short of living Realisation though.

That is your opinion - which is based on your "Learning", which has been handed down from Generations of Power & Domination - it is not my opinion - far from it, actually, but in order for me to express my opinion, in "Words", so as to speak, it would require me to write many, many, pages, for the Jigsaw has many, many parts.

I am unsure what you mean by words being empty vessels. I am also unsure as to what you mean by saying that this is not by chance but rather by design.

As above - Generations of Power & Domination

If you mean that words are designed to be confusing and not to truly impart knowledge then I must disagree with you. Words are words. How one uses those words will decide if they are empty words or words full of knowledge.

Not the "Words" in themselves, but how the "Words" are arranged for to convey the message to the masses.

If, however, you mean that words are empty of wisdom then I do agree. Widsom can only be gained through the internalising and understanding of knowledge and experience.

As this is a trading forum - the most important thing, IMHO, is Experience. All the "Words", in the many, many, books, again do nothing but confuse the confused. This is done for many reasons, some of which are unknown to many, but the most noticeable for many will be Profits from the selling of these "Words". Now, take "Experience", no "Word" will allow one to become consciously aware of what is happening, when the Ding Dong starts, and Quasimodo rings that bell as loud as he can, and the ensuing collective actions that will follow, some of which are planned, well in advance, but which, are unknown to many, only the very few, and in order to come to this Realisation, which the majority fail to do, for reasons I have stated, many many times, it requires very serious thinking indeed, for it defies all logic, hence, the majority will always be the majority, for the majority work on logic, not on intuition, thanks to our previous Generations of SO CALLED Wisdom.

1: As I specifically told you I am was not asking for your definition or explaination of Realisation, so I will not give you mine.

I have given many hints in this reply

2: Real "words of wisdom"(I use that term in the hope we can both agree upon it's accepted meaning) are readily available to all. They are there for any who wish to read them. Further to that, no de-ciphering is required. True "words of wisdom" resonate with the inner being and are recognised as truth immediately. Further pondering of those words may grant greater insight into them but this is not required for immediate recognition of their value. Should any de-ciphering be required that in itself is an indecation they are not true "words of wisdom."

De-ciphering is always required - and it is required because the REAL WORDS OF WISDOM have been hidden for many centuries, and the reason that they were hidden has been stated many, many times, and that is, and will always be - Power & Domination of The Majority By The Few.

Do you think I tell Lies - for I am unable to tell Lies - and until one comes to the Realisation that Lies will stop you from learning anything of value, then one is doomed to walk the path of Ignorance for eternity.

TRUTH is the only TRUE Realisation that will allow one to fulfil their purpose in life, and the purpose of every human being, whether they know it or not, is to live in harmony with Mother Nature - and I do not mean our hippy friends talk, or cults, or any other such mumbo jumbo nonsense. When I talk of Mother Nature, I speak of the Universal Laws, the Cosmic Plan, the all ever present Ether that fills all space, everywhere, and this is not rubbish, this is far from rubbish, for very thought that was ever thought is still in existence, just waiting for the INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS to come to this REALISATION:

BUT - coming to this Realisation is just the beginning, for knowing about the Universal Immutable Laws, and complying with them, is two completely different things, and this is what it is really all about, for THOUGHT WITHOUT ACTION is as much use as an uprooted plant which has its roots on the surface of the ground - The Law Of Use and Nourishment is all around, but the Plant World, which naturally surmounts the Mineral World, has been turned upside down, so as to speak, and this is exactly what is happening to the majority of mankind, but, what the majority fail to see, is that Man, by the Fact that he is a conscious being, not like the Plant, has the means whereby he can change anything he so desires - hence, the Rolling Stone, and that is only the beginning, for the real journey only starts with a BELIEF in the Fundamental Truths, and without this Belief, one may as well be piddling against the wind, for they will get nowhere, ever, and the reason they will get nowhere is simple, because the Universal Laws are Immutable, and they can not be changed by anyone, EVER.

Obey the Laws or suffer the consequences - the choice is yours - always has been - always will be - BUT - and this is the best part - these Laws have been around since the Law of Attraction caused the first single cell amoeba to evolve into the first conscious being - and throughout all evolution, the Laws have operated the same, second by second, and when Man evolved to the stage where the Laws were fully understood, by the Few, then we started to develop what are called Societies, and we all know what happened next - just look to History for the Facts.


Well, you did ASK!

Last edited:
Charlton said:
I was going to say Number 8 - non-negotiable for me to enter the list.

It was going to be pistols at dawn !

However I will go for Number 16.

The alpha and the omega


A WISE choice, Charlton.

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