I first saw this clip on TV - BBC news and having done a few searches here it is on Youtube.
The clip on the BBC was clearer and you could make out some bodies were considerably smaller than others. In fact you can just about make out their different sizes on this video too.
Listen to the communication.
Numerous individuals. Do you want me to take them out?
The BBC, well there you go LMAO!
Ground control says "
Take them out!".
Why? What is the threat? What verification or protocol have the pilots followed?
Then the "
oh dude" bit really does it for me.
No soldier or terrorist would walk in close proximity like that.
If you were armed you would be hugging walls.
That is imho a crowd of people perhaps several families making their way from one place to another.
Watch the video and determine if that looks like an offensive unit of soldiers or terrorists. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THIS
US troops terrorise civilians all the time. Whether Afghanistan or Iraq. They will kick your door down, screaming and yelling in the middle of the night. Arrest your menfolk and take them away including young boys. Women and children crying. 5 year old girls shivering in the cold of the night with pee running down their legs seeing their dads and brothers sacked, hands tied behind their backs, kicked and punched and made to kneel or lie on the cold ground with only their vests. I've seen footage of such scence
US marines search through the house taking any valuables, gold, jewelry, what ever.
Breaking doors, shooting dogs.
I won't mention the prisons and whether you see your menfolk or not.
Their have been countless numbers of men killed with hands behind their back bullet in the head in Iraq.
Here you are from the BBC web site.
"The presence of the international community in Afghanistan should be re-regulated based on bilateral agreements," a statement said, adding that limits should be placed on military forces and "air strikes on civilian targets, unilateral searches of homes and illegal detentions must be stopped immediately".
By the way this is the same protocol of routine in Afghanistan as in Iraq.
Blame anyone you like.
2 million refugees, 600,000 dead, countless living a life of misery.
Country totally devastated. National treasures looted. 20,000 US marines killed approx 50,000 injured. Good many more pscyhologically disturbed but what they have seen as well as suffering trauma. Inflicting death on your fellow man causes trauma within.
Did you know UK lost more soldiers killed by friendly US fire than it lost to those killed by Iraqis when Bushy announced the so called end of the war.
Do you remember the Italian hostage negotiator killed whilst coming to a checkpoint?
How about countless women driving with their children killed at checkpoints?
Let me guess, marines were defending them selves and civilian life is expendable because terrorists have blown up their cars. Well this is not acceptable is it. You don't fight terrorists by terrorising civilians. The Yanks then wonder why insurgents numbers swell the more of the Iraqis they kill. How bloody stupid do you have to be???
US twin defecits 7%+ of GDP. Pension crises. Health crises. Bush gives tax cuts to oil and business. Refuses to sign Kyota agreement. Tells Russia it should not occupy Georgia and get out. Tells the world it is pulling out of Iraq in 2011 having achieved bloodbath victory. Decides to build missiles all along Russias borders to stop Iran from posing a threat to the West.
Are you blind. Can you not see that Bushy, Cheney, Wolfzy and Rumy have just about ballsed up everything you and all other decent Americans have worked for in the free World.
Approx $1000 bn dollars spent on carnage with lives of almost millions playing daft war games.
Katrina hurrican floods in new Orleans could have been prevented if Bush granted $95m to strengthen it's defences as strongly recommended by civil engineers a year prior to their collapse did you know that?
You question my academic qualifications and ability? What is the significance of my insignificance?
If you want answers look within. Biggest threat to the US are those mafiozies in the White House.
Proof of the pudding is in the eating. What has the US achieved in the last 8 years?
Do you genuinely believe you can solve US problems and protect your self from people bad mouthing the US for it's actions. Mate there are billions of people out there who hate the yanks. As strange as it may sound to you I'm a friend of the American people. I recognise the White house administrators for what they are. I also have a vested interest in its continued strength and stability. I've travelled through the US. It's people are fantastic, hospitable, welcoming and great kind hearted people.
I could go on... but who needs enemies when you have friends like Bush & co.
Please try and answer fundamental issues. Debate the subject. Don't get personal with me. Try and learn and understand why people think the way I do. Try and see where other people are coming from. See their perspective. You'll then be more enlightened seeing more of any event from different angles rather than a small apperture the size of a gun barrel. I say that sincerely.