HC - can you answer a straight question ?
Do you plan, at some point in the future to either:
a) offer training courses to people you meet on T2W (and the other forums you recently started posting to) and receive payment from those members in return for said training?
b) offer for people you meet on T2W a chance to invest with you for a share of the profits?
Just interested.
Can I answer a straight question?
That's pretty rude. On serious matters when have I not been straight?
I personally give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Unless there is evidence to disbelieve them, I choose not to. If I intend to follow someone's advice then "I trust, but verify." I think that is a much better way to live than what is exhibited by many on this forum.
Not all forums in which I participate have the culture here. As many of you know, I am a concealed carry weapons instructor. I probably am a member of more than two dozen forums, frequent of half a dozen, and a serious contributor to three. In some of the forums, I am the "goto" guy on some subjects. On none of the forums is your kind of participation tolerated. We consider the subject of guns, their use, their maintenance and their value in saving lives a very serious matter.
I continue to participate here because the benefits outweigh the costs. I still have a lot to learn and there are many here who take the responsibility to teach seriously. I also believe I have something to offer from my life experiences and my trading experiences. I expect everyone to use my rules (stated above for your convenience) in evaluating the value of my assistance, and the veracity of my claims.
Do I plan to offer courses and receive payment?
Asked and answered on several occasions publicaly and in PMs.
Once more (and probably not for the last time) and for the record.
I have trained some who asked for free. We split the costs of a room and training materials for the class. I have received no revenue for these efforts.
I am in the process of putting together an ETC (Education - Training - Coaching) program with respect to my trading methods and my ideas on the theory, design and implementation of a Trader's Dashboard. Before I go commercial I will have a vendor's badge placed in my profile.
My marketing plan is considerably more extensive than just forums. Yes, I have some marketing experience as well and have received income to consult in that area. I am considering marketing on this forum and have ordered an advertising kit. If it fits in my budget, I am interested in advertising here. Not only as a part of my marketing plan, but to contribute money to funding what is a free service to posters like you. I take seriously the "Return" part of my life which has been discussed elsewhere on this forum.
Do I plan to offer to invest invest with me for a share of the profits?
Finally, a question I have not yet been asked on this forum.
My answer:
No, No and No! I wont invest for anyone else except my wife. Not even my children or my closest friends. I will teach my methods and coach students through the learning curve. But I will not invest for anyone else. Is that perfectly clear?
I would suggest that you print this out for future reference.