The American Meltdown


With an interest in hunting it is obvious what is the cultural 'germ' that is affecting you....You will find everything at fault....Euro....Scots....and many things more....

I am against hunting...against rural farmers who became millionaires with Euro subsidies...who were given a million pounds or near for all farming stocks lost....

How about giving half of that amount to all who lose jobs...who are given the boot my multinationals whose bosses give themselves 20% pay rise while telling their staff to tighten their belts..????

I am pro Europe....UK farmers sell their biggest chunk of meat to Europe...and therefore they have vested interest in Euro to succeed.....
zambuck said:

With an interest in hunting it is obvious what is the cultural 'germ' that is affecting you....You will find everything at fault....Euro....Scots....and many things more....

I am against hunting...against rural farmers who became millionaires with Euro subsidies...who were given a million pounds or near for all farming stocks lost....

How about giving half of that amount to all who lose jobs...who are given the boot my multinationals whose bosses give themselves 20% pay rise while telling their staff to tighten their belts..????

I am pro Europe....UK farmers sell their biggest chunk of meat to Europe...and therefore they have vested interest in Euro to succeed.....

Does everything you are 'against' have to be made illegal or does the concepts of justice, freedom and tolerance of allegedly unpopular minorities have any attractions for you?

You' seem to have a pretty jaundiced view of people you disagree with. Never mind answering the points I made - just slag off the groups you think I'm associated with.

For your information the government ordered the unnecessary slaughter of over 10 million healthy animals - less than one tenth of one percent of them were confirmed as having been in contact with the disease. That's an order of magnitude more animals killed - often in the most horrific circumstances by government dictat, than organised hunting has killed (in the way which most closely approximates to natural predationin) its entire history .

Show me a farmer who is infavour of the Europe and the Euro and I'll show you an armchair Industrial scale 'farmer' like the chairman of Northern foods who regularly screw the small mixed farmer so that his supermarkets can give the consumer the 'cheap' food we seem to think we are entitled to - much of it produced in the disgusting conditions of battery units.

We were rather glad of our farmers during the last war but it sounds to me like you don't care much for farmers (English ones at any rate) - so tell me who would you prefer to grow your food for you? French, African, Outer-Mongolian? or maybe you think you could do it yourself at a pinch?

When the bien-pensants have finally got their way and we don't have a farming industry anymore - when every morsal you eat and drink has been shipped in by sea or air, then it will serve us damn well right if a few of those nice, friendy overseas farmers decide to spit in our soup.
To peterpr,
I don't know if you have noticed, but we inreasingly have something called a knowledge economy now. We don't manufacture stuff any more because other's can do it for us at a fraction of the cost. This not only benefits us as consumers, as we get all kinds of goods cheaper, but benefits the developing world too as they are provided with greater employment. To see how this benefits the third world, you only have to look at a country like Taiwan who have effectively manufactured their way out of poverty.

The only major exception to our outsourcing of manufacturing is food, whose producers in the UK are paid enourmous subsidies at great cost to the tax payer. Meanwhile third world farmers all over the world have no chance of exporting to us because the food we produce is made artificially cheap by our subsidies. To make matters worse, they even have trouble selling food in their OWN markets because we routinely dump excess subsidised food on to them. The removal of subsidies would improve efficiency and competitiveness of UK farmers who are currently riding the subsidy gravy train.

85% of employment in the third world is in agriculture. A big step towards bringing the 3rd world out of poverty is to stop subsidising our food. I don't care where my food is made (just like I don't care where my TV is made), as long as it is good quality and good value. I don't know if you have noticed, but educated, prosperous people tend not to become suicide bombers and hang onto the underside of EuroStar trains. If the farming industry is made smaller in the UK by the removal of subsidies, then so be it. Agriculture is insignificant to the UK economy now, and the benefits of doing so would greatly outweigh the harm.

We slaughtered millions of animals with good intentions (although in retrospect, earlier widespread vaccinations may have rendered this unnecessary), which was to stop the spread of a disease that crosses over to humans. What are the good intentions of fox hunting? Your entertainment? Grow up.

Why are foreign farmers more likely to spit in our soup than UK ones? Not xenophobic by any chance are you?


My comments in blue italics...

Don't get knickers in a twist....Brendan has answered some points very well so I will keep it short...

peterpr said:
Does everything you are 'against' have to be made illegal or does the concepts of justice, freedom and tolerance of allegedly unpopular minorities have any attractions for you?

I have more than concept of justice by the way....I don't go on hunting foxes to prove that is 'sports'..!!!

You' seem to have a pretty jaundiced view of people you disagree with. Never mind answering the points I made - just slag off the groups you think I'm associated with. disagree with me, so does that mean you have the same view???? leat I don't have 'blinkered view'..!!!

You slagged off Scots....Europeans, and still continue to do so..But that is acceptable as it's your view, but no one can have theirs..!!

For your information the government ordered the unnecessary slaughter of over 10 million healthy animals - less than one tenth of one percent of them were confirmed as having been in contact with the disease. That's an order of magnitude more animals killed - often in the most horrific circumstances by government dictat, than organised hunting has killed (in the way which most closely approximates to natural predationin) its entire history .

Yes that was ordered because the farming regulations to monitor and check that should have been in place was taken off by the previous government...thinking that they can leave that to farmers to control the issue...the result was a dark stain on our farming one including US wanted to buy our meat....A first world country with third rate farming industry...But that is OK by you chaps..!!!

Show me a farmer who is infavour of the Europe and the Euro and I'll show you an armchair Industrial scale 'farmer' like the chairman of Northern foods who regularly screw the small mixed farmer so that his supermarkets can give the consumer the 'cheap' food we seem to think we are entitled to - much of it produced in the disgusting conditions of battery units.

They may not be in favour with Euro, but at a drop of a hat they will whinge and whine if no one from Europe will buy their meat..!!!...Come on...if they hate them...just stop dealing with them....Euro subsidy paid a huge part of money to farmers for the cull that took place here...!!!...In fact farmers boasted as to who made what at pubs..!!!...If i remember it it was reported that one chap made, miserly £450,000 only from the animal cull.....!!!

We were rather glad of our farmers during the last war but it sounds to me like you don't care much for farmers (English ones at any rate) - so tell me who would you prefer to grow your food for you? French, African, Outer-Mongolian? or maybe you think you could do it yourself at a pinch?

Next time you munch your cheese and cucumber sandwiches, think where some of the ingredients come from....I can tell you that most come from Europe, Africa, far east etc...Our family is involved in supplying fruits and flowers etc to Europe and UK...from our farms in Africa....!!!...You will be surprised how much the farmers in UK make for NOT producing anything than those chaps in other country who toil whole day and reps from big chains there pay pittance...!!!!...Do your research man...!!!

When the bien-pensants have finally got their way and we don't have a farming industry anymore - when every morsal you eat and drink has been shipped in by sea or air, then it will serve us damn well right if a few of those nice, friendy overseas farmers decide to spit in our soup.

Way things are if we don't get our act with Euro then yes farming industry here will cease to exist...we will import everything from abroad...!!!
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"Major Major's father was a sober God-fearing man whose idea of a good joke was to lie about his age. He was a long limbed farmer, a God-fearing, freedom-loving, law-abiding rugged individualist who held that federal aid to anyone but farmers was creeping socialism. He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down.

His specialty was alfalfa, and he made a good thing out of not growing any. The government paid him well for every bushel of alfalfa he did not grow. The more alfalfa he did not grow, the more money the government gave him, and he spent every penny he didn't earn on new land to increase the amount of alfalfa he did not produce. Major Major's father worked without rest at not growing alfalfa. On long winter evenings he remained indoors and did not mend harness, and he sprang out of bed at the crack of noon every day just to make certain that the chores would not be done. He invested in land wisely and soon was not growing more alfalfa than any other man in the county."

-Joseph Heller, in Catch-22, 1961


Isn't it funny how 43 years later, nothing has changed!?

On a more serious note, whilst I accept all the economic reasons why we import so much of our food rather than grow it for ourselves, I feel certain that one day we will rue the day that we became unable to feed ourselves (which we could), just as we shall regret relying on imports to provide our energy. Most of our gas now comes from a single pipeline from Russia, and the Russians are building nuclear powerstations as fast as they can because they feel they cannot rely on a fragile, easily blown up gas pipeline to feed their power stations - the very pipeline that we are depending on!
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A case of "The Emperors New Clothes".
Many ordinary people can see the potential problems but we are considered to "thick" by those who purport to lead us for our opinions to matter.
Except at election time when lip service is paid to our concerns by politicians intent on keeping all four feet in the trough.
bdholmes & sambuck:
Insulting, contemptuous tone of both posts noted.

1. What a collection of trendy buzz-concepts (‘3rd world’, ‘outsourcing’, ‘knowledge economy’ – I’m sure you think you know what you mean but, along with much of the post, they sound like something straight out of a New-Labour campaign guide to me.
2. Your take on the “third world” is patronising. What makes you think ‘we’ are so superior to the Taiwanese? Or the other countries that you seem to think we have a duty to ‘lift out of poverty’ by exporting jobs to them (not just farming, but pretty much every other basic as well – shipbuilding, steel-making, energy production – remember the miners?). Or that they owe their relatively recent wealth to us – I doubt they see it that way.
3. Your knowledge economy isn’t going to feed you when the chips are down. In my humble opinion, certain types of manufacturing/production capacity (and that includes the capacity to feed ourselves) are no less strategically important to the survival of this country than is defence.
4. Foot & mouth does NOT ‘cross over to humans’
5. The road to Hell is paved with ‘good intentions’
6. And what are the ‘good intentions’ of – say football, for example? Your entertainment? Just what have ‘good intentions’ got to do with anything?
7. You ask “Why are foreign farmers more likely to spit in our soup than UK ones?” I didn’t say they were. But I can think of a lot of ‘foreigners’ as YOU choose to call them who hate this country - with a vengeance. Of course, if you insist on treating the providers of your food with contempt then they are unlikely to be well disposed towards you whatever their nationality.


Your utter contempt for the English farming/rural community and culture is clear enough and speaks for itself. But I’m used to it – water off a duck’s back really. Don’t need lectures on my assumed prejudice either. I’ve been on the receiving end of prejudice for donkey’s years - regularly get spat at and worse by saboteurs etc etc. I reckon I have a pretty good insight into how it felt to be a Gay or coloured in 50’s Britain, and therefore regard those and other minorities as my natural allies .

I did not slag off the Scots. In the context of ‘multi-culturalism’ - made by others, I made serious points about the extent to which they are over-represented in the Westminster Parliament; receive 20% + more public expenditure then England; have 20% more MP’s per head of population than England as well as their own parliament; have MP’s representing Scottish constituencies who insist on voting on matters which do not affect their own constituents; run ministries whose remit does not affect their own country/constituencies etc. None of which you paid any attention to prefering to make snide remarks about hunting instead. Right now we would have neither foundation hospital nor higher education fee legislation – neither of which affect Scotland – were it not for the votes of Scottish MPs.


I still have my first edition copy of Catch 22, bought and read many years ago as a young RN apprentice in Rosyth. It’s a firm favourite. Your quote prompted me to dust it off again so thanks for that! And yep, I lived in Scotland many moons ago – met my wife there in fact and still have relatives there – so I’m not anti-Scot, just anti being ruled by them, especially when they insist on supporting any team at anything just so long as they are playing the English!

Still – what the hell has any of this to do with ‘general trading chat’?

I’ve got a living to make so I doubt I’ll be replying to anything else on this thread unless it addresses ‘The American Meltdown’
My comments in blue italics...

peterpr said:
bdholmes & sambuck:
Insulting, contemptuous tone of both posts noted.

A fair and square argument is called as a 'Insulting, contemptuous'...your observarion really....I think we were having a discussion, but if it does not comply with your assumptions so it is as you describe.....!!!

1. What a collection of trendy buzz-concepts (‘3rd world’, ‘outsourcing’, ‘knowledge economy’ – I’m sure you think you know what you mean but, along with much of the post, they sound like something straight out of a New-Labour campaign guide to me.
2. Your take on the “third world” is patronising. What makes you think ‘we’ are so superior to the Taiwanese? Or the other countries that you seem to think we have a duty to ‘lift out of poverty’ by exporting jobs to them (not just farming, but pretty much every other basic as well – shipbuilding, steel-making, energy production – remember the miners?). Or that they owe their relatively recent wealth to us – I doubt they see it that way.
3. Your knowledge economy isn’t going to feed you when the chips are down. In my humble opinion, certain types of manufacturing/production capacity (and that includes the capacity to feed ourselves) are no less strategically important to the survival of this country than is defence.
4. Foot & mouth does NOT ‘cross over to humans’
5. The road to Hell is paved with ‘good intentions’
6. And what are the ‘good intentions’ of – say football, for example? Your entertainment? Just what have ‘good intentions’ got to do with anything?
7. You ask “Why are foreign farmers more likely to spit in our soup than UK ones?” I didn’t say they were. But I can think of a lot of ‘foreigners’ as YOU choose to call them who hate this country - with a vengeance. Of course, if you insist on treating the providers of your food with contempt then they are unlikely to be well disposed towards you whatever their nationality.


Your utter contempt for the English farming/rural community and culture is clear enough and speaks for itself. But I’m used to it – water off a duck’s back really. Don’t need lectures on my assumed prejudice either. I’ve been on the receiving end of prejudice for donkey’s years - regularly get spat at and worse by saboteurs etc etc. I reckon I have a pretty good insight into how it felt to be a Gay or coloured in 50’s Britain, and therefore regard those and other minorities as my natural allies .

You missed a point really....perhaps no point in wasting time even discussing....waste of time..!!!!

Please tell us how was it to be gay - if not coloured in 50's..I wasn't born then you see..!!!

I did not slag off the Scots. In the context of ‘multi-culturalism’ - made by others, I made serious points about the extent to which they are over-represented in the Westminster Parliament; receive 20% + more public expenditure then England; have 20% more MP’s per head of population than England as well as their own parliament; have MP’s representing Scottish constituencies who insist on voting on matters which do not affect their own constituents; run ministries whose remit does not affect their own country/constituencies etc. None of which you paid any attention to prefering to make snide remarks about hunting instead. Right now we would have neither foundation hospital nor higher education fee legislation – neither of which affect Scotland – were it not for the votes of Scottish MPs.

Multicularism and elcections are two different things....The fact that you jumped on the issue and twisted it to your liking does not mke it right...!!!...If the MP's are able and ELECTED and if they happen to be say Indians and Somalians, you will have great problems with according to your arguement that they are minority...Perhaps you are showing your TRUE colours here...!!!!...again no point wasting time with you...!!!!


I still have my first edition copy of Catch 22, bought and read many years ago as a young RN apprentice in Rosyth. It’s a firm favourite. Your quote prompted me to dust it off again so thanks for that! And yep, I lived in Scotland many moons ago – met my wife there in fact and still have relatives there – so I’m not anti-Scot, just anti being ruled by them, especially when they insist on supporting any team at anything just so long as they are playing the English!

Ah ah...not liking to be being 'ruled' by elected MP's shows that you have no regard for democracy..!!!!..unless it is someone you subscribe to..!!!

Still – what the hell has any of this to do with ‘general trading chat’?

I’ve got a living to make so I doubt I’ll be replying to anything else on this thread unless it addresses ‘The American Meltdown’
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Alright we have all gotten of topic! But that is ok! I will stir things up a bit.

Europeans Are True Yankees
New Yorkers think they are enormously sophisticated and they call all Southerners “hillbillies.”
They call natives of coastal Mississippi or upper Florida “hillbillies.” A large percentage of the people those brilliant, knowledgeable New Yorkers called “hillbillies” never saw a real hill.

No New Yorker was ever bothered by this.

Europeans call all Americans “Yanks.” A lot of the people they call Yankees killed more Yankees than all of their other enemies on earth.

Europeans simply cannot talk enough about how sophisticated and knowledgeable they are. But no European has ever been bothered by the fact that he does not know what a Yankee is.

Europeans believe anything their so-called “intellectuals” tell them. So their so-called “intellectuals” tell them how smart they are for believing every single thing that fashionable leftists are saying.

European are far left on dealing with criminals. Now that the third world is pouring into Europe, their crime rate is soaring. I remember when crime was very, very rare in Europe, especially in Britain. Now you are safer on the streets of New York City than you are in a small British town.

As the crime rate and race riots got worse in the North, they spent all their time telling Southerners how we should do things. As Europe becomes a place where innocent people are routinely murdered and robbed, they spend all their time attacking the American death penalty.

In Britain burglars break into houses in the daytime because they know Brits have no guns.

In Britain, burglars don’t bother to wait until the family is out. They go into the house while the parents are there, reducing the father to a sobbing, cowering, helpless blob. So the Brave Poppa then goes out and demands Gun Control.

That’s what the “intellectuals’ told him to demand.

Europe has about a third as high a percentage of colored people as America does, and their crime rate already exceeds ours. So they spend most of their time telling us how colored people should be treated.

All this is very familiar to an Old Southerner. Europeans are just Yankees.

Real Yankees.

I cannot take credit for writing this rant. I was raised in Detroit, Michagan. The author of this rant is an old southern gentleman.
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Quote from TGM
"Now you are safer on the streets of New York City than you are in a small British town."

its amazing - but absolutly 100% true
I’m completely in favour of blood sports and nuclear power and I think that Henry Williamson’s Story of a Norfolk Farm should be compulsory reading in all our secondary schools.

I ask you, how many kids today know that milk comes from a cow or that peas grow in pods?

What could be more natural than the power of the Sun?

Nobody has mentioned bio-diesel. Why not?

Is McDonalds really progress?

Discuss? :cheesy:



Seven wickets, Zambuck, and another thrashing today at the Oval in the offing? Ouch! 🙂
well, milk does come from a lot more sources than a cow - some certainly more interesting than others, and for any greek traders - i dont mean a goat!
TGM said:
Alright we have all gotten of topic! But that is ok! I will stir things up a bit.
Europeans Are True Yankees

There are people in the UK - and lots of them - who resent the label 'European' as much as ever a Confederate Rebel resents the label 'Yankee'

And your Southern gentleman is quite right. Homes don't get burgled in the US because would-be burglars know they are likely to be shot. Over here the situation is the exact opposite. if a home-owner as much as defends himself, he is the one likely to be locked up. The current accepted political wisdom is that the state must have a monopoly on all force - problem is you can never get hold of a cop when you need one.

An appocryphal story for you: A while back a friend of a friend called the police to report an intruder in the outbuildings of his remote farm. He was advised to keep an eye on things and call again if the situation changed for the worse, because there were "no officers available to attend right now". He replied that he already felt threatened and would therefore take his shotgun to investigate and challenge the intruder himself (he didn't possess a shot.gun b-t-w)

Five minutes later an armed response team consisting of 4 police officers + a police helicopter turned up. "We were told you were using a lethal weapon to challenge an intruder" said a policeman. "And I was told there were no officers available to responfd to my call for help" replied the farmer. That's a pretty fair summary of the situation faced by rural communities in England these days.

Our government's only answer to gun-crime is to impose more and more restrictions on legitimate firearms ownership - to the extent that we can no longer compete in Olympic pistol shooting because it is not possible to own or use even a practice weapon held securely in an offical establishment .
Apologies for going even further off topic, but let's face it, you're already WAY off topic (but the development is interesting) AND this is pretty topical...

RogerM said:
, and the Russians are building nuclear powerstations as fast as they can because they feel they cannot rely on a fragile, easily blown up gas pipeline to feed their power stations - the very pipeline that we are depending on!
But any country that can successfully handle a 'more sensitive than usual' hostage situation as subtly and carefully as the Russians surely means we can relax in the knowledge we are safe in their hands?

A government can never allow subjugated people to be armed. That is the problem for the political class in the US. Everyone has guns and LOTS of them. I can tell you from growing up in Detroit. Criminals hate uncertainty and guns keep everyone uncertain (that includes criminal politicians). Oh and so do big Amerian Pit Bulls!!!!!

I do not own a gun. However, I know that I could get one in the blink of an eye. No matter what laws are passed! That's DEMOCRACY!

The only thing safe in Britain are the protected species like the foxes and the minority of the month. The political class has to have a favourite minority that is getting discriminated against somewhere. The political class will fawn all over themselves parading every little event as RACIST or HATE a crimes. Of course these hate crimes are never perpetuated by anyone other than evil white racist British boy (who like farmers are not permitted to defend themselves).

I will give Tony Blair credit. He is a student of Chairmen Mao. NEVER let the subjugated be armed (Hitler stated this as well). Interesting enough, your King way back when forgot this principle of tyranny and the American Revolution happened!


Yes Russia has a lot of problems. Over the next 100 years Russia will be wars and rumours of wars. Terrorist are not easy to deal with. Especially when they plan on dying. It is easy to second guess tragedy. The late liberals say----well they are just pooorrrr!?!?! We need to help them! Well most poor people do not commit mass homicide (esp against children in school). This seems to be an Islamic phenomenon of late.
Mayfly said:
Seven wickets, Zambuck, and another thrashing today at the Oval in the offing? Ouch! 🙂
....I was there today....and was at amsterdam India and pakistan match.....

...thrashing is fair word...

indians have lost one day momentum....
Is America in trouble ?
Not yet imho but let's have a quick look at the equation.
Iraq etc. has already cost 200+ billion and ~15,000 lives.
According to a respected think tank in the US, recruiting for Al Q. has mushroomed.
Bush and Blair should be worried but don't seem to be.
It's not going too well is it ??
I doubt more and bigger bombs are the answer. Someone will convince the 2 bs before it is too late hopefully.
War is good for business.
Politicians have their own agendas.

"Iraq has cost 200bln" - it has cost the American tax-payers 200bln.
The money is being siphoned into Halliburton ( Cheneys ) pockets.
The money is being channelled into the pockets of Defence contractors.
The bigger bombs - the more the tax-payer pays - the more money goes to defence contractors - all friends/contacts of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld.

Oil - bring it out of the ground - put it into ships - sell it.
The war was supposed to make it more expensive - didnt work.
So now, they are having to create a sense of tension, and whip up the price of oil.

Oil - bring it out of the ground - put it into ships - sell it - ONLY THIS TIME get $50 a barrel instead of $40.
The whipping up of hysteria and increasing oil prices affects us - the little guy.
The big oil executives get to sell oil at a 20% premium.
( money for doing the same job, as last year, but WE get to pay more for it ).

We, the little guys, get to be manipulated to accept higher prices ( and pay the price ) - but the OIL companies make PROFITS from us.

We, the little guys, get t be manipulated to accept war on terror - ( and pay the price ) - but the defence contractors make PROFITS from us.