The Great Global Warming Swindle

Fish said:
Anybody read this........................about Takers and Leavers?

Sorry Fish, but this Daniel guy has got his head so far up his own rectum he can't see daylight and he is talking about smelling roses.

His second paragraph on this link says it all for me. He receives thousands of letters from his readers telling him how short he had fallen and so the madman decides to write another 3 books confusing the sh1t out of his readers even more. 🙁

Excerpt 1

What is so important about him and his communication that it takes 4 books to tell it? 🙄

Maybe somebody should buy him the concise Oxford English Dictionary so he can learn to communicate better. :cheesy:

Sorry this gets a big thumbs down from me.
Splitlink said:
Everything that you say, regarding the paying of tax, is true. It is, also, true that a lot of money is going to be wasted. The outcome is inevitable, though. Thie planet is dying because the human population is on the increase. It will be gradual, the nearest generations will experience shortages of this, that and the other. Water will become as scarce as petrol, fish are already dying out and other animal species are becoming extinct or endangered. The very air we breathe is full of cancerous dust. But now it is too late, the corrective steps should have been taken decades ago. There is no way that Europe is going to persuade the developing nations to reduce pollution. The Chinese are building a power station every week. We are blaming them and, at the same time, our manufacturers are going over there because costs are cheaper and Europeans are buying Chinese textiles for the same reason.

As for the story that we cannot do anything because it is a new Ice Age, don't make me laugh. It's a good story, especially, because it gives us the opportunity to do nothing about it.


The final solution will be ?.....yep thats right....same old same old who's gonna get it ?

counter_violent said:
The final solution will be ?.....yep thats right....same old same old who's gonna get it ?


To answer your quote, first. Not "Who's gonna get it" but Who's getting it right now and what are they getting? Starving people in Africa, mines closing and fishermen selling their trawlers is the reverse side of a coin, the flip side is where oil and ore carrying ships have grown from 15,000 tonners to 200,000 tonners in fifty years and air fares to Europe at 50 Euros a trip, return. Is it any wonder that there is none left and the only place to be is at the top of the heap, so as to grab what there is?

The first thing that someone who makes a lot of money does, in most cases, is move to a better area, where there is not so much muck and people about.

I'm not threatening death and destruction on any of us. This is a phenomenum that is in constant motion, but is never improving, always diminishing the quality of life on earth.

We are in such a state of "grab everything", while only a few think people stop and look at what is is going on. Unfortunately, those people can do nothing.

When I was a kid , at school, our teacher told us that the sea, because of the purifying qualities of salt, would always be the same. Look at it now, the land locked seas, like the Med, if not dead, are dying, Plastic rubbish bags, dumped in America, have been found washed up on the UK coast. Man has done all that and what he has done to the sea, he's done to the atmosphere and everything else.

I'm not saying that man is bad, but he is self-destructive. That is the way we are and it only takes a few fat cats, running a mult-national company, to influence governments to do everything possible to channel money their way, rather than do something to help the planet.

I can assure you, all, that I am not much different. I put my money where I can make a profit. I have no qualms about buying tobacco shares, or some mining company, ripping some Pacific island apart with opencast mines. I try to survive like all of us.

All I ask is that we are honest with ourselves (another impossibility) and that we do not let the politicians hoodwink us. Nevertheless, if they can lead us in the right direction, it would put the brake on for a few generations.

This is not Mother Nature bringing in a new Ice Age.

It's us

Hey 🙂 ! I'm on a favourite theme here! I wish I had Bill Gates money, so that I could do some good! How did he make all that, I wonder? Part of it was screwing the competition and trying to make us dependent on his products. Isn't that what we all try to do?

Let's all try to have a good week in the markets next week. Don't lose any sleep over this--I shan't. It won't happen in my generation.

30 years ago the said we were heading for an ice age, now we are in danger of frying to death. This may be true but it seems that the sun is the most likely cause. Ice caps are also melting on Mars by the way.

Yes everything that TGGWS claimed was probably true.

Now just observe how the govt & mainstream mass media try to ignore/ridicule/discredit & TGGWS & Channel 4 for showing it, as THIS is an "inconvenient truth" they didn't want us to hear about, as they attempt to reduce our movements & civil liberties and enslave us with more taxes.

Perhaps this is OK if you consider that ID cards will be here soon - followed by the microchip!

Just remember this program in a few years when you're being taxed by the mile to drive your car via the infitted GPS, and holidays abroad return to being a privaledge of the weatlhy.
JTrader said:
30 years ago the said we were heading for an ice age, now we are in danger of frying to death. This may be true but it seems that the sun is the most likely cause. Ice caps are also melting on Mars by the way.

Yes everything that TGGWS claimed was probably true.

Now just observe how the govt & mainstream mass media try to ignore/ridicule/discredit & TGGWS & Channel 4 for showing it, as THIS is an "inconvenient truth" they didn't want us to hear about, as they attempt to reduce our movements & civil liberties and enslave us with more taxes.

Perhaps this is OK if you consider that ID cards will be here soon - followed by the microchip!

Just remember this program in a few years when you're being taxed by the mile to drive your car via the infitted GPS, and holidays abroad return to being a privaledge of the weatlhy.

Global warming probably will bring on the ice age to the UK.

There is the conveyor belt consideration whereby the warm currents flow from the warm waters of Mexico to the cold waters of UK Isles. Heat flows to cold areas. It is said that this conveyor belt movement of currents is what makes the UK weather relatively mild.

If the sea temperatures warm up and the heat differential falls, so will the warm current flows. Scientists predict within 10 years of this conveyor belt stopping, the UK will go into an ice age.
Atilla said:
Global warming probably will bring on the ice age to the UK.

There is the conveyor belt consideration whereby the warm currents flow from the warm waters of Mexico to the cold waters of UK Isles. Heat flows to cold areas. It is said that this conveyor belt movement of currents is what makes the UK weather relatively mild.

If the sea temperatures warm up and the heat differential falls, so will the warm current flows. Scientists predict within 10 years of this conveyor belt stopping, the UK will go into an ice age.

Yes, melting ice in the aActic will dilute the salinity of the sea, meaning that cold water stops sinking in the high North Atlantic and returning to the Gulf of Mexico. Thus the Gulf Stream will fail and the UK will have similar temperatures to New Foundland & Nova Scotia. Ice would then begin to form again. This is a good example of exactly how the earth regulates itself.
JTrader said:
Yes, melting ice in the aActic will dilute the salinity of the sea, meaning that cold water stops sinking in the high North Atlantic and returning to the Gulf of Mexico. Thus the Gulf Stream will fail and the UK will have similar temperatures to New Foundland & Nova Scotia. Ice would then begin to form again. This is a good example of exactly how the earth regulates itself.

Not being much of scientist, here, I ask why would melting ice dilute the salinity of the sea to that extent? Melting ice is doing so, because it is warming and why would salinity stop cold water from sinking? I know that there is some interaction, here, because salt water is denser than fresh and cold water is denser than warm, so these two factors will make some difference, but how will this affect the Gulf Stream in any significant way? Why not the reverse i.e. The Gulf Stream getting warmer?

Don't forget that squids, swordfish and other fish, normally swimming in warmer waters have been, recently, found off our coasts.

My view is that the Coming Great Ice Age Theory is an excuse by humanity, in general, and world leaders, in particular, to do little or nothing to prevent the catastrophe that we are creating today and, even more shamefully, to make money out of the situation.

Splitlink said:
Not being much of scientist, here, I ask why would melting ice dilute the salinity of the sea to that extent? Melting ice is doing so, because it is warming and why would salinity stop cold water from sinking? I know that there is some interaction, here, because salt water is denser than fresh and cold water is denser than warm, so these two factors will make some difference, but how will this affect the Gulf Stream in any significant way? Why not the reverse i.e. The Gulf Stream getting warmer?

Don't forget that squids, swordfish and other fish, normally swimming in warmer waters have been, recently, found off our coasts.

My view is that the Coming Great Ice Age Theory is an excuse by humanity, in general, and world leaders, in particular, to do little or nothing to prevent the catastrophe that we are creating today and, even more shamefully, to make money out of the situation.


Hi Split

I'm no scientist, and cannot really do this subject justice - Maybe this will do it better -
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Even if the global governments scientists are correct about CO2 as the cause. What happened to the electric car as part of a solution?
Take a look -

If the oil companies weren't going to be hardest hit, perhaps the electric car would have been mainstream for many years by now?

Could it all come back to profit/$$$$$$$$$$$ for the oil mafia?
JTrader said:
Even if the global governments scientists are correct about CO2 as the cause. What happened to the electric car as part of a solution?
Take a look -

If the oil companies weren't going to be hardest hit, perhaps the electric car would have been mainstream for many years by now?

Could it all come back to profit/$$$$$$$$$$$ for the oil mafia?

if you want exotic new free-energy ideas, try googling "Tom Bearden" and "Bruce de Palma".
not to mention Nikola Tesla, and his idea of free energy.
However, his backer, a certain JP Morgan, cancelled his backing.
Nothing new there then.
Without entering into the debate (although I think we are screwing the planet), I caught a glimpse of one of the dailies in Tesco's: the right-wing loony John Redwood reckons global-warming will bring economic benefits to the UK as it will encourage more tourism.

I don't which is more profound - my hatred of Labour or my absolute contempt and despair for potentially dangerous, Tory mavericks.

There's a saying: in democracies you get what you voted for.

grantx said:
Without entering into the debate (although I think we are screwing the planet), I caught a glimpse of one of the dailies in Tesco's: the right-wing loony John Redwood reckons global-warming will bring economic benefits to the UK as it will encourage more tourism.

I don't which is more profound - my hatred of Labour or my absolute contempt and despair for potentially dangerous, Tory mavericks.

There's a saying: in democracies you get what you voted for.


I'm thinking of becoming an anarchist in my old age.

Feel disillusioned by democracy, capitalism, communism and humanity. Yet I'm sh1t bang in the middle of it all. Britain, one of the leading capitalist freeworld democracies of the world with super human rights record. So much human rights that it's even political correct and infuriating. As for communists, it seems Russia and China are fast becoming the biggest capitalist economies I've seen.

Life is a beach and then one drowns in polluted waters. 🙄
I was a young anarchist and still am ( old now ).

I have always despised democracy and seen it as a sham and an easy way to fool the moronic masses.

I have lived in many non-democratic countries and have always been happy.

Some of these countries actually work.

So called democracy does really suck.

Apart from all that, when you have lived as long as I have, and if you are as intelligent as I am, you reach a well defined point where you realise that :-

1. Life as we know it is totally pointless, and

2. Nothing at all matters

We are all dead in the long run so who the hell cares anyway ?
Atilla said:
I'm thinking of becoming an anarchist in my old age.

Feel disillusioned by democracy, capitalism, communism and humanity. Yet I'm sh1t bang in the middle of it all. Britain, one of the leading capitalist freeworld democracies of the world with super human rights record. So much human rights that it's even political correct and infuriating. As for communists, it seems Russia and China are fast becoming the biggest capitalist economies I've seen.

Life is a beach and then one drowns in polluted waters. 🙄
Anyone see 'The Trap' on BBC2 last night? Brilliant - set out the limitations of democratic freedom: basically the cost of true freedom is constant stress (it only comes when you're free to pursue your own ambitions above all else, but that means you have to assume everyone else is out to shaft you), or governments decide what's best for you, which inevitably moves towards Stalinist statism until a revolution pushes it back the other way. Pretty intriguing stuff - lots of professors talking about how game theory applies to basic human relationships and stuff. Start of a series, so watch next week's if you missed this one, but the long-and-short of it is yes, best to be an anarchist... 😉
The long and the short of it is , look out for number 1 and boll**ks to anyone else.
Jack o'Clubs said:
Anyone see 'The Trap' on BBC2 last night? Brilliant - set out the limitations of democratic freedom: basically the cost of true freedom is constant stress (it only comes when you're free to pursue your own ambitions above all else, but that means you have to assume everyone else is out to shaft you), or governments decide what's best for you, which inevitably moves towards Stalinist statism until a revolution pushes it back the other way. Pretty intriguing stuff - lots of professors talking about how game theory applies to basic human relationships and stuff.

Start of a series, so watch next week's if you missed this one, but the long-and-short of it is yes, best to be an anarchist... 😉

Thanks JoC, I'll look out for that one. I take it it's on Sundays?
yacarob1 said:
I was a young anarchist and still am ( old now ).

I have always despised democracy and seen it as a sham and an easy way to fool the moronic masses.

I have lived in many non-democratic countries and have always been happy.

Some of these countries actually work.

So called democracy does really suck.

Apart from all that, when you have lived as long as I have, and if you are as intelligent as I am, you reach a well defined point where you realise that :-

1. Life as we know it is totally pointless, and

2. Nothing at all matters

We are all dead in the long run so who the hell cares anyway ?

I don't feel as bad as you - yet? but on my way there as I get older 😆

When I was younger I think I shyed away from anarchists because they looked like Sid Vicious and mostly were punks and funny coloured people. I didn't like or understand Punk music 😕 My parents might have had a stroke too if I dressed and behaved like them.

Now I realise you don't have to be a punk rocker to be an anarchist. What a fool I've been. 😆

Were you or are you still a punk rocker? 🙂
grantx said:
There's a saying: in democracies you get what you voted for.


The other interpretation of democracy is that the majority rules - like it or lump it.

If you then consider the Stalin saying "Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Then you begin to have a problem (research electronic voting machines in the USA).

The great global warming swindle has been ridiculed in the mainstream press who carry out the governments propaganda (It's not even funny), and ignored by the politicians so far.

Wake up and smell the fascism!
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