trendie said:
I am all for posters showing how good they are, but not "blindly", in the sense, no overall plan or reasoning is given, otherwise its just a journal.
Hi Trendie,
I'm not 100% in agreement here. This probably sounds a little controversial, but people are often influenced by their environment, and in a business where a huge number fail, participating in forums such as T2W has the potential to be highly detrimental. I dont like to offer trading advice to anyone but if I where forced too, my advice would be to stay well away from forums at least until your consistently trading at break even.
There's a tendency for new traders to start to believe that because they arnt successful, no one else can be either, I certainly went through this phase, and you can get quite despondent at times. Anyone who can show otherwise, is actually providing quite a valuable service. I wouldn't expect anyone to disclose actual methods, but there does need to be some degree of transparency, allowing others to assess risk, reward etc.
This particular business is filled with crackpots, con men, vendors, a whole army of bitter and twisted individuals with only one agenda, and thats to drag you down to their level. From a personal perspective, witnessing the success of one particular trader illustrated that it could be done, and thats really all that was needed to provide the focus and incentive, its almost like an innoculation that protects you against these lunatics.
I do think however that the site desperately needs to have some sort of rules regarding market calls, without which its all to easy to use smoke and mirror tactics.