The American Meltdown

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
Came across the following transcript of a telephone conversation with a member of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank while doing some quick research on fiat currency for another thread:

Worth a read. In fact, Googling "fiat currency" seems to throw up quite a lot of worrying material...

Well after reading that I am just waiting for someone to tell me that politicians do not have my interests at heart 😉

I could add a view ,but I am protecting my remaining 4 yellow stars , so I will pass...

peterpr said:
Five minutes later an armed response team consisting of 4 police officers + a police helicopter turned up. "We were told you were using a lethal weapon to challenge an intruder" said a policeman. "And I was told there were no officers available to responfd to my call for help" replied the farmer. That's a pretty fair summary of the situation faced by rural communities in England these days.


that's just terrible , what kind of police terrorises innocent farmers defending their land from possible burglars and worse .

I have every sympathy for the farmer , I have had friends in similiar situations and it's no joke when you are threatened by some cheap hoodlum in your own home and the police turn up to harrass you .
wisestguy said:
peterpr said:
Five minutes later an armed response team consisting of 4 police officers + a police helicopter turned up. "We were told you were using a lethal weapon to challenge an intruder" said a policeman. "And I was told there were no officers available to responfd to my call for help" replied the farmer. That's a pretty fair summary of the situation faced by rural communities in England these days.


that's just terrible , what kind of police terrorises innocent farmers defending their land from possible burglars and worse .

I have every sympathy for the farmer , I have had friends in similiar situations and it's no joke when you are threatened by some cheap hoodlum in your own home and the police turn up to harrass you .
There is a lot of countryside crap going around now a days .....

It sems that country side campaign now stands for anything that is not in accordance with the 'wish list' and 'goverment MUST do this for us' group...

Quite frankly I don't give a damn, as the real issue has been hijacked by certain groups who claim to stand for issues 'countryside'....and they have very biased and self interest at heart....

If you ring Police and say there is intruder...the next question would be - Are you in any personal danger?...say yes and they will be there sharpish....I happen to own a place in countryside and I know that... just having an intruder in your garden is not a police situation - only if your life is in danger then, and only then, it is a Police issue......!!!

Police is not there for anyone ringing willy nilly, insisting to be 'there' just because they want them there...they are not your personal force....Employ private police if you need them as a drop of a hat...

So far only few words of an individual have been posted here as an evidence....No real evidence of events has been provided...Perhaps the writer would care to print as to when and where the event took place so that it can be taken up further, until then it is 'hearsay'.....and that happens all the time when someone wants to mulch the issue...!!!

There are many other issues that matter like help for the elderly, more hospitals, more schools etc...that is where the funds should be aimed at....not the 'Fox hunters' who lurk under the hat of 'Countryside'...
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Go for it Tony....

End this Fox Hunting RIGHT NOW....

And also stop this crap practice of breeding 'slow dogs' so that they don't catch the fox first...!!!!

What gives you the right to decide what is best for the countryside? Whatever happened to diversity? On one end you preach diversity and on the other hand you can't stand diversity of opinion.

You are right on one thing at least. Police are not here to protect us. They are here to "keep the peace". Every individual in a free and open society has an obligation to provide the first line of defence (i.e. self defence). What I believe these countryside folks are rejecting is the police telling them they cannot defend themselves?!?! I have read more than a few stories on the BBC about British folk defending themselves and getting charged with crimes! To me that is outrageous.

Beware Mr Zambuck, when Tony Blair gives you the right to do what YOU want to do to the folks in the Countryside. You inherently give the right to the folks in the Countryside to do what THEY want to you----when they come to power. Do not forget that.

Frankly, I believe people should be left the hell alone. I don't care whether you are in the Countryside of England or living next to me here in the States. You can do whatever the hell you want as long as you are not trying to hurt me physically or steal my stuff. Fox hunting does not hurt me. And if Zambuck was being intellectually honest, he would admit it doesn't hurt him either.
No Police are not saying that one cannot defend themselves, one can if required use a 'reasonable force to protect one's rights and property'. Yes you have only heard stories from BBC, but try to get real facts of events, the picture may be slightly different.

These 'folks' as you call them are forming 'I am right' group and are trying to dictate the issue in an arrogant and militant fashion. They have hijacked the real countryside issue...They are against any democratic process of Parliament that is set to determine the process. You must have heard what happened there..!!!

I along with many others am against ALL forms of hunting, except when it is for food or farmed for consumption....any hunting for pleasure is outdated form of entertainment...

Chasing Fox then shredding it to pieces is not a sports...and I will always speak against that...

I have no objections to hun or horse riding at all...

Many here in countryside actually object to this practice....but their voice has been suppressed and/or hijacked...

Many object to breeding of these slow dogs, just for sports etc...there are now very vocal objector to this...

Dumping dead animals on Brighton street recently is another crass example of this groups rabid and militant attitude...

Tony Blair has given no one any right to determine about the issues, it is the Parliament that has a democratic right to excercise the votes based on the opinions. You need to learn about the UK Parliament system. It works better that US one...

I wonder what would have happened to all voices of objection in Roman Amphitheatre when they objected to the slave / lion and gladiator sports as being inhuman??

No I remain convinced that barbaric killing in name of sports must be ended. That is my Democratic right to insist on that and if there are more than 50% in the country who agree then majority wins and it should stop - simple as that.
Forget about parliamentary democracy.
The palace of Westminster is packed so full of Phoney Bliars placemen, most from urban areas, that the place is toothless when it comes to holding government in check. I agree with Oscar Wilde that hunting consists of "the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable".
But the way this is being pushed through by a few voiciferous urbanites is causing great anger.
...As G K Chsterson said once...'to have a perfect system is impossible, but to have a system is indispensible..!!!

The issue is not being pushed forward by Urbanites, I also live in countryside and I can tell you that many object to the hijack of a hunting issue in the name of 'countryside issue'....
I wonder how many of these bleeding hearts who condemn hunting with such savagery are wont to tuck into a battery chicken, rasher of Danish bacon or Big Mac of a weekend? Is cruelty to animals suddenly permissible as long as we eat them?
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my point is that the police should not interfere with people justly trying to defend themselves . it seems that they are now no longer enforcers of justice but enforcers of the NWO political agenda - ie) you can only dfend yourself when the state says so , if you do otherwise you'll end up in a cell , even if common morals would dictate that a person has the right to do so.

control over one's personal safety has been transfered to the state organ despite all the lip service.

" WE will protect you ONLY if you tow the line , o/w we will set the criminals upon you "

it's terrorism of a different form.

Some day we will have to clean up this mess all over greater western civilisation!! If Zambuck and the other people want to live in a Stalinist police state ---ship them to Zimbabwe! Or some other HELL_HOLE!

Poor English People have found out that Tony Blair's "New Britannia" = Britain MINUS the English people!! I can't believe my Irish Yankee arss is feeling bad for ya---but I do feel for you. It will only get worse. Wait till Zambuck is elected to Britain's new Ministry of Diversity (i.e. Ministry of Communism)!!! And we thought we won the cold war!!!!

ok in that case the people should arm themselves with guns and they can protect themselves....what will be different then the gun trotting idiots in US...only freedom they have over there is what their president and senators tall them about everything in world and they all nod heads in unison...

There was a survey carried out generally in US and half of them thought that saddam lived in alaska and he will attack frm there..!!!


Yes when I am elected to Minsitry as you think I will then, I will invite you to clean sanitary accommodations....I am sure you will do a very good job there..!!! you are precise...and know a lot about 'hell holes...

Shipping a resident to other country..??...I thought you lived in democratic and free society, but I think you actually live in a **** HOLE yourrself..!!!...

I can smell a 'stale steam' it you..???
TGM said:
Some day we will have to clean up this mess all over greater western civilisation!!!!
Erm, I assume you're joking.

By 'us' do you mean the U.S.?

Name one 'mess' you (i.e. if we're talking about the U.S.) have successfully 'cleaned up'...

Before you put me squarely in the anti-US camp, I'm not. I don't think the Brits have done too well either. Or the French.

Any country that can't raise a half -serious challenge to a joker like Bush doesn't deserve to be have anything other than more of the same.

Just like the UK will with Blair...

Bumped into an American couple getting a coffee in London last week, both wearing 'Beat Bush' buttons. "Kerry in with a chance?" I suggested. "Nope. Not a hope in hell. We just want to beat Bush. Anyone will do...". I feel they were serious.

Not that the Cheney-Rumsfeld axis do a bad job. As acting presidents they are doing well in their endeavours in a push to a totalitarian state (i.e. the entire planet). Soon as I get a chance, I'm gonna move to God's Country - before it moves to mine.
Paranoia about "outsiders".
Any dissent about the incumbent seen as unpatriotic.
Eavesdropping on citizens on a mass scale.
Media control, censorship unless views of the state pushed.
Unelected leadership.

Ronald Reagan had a phrase about this.... The Evil Empire.

Amazing, how in a few short years, the "freedom" country has become the model of Communistic control.


PS: I am not a pinko-commie-liberal-lovin-bleedin-heart. I am a Brit.
....all visitors will be photographed and finger printed on arrival..!!!

...Charlie Chaplin and many leading citizens others were kicked out in McCarthy witch hunt for communists...!!

Systematically used people as 'slaves' and did not give them liberty until 1960's...

An old frail lady was kicked out of bus for not sitting 'where she was told to sit'...

Shall I go on...I won't have to go far to get the whole library...about US...

Even the so called 'Evil Empire' in it's heyday, did not do this kind of attack on one's civil liberty' on this scale

So next time TGM when you so loosely lecture others, perhaps peer on you back just in case you left a stitch undone..!!!
I luv post'n on this board. Well Zambuck and Company, I was just trying to get a rise out of ya. It is never anything personal.

By the way, I vote Libertarian (straight ticket). I dislike Bush and Kerry. I am not to fond of anything in Greater Europe either. Come to think of it, if I could snap my fingers and make all the politicians (and lawyers) disappear ----I would. Maybe I will ask Santa for that one as big gift.

Oh by the way, the President of my country has just asked the Congress to RAISE the debt ceiling just one more time! The debt ceiling of the United States is now up to how many trillions?? If you can answer that question accurately and if you can tell me how much my country owes the world???? I will send you a Libertarian coffee mug or maybe a t-shirt????/!?!?
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I luv ya brother. However, you can't hold it against me or the libertarian party for the insanity of the past. Why? You say? I was not alive in the 60's and neither was the Libertarian Party!!! So Zamby, we are both good to go.

Oh and you know how my country always solves it's problems. Just ask the American Indians how it worked out for them??? If you can find any.
...well John Wayne shot them up the prairies....and got Oscar for the effort..

enough said..!!
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