Closed Thread

Profitaker said:
No, I don't believe I've added to the farce. The 2 prized idiots of T2W are on ignore, and have been a quite some time. What else can I do ?

As for making things difficult for Barjon, well I think he is entirely responsible for that. If his solution to farcical behaviour is to close down a good thread rather than deal with the problem then perhaps he shouldn't be "moderating" in the first place.

Mr Profitaker.

If Bulldozer or I posted your comments as above, you would be the first of many to send a PM to the moderator to complain aboutthe use of the word "IDIOT"

Bulldozer was banned and warned many times about using this word.

Now, I will have to consult Zu to see what he is going to do about this breach of T2W rules?
dc2000 said:
If I may post my thoughts here, In recent weeks I have posted relevent questions on some of the threads that have been started by CYOF and Soc, Now I may not agree with them on a trading level but I did make a consious effort to ask questions in a way that could not be considered as disruptive or provocative but to be honest this didnt last long T2W being constantly reffered to as a zoo and the members as monkeys or dunces or the question being just not worthy of a response was just plain rude and so elisited my responses.
With regard to BullD it is clear that both Soc and CYOF have a relationship with him whether this is commercial of just friendship is a matter of conjecture but they do seem to be championing his cause and website now despite being warned by Barjon they both continue to mention sites lounges or the s club how long this will be allowed to continue Im not sure, but we have been here before and members including myself were told that there should be no mention of our sites in our posts and this was imediately complied with.
As has been said you can put members on ignor but this is like putting a sticking plaster on a gapping wound when you look at things CYOF's recent lengthy thread on a six and nine letter word.

Something needs to be done and fast if this means that members are given warnings or banned for their conduct then so be it
Now it is your turn..

The questions you ask are inappropriate questions to ask in any event, and moreso in a public forum from someone you have not met and who is not obligated by way of friendship recognition or trust to reply to them.

The problem is you do not fully appreciate the universe you are tinkering with. You think by virtue of being a member here that that entitles you to ask questions and get them answered as if I were here purely for your benefit and to give you the benefit of my expertise just like that. Well, you are very mistaken, and this obviously causes you to react the way you do.

The by product of all this is that you spill over your atttiude into matters that do not concern you, all the while oblivious of the fact that not everybody is equal, some are more equal than others.

Bulldozer is a genius. You lot do not properly appreciate this. You shoot the messenger instead of properly reading and understanding the message. This is what prompted him to distinguish between "humans" and what he calls "monkeys".

For what it is worth to you, I happen to be in full agreement with him in his view. It seems to me that there is a definite bias in favour of the monkey crowd and against the limited presence of human element. This is easy to understand but difficult for him to accept.

Over the past few months I have been able to make it more and more pointedly clear to him what he differences are and why he should not get agitated about it but just accept it as a fact of market life. This is why I have been appointed honorary gatekeeper to the restricted area of his site, a duty that I fulfil with meticulous exactness.

Nobody forces you to read what I post, You read it because you want to, because you are expressing choice through the enactment of free will. You ought not to have the priviledge of having free will and complaining at the same time. If you do not understand it this time round I am quite happy, time and other considerations permitting to explain to you again, until finally you are able to understand it.
dbphoenix said:
Like I said . . .
What you say is of no consequence, what "is" is what really matters.

If you don't understand it I will have to explain it to you again until you do.
Sos bulldozer may be a genius in your eyes but he is a banned member in mine and as such his comments dont belong on this board

Now if he wishes to come back let him email the moderators and leave it up to them lets not start a campaign
dc2000 said:
Sos bulldozer may be a genius in your eyes but he is a banned member in mine and as such his comments dont belong on this board

Now if he wishes to come back let him email the moderators and leave it up to them lets not start a campaign
Why is that ?

Because he is cleverer than you ?

Because he is more successful than you ?

Because he does not contradict the market ?

Becausse he gets it right every time ?

Because he has his own website ?

Because he has a restricted area you are not allowed in ?

Because he does not trade futures without a stop ?

Because he would not allow a loss to run ?

Because he bites a chunk out of anyone who attacks him ?

Because he does not suffer fools at all ?

Why, tell us why, go on.....😆
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I gave my views on the thread that was deleted about letting bulldozer back, that's not for us to decide really it's whether the site owners/mods want that hassle. I'd like to know more of why he was banned in the first place but that's not important either.

This is turning into another thread going nowhere isn't it. People with grudges can PM each other rather than discuss it in the open.

Let's get back to the reason that the site's there.... is there a mission statement :cheesy:
Bulldozer is a genius.
What's interesting is that he is a trading genius who is totally anonymous. Type most people's names into a search engine and something crops up - there's some interesting stuff under your real name Soc relating to trading out there on the net, and heaven forbid even my real name shows up some places in connection with my previous employment. But type in Bulldozer's real name and.... nada, nothing, other than his own web-site.

Now I would have thought a real trading genius would be trading in sufficient size that remaining genuinely anonymous would be quite difficult in this Big Brother age.

Maybe that indicates something, maybe it doesn't, but interesting nonetheless.
I thought bulldozer himself requested to be banned.

if he wants to come back, all he has to do, is ask Sharky or email one of the mods.

lets not allow the repetitive phrase "he was banned" to become a false memory.

either way, there are site guidelines he has to accept, as do we all.

I am all for posters showing how good they are, but not "blindly", in the sense, no overall plan or reasoning is given, otherwise its just a journal.

if bulldozer returns, he may well have to have a "vendor" badge as well.

Because, because, because, because, because.
Because of the wonderful things he does.
We're off to see the Wizard. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

PS2: because, because, because, cosby, cosby, cosby. 😱
Priceman said:
Let's get back to the reason that the site's there.... is there a mission statement :cheesy:

I posted this elsewhere. I forget where.

Trade2Win (T2W) prides itself on being the leading community web site for active traders. Our aim is simple, we want to unite and support active traders across the globe. To this end we provide a range of facilities to enable our members to communicate with one another, share their knowledge and express their views. Furthermore we seek to provide educational and thought provoking content to help better educate our members in their trading lives.

Then there are the "guidelines": ("T2W") is a professional trading resource that promotes mature, intelligent & respectful discussion in a positive & safe environment for everyone. T2W is dedicated to developing and maintaining a friendly online community, where members of all ages and trading ability feel relaxed and comfortable. Like any community, the T2W site has certain standards, and in order to ensure these are maintained, we have a code of conduct as set out below. When members join our forums, they agree to abide by this and repeated violations may result in a member being banned from the site, barred from entry or from participating in the forums.
Jack o'Clubs said:
What's interesting is that he is a trading genius who is totally anonymous. Type most people's names into a search engine and something crops up - there's some interesting stuff under your real name Soc relating to trading out there on the net, and heaven forbid even my real name shows up some places in connection with my previous employment. But type in Bulldozer's real name and.... nada, nothing, other than his own web-site.

Now I would have thought a real trading genius would be trading in sufficient size that remaining genuinely anonymous would be quite difficult in this Big Brother age.

Maybe that indicates something, maybe it doesn't, but interesting nonetheless.


i must disagree with that point,
a couple of traders that i know especially my friend and mentor is anonymous and wishes to remain that way
he trades absolutely huge, in options and futures and he is known by the very big boys, and he is constantly offered to manage funds with massive salary and bonuses, and none of that interest him, in fact he rather be cutting trees or working the land..... the mind boggles,but each to their own.
andycan said:

i must disagree with that point,
a couple of traders that i know especially my friend and mentor is anonymous and wishes to remain that way
he trades absolutely huge, in options and futures and he is known by the very big boys, and he is constantly offered to manage funds with massive salary and bonuses, and none of that interest him, in fact he rather be cutting trees or working the land..... the mind boggles,but each to their own.
Quite so Andy - but does your anonymous friend/mentor have his own website plugging a premium trading-tips service? I'm sure not...
barjon said:

It was a good thread, but I think the key word here is "was". However, it became increasingly difficult to persuade people to argue rationally and with civility and so it deteriorated into a continual exchange of insults with very little of a constructive nature being said. Despite the fact that I deleted page after page of this no-one took notice so there was little point in letting it continue. The thread is closed - not deleted - so it remains in the archive for people to read.


And how did the "deterioration" begin?
Jack o'Clubs said:
Quite so Andy - but does your anonymous friend/mentor have his own website plugging a premium trading-tips service? I'm sure not...
Nopes you are right JoC
but his temperament is similar to Bulldozer,
he is brilliant but he also expects everyone to see what he does and gets very frustrated, which i had the misfortune to experience his wrath in the early days, and i interpreted it as arrogance but as one gets to know these talented people you see what they say is not always what they mean
and they tend to be good people.
but dont get me wrong not all great traders show this characteristic but there are parallels to a degree.
andycan said:
Nopes you are right JoC
but his temperament is similar to Bulldozer,
he is brilliant but he also expects everyone to see what he does and gets very frustrated, which i had the misfortune to experience his wrath in the early days, and i interpreted it as arrogance but as one gets to know these talented people you see what they say is not always what they mean
and they tend to be good people.
but dont get me wrong not all great traders show this characteristic but there are parallels to a degree.

Competence is often misinterpreted as arrogance. Anyone with sufficient experience in anything -- whether trading or building a bookshelf or making an omelette -- will understand that there is a confidence and self-assuredness that comes with knowing what one is doing. And if one is put into the position of teaching somebody else, or for some reason is put into the position unwillingly, he may become frustrated at his pupil's inability to "see" what to him is obvious, particularly if he cannot acknowledge the possibility (probability?) that at least part of the pupil's difficulty lies in the teacher's inability to make himself and/or the information/task clear.

However, just as parents have no right to victimize their children simply because the children are helpless to do anything about it, the maladjusted have no right to thrash about on message boards (or anywhere else) simply because they are allowed to do so. There are plenty of smart people out there to learn from, and not all of them are compelled to diminish others in order to provide themselves with a sense of worth.
trendie said:
I am all for posters showing how good they are, but not "blindly", in the sense, no overall plan or reasoning is given, otherwise its just a journal.

Hi Trendie,

I'm not 100% in agreement here. This probably sounds a little controversial, but people are often influenced by their environment, and in a business where a huge number fail, participating in forums such as T2W has the potential to be highly detrimental. I dont like to offer trading advice to anyone but if I where forced too, my advice would be to stay well away from forums at least until your consistently trading at break even.

There's a tendency for new traders to start to believe that because they arnt successful, no one else can be either, I certainly went through this phase, and you can get quite despondent at times. Anyone who can show otherwise, is actually providing quite a valuable service. I wouldn't expect anyone to disclose actual methods, but there does need to be some degree of transparency, allowing others to assess risk, reward etc.

This particular business is filled with crackpots, con men, vendors, a whole army of bitter and twisted individuals with only one agenda, and thats to drag you down to their level. From a personal perspective, witnessing the success of one particular trader illustrated that it could be done, and thats really all that was needed to provide the focus and incentive, its almost like an innoculation that protects you against these lunatics.

I do think however that the site desperately needs to have some sort of rules regarding market calls, without which its all to easy to use smoke and mirror tactics.

dbphoenix said:
Competence is often misinterpreted as arrogance. Anyone with sufficient experience in anything -- whether trading or building a bookshelf or making an omelette -- will understand that there is a confidence and self-assuredness that comes with knowing what one is doing. And if one is put into the position of teaching somebody else, or for some reason is put into the position unwillingly, he may become frustrated at his pupil's inability to "see" what to him is obvious, particularly if he cannot acknowledge the possibility (probability?) that at least part of the pupil's difficulty lies in the teacher's inability to make himself and/or the information/task clear.

However, just as parents have no right to victimize their children simply because the children are helpless to do anything about it, the maladjusted have no right to thrash about on message boards (or anywhere else) simply because they are allowed to do so. There are plenty of smart people out there to learn from, and not all of them are compelled to diminish others in order to provide themselves with a sense of worth.

you are spot on, if one chooses to teach then he should have the correct mindset and attitude required for the pupil to be all that he/she can be,
unfortunately; what for example i interpreted as arrogance actually was his confidence which at the time i could not see but over time i learned what he was saying and what he meant, and maybe to a degree i have developed a similar trait where i see what is obvious but to others it appears im talking out of my posterior,
Hence the issues that appear to plague this and maybe other sites,
if a traders states a point which is so clear to him that he wishes to share it with others and then those that he feels he is trying to help turn on him and abuse him, then we have a situation.......... is it the so called arrogance which to those that know is confidence? or is it the unjustified attacks by other parties to demoralize and victimize what they interpret to be arrogance but to those that know, to those that have reached a that level of knowledge are fully aware of the truth.
i dont think there is an answer as many here have their own points of view, but there should be a level of etiquette that all must adhere to,
the issue as we have seen that some appear to start so called trouble but in fairness the other side of the argument the so called victims that have been constantly complaining are by no means innocent in fact from where i stand they appear to have blown it completely out of proportion and where we are is a direct result of how they approached the so called trouble makers, but that is my point of view, and please understand that im generalizing not pointing fingers
Why is that ? because he is banned

Because he is cleverer than you ? what because I disagree with him I am somehow intellectually inferior

Because he is more successful than you ? 6 cars 4 houses I do alright thanks

Because he does not contradict the market ? and?

Becausse he gets it right every time ? really not what Ive heard

Because he has his own website ? wupeedoo

Because he has a restricted area you are not allowed in ? empty room

Because he does not trade futures without a stop ? neither do I

Because he would not allow a loss to run ? 🙄

Because he bites a chunk out of anyone who attacks him ? rabbies shot needed

Because he does not suffer fools at all ? no he wants to be top jester

Why, tell us why, go on.....😆
all of the above

now you are just being argumentative but I will answer your questions