T2W Spam

Hey GJ, I asked rossored to comment on that - as he deals with it, see his earlier post. As for him getting that email so soon after registering, it just happened then he registered and requested partner emails just before we were due to send that particular mailing out. The mailings aren't based on when you register, but merely the mailing goes out on a particular day to all those who are subscribed. Hope that clears that up!
Sorry Matt - posts crossed there a bit.

Like I said (and I seem to be chief protagonist today) I know that advertising is a necessary evil to support the running of the site. I don't think many people would disagree with that.

My comment was purely about the quality of the content. And I also think not many people would disagree when I say that the mail that started this all off was low grade spam - pure and simple.

But as I don't subscribe to this stuff (and I'm certainly not about to start now) I have to hold my hands up and say that I can't say that everything is cr@p that gets sent out.

But I tell you what - I bet any money it's not great either - you know why? because most of this stuff simply isn't. It's just the way of things. I bet you any money if I subscribed for a year and read through every single one of these partner offers there wouldn't be one single one in there I'd want to explore further.

Completely happy to be proved wrong on this btw - and those that know me know that if that's the case there would be a public apology to Matt on the site.


No probs. I am unable to comment really on any particular mailing, but I will say (as I said in the first reply) that there are one or two lately that with hindsight I would not send again. This is partly due to be overworked and partly due to it being a bit difficult to unwind some contracts at short notice.

A lot of what is sent is promotional content from a lot of the spreadbetting companies as you would expect. Certain parts of the world get different emails sent because not everyone wants to target the UK, so members in the US/Canada/Australia etc get different offerings. A week or two ago there was a mail sent to the US which I found very interesting and it had an excellent response. So, I reckon that would have interested you, but it's not a valid argument to you, because you won't have seen it 😉

One of the biggest problems surrounding what is sent is that a lot of the smaller companies who do have smaller budgets simply can't afford us, and unless I get two people in the same week who only have a relatively small budget, I can't split the list and send to half of it for half the price - that's just bad business, because what do I do with the other half? It's wasted. You wouldn't sell half a Mars bar for half the price would you? If I can find a way round that then you'll probably start to see ads from a much wider range of clients.
Commenting on Rosser's post, I'd have thought that it was obvious that nothing on the net is free. The price is advertising or "press the button, send $99 and receive our newsletter".

None of this bothers me because I don't read any of it, anyway. Ticking the delete box on my email takes a bit of time, but I do it in reverse i.e. tick the lot and then scan down, unticking what I want to read. That's a bit quicker,but I must admit that it takes time because, not only do we get the
T2W official bumf but, when we post, every Tom, Dick and Harry's subsequent posting comes into our email---including this one, since I have now subscribed to it.

😆 ah Split you're on form this morning, sorry I don't have the grumpy old gits pic to hand again to illustrate, we'll have to have a nice chat over the weekend 😀

Yes, I get them all, I don't read them, no time to look, my email inbox has 7191 T2W messages, my pm message box is at 2400 odd 🙁

Having looked at the one highlighted in this thread I agree with you GJ, it is a very spammy style of mail, quite awful really, who is responsible for letting that out I couldn't tell you, would anyone admit to it, I doubt that 🙂

Hi Don,

Big toe's playing me up again. It's either the weather or I shall have to go easy on the port.

SPAM is an ugly cancer which pervades the entire Internet. There seems to be nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide from the stuff. I often ask myself, 'Does anyone ever actually read and reply or act on any of the drivel that pours into their emailboxes daily?' And I have to assume that the answer to that question must be a 'yes', otherwise why the hell would these irritating individuals continue to do it? Needless to say, I delete everything, unread, immediately.

If I didn't, it's quite possible that by now I would have a pen1s the size of a tower block, be capable of bringing dozens of women to multiple screaming orgasms simply by smiling at them, and be the happy benefactor of untold wealth left to me by rich Nigerians. Sadly none of these are the case (except for the pen1s)

As I said in my first post, I like this site, and expect to be able to benefit greatly from the wealth of knowledge and experience available here. Maybe one day I'll be in a position to likewise help newbies like myself. The SPAM I received was a bit of a downer, I'll admit, but I seem to have sorted that now, so looking forward to a SPAM-free experience from T2W in the future.

What I am sorry about though, is that my very first post on the site came across as a whingeing rant. That's certainly NOT the way I wanted to make my entrance here. So, thanks to all the kind advice, and also a nod and wink to those that made less than helpful comments. That's OK. I have broad shoulders, and a well developed sense of humour. So, no probs.

..... I must admit that it takes time because, not only do we get the T2W official bumf but, when we post, every Tom, Dick and Harry's subsequent posting comes into our email---including this one, since I have now subscribed to it.


I have to agree that this feature is really quite annoying, and probably why I'll inevitably stop using the site, if the content where OK, it might just be worth tolerating, but sadly these days you know that you'll regret reading most posts.

There also seams to be real problems with the underlying technology, for example, you can repeatedly unsubscribe from a thread that you havent posted in for months, only to have it pop back up on the list (probably due to a dodgy back up and restore procedure overwriting user preferences). The sites so slow in comparison to say elite trader that its like wading through treacle, preventing a constant flow of sewage takes up far too much time.

It is difficult at times to differentiate between "legitimate advertisers" and pure spam, but I guess that s the nature of the business. I guess I should simply set up a rule to delete all incoming email from T2W (or stop using the site), but it kind of defeats the purpose of the site having technology that allows users choice if it does not work !