Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!

Same old story I guess. Arn't you bundling people into little herds and groups which is what religion essentially does and then judging them?

Even anarchists in their aspiration to demonstrate against the status quo all end up looking like each other in their hair cuts, tattoos and clothes...

In reply to your questions...

1. You like Dorkin's skip over one of the most important of questions such as the soul and emotions.

Do you really believe science has some drug form of medical treatment to all the sad souls out in the world?

Do you seriously believe, drugs and alcohol make you happy and fullfill your senses?

Even the filthy rich end up committing suicide so how does sex, drugs and rock n roll get explained away by science, Darwin or Dorkins?

I still hold the view that to use the word science to the theory of evolution and applying it to humans is fudging the issue. Science is precise, exact and reproducable in experiments. It does not account for the billions of idiosynchrosies of individual human beings.

Look in a nut shell, humans are curious little creatures want to know everything and control their lives. They want to live for ever.

A. We don't know where we come from.
B. We have relatively a short insignificant life span.
C. We don't know where we end up.

So what is the scientific answer to it all?

2. You take so called religious text which no doubt has been modified and re-written through out the ages as gospel. Text probably intended to men with IQs of maybe 10, during the dog eat dog world of medieval periods.

In fact some of the listings pretty much go on today in some cultures and places but the problem is we interpret the acts of men as if they epitomise the creators devine guidance and order because men use religion to justify their acts.

I concur with your point here but I make a distinction between what is right and what is wrong on my own conscience and logic not from what I am preached by two wooden planks.

I may have been wrong with my statement "We all know we are doing wrong even when we are doing it."

In some cases what is wrong can be tought as right and religious leaders / spoke persons are undoubtedly guilty of this. I suppose man has to judge and choose the path he treads for himself. Beauty of life I guess coupled with many thorns attached to that choice.

3. I can relate to your write up about the consciense that evolves and changes through time. Good point. I guess these days you could pretty much get locked up for raping ones wife which might well have been laughed at few decades back.

According to Dorkins book, in our European cradle of civilisation women didn't have the vote until;

UK 1928
France 1945
Belgium 1946
Switzerland 1971 (this was a shocker to me)

4. I don't think I'm clutching at straws. I think simple people attribute to God all that is positive that they don't understand and to the devil all that is evil. Not a bad pigeon box to compartmentalise the vast universe we live in.

Some people take a very arrogant airs with science as explaining everything under the sun. The power of the mind and the soul are still mysterys to man despite our exponential development.

On a program on TV recently about Dorkin's views on evolution allocated all of 10 seconds to explain the soul as couple of neurons grouping together whilst banging their drums about how ridicilous concept of miracles were.

Typically we concentrate on what we know rather than what we don't.

5. I pick science. But I don't see science refuting the creator. The jury is out pending further evidence. I don't see anything in God as the creator refuting science either.

Where did the law of gravity originate from? It all has to have come from somewhere. Instead of x let's call it God until we find it's source.

6. No I don't think dinosaur bones were planted on earth by the devil.

Do you believe Charles Darwin's theory also applies to the universe? That is some galaxies die. Some are born. AND some are continuing to evolve? We are talking about billions and billions of galaxies over billions and billions of years?

Do you believe in the natural selection of the galaxies and the elimination of unsuccessful galaxies?

Don't blame you as so do I... I say this sincerely but what is precisely the relevance to me until a meteor decides to land on Earth???

If a meteor is heading to earth - of all the billions of years, why now, why earth and why me? God only knows. :rolleyes: :cheesy:

I reckon some quite contemplation and prayer over a glass of wine, will make me more happy for the journey that lies ahead, toasting the joy of life. :D


hey you know I usually avoid these topics, don't know what came over me last night :LOL:

I read your responses and they have merit, I might have classed you as a bit of a christian fundamentalist so I'm sorry about that, I could respond to a few pointers but as you seem to grasp life is far too complicated to try and sum up with but what if, what when etc etc

Me personally, I do beleive in science but I also beleive in something more, something which has not yet been explained, maybe it never will but I do not beleive a male chauvinist pig God is sitting up in heaven, playing tricks on us to test our faith and will one day send his only son (LOL) to rapture some of us and send the rest to hell.

I don't think we can handle or even grasp the answer yet, whatever it is.

I think we agree there are universal laws on what is right and wrong and as we evolve so do our morals with them. I don't beleive you need the bible to know that.

I saw a documentry on Freemasonry the other night and although it's not a religion per se I think it's as close to a perfect one as I have seen.

Freemasonry is a worldwide fraternity founded on the principles of brotherhood, with no affiliation to any particular religion, sect or creed. It thus gives the opportunity for all of its members to meet on a common ground, exercising the utmost tolerance and understanding of all genuinely held beliefs. While it requires an acceptance of a Supreme Being or Principal (God), it leaves the individual free to interpret these archetypal ideas according to their personal development.

I see you mentioned gravity as well, and that's what I'm talking about. There are so many perfect laws in the universe, from all the perfect conditions to sustain our life, a cell with pre programmed knowledge that knows to allow for extra skin around our elbows so that we can bend our arms lol

We are talking in fairly simple terms here, like a childrens picture book but really life, the universe is so amazing and so complex that this seems like folly.

I have a wife and child I love dearly and I do hope that I get to see them after of all this and that love does mean something and is not just a chemical reaction to ensure our species survival but I'll wait and see what happens and if nothing does and my body rots and that is the end of me at least I won't be sitting in a room of nothing thinking "oh sh!* there really is nothing so really nothing to worry about haha.

I'm going to end my ramble there before I confuse myself.

Chow! (y)

Do you know of Pat Condell. You may find his views quite refreshing. I agree with alot of what he says but I think sometimes he does tend let himself down by going a bit too far.


Not heard of him before as I tend to stay off these topics and media in favour of documentries about quantum theory and other facinating subjects I don't really understand.

But this is good and I wish I had some Christian friends on facebook to post it too :LOL:
A. We don't know where we come from.
B. We have relatively a short insignificant life span.
C. We don't know where we end up.

We all end up in the same place we were a thousand years before we were born

and no amount of praying, arguing, killing, self flagellating, fasting, going on pilgrimages, memorising scripture, preaching, shaving our private parts, cutting off erogenous tissue, hiding our faces, singing of hymns, throwing stones at the devil, growing pointy beards, avoiding certain foods, abstaining from alcohol, abstaining from sex or any other kind of medievil superstitious nonsense can change that.

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A photon is generated at the center and makes its way to the surface. It may take up to several million years to get to the surface, and the form of the energy may change from X-ray to visible wavelengths. When the photon leaves the Sun, it takes eight minutes to get to us at the speed of light.

Why can't we have threads about the interesting stuff instead of ignorance and fairy tales.
Sometimes we get a discussion going on these threads which makes us think and question our views and beliefs.
The discussion between Atilla and cryten is one such discussion
I had to reread the their posts a couple of times to really understand them.
Sometimes we get a discussion going on these threads which makes us think and question our views and beliefs.
The discussion between Atilla and cryten is one such discussion
I had to reread the their posts a couple of times to really understand them.

Is there any reason why we should question our beliefs? I don't question mine. I rarely go to church because, to be honest, I think it's a bore and those who profess to teach and lead us are, sometimes, worse sinners than us. Nevertheless, I do believe and that is that, as far as I am concerned.

Whoever chooses not to believe is quite at liberty to do so, in my opinion, and it is an argument that will not be won until the day we die.

Those who do argue, for or against, to convince the rest of us are, really, trying to convince themselves. So, for all those who would say that it is all a matter of physics, I would say that God is the greatest physicist of all and that He is not keeping many secrets, just letting us discover them for ourselves and, probably, curious to know what we are going to do with them once they have been discovered.

Relax, nonbelievers, and let us live our lives with our beliefs. Lenin tried to outlaw religion but I doubt whether religion, with all it's faults, has done a worse job than his regime did. The thing about atheists is, that they believe that they can act with impunity on the basis that there is no one to answer to, afterwards.

Is there any reason why we should question our beliefs? I don't question mine. I rarely go to church because, to be honest, I think it's a bore and those who profess to teach and lead us are, sometimes, worse sinners than us. Nevertheless, I do believe and that is that, as far as I am concerned.

Whoever chooses not to believe is quite at liberty to do so, in my opinion, and it is an argument that will not be won until the day we die.

Those who do argue, for or against, to convince the rest of us are, really, trying to convince themselves. So, for all those who would say that it is all a matter of physics, I would say that God is the greatest physicist of all and that He is not keeping many secrets, just letting us discover them for ourselves and, probably, curious to know what we are going to do with them once they have been discovered.

Relax, nonbelievers, and let us live our lives with our beliefs. Lenin tried to outlaw religion but I doubt whether religion, with all it's faults, has done a worse job than his regime did. The thing about atheists is, that they believe that they can act with impunity on the basis that there is no one to answer to, afterwards.


lol whatever makes you feel better about the inevitable | guess
My reference to beliefs was unto oneself, not to any superior force or being as implied by religion or state.
What do you know about the inevitable, cryten? All you have is an opinion, the same as everyone else.

Look I'm not trying to convert you people, you want to see how ridiculous your beliefs are go and watch some youtube videos on Scientology. Great example of a religion completely made up and yet there are always those gullible right behind to follow.

Make up a nice and fuzzy story for the weak, throw in some damnation and you have a religion, Christianity is only Scientology's granddaddy, if humans are kicking and still incredibly dumb a few thousand years from now I bet religions like Scientology will hold as much "credibility"

Go on have a look, You might prefer the Church of Xenu :LOL:
Look I'm not trying to convert you people, you want to see how ridiculous your beliefs are go and watch some youtube videos on Scientology. Great example of a religion completely made up and yet there are always those gullible right behind to follow.

Make up a nice and fuzzy story for the weak, throw in some damnation and you have a religion, Christianity is only Scientology's granddaddy, if humans are kicking and still incredibly dumb a few thousand years from now I bet religions like Scientology will hold as much "credibility"

Go on have a look, You might prefer the Church of Xenu :LOL:

I think the ferocity of some of those videos and intensity of their condemnation is not much different from many other preachers I have listened to. Won't be long before they take up arms against pious believers soon... :cheesy:

The point of all this communication is for us to share and interact. Take what you want. Leave behind what you don't want. Would be nice if one can also offer share some new thoughts too.

That Pat chap has made umpteen videos. Very good for him but the question is who is his target audience. Is it the believers or non-believers what ever faith one may be???

I watched Mel Gibson's Acopolypto film about human sacrifice to the Sun god. This was in latin America before the Spanish arrived. Shocking film and not pleasant for the faint hearted...

Similarly recently visited Tutankhamun exhibition at the O2 exhibition and likewise his father caused a storm by getting rid of all other religions and idols and establishing the one Sun god religion. After his dad was knocked off the 9 year old king spent the next 9 years of his life establishing order again by allowing people to worship what ever gods people and tribes wanted to worship. He subsequently died for unknown reasons at the age of 18/19 and his advisor subsequently took over.

Point is way before Judaism, Christianity or Islam or any other faith, there were people pondering the questions of ABC where they came from and where they would end up, with utmost desire to live forever.

They even built similar structures like the pyramids reaching for the stars.

Stonehenge in Salisbury is pretty much the same sort of Sun or Planertary Earth worship of some sort - still a mystery.

What I'm trying to say is there is something embodied in man that yearns for the answer what ever the questions about life may be. What, When, Why, How, Where?

Sometimes I wonder if animals wonder like us or do they merely exist like machines?

Atheists fail to pick up on this point about the essence of life and purpose and merely focus on the existence and behaviour.

So the world is a merry go round??? We are all on a ride??? Nice. We are not going anywhere but round in circles. Perhaps. We may as well forget about the destination and just enjoy that ride. Well that sounds like a plausible explanation...

But some of those people on that merry go round will eventually get bored and become wise enough to ask WHY? Why am I on this merry go round, where did it come from and when do I get off?

Anybody remember Le Chic, they too had a saying that the World is a Circus and we are the clowns - or was that Shakespear.

All very interesting stuff and I'm sure I'm getting nearer the answer. :cheesy:
One thing that always strikes me as strange is that a suicide bomber is always a terrorist and yet a hitech attack helicopter or stealth bomber blowing to hell an entire street is seen as something different. The end result is the same in that people who were alive are now dead. Who wins?[/QUOTE]

If you can't tell the diff between the two nothing anyone will say will be of any help to yo.
Blaming America for terrorism makes perfect sense when you think about it. The US is like a husband who beats his wife and then complains that she is bitchy towards him.

As a side note, isn't it amusing to see the US trying to kill people whol want to kill themselves anyway? Bloody stupid.

Kinda the same way Britts hunt down and jail people who only want to kill themselves in the
subway...Bloody brilliant..
We all end up in the same place we were a thousand years before we were born

and no amount of praying, arguing, killing, self flagellating, fasting, going on pilgrimages, memorising scripture, preaching, shaving our private parts, cutting off erogenous tissue, hiding our faces, singing of hymns, throwing stones at the devil, growing pointy beards, avoiding certain foods, abstaining from alcohol, abstaining from sex or any other kind of medievil superstitious nonsense can change that.


Lets see, you believe that you were somewhere before you were born but of course that's no kind of "medieval superstitious nonsense"
Looks like it's well and truly a God Heads versus Atheists thread.

It''ll be a closed thread by this time next week then :cheesy:

Anyway, don't know if anyone listened to the BBC link I posted. The one thing that really caught my attention was when one of the Al Qaeda guys conceded that you can go to hell for killing innocent people.

All we need do now if figure out a way to convince these religious wackos that it is quite possible to be both innocent AND an infidel and it's job done (y)


Why are so convinced that they don't already know?
I am not aware where innocence saved anyone from being killed by terrorists.

I am going to call a spade a spade here, and describe you as what you are - a hate mongering fanatic.

I can assure you that I dislike all religion as much as the next atheist, but the reality of the world is that religion is pervasive and the different religions need to get on with each other. The likes of this trash is not likely to further that goal.

Let me remined you of the two world wars fought (with the exception of Japan) by Christian nations. Yes, the Nazis had god on their side too, as did the Germans in World War I. The greatest mass destruction ever seen was carrried out by the Christian allies in their carpet bombing of the German and Japanese cities in WWII culminating in the nuclear fireballs obliterating two Japanese cities. More recently Nixon had god on his side too in the carpet bombing of Vietnam and Cambodia.

And Bush was God's right hand man in the war on Iraq.

So why don't you just go and peddle your fanaticism elsewhere.

I am not aware of Nazis invoking God, maybe gods, but you knew that.
I also noticed how quickly you brushed over the atrocities, worst ever committed in history, by the Godless. Yes good men have at times, to sell their shirt to buy a sword.
I wonder how your posting would look in German?
Chapter 3 - Assassinations - Rogue State by William Blum

On June 26, 1993, President William Clinton went before the American people and announced that the US had fired several missiles against Iraq that day. It turned out that the missiles killed 8 people and injured many more. The attack, said the president, was in retaliation fro an Iraqi plot to assassinate former president George Bush who was due to visit Kuwait. (This alleged plot remains no more than that ... alledged.)

Clinton announced that the US attack "was esseential to send a message to those who engage in a state-sponsored terrorism and to affirm the expectation of civilised behaviour among nations."

Following is a list of prominent foreign individuals whose assassination (or planning for same) the US has been involved in since the end of the Second Wolrd War. (CIA humoirsts have at times referred to this type of operation as "suicide involuntarily administered", to be carried out by the Agency's "Health Alteration Committee".)

  • 1949 - Kim Koo, Korean opposition leader
  • 1950s - CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of more than 200 political figures in West Germany to be "put out of the way" in the even of a Soviet invasion
  • 1950s - Zhou Enlai, Prime minister of China, several attempts on his life
  • 1950s, 1962 - Sukarno, President of Indonesia
  • 1951 - Kim Il Sung, Premier of North Korea
  • 1953 - Mohammed Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran
  • 1950s - Claro M. Recto, Philippines opposition leader
  • 1955 - Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India
  • 1957 - Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt
  • 1959/63/69 - Norodom Sihanouk, Leader of Cambodia
  • 1960 - Brig. Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem, leader of Iraq
  • 1950s-70s - Jose Figueres, President of Costa Rica, two attempts on his life
  • 1961 - Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, leader of Haiti
  • 1961 - patrie Lumumba, Prime Minister of the Congo
  • 1961 - Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic
  • 1963 - Ngo Dinh Diem, Presiden tof South Vietnam
  • 1960s-70s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, many attempts and plots on his life
  • 1960s - Raul Castro, high official in goverment of Cuba
  • 1965 - Francisco Caamafio, Domincian Republic opposition leader
  • 1965-6 - Charles de Gaulle, President of France
  • 1967 - Che Guevara, Cuban leader
  • 1970 - Salvador Allende, President of Chile
  • 1970 - Gen. Rene Schneider, Commander in Chief of Army Chile
  • 1970s, 1981 - General Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama
  • 1972 - General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama Intelligence
  • 1975 Mobutu Sese Seko, Presidnt of Zaire
  • 1976 - Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica
  • 1980 - 86 - Moammar Qaddafi, leader of Libya, several plots and attempts on his life
  • 1982 Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of Iran
  • 1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua
  • 1984 The nine comandeantes of the National Directorate of Nicaragua
  • 1985 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, Lebanese Shiite leader
  • 1991 - Saddam Hussein, leader of Iraq
  • 1993 - Mohamed Farah Aideed, prominent clan leader of Somalia
  • 1998, 2001-2 - Osama bin Laden, leading CIA trained terrorist
  • 1999 - Slobodan Milosevic, President of Yugoslavia
  • 2002 - Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Afghan Islamic leader and warlord
  • 2003 - Saddam Hussein and his two sons, Qusay and Uday, and his half brother, Barzan Ibrahim Hassan al-Tikriti; all had been senior goverment officials.

Anybody who disagrees with US foreign policy is likely to be target, if they rise beyond their station of insignificance.

Several statements on assinations have been made and withdrawn by US presidents.

eg: On April 10, 1985, Reagan canceled the "licence to kill" because the previous month, the CIA had paid some people in Beirut to kill a certain sheikh Fadlallah, who was not to Washingtons's liking; a car bomb had been used and 80 people were killed, the sheikh not being among their number.

Oct 13th 1989: George H.W. Bush added a new twist. He issued a "memorandum of law" that would allow "accidental" killing if it was a byproduct of legal action: "A decisiion by the President to emply overt military force... would not consititute assassindation if US forces were employed against the combatant forces of another nation, a guerrilla force, or a terrorist or other organisation whose actions pose a threat to the security of the US.

What perplexes me even further is why America NEVER seems to get the blame, or take responsibility for this and other murderous acts.

What upsets me is that the list isn't growing at a rate that is proportionate with the spread of dictators and terrorists. There are a few names that belong on that list.
I think the ferocity of some of those videos and intensity of their condemnation is not much different from many other preachers I have listened to. Won't be long before they take up arms against pious believers soon... :cheesy:

The point of all this communication is for us to share and interact. Take what you want. Leave behind what you don't want. Would be nice if one can also offer share some new thoughts too.

That Pat chap has made umpteen videos. Very good for him but the question is who is his target audience. Is it the believers or non-believers what ever faith one may be???

I watched Mel Gibson's Acopolypto film about human sacrifice to the Sun god. This was in latin America before the Spanish arrived. Shocking film and not pleasant for the faint hearted...

Similarly recently visited Tutankhamun exhibition at the O2 exhibition and likewise his father caused a storm by getting rid of all other religions and idols and establishing the one Sun god religion. After his dad was knocked off the 9 year old king spent the next 9 years of his life establishing order again by allowing people to worship what ever gods people and tribes wanted to worship. He subsequently died for unknown reasons at the age of 18/19 and his advisor subsequently took over.

Point is way before Judaism, Christianity or Islam or any other faith, there were people pondering the questions of ABC where they came from and where they would end up, with utmost desire to live forever.

They even built similar structures like the pyramids reaching for the stars.

Stonehenge in Salisbury is pretty much the same sort of Sun or Planertary Earth worship of some sort - still a mystery.

What I'm trying to say is there is something embodied in man that yearns for the answer what ever the questions about life may be. What, When, Why, How, Where?

Sometimes I wonder if animals wonder like us or do they merely exist like machines?

Atheists fail to pick up on this point about the essence of life and purpose and merely focus on the existence and behaviour.

So the world is a merry go round??? We are all on a ride??? Nice. We are not going anywhere but round in circles. Perhaps. We may as well forget about the destination and just enjoy that ride. Well that sounds like a plausible explanation...

But some of those people on that merry go round will eventually get bored and become wise enough to ask WHY? Why am I on this merry go round, where did it come from and when do I get off?

Anybody remember Le Chic, they too had a saying that the World is a Circus and we are the clowns - or was that Shakespear.

All very interesting stuff and I'm sure I'm getting nearer the answer. :cheesy:

Exactly, brilliant post. I think you misunderstand me, I have not said that I am an atheist but neither do I follow any religion because as you pointed out way before Christianity reared it's ugly head there was always religion in some form. I do think there is something more or at least a point to all this but I do not believe in man made religion, I can live quite happily without having to go on the religious shopping channel, find what best suits me and then decide all who do not believe the same as I do are going to spend eternity in the flaming pits of hell.

I don't believe in a God though, more leaning towards that we are all connected in some way, to everything which we are at the sub atomic level ;)

I heard a line in a documentary recently which hit home "It's as if the universe created us to get to know itself better"

The dinosaur extinction is suspect, It's as if the universe thought well what now? Great we have massive beasts that eat each other day in day out for millions of years but what now? were not getting anywhere! So next thing their wiped out completely and a new species (us) decides to inhabit the earth...hmmm

Of course there are many questions that need to be answered but anyone with half a brain (sorry) knows there is not some DUDE sitting up in heaven, with a mighty bloody temper I might add, waiting for the day to send his boy and save all the f&^%^g idiots.