W. Bush: Destroyer of the US Empire

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Atilla you live in a highly controlled enviroment on an island, if your safe little world was ever turned upside down you'd have that much more trouble because you've be living in 21st century global fantasy.

Your right, wars are a thing of the past. Britain will never see bombs coming down again. It'll never happen, no way possible.

The americans? Fck em, what have they done for us? Nothing.

Have fun in make believe land Atilla.

Well Atilla what do you think went wrong between Hussien and the Americans? I've seen pictures of rumsfeld and saddam from the 70's, these guys have been negotiating for decades, why did it break down?

You talk about a 'nuclear Bond' liquidation and conversion to Euro's, but you have to ask yourself who's threatening who?

Do they really need to convert to euros at the expence of our economy and well being just to prove a point about who's in control.

Yes the dollar is losing ground, but acting at that time at the complete expence to america is just as much a threat.

Your argument is that america is a evil empire (I agree on some points) yet part of the reason where in such debt is from attempting to expand personal freedoms? You would have to admit that eastern and mid-eastern culture have learned alot from us/them.

So I ask you, at what point did the chaos take sides.?
I think I know what happened,

Iraq and Iran after decades of negotiating with the americans finally got sick of being dominated by stronger country. Decided in this new global era with the backing of the EU, UN could tell off the americans.

Thought they could just pull the rug out from under the americans, screw them over for being so prosperous (instead of blaming there own society).

America owns all the might and uses all the oil, they can only afford to negotiate with Crude Oil manipulators for so long.
You want to talk about fraud, Oil market. Mideast Oil.
You want open unmanipulated markets, western exchanges.
You think americans are the mafia?

I have all types of friends.

I have those that do nothing but curse the USA and I have friends that would blindly follow it into there grave.

..but I do understand what they are saying and I do respect them.

I have nothing but respect for you Atilla and Zam, but I can't help but accept the reality that the world is still a wild place.

I live in one of the last frontiers, the attitude of the frontiers man is still alive here, that was my only point.

May peace be with you.
Your argument is that america is a evil empire (I agree on some points) yet part of the reason where in such debt is from attempting to expand personal freedoms?

Expanding personal freedoms. You must be joking. Empires and those who control them have always deluded themselves about the superiority of their culture over that of others. The world is fed up with hearing about US exceptionalism.

I suppose that carpet bombing from 20000 ft with B52s was just a necessary phase in expanding personal freedom ?

Read what this Vietnamese man who had both legs blown off has to say about freedom

Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news and business from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam

Maybe the death squads in Latin America were also a necessary step on the road to personal freedom, or the Pinchet coup in Chile.

Or perhaps the couple of million Iraqi refugees in Syria, that the US has not lifted a finger to help.

It is the big lie that US empire has anything to do with freedom.
Expanding personal freedoms. You must be joking. Empires and those who control them have always deluded themselves about the superiority of their culture over that of others. The world is fed up with hearing about US exceptionalism.

I suppose that carpet bombing from 20000 ft with B52s was just a necessary phase in expanding personal freedom ?

Read what this Vietnamese man who had both legs blown off has to say about freedom

Asia Times Online :: Southeast Asia news and business from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam

Maybe the death squads in Latin America were also a necessary step on the road to personal freedom, or the Pinchet coup in Chile.

Or perhaps the couple of million Iraqi refugees in Syria, that the US has not lifted a finger to help.

It is the big lie that US empire has anything to do with freedom.
Dcraig, let me guess you just closed your positions for the week at a close and now your venting.

Well to bad you missed the party and debate 🙂

I know more about whats going on than either of you morons.

My father was a professor of cultural anthropology for over 30 years. Growing up I would constantly go to my fathers classes and whatching films and students studying native cultures.

I say all the Democrats, liberals talk about studying helping this tribal people, while in reality they were just diluting there culture.

I told my father what I thought about america and it so-called democracy, it's fake enviromentalist, driving there brand new diesels that cost more oil to manufactur then if the would have hung onto there old Chevy.

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It's all B.S. and where all part of it,

atilla, craig, zam, me

where all part of it, neither one of us is better.

I am certainly not going to take the blame.

Alex Jones: end game

The power that be want the USAs economy to collapse. That is all planned. In order for them to become stronger there going to bring our living standards down to be able to absorb Mexico, with out having the Usa flooded by them as soon as they fully open up the borders.

North American Union / Union of North America

These guys are running Trajectories that have us lossing Super power status in the future 50 years. ..So there going to make a play to create a new country. They know americans would never go for it, so they 'let' / perpetuated the collapse happen. For this reason you can't assess the situation by only looking at the economy.

......If this chap represents US then US has a very bright future....!

Freaky stuff but not too far from reality...

This single world order stuff - you know if they can't take care of a little small country like Iraq that had no unity to start with and was ruled by a plonker - what chance will the Single World Order have taking over giants like Russia, China, India, Iran even...

What came out from that video imo is that the US citizens have to be very weary of their own government as they are increasingly moving towards a police state.

Even their past elections make democracy look highly questionable. I'm referring to Bush victory and lack of ballot boxes and voting stations for depressed parts of the country to exclude popullar support for the democrats. I wouldn't be too surprised if the Republicans get in again...

I would be afraid if I were DT. Very afraid not of terrorists or Iran but of the enemy within.
Let's look at numbers ..


That the joke of the new century.

How unenlightened must one be to confuse artillery at hand with results.

You guys have been conned by your lovely, as your President Eisenhower termed that corrupt threat, Industrial-Military-Complex, into wasting more money than any other sane nation on earth into absolutey useless military gun powder while 45 million of your citizens do not even have health care.

What exactly has all that wasted money bought you ?

Nothing much, has it.

You can't even win wars in third world sand pots like Iraq or Afghanistan.

Not a big surprise, really, after lost wars in Korea and Vietnam, is it.

On top of your disastrous military history of failure after failure, you have also lost all the influence you ever had post post Bush.

Plus, or rather, MOST importantly, you are bankrupt.

The only way you guys can still keep your lights at home is if your European and Asian creditors do not pull the plug.

Wake up mate. If you're in a hole do not keep digging.

"The End of Empire

The imperial ambitions of the Bush Administration, post-9/11, are founded on quicksand and are eventually sure to founder, but for fundamental reasons not currently under discussion. Bush's open-ended claims for US power--including the unilateral right to invade and occupy "failed states" to execute "regime change"--offend international law and are prerogatives associated only with empire. But Bush's greater vulnerability is about money. You can't sustain an empire from a debtor's weakening position--sooner or later the creditors pull the plug.

The US financial position is rapidly deteriorating, due mainly to America's persistent and growing trade deficit. US ambitions to run the world, in other words, are heavily mortgaged. Like any debtor who borrows more year after year with no plausible way to reverse the trend, a nation sinking deeper into debt enters into an adverse power relationship with its creditors--greater and greater dependency.

But history suggests that with sufficient provocation, the creditor nations will eventually assert their leverage over the United States, however reluctantly. That critical juncture is likely to arrive either because the American debt burden has become so great that additional lending would be too risky or because the creditor nations want to jerk Washington's chain, perhaps to head off reckless new adventures. Either way, it will be a humbling moment for American triumphalism....


Really wondering, Hitler could be overcome, the Soviet Union contained, and all without torture or getting rid of civil rights like the abominable custom these days in America, but a handful of loonies in turbans scare the living daylights out of a few US citizens ?

Nobody else in the world believes that terrorism is a war that must be fought, let alone a threat any greater than normal crime.

What on earth is going on in that country that they are acting like the biggest cowards on earth, afraid of everything and it#s shdow, and fall for such scaremongering bull**** ?


Having said that. just read about Ron Paul, and he sounds like the sort of person I would vote for.

If there were more people like him in the States we wouldn't have the enormous mess we have now.

What Americas loonies don't get is that the world is not anti-american.

What we want is a partner who believes in democracy, human rights and decency.

In other words, what the USA USED to be all about before the loonies took over.