The Great Global Warming Swindle

JTrader said:
The other interpretation of democracy is that the majority rules - like it or lump it.

If you then consider the Stalin saying "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Then you begin to have a problem (research electronic voting machines in the USA).

The great global warming swindle has been ridiculed in the mainstream press who carry out the governments propaganda (It's not even funny), and ignored by the politicians so far.

Wake up and smell the fascism!

In last US elections, in Democrat areas they had to wait hours to vote. That was because in less densely popullated Republican areas they had about 4 voting station per site and in more densely poppullated Democratic areas just 1. That Bush geezer is a fair man he is.

This is an observed fact. It's in Bob Woodwards book State in Denial.

Obviously just another one of this administration bungles.
Democracy...LOL.....I believe I posted an experiment on monkeys and electrified bananas which sums this is a 'mind con' and nothing more . The vast majority of people loath the issues of ...uncertainty and the thought of having no control of their the placebo on offer is ...LOL Democracy.....this they are told is them in action..them shaping their future and controlling their destiny...removing at least some of those issues of uncertainty and control.
For those people who actually still believe this line of codswallop clearly the electrified bananas did their job very well. Democracy in the form of goverment is now nothing more than a self perpetuating resource monster there to feed itself first and second throwing out only sufficient bananas as needed to keep the monkeys pacified.
Regarding Gordon Browns speech -

We are not to blame for the fact that we swallow government/mass media propaganda hook line & sinker, as we have nothing to compare it to (The - i saw it on the news so it must be true mentality) - the majority of us just accept what we are told - disbelieving that they would lie to us, or that the mass media are following a script of propaganda.

It's difficult to know who to trust with any of this conspiracy type stuff.
Do you swallow the words of the governments baught & paid for scientists and mass media, or do you accept that the expert minority view, people who are risking ridicule and intimidation - might just be right?
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I don't consider our current state of govt to be an issue of conspiracy ,just another royal f..kup.
This form of govt was brought about to rectify shortcomings of prior forms of essence it promised advantages to some degree abeit the power groups will always benefit more than Joe Bloggs....but over time we have even foregone the mismanaging what it might takes time ,but given enough of it there is nothing that people can't screw you might say I'm a person too so what about that ? ...well I'm only here by accident 😉
I humankind, take you ,mother nature.....

Now then the news says UK is 1st in the world to have LAWS to control and reduce emissions by 60%. We are leading the way.

O.k. Whats the hidden agenda? just how much control can we put the people under? a blueprint for conditioning populations further using operation "Warming Planet" as the stealth plan.

Who is it targeted at ? control of humble citizens, or total restraints for world economies or is it, is it a greener way to do business which results in a better marriage between man and nature.

No more raping of mother nature , no, we now consider her feelings, we make consentual love together . and whats more Ive signed a piece of paper that this is so. 😛

Now what if there is a rapist ? hmmm yes I see another country raping mother nature, ohh the guilty must be punished.

is this whats coming, gonna happen?
As a non-scientist, i must admit, I was surprised when i found out that C02 only makes up about 1% of the earths atmosphere, a few months ago when doing my own research.

TGGWS also made an issue of this, stating that CO2 is one of the less likely greenhouse gases likely to cause GW. One of the most or the most prevalent greenhouse gas is water vapour - which they can't do anything about!

In the UK, i think it boils down to having a small country, big population and too many cars on the road. (as Tony Blair more or less has said himself) they have to find a way to cut congestion!

What better way to do this than ensure that only the rich can afford to drive?
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I'd like to see an official government/UN response to this important film (TGGWS). I'd like them to enter a debate and disprove this alternative TGGWS theory. This will not happen of course.
JTrader said:
As a non-scientist, i must admit, I was surprised when i found out that C02 only makes up about 1% of the earths atmosphere, a few months ago when doing my own research.

TGGWS also made an issue of this, stating that CO2 is one of the less likely greenhouse gases likely to cause GW. One of the most or the most prevalent greenhouse gas is water vapour - which they can't do anything about!

In the UK, i think it boils down to having a small country, big population and too many cars on the road. (as Tony Blair more or less has said himself) they have to find a way to cut congestion!

What better way to do this than ensure that only the rich can afford to drive?

Water is H20.

How does sea water produce CO2?
Atilla said:
Water is H20.

How does sea water produce CO2?
It doesn't, H2O vapour is a greenhouse gas in its own right and by some order of magnitude the largest/most significant one.
Jack o'Clubs said:
It doesn't, H2O vapour is a greenhouse gas in its own right and by some order of magnitude the largest/most significant one.

Don't understand. I think I'll need to read up on it.

I can't help this is one of those mixem up and dilute the theory kind of nonsense.
JTrader said:
Well put chump.

Taking this a step further, (Non-mainstream media news reporting that you won't find on BBC Sky ITN) has awakened me to the connections between the controlling "new world order" propaganda & destruction of freedom, through global governments, global taxes etc. etc. and how Global warming could be just part of their framework .

Regarding Gordon Browns speech -

We are not to blame for the fact that we swallow government/mass media propaganda hook line & sinker, as we have nothing to compare it to (The - i saw it on the news so it must be true mentality) - the majority of us just accept what we are told - disbelieving that they would lie to us, or that the mass media are following a script of propaganda.

It's difficult to know who to trust with any of this conspiracy type stuff.
Do you swallow the words of the governments baught & paid for scientists and mass media, or do you accept that the expert minority view, people who are risking ridicule and intimidation - might just be right?

This is an example of a problem-reaction-solution that the NWO elite are using as a pretext for introducing a totalitarian one world government.
fibonelli said:
This is an example of a problem-reaction-solution that the NWO elite are using as a pretext for introducing a totalitarian one world government.

Do you mean International-USA? 😆
It was certainly interesting, but one of the main contributers has claimed his opinions were taken totally out of context, and is making a complaint to channel 4 because he feels so strongly about it. Also the film maker has been in trouble before for misrepresentation in his documentaries.

Did make a nice change to see a different opinionn though.
coolnamebob said:
It was certainly interesting, but one of the main contributers has claimed his opinions were taken totally out of context, and is making a complaint to channel 4 because he feels so strongly about it. Also the film maker has been in trouble before for misrepresentation in his documentaries.

Did make a nice change to see a different opinionn though.

Yes & thats what the newspapers have focused on in order to try & discredit this important film.
coolnamebob said:
It was certainly interesting, but one of the main contributers has claimed his opinions were taken totally out of context, and is making a complaint to channel 4 because he feels so strongly about it. Also the film maker has been in trouble before for misrepresentation in his documentaries.

Did make a nice change to see a different opinionn though.

If you throw sh1t at someone, it sticks.

Even if you remove the substance the bad smelling odour is their.

Even if they have a teflon coat, the smell is likely to linger...

This program has so hit the mark as so many people want to believe in their cars and aeroplanes and everything else it's likely to have profound impact on peoples behaviour.

Sad... 🙁
coolnamebob said:
It was certainly interesting, but one of the main contributers has claimed his opinions were taken totally out of context, and is making a complaint to channel 4 because he feels so strongly about it. Also the film maker has been in trouble before for misrepresentation in his documentaries.

Did make a nice change to see a different opinionn though.

where did you here peace is it!
I don't thnk the govt. & mass mainstream media can ignore this film. Many people will have been interested by it and have important questions that need answering.

The politicians have so far ignored it, as far as i know, and they continue to talk about energy saving lightbulbs in every home........etc.
A top science once said. Global Warming is like someone going out on a cold day with snow up to you waste then having a pee..........You feel the warmth in your pants but it soon passes.
Gentlemen we force Green, We get $ Green, its as simple as that.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Brown will also say the United Nations should make the fight against global warming a core "pillar" of its international mission.

lol, first in the dock for crimes against humanity, The United States Of America please, with continued attitudes of "we are only a small part of the problem, therefore up yours..."

This attitude needs to be dealt with .

This UN recommends ( based on the U.S.A and its lack of any intentions to comply with UN sanctions regarding control of emissions) the immediate use and discharge of 1000 M.O.A.B 's targeted on installations that fail to meet compliance of UN resolutions regarding world legal requirements of emission control from industrial output installations.

In short these will be flattened, to make way for greener business which meets with UN regulations, however you will be charged with the demolition fee's ,namely the cost of the UN delivering (1000 M.O.A.B. 's ) the ordanance, which we hope will run into billions of Euro's.

Er, we also have the contractual rebuild rights over the new installations worth Billions again.

"Gentlemen ,we force Green, We get Green $, its as simple as that."