This is a financial forum and not a playground for silly children behaving badly.
Stop this at once.😈
What is the significance of this...what is the hidden meaning ?
What is implied by this passage ?
What is this really about ?
Why is it described in the way it is ?
Because you have made it in to a playground I have given you the answer to your question, but you will not coment on it. However, I could go much deeper, I give you a taste. Rockefellers exert enormous influence such as religious values of our people, determine who will get publicity in the major news they influence is both subtle and not so subtle. What the public is given is a stage show and you are part of it SOCS and you should not want to be part of the satanic bloodline
Give up trying to look smart SOCS, read up on your symbol, then maybe you remove it, remember people who write big words won't impress people, they'll just obfuscate them, oops I just used a big word....Do the odd spelling error, people won't expect much of you then.…
Still waiting for my answer to post #93.....Know if you play games again, I will to. You're a man in you 60s should know better........
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