2005 , Israel & US attack Iran , markets die.

They couldn't nick them cos there were about 10 milliion or more of them dancing.

So instead Uncle George rained bombs on them.

Or did he hail bombs on them ?
I doubt that US will start another war against Iran now. The resistance is growing in Iraq and everyday some US soldiers are killed. US can't start another fight under such conditions.
Tom R said:
Its is long past time to bomb them all and let allah sort em out.

Or just maybe the US should get the hell out of the middle east and leave the oilfields alone eh?

Imagine a country that blocked food supplies entering the US for 12 years, whilst bombing your major towns and cities for those 12 years. Then used an unrelated incident that someone else did to start bombing you in earnest again. Would you like them? Would you welcome them as 'liberators'? Yes, Saddam was a despot, but he was put in power by the US.
Read some independent news on the subject rather than CNN/FOX before you post such rubbish. I suggest you try www.whatreallyhappened.com to start opening your mind.
Sounds like common sense to me.

The US should keep its interfering nose out of everyone's business and concentrate on the problems in its own backyard, eg. extreme poverty in and racism towards non-white American communities.

It would help of course if the American people could manage to elect as President, something other than a half-witted moron or a crook.

Bush should be sent back to the Zoo from whence he came.

And I don't really care whether you wish to lower yourself to respond or not. I think it probable that it may be difficult to get lower than you already are.

Have a truly wondrous day.
Having such an illustrious track record in all those areas I'm sure we are well qualified to lecture on the subject.
"According to the Centers for Disease Control, some 30,000 people a year are killed by firearms in the US."


Note: thats TEN times the number killed by those nasty terrorists in 2001.
( they obviously werent card-carrying members of the NRA, or the NRA would probably defend them )

And these deaths are EVERY year.

Perhaps Blair should form a coalition to "liberate" America from, err..., Americans !!
Salty Gibbon said:
Am I British then ?
Well now Salty, one never really knows for sure, but I would say yes. More interesting would be the fact that British or not, you would appear to attach a degree of shame to the status. That probably reflects in the fact that we British have become the "has beens" the "once were's" of the world.
The problem with the US is that we listen to Euros. Again, if it wasn't for the Americans, the Euros would be speaking German right now. Bush is one of the best presidents this nation and this world has ever had. Just because some people can see past their noses to see the great qualities of this man does not mean he is not great. It actually show the lack of maturity and intelligence in some 'people.' It's about time we had some man with guts enough to deal with the corruption of the UN and some of the idiot Euros. And would the French, Russians, Germans and some of the other loser countries in the world have the forsight to deal with IRAQ. NO. While we were trying to deal with a murdering rapist and terrorist, some Euros were still dealing under the table with oil for food. CREEPS. I say send the French, the Germans and the Russians to IRAN, so we can drop the bomb and get rid of the whole problem at once.
When EuroDisney Paris opened a contingent of crack French troops attended the parade. When the fireworks went off, they dropped their rifles and fled.
They were later advertised for sale as "excellent condition rifles, once dropped, never fired".

I like your sophisticated geopolitical approach, Tom R.
Even if the French, Germans and Russians disagreed with the policies of the US and UK in EyeRak, true "friends" quietly and strongly advise behind closed doors, not in the hostile way they did.
Whatever you think about the EyeRak business, you don't have to necessarily help your friends if you feel very strongly they are wrong, but you don't stab your friends in the back

The problem as always is distinguishing the goodies from the baddies, don't you think, Tom R?
Also distinguishing the enemy from the innocent presents one or two minor difficulties for nuclear weapon application technologies.
knuckle dragging Rednecks

Tom R said:
Again, yet another stupid comment by some moron. This trash you write does not even deserve a response. I will not lower myself to respond to this stupidity.

You just did 🙄

Tom R - Can you play the banjo :cheesy:
Tom R

George Bush's parents gave him a middle name of "Walker" because they realised at a very young age that he would never have the brains to learn how to run.

My God man, Bush is an ape and I should know.
You know, I don't intend to be mean. My geopolitcal approach was somewhat of a comical one, but my frustration with idiots is real. And the only reason I believe that there were any hostilities is because we knew the yellow Euros were in bed with Iraq and a murderous dictator. After America liberated the French (cowards by the way) from the Germans in WWII, and they even have a problem with us flying over their airspace. That did it for me. What a bunch of ungratefuls. The French can take their **** buckets and pour them on their heads. How's that for the finer, more sophisticated approach to geopolitical tensions? I poured out my french wine and vowed never to buy anything french again. OK, I confess. I did buy a bottle of Grand Marnier, but that is it!!!
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Mr. Charts said:
When EuroDisney Paris opened a contingent of crack French troops attended the parade. When the fireworks went off, they dropped their rifles and fled.
They were later advertised for sale as "excellent condition rifles, once dropped, never fired".

I like your sophisticated geopolitical approach, Tom R.
Even if the French, Germans and Russians disagreed with the policies of the US and UK in EyeRak, true "friends" quietly and strongly advise behind closed doors, not in the hostile way they did.
Whatever you think about the EyeRak business, you don't have to necessarily help your friends if you feel very strongly they are wrong, but you don't stab your friends in the back

The problem as always is distinguishing the goodies from the baddies, don't you think, Tom R?
Also distinguishing the enemy from the innocent presents one or two minor difficulties for nuclear weapon application technologies.

By the way, Mr. Charts, Very Nice Post.
Saddam preferred the yellow Euros in bed rather than Donald Rumsfeld.
( guess he just doesnt know how to please a dictator in bed )


If you dislike all things French, I guess you'll be giving back the Statue of Liberty ?

Did anyone have a 2-minute silence today in remembrance for the atrocity against civilians in Hiroshima in 1945 ?

is yank-baiting legal in the UK ? 😆 😆
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If you dislike all things French, I guess you'll be giving back the Statue of Liberty ?

Due to its dirty green appearance which renders it totally ugly, it should at least be dismantled / demolished even if they don't want to give it back to the French.