Does reciting this stuff make you feel better?

Many "experts" do not doubt the reality of AGW if by expert you mean scientists who are actively publishing research material in climatology and related fields. Surveys of the literature and of expert opinion have repeatedly shown an overwhelming expert assertion of the realities of AGW.

This, incidentally, is why all major scientific organizations that have a public position also assert the reality of AGW.

Newtons theory of gravitation is "just" a theory, Einsteins work on special relativity and general relativity are "just" theories, that HIV is responsible for AIDS is "just" a theory but they fit observational evidence extremely well. The same is the case for AGW.

The nonsense currently being flung about declaring there is not "proof" is utterly irrelevant. There is no "proof" in science and never has been. Science is about observational evidence and testing theory against observational evidence. Formal proof is a matter for mathematics and is not the same thing at all.

Does reciting this stuff make YOU feel better?
Are some of you mad? Dragging up a thread from 2010 with nothing of any relevance, effin tools, global warming is blatantly happening and it will be maybe your offsprings offsprings offspring that will suffer a horrible death of unimaginable pain
Are some of you mad? Dragging up a thread from 2010 with nothing of any relevance, effin tools, global warming is blatantly happening and it will be maybe your offsprings offsprings offspring that will suffer a horrible death of unimaginable pain

Please LittleKnown this is a very important subject there is enough hysteria in the media without it spreading onto here.

I attach an up to date temperature chart (courtesy of Roy Spencer, Ph. D.) for everyone to freely make up their own mind.


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Anyone can whip up a chart, it means little, am not that up on my science so dunno, but the ice seems to be disapearing and not coming back in some places, overpopulated planet is where we are heading, bring on the plague:clap:
Please tell me other people starting visualising support/resistance on that temperature chart. I'm going long after the pullback to 0.3.
Anyone can whip up a chart, it means little, am not that up on my science so dunno, but the ice seems to be disapearing and not coming back in some places, overpopulated planet is where we are heading, bring on the plague:clap:

The first chart is from the UAH satellite temperature data-set developed by the University of Alabama. It uses satellites to measure temperatures at various atmospheric levels. As far as I am aware it isn't possible to just 'whip' up a few multi-million dollar satellites! Satellite measurements are considered to be the most reliable source of temperature data because they are unaffected by outside agencies.

The second chart I was a little reluctant to post because I'm having trouble finding the data's source. I will keep digging and come back to you on that one.

I will find some sea ice data to post, there are a few independent sources for this information.

At what point does the Earth become overpopulated? Do you have a figure? How will you know when we have overpopulation? How do you know we will have overpopulation, the history of the West has shown that as countries become more developed population increase declines dramatically as fewer people are required to produce the same level of output.

As for your last comment about bring on the plague I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of it! And to think you showed concern for our offspring, maybe more concern for the current inhabitants of this planet wouldn't go a miss!
Please tell me other people starting visualising support/resistance on that temperature chart. I'm going long after the pullback to 0.3.

Yes I have to admit I'm terrible with that. Every chart I set my eyes on, I see a stock chart 🙄
Ice data as promised.

These two charts are from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).


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Here is a better historical temperature chart going back to the last ice age (courtesy of

This data set of temperatures was created by reconstructing historical and geologic records.


Anyone can whip up a chart, it means little, am not that up on my science so dunno, but the ice seems to be disapearing and not coming back in some places, overpopulated planet is where we are heading, bring on the plague:clap:

You been reading the times haven't ya
As for your last comment about bring on the plague I hope you are thoroughly ashamed of it! And to think you showed concern for our offspring, maybe more concern for the current inhabitants of this planet wouldn't go a miss!

Calm down son, I don't shop at TESCO that's a start, and I have an I love my bag lol, as for overpopulated or developing whatever you wanna call it, just give each race 50 mil capacity and then a bit of room for everything else😈 have a lottery for life:whistling maybe a bit harsh, but definitely stem the flow we have a problem in UK with underage pregnancy and half the f u c k e rs are not fit to have kids, to expand on your overpopulated question, work out the area of land, look at the growth of human population, is it still growing? average waist size, then go from there with your calculations! You sound politically correct though so there is no talking to ya
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Calm down son, I don't shop at TESCO that's a start, and I have an I love my bag lol, as for overpopulated or developing whatever you wanna call it, just give each race 50 mil capacity and then a bit of room for everything else😈 have a lottery for life:whistling maybe a bit harsh, but definitely stem the flow we have a problem in UK with underage pregnancy and half the f u c k e rs are not fit to have kids, to expand on your overpopulated question, work out the area of land, look at the growth of human population, is it still growing? average waist size, then go from there with your calculations! You sound politically correct though so there is no talking to ya

Oh right that's ok then, if you've got your bag we don't need to worry about your championing of a return of the 'black-death'. 🙄

I'm sorry but I'm not going to discuss these things with someone who advocates genocide as a means of population control.

I suggest you think carefully about what you're actually proposing. God help us if you ever come into any position of power.