As someone involved in the financial markets. Let me just say, I am pro immigration. With that said, 80% of Americans want it shut off. The average person is ticked off and eventual that matters. Part of the problem (more like a challenge) with immigration is that some of the intelligentsia of (for example) the Hispanic groups (like La Raza) advocate a form of something called Atzlan. That is basically taking back the southwest for Mexico (ethnic cleansing). Now the average immigrant just wants a better life. I agree with you. But there is a huge disconnect between the average and groups like La Raza.
This is an US issue.....Europe has it's own issue with is hated and blamed for everything on this planet but in reality that has made this country - UK richer.....Noon sells frozen curries to europe and the market is worth £2 billion a year....A friend of mine who arrived penniless in 1971 today owns most of the Sony centres and employs about 300 people...!!...All immigrants...but they had rough time because the media was on rampage when they arrived, the right wing press was full of stories of being 'swamped' by immigrants.....Immigrants of 30 years back are today's millionaries...!!
But try explaining that to right wing think tank...!!! The real positive aspect of immigration is NEVER discussed....only the negative one....!!
The European union is full of what I define as a corrupt political class just like the government of the US. You know overrun budgets, grotesque subsidies, scandal after scandal with politicians expense accounts etc... How could any honest trader come to any other conclusion?
Show me any country where politicians are not corrupt..!!!....but corrupt politicians does not sink a currency..there are many other factors that affect it......
As someone who was educated in Marxism at a young age (grew up in a union/working household), I will educate you.(....many thanks but that is YOUR definition of 'Multicultarisnm...there are many more...just type the word in google and spend time reading all theories...) Multiculturalism = Cultural Marxism. It is second generation Marxism, the enhancement of class warfare with cultural warfare. It has been very effective as a divide and conquer strategy. It also has a lot to do with something referred to as "The Frankfurt School of psychology". Without writing a dissertation, it is simply the crossing of Marx and Freud. You can look it up.
Now the good people on this board have probably never heard this. Most straight forward people say: Why don't they just say "Cultural Marxism". Well, for one most people would not go for it. You have to make things sound benign and cloak them in "anti-concepts". A Marxist never uses a phrase without an intentional separate meaning. For instance, bourgeois means "rich" in France. However, when the Communists where using it in Russia (during and after the revolution a century ago) they meant poor Russian peasants (who they were murdering by the millions). Concepts become Anti-Concepts----they mean what I want them to mean. If I have time, I will demonstrate how George Bush did this after the Sept. 11 with the word Patriotism. I will also tell you how it is done every day with the word racism.
In regards to the far right parties across Europe, I am simply saying there is a trend taking place and it is NOT getting smaller. The next recession alot of things are going to be worse. Hopefully, I will be wrong. An effective trader must look at the world as it is and prepare accordingly.
Yes there are many predictions about everything on this planet....remember Jupiter Effect...some of your fellow countrymen were predictiong gloom and doom, the planets will line up...there will be chaos...people started building bomb shelters.....and it all passed away soon....
I think some people in US have obsession with theories and counter theories and it gets muched to death and in the end no one knows what is the original question....I think you are going that way in your argument....Yes there may be recession....then some groups will say Well we told you...if there is nothing then other group will say well we told you....
By the way, you sound rather offended by my comments. I do not know how my comments could get someone so outraged as to tell me "to grow up". 😕
Again I will refer you to your original post and my comments in blue...!!!!