Was Mandela a terrorist?

Gamma you're wasting your time with these children. They want people to respond to their simple minded ********.

I know
It just got to me.
In my ignorant youth I made a very ignorant and stupid remark about mandela.

Much later in life I regretted it and wished someone would have corrected me at the time
Hopefully my remarks will inspire these children.
It might be helpful if someone could explain why Mandela is a great man .

Quite frankly , I can't see it.

The issue is not so much whether he is a great man!
The Dalia Lama is not a great man but I am sure you have a lot of respect for him
Did Mandela not want the same things as Gandhi?
The fact that he played a major part in overthrowing Apartheid should say something about him.
It might be helpful if someone could explain why Mandela is a great man .

Quite frankly , I can't see it.

The man knew he had won and relinquished power. That's the mark of a great man, and an intelligent man. Less beings wouldn't know when to stop.
freedom fighter / terrorist.

treason / fighting for equal rights.

Doesn't really matter.

Don't get me wrong, I have utmost respect for Nelson. Not what he did prior to his jail term but specifically after 1994.

When South Africa won the Rugby World Cup in 1995 and NM wore the rugby jersey of his white oppressors, that did more for unity then anything else since and South Africa was in a very bad place in 1995. Truly forgive and forget, not many people can do that.

The country needs another Nelson Mandela very badly, just google "Julius malema" (potentially a future SA president)

For reference from the nobel prize site:

Question: Why was Nelson Mandela sent to jail?

Answer: Nelson Mandela was arrested and jailed because he was accused of treason by the South African government. In 1944 he joined the African National Congress (ANC), which challenged the South African ruling party's apartheid policies. He went on trial for treason in 1956-1961 and was acquitted in 1961. Mandela formed the military wing of the ANC, the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), which went underground after the ANC was banned in 1960. He was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five years' imprisonment with hard labour. When many leaders of the ANC and the MK were arrested for plotting to overthrow the government by violence, Nelson Mandela was also brought to stand trial with them, and he was one of eight accused that were sentenced to life imprisonment.


Where do you get your information from the Sun?
He was not not trying to overthrow the goverment
He was fighting for equal rights

Ridiculous quotes like yours do not deserve a comprehensive response
Beyond your intellect.

EDIT: Julius Malema is the correct name for potential future president
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In addition to this the other overlooked real "hero" was FW de Klerke the SA president at the time.

He was the one that drove the changes of policy within the SA government circa 1990, no bombing campaign by the ANC influenced this.

The man knew he had won and relinquished power. That's the mark of a great man, and an intelligent man. Less beings wouldn't know when to stop.
Answer: Nelson Mandela was arrested and jailed because he was accused of treason by the South African government. In 1944 he joined the African National Congress (ANC), which challenged the South African ruling party's apartheid policies. He went on trial for treason in 1956-1961 and was acquitted in 1961. Mandela formed the military wing of the ANC, the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), which went underground after the ANC was banned in 1960. He was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five years' imprisonment with hard labour. When many leaders of the ANC and the MK were arrested for plotting to overthrow the government by violence, Nelson Mandela was also brought to stand trial with them, and he was one of eight accused that were sentenced to life imprisonment.

The South African Goverment
being Opressor then Judge and Jury!

With Boss to back them up if any dirty work was needed to be done!
correct but those were the laws of the time (however unjustified they were)

The South African Goverment
being Opressor then Judge and Jury!

With Boss to back them up if any dirty work was needed to be done!
So you will be quite happy to live in a system that strips you, of your basic dignity
because it is the law, made by a minority in which you have no say what so ever?

I believe Gandhi rebelled against something similar and was also sent to prison!
Even our second greatest leader after Churchil, Margaret Thatcher, said Mandela was a terrorist. So there must be something in it.

Look at what Mandela did to Africa, in terms of crime and AIDS getting out of control. Not to mention the murderous campaign of the ANC.

South Africa was a safe country for us Brits to live in, prior to ANC rule. My family had many farms there (and gave jobs to many blacks) but left when the terrorists got into power. Now many of our employees are out of work or dead.

It won't be long before South Africa ends up like Zimbabwe. We should put Mugabe in the ICC too.
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So you will be quite happy to live in a system that strips you, of your basic dignity
because it is the law, made by a minority in which you have no say what so ever?

The law had always been made by the minority for the gain of the minority. Since when did you have a say ? Most people are happy with the strip searches in US airports, not that they have a say mind you.
freedom fighter / terrorist.

treason / fighting for equal rights.

Doesn't really matter.

Don't get me wrong, I have utmost respect for Nelson. Not what he did prior to his jail term but specifically after 1994.

When South Africa won the Rugby World Cup in 1995 and NM wore the rugby jersey of his white oppressors, that did more for unity then anything else since and South Africa was in a very bad place in 1995. Truly forgive and forget, not many people can do that.

The country needs another Nelson Mandela very badly, just google "Julius malema" (potentially a future SA president)

For reference from the nobel prize site:

Question: Why was Nelson Mandela sent to jail?

Answer: Nelson Mandela was arrested and jailed because he was accused of treason by the South African government. In 1944 he joined the African National Congress (ANC), which challenged the South African ruling party's apartheid policies. He went on trial for treason in 1956-1961 and was acquitted in 1961. Mandela formed the military wing of the ANC, the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK), which went underground after the ANC was banned in 1960. He was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five years' imprisonment with hard labour. When many leaders of the ANC and the MK were arrested for plotting to overthrow the government by violence, Nelson Mandela was also brought to stand trial with them, and he was one of eight accused that were sentenced to life imprisonment.


EDIT: Julius Malema is the correct name for potential future president

The country doesn't need another Mandela. The country needs a government that isn't corrupt and self serving. You speak of what the country needs yet you base your arguments from google. You have no clue about the problems going on there.