The end of the world as we know it?


Sorry if I have offended you- no offence was intended.

But on your comments

"Love thy neighbour as thyself

I would argue that spreadbetting and trading futures is the exact opposite of this as it involves putting your self first at the expense and cost of your fellow man. "

There is nothing untoward here at all.

This is not a one sided thing as many more eloquent ones have said.

Everyone is in agreement to trade and take the risks accordingly.

There is no hate in these transactions unless that's something that you decide to do yourself.

I can lose and do lose like other people but does it mean I don't love the other person- far from it- because we have already made an agreement.

I am sorry you cannot see the plain facts and maybe you don't quite understand the difference between giving and a lending.

Thanks for that little name tag "religious nut"

If you knew only half of what I know- you will not only be a religious nut but a complete lunatic for Jesus.

I have taken no offence at your statement so no apologies are required.
Well I'm glad I started a debate! It wasn't quite the one that I was anticipating though. Although you can see why the vast majority of wars in the world are over religion!

Perhaps I shouldn't have added the quote from Nostradamus in my original post, It seemed to reduce the post to that of a mere prophecy.

I was really just speculating on the possible future outcome of current world events. Just today a ship carrying 680 tonnes of explosives was seized in the Med, where was that going to end up?

Anyway, I hope I by raising these concerns that I haven't damaged the much more important cause, which is that SB bias doesn't exist! It's just a lie put about by those that have been whipped by the markets and need someone to blame for their losses!!
MMillar, yep, perhaps I'll stick to just arguing with other peoples views rather than trying to offer anything too constructive! Don't like to be viewed as a nut. By the way, anyone want to join my 'end of the world cult'. When the end comes only true believers will be left, the cynical will inherit the earth.
I've been around trading/investing BBs since ESI started and I usually see that when people start talking about religion and politics it always ends in someone getting upset.
I hope you are not talking about me Mr Charts because I love everyone of you guys! -(In the Godly sense of course just in case anyone misintepret.)

Don't take things too seriously-life was made to enjoy.

Enjoy your trading and if you are making money so much more the better- Enjoy that too as you sure can't take it with you when you finally kick the bucket.
I'm speaking in general terms.
When I die I cannot take anything with me because Gordon Brown will get it anyway.
When a close friend died a couple of years ago he had an atheist funeral and his wife played the song which epitomised his life and perhaps, I hope, mine:

"All You Need Is Love".
Strange that after one of our number asked who else apart from myself was thinking of leaving IG because of daft spreads,that today they've cut ftse spread to 4?Perhaps if we all make it clear we're not putting up with being ripped off by spreads and bias,the message will get through?Personally I'm off to futures -- ####-'em!
I never said trading was evil.

I am very moralistic and understand the rules of the game only too well.

I will however not have religion stuffed down my throat. It has no place in modern society IMHO. In fact there are now more practicing Muslims in the UK than Christians so why does the Christian Church have so much power? Time for a few law and constitutional changes I think.

It's nice to live in a country where you can say that, don't you think.
There are many muslim countries where you would be
rather harshly treated for that opinion.

I would leave well alone if I were you.
it serves you well !
Word for Today

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Acts 2:17-21
why don't you find an appropriate place to preach, this bb is about trading, i didn't join to read about religion, its bad enough when the religious zealots come knocking on your door full of their righteousness, give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's, thats where you are mate, Ceasar's Palace. So CEASE.
quote from JonnyT
I will however not have religion stuffed down my throat.
words of wisdom, JonnyT, they can stuff it down their own throats
is Christianity technically a monotheistic religion?

i understand the basis of trinitarian doctrine and all, but when yuo start saying that the Father, Son, and Holy Sprit are all just manifestations of one Ultimate Being, how is this particularly different than saying the Hindu trinity of Creator (Brahma), Preserver (Vishnu), and Destroyer (Shiva) serve as manifestations of Brahman (ultimate reality)? I mean, if yuo ask some Hindus, they will say they are monotheistic, although no Christian will ever claim to be polytheistic. Hopefully someone can clear this up 😕
and another thing, if Adam was the first man, and Eve the first woman, where did Cain's wife come from? I mean, Cain must have screwed his own mom, right? 😕
heh heh bonsai 🙂

yuo know, there's another thing about the bible that puzzles me. That debacle with the rain and Noah. How the hell did he manage to get two specimens of every creature into one crappy wooden boat? surely he would've needed a couple of aircraft carriers at the very least? 😕
my children ask a lot of bloody silly questions too !

They all cuddled up. Don't you like a cuddle !

well then ?