
I think we disagree on what's a terrorist.

....ISIS was forged by the West to destabilize Syria....
Where did you get this please?

Surely you don't think any government is going to own up to them are you? You need to look at the facts and who's winning, who's losing and follow the money.

This is the point I was making about Mark Thatcher. He got too close to the action on the ground. Didn't know how to cloak him self in all the diplomacy and intelligence of it all.

Syria was a stable country. How did it get to this state?

The US spent two decades hunting down and getting rid of Al-Qaida and up pops ISIS all within a matter of years. Not only that supposedly Al-Qaida are not dead and gone and burried but are forming an alliance with ISIS according to our strategic intelligence.

If you believe these are random forces armed by random chances and operate at will you are living in wonderland.

ISIS have been all over the place in Syria and Iraq. They are apparently also in Libya and Africa. They can be where ever the news media tells us they are. One of the first casualties was the resignation of Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki. He ofcourse was Shia and much disdain by Sunni's.

Why did Uncle Sam let this happen. They are/were guarantors of Iraq government effectively.

I do not believe rabble of ISIS fighters crossed deserts lightly armed to take on US trained Iraqi army who ran leaving their heavy weapons, artillery and tanks behind.

Who were the Iraqi army and why weren't they helped by the US and UK with air superiority. We are told ISIS walked into banks and emptied them. No resistance at all.

Why did ISIS suddenly leave their fight with Assad and go to fight their Sunni brothers in Iraq???

Back then there was dispute about the Kurds selling oil to US. http://www.dinardaily.net/t39774-dispute-over-tanker-s-kurdish-oil-continues-in-houston-court

Iraq central government said it owns it and oil sale revenues had to go to central government. Of course after Maliki fell and ISIS went in there attacking Shia's and the Kurds the ineffectiveness of central government was obvious. They couldn't control anything.

At a later rulling US judge ruled those tankers could enter US waters and sell their oil. Proceeds went to the Kurds. A deal has been struck. You may think these parties are attacking each other or at war but in fact Northern Kurdistan Alliance and the Turks are in bed with each other and it's all disinformation for the masses. Lots of bad blood and killings going on but so is business.

So let's get this straight. ISIS goes into Iraq, steals weapons and gold from the Sunnis. Causes the Shia led government to fall and Kurds to sell their oil in the US. Pure coincidence or strategic master stroke?

Once again why was this allowed to happen with all the US / UK trained super Iraqi army???

How can 000s of trucks travel through those territories without the Kurds and Turks nodding hellos to their ISIS helping hands. But on the other hand ISIS are supposedly blowing up Turks & Kurds. Really?

Well ISIS and Al-Qaida may kill a few hundred but this doesn't explain how they are able to conduct their businesses hemmed in on all sides by either enemies or allies?

I hope you don't believe everything the BBC trumpets.

Russia is being drawn into another Afghanistan as I said before. Kerry will tell you they are not attacking ISIS but that the Russians are attacking anti-Assad freedom fighters. I have no idea how anyone can tell who is who in this war.

In a nut shell, these days unlike Africa we don't have mercenaries but we have so called terrorists to deliver our interests. If you believe these are just random freedom fighters gone rogue with some of their own personal agendas, then I can only stare in shock at you. 😱

Rise in interest rates will further hurt Russia along with US now deciding to export oil too. What economic rationale could there be to sell oil now when we have a global glut.

One key factor is coupled with regional geopolitical tripe to place further economic pressure on Russia which relies heavily on Oil and Gold exports to balance its payments. Its reserves have been reduced massively this year and with Fed raising rates the economy is only going to get much worse.

There are some major regional plays here and ISIS and Al-Qaida are mere pawns if not flies buzzing around some small droppings. These regional plays are conducted by the West.

You need to see the bigger picture.

Terrorists indeed. Master tactical strategic plays to manipulate the minds and votes of the mass Western public who need cheap oil and soon gas too.

By the way if the Russians wanted to hurt the Turks one of the best things they can do is turn off the gas. Have they done that? No.

There are reports the shooting of the plane was a setup/premise to get S400 medium range missiles and radar monitoring stations installed into Syria.

In response NATO has escalated their monitoring and support of Turkey by sending numerous frigates into the Aegon sea. US ships also reported crossing the Bosphorous into the Black Sea.

I can't and don't see how some rabble of ISIS terrorists are able to achieve all this if supposedly everyone; the US and Russians and rest of the World want to see them all destroyed. These terrorists must be really really sooooo smart to outwit us all like this? What do you think?

I do agree with you in one area. For many, especially if one is religious too, it helps to believe we have the moral high ground and what we are doing is good.
Hell Atilla, that's the longet post I've ever seen. You've even beaten Forexmospherian, and that takes some doing, but he does provide evidence and reasoning for what he says.

First off, surely you can't hope to convince anyone that just because a certain government does not admit to doing something that means they must have done it? Come on now.

Secondly, the rest of your post is irrelevant speculation unless/until you can offer evidence to support what you say is the situation here.
Hell Atilla, that's the longet post I've ever seen. You've even beaten Forexmospherian, and that takes some doing, but he does provide evidence and reasoning for what he says.

First off, surely you can't hope to convince anyone that just because a certain government does not admit to doing something that means they must have done it? Come on now.

Secondly, the rest of your post is irrelevant speculation unless/until you can offer evidence to support what you say is the situation here.

You mean like the slam dunk evidence on the WMD & Nuclear weapons purchased by Iraq before war was launched?

Or like the one in the sexed up dossier about launching a WMD within 45 minutes from Iraq to the UK?

I can see you clearly well clued up and know what you are talking about. 😆
Not all muslims support the extremists


Muslim passengers defended Christian passengers during an extremist attack on a bus in Kenya on Monday.

Members of the al-Shabab militant organization shot at a bus in Mandera, Kenya, forcing it to stop. Once the militants boarded the bus, they attempted to separate Muslim and Christian passengers, intending to kill the Christians on board, the BBC reported.

“We even gave some non-Muslims our religious attire to wear in the bus so that they would not be identified easily. We stuck together tightly," Abdi Mohamud Abdi, a Muslim passenger, told Reuters . "The militants threatened to shoot us but we still refused and protected our brothers and sisters. Finally they gave up and left but warned that they would be back.”

The local governor. Ali Roba, confirmed the account in an interview with Daily Nation , a Kenyan publication. “They refused to separate from non-Muslims and told the attacks to kill all passengers or leave,” Roba said. There were 62 passengers on board, according to the paper.

Even though the passengers stuck together so well, two people were killed and three were injured. Abdirashid Adan was hit by a bullet as militants shot at the bus; he was treated at Mandera County Referral Hospital, the Nation reported. The other victims were not identified by authorities, referred to only as a driver and two passengers.

A spokesman for the militant group, Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, told Reuters the militants had succeeded in killing “some of the Christian enemies” and boasted that others were injured. Despite his claims, authorities did not confirm whether the victims were Christian or Muslim. When asked about the Muslim passengers defending the Christian passengers, Musab did not reply.

Al-Shabab has previously targeted Christians in a similar fashion. During an April attack at the Garissa University College in Garissa, Kenya, militants killed 148, asking many their religion before opening fire. Many of those victims were Christian, the BBC reported.

Another such attack was reported in December 2014 , when militants killed 28 non-Muslims on a bus. The bus passengers were mostly teachers traveling to Nairobi.

According to the National Counterterrorism Center , al-Shabab is “predominantly interested in the nationalistic battle against the Somali Federal Government and not supportive of global jihad.” Some of its leaders have worked with Al-Qaeda. Its most well-known act was a 2013 attack on the Westgate Mall, where 67 were killed in Nairobi.


Maybe the pathetic politicians should allow ordinary people to carry arms during emergencies. Can't fight them off with handbags.
I think we disagree on what's a terrorist.

....ISIS was forged by the West to destabilize Syria....
Where did you get this please?

Rhetorical question but just wondering what you think about this deal with our diplomats negotiating a deal with Syria & UN to provide these so called fighters safe passage?

Hundreds of fighters and civilians escape besieged Syrian areas under U.N. deal

Are these not likely to be the same extremists coming home to roam our streets?

What was all that voting about in Parliament to carry out airstrikes in Syria about then? Airstrikes on who? Those who carried out bombing in France or on the Syrian positions threatening the ISIS fighters?

All very puzzling indeed??? 🙄 :whistling 🙄
Rhetorical question but just wondering what you think about this deal with our diplomats negotiating a deal with Syria & UN to provide these so called fighters safe passage?

Hundreds of fighters and civilians escape besieged Syrian areas under U.N. deal

Are these not likely to be the same extremists coming home to roam our streets?

What was all that voting about in Parliament to carry out airstrikes in Syria about then? Airstrikes on who? Those who carried out bombing in France or on the Syrian positions threatening the ISIS fighters?

All very puzzling indeed??? 🙄 :whistling 🙄

I'm afraid politicans don't do what I want them to.

It looks like these evacuees are going to Turkey and Lebanon, so I don't know what you mean by coming home and roaming our streets.

I don't see anything wrong with us as part of the UN providing humanitarian aid to non-combatants and negotiating a truce to extricate combatants of either or any side in any conflict before they get slaughtered.

Likewise, as IS is a threat to us in the west and to the wider population of the Middle East, I don't see any reason why we should be constrained from attacking them purely because they slipped across an invisible line in some sand (which they don't recognise and which no national authority can enforce anyway).

What I don't like is that we assist the Syrian rebels against the Assad regime and Russia assists the regime against the rebels. Its a civil war and beyond what I said above and trying to negotiate a peace, I wish we would all keep out.