Each man can be his own god and still be human, continued...
bulldozer said:
PHEW!!! I think your post blew many of us away and perhaps eddjo too? poor chap his head must be spinning. :cheesy: or is walking around the hood telling people the good news he is god.
I was out in Virginia waters area in surrey yesterday at a pub called the wheatsheaf with 2 clients and a mrkt mkr [btifull place with eating tables outside and they also serve medditeranian salads with chilled white wine in bucket of ice] we then took a stroll down along the lakes 30 yrds away to streach our legs, it was like being in paradise in a hot sunny day.
We discussed many things on mrkts, options, ftrs, hedges, footsie,etc.
The 2 clients believed in God cause they were jews. But the MM believed what you discribed in ur post. He said that when it comes to option pricing he was GOD! inother words what he was saying is that MONEY was coming at him like a water-fall and that he had the powers to put any bloody price he wanted [within reason] on options and the BUYERS would believe his prices MUST be right! and they would pay his price! he said that made him feel like he was god! I wish i had invited you along.
Soc, ur quote >> "Therefore, notwithstanding religion, each man must be, in the end analysis, strive to be his own god."
How do you protect yourselve in a plane, train, restaurant etc when theres a suicide bomber there ready to send many to their deaths? or avoid being in that place?
Bulldozer. as it happens I know The Wheatsheaf very well and used to stop there for lunch on the way to London Road, in Camberley. I agree with you that it is a delightful venue, particularly in Spring, Summer and also on those muted, leaf strewn days of Autumn.
I think from what you say, your guests are all of them right, at a certain level of personal awareness but wrong from a higher viewpoint of personal spiritual development.
You see, the MM views himself as invincible by virtue of the fact he is able to manipulate prices, but he himself is not free. This is because he has to fulfil obligations imposed upon him. These are obligations in terms of time, (daily attention), periodicity, (daily attendance), commitment, (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly participation). He is in effect a prisoner of his own success. He is not truly godlike in the purest sense of the word.
The skilled trader who has reached the pinnacle of self imposed proficiency is by comparison truly free, in terms of time, periodicity and commitment, because "he" is able to truly excercise choice. The freedom to exercise choice is as a consequence of his freedom.
A by product of this freedom is to act in a godlike manner not available to others on treadmills.
Your two Jewish guests are also misdirected. It is possible to be truly pious for its own sake and consequently god respecting but at the same time recognising that at a much higher level of personal awareness and spiritual development a human being ought to be capable of not becoming enslaved by religious ritual but instead aware of that truly awesome idea that one is human, that one's humanity confers a responsibility to act in a godlike manner, as a consequence of being able to assume self responsibility, conscience, and sefl governance of the highest order.This enhanced higher level of awareness is by default, if you like, truly godlike in the purest sense of the idea.
I will add that this in no way conflicts with monotheism (worship of a single god) at all.
I never cease to be amazed at how it is that people are apt to misdirect themselves, in this case you present on the one hand the distracting potential of power, and on the other hand
the distracting potential of religious belief, but in both cases devoid of an appreciation of the wonder it is to be human and to be in the possession of the gift of choice, and what is more, the excercise of choice underpinned by the ability to logically deduce and reason, and the ability to do so within a framework of morality and self imposed governance of the highest order,as an expression of will, and that, when you think about it deeply, that is truly godlike, I respectfully submit.
I also to a certain extent believe in destiny, and that we all create for ourselves what we lead ourselves to. In this regard avoiding risky venues and decidedly not fraternising with undesireables is a prerequisite to avoiding danger. Also the recognition of what is dangerous or not as a matter of skill is open to debate. Skill alone is not enough in avoiding horrors, there is also an element of luck to be considered.