p.s. I reckon I could perform a heart transplant with a bit of practice, how hard can it be?
on yourself?
p.s. I reckon I could perform a heart transplant with a bit of practice, how hard can it be?
p.s. I reckon I could perform a heart transplant with a bit of practice, how hard can it be?
I do like his writing style though, and to me,.. he doesn't come across as patronizing !
Sure... I allow you to call up company's house and find out what their problem is with my lovely paperwork!
it isn't fraudulent, it's just a list of swear words that have been cunningly obfustucated 😆
Fess up - what you been doing?
Is anyone else going to tell me about their secret edge? I've read all the posts here and I'm sitting on edge waiting for the edge...
Seems to me there is a saying to the effect that a man who sits on a razors edge is likely to fall to pieces.
p.s. I reckon I could perform a heart transplant with a bit of practice, how hard can it be?
disclosing my edge would not hurt my trading.
however, my edge has been honed over a number of years, in increments.
my fear of disclosing my edge is selfishness. I fear that someone else will read what I have done, and do better with it! (its to do with sometimes me passing on good signals, getting out too soon, getting spooked, etc, whereas someone with more confidence might make more money with my system than myself.)
its a secret poll, but I have no problem admitting I chose
"I am profitable - revealing what I do wouldn't make any difference."
Fess up - what you been doing?
You use a method by that amazing female-first name Linda
Thats all im saying-she is a legend on the street.
Coronation Street ?