counter_violent said:
The final solution will be ?.....yep thats right....same old same old who's gonna get it ?
To answer your quote, first. Not "Who's gonna get it" but Who's getting it right now and what are they getting? Starving people in Africa, mines closing and fishermen selling their trawlers is the reverse side of a coin, the flip side is where oil and ore carrying ships have grown from 15,000 tonners to 200,000 tonners in fifty years and air fares to Europe at 50 Euros a trip, return. Is it any wonder that there is none left and the only place to be is at the top of the heap, so as to grab what there is?
The first thing that someone who makes a lot of money does, in most cases, is move to a better area, where there is not so much muck and people about.
I'm not threatening death and destruction on any of us. This is a phenomenum that is in constant motion, but is never improving, always diminishing the quality of life on earth.
We are in such a state of "grab everything", while only a few think people stop and look at what is is going on. Unfortunately, those people can do nothing.
When I was a kid , at school, our teacher told us that the sea, because of the purifying qualities of salt, would always be the same. Look at it now, the land locked seas, like the Med, if not dead, are dying, Plastic rubbish bags, dumped in America, have been found washed up on the UK coast. Man has done all that and what he has done to the sea, he's done to the atmosphere and everything else.
I'm not saying that man is bad, but he is self-destructive. That is the way we are and it only takes a few fat cats, running a mult-national company, to influence governments to do everything possible to channel money their way, rather than do something to help the planet.
I can assure you, all, that I am not much different. I put my money where I can make a profit. I have no qualms about buying tobacco shares, or some mining company, ripping some Pacific island apart with opencast mines. I try to survive like all of us.
All I ask is that we are honest with ourselves (another impossibility) and that we do not let the politicians hoodwink us. Nevertheless, if they can lead us in the right direction, it would put the brake on for a few generations.
This is not Mother Nature bringing in a new Ice Age.
It's us
🙂 ! I'm on a favourite theme here! I wish I had Bill Gates money, so that I could do some good! How did he make all that, I wonder? Part of it was screwing the competition and trying to make us dependent on his products. Isn't that what we all try to do?
Let's all try to have a good week in the markets next week. Don't lose any sleep over this--I shan't. It won't happen in my generation.