
Fair enough 🙂
What about averaging losers though?

Any truism in the HERD world should be chucked out the f*kin window.

I once wrote a list of all the trading truisms, 34 items in all. Then I sat back and gazed at it and pondered - didn't take long to see that that is exactly how a wife pins her husband down. Gives him no room to maneuvre, a virtual prison.

Drop kicked the f*ckin list right out the window.

That same day the broad I was with said she was leaving me - I instantly asked her how soon she could be gone? .... long story short - the bit*ch just wouldn't leave after that expert application of the reach and withdraw mechanism

It got so bad that eventually I sold the b*tch to a loser who was on the receiving end of the overt-motivator sequence

I shouldn't take that list too seriously.

They have Finland listed as one of the most 'peaceful' countries in the world despite the fact that they have one of the most consistantly high murder rates in Europe.

They are presumably using strange selection criteria.

Advertising? 🙄
I am unable to open the link on my phone.
Exactly how is 'most violent' defined? Murders/gbh/abh etc per thousand?
Apparently crime rates are falling in the UK also. Cough.

A few posts back you got upset with someone for not reading the material proffered - apply that to yourself, please.

Especially note the criteria aka several points that make up the system used for determining exactly the answer to your question above.

Try not to be the standard 99.99999999999% of bulletin board users, a bunch of bums who refuse to do any meaningful work yet have the lofty aspiration to live in a beautiful location and with just a laptop and internet connection, beat the entire work-a-day world at earning a living - such is the lure of trading for a living but its obvious as it is here that if one cannot do the work is it any wonder why 95% lose consistently.
I shouldn't take that list too seriously.

They have Finland listed as one of the most 'peaceful' countries in the world despite the fact that they have one of the most consistantly high murder rates in Europe.

They are presumably using strange selection criteria.

Were the criteria "p*ssy, Finland would be number 1 best country in the world. Case in point, the beautiful town of Wasa, almost no men as they all go to work in Helsingfors, go to any restaurant, bar or club and the women swamp a fella like there is no tomorrow.

Try it out on your next vacation - you'll probably come back home, sell your wife and kids for 5 cents on the dollar and be a swinging happy hunter once again like you were in your 20s when the thing that killed it was you rolled your eyes and said, "I love you too" and the nails on the coffin kept coming in thereafter, the 4th nail being after the 3rd kid was born. 😆😆😆😆😆

If you want to play more, throw in the Swedes (lived there too, loved every minute of it, speak the lingo too) take the cruise from Stockholm to Helsingfors - Lord have mercy! - it was a a DEFLATIONARY cycle in p*ssy - the entire game of men being the hunter was turned upside down and most of the fellas just could not believe this windfall as we winked to each other as we came-d and went from the various cabins with different ornaments on our arms. 🙂😆😆
Be patient, pb - time permitting there will be some follow-ups .......

keeping track of America's involvement is easy, akin to a trundling giant - the UK however operates in downright devious ways and not so easily discernible.

Consider that installment the first in a series of detective work 🙂

And all the while Israel is laffing its ass off that both, the current superpower and the one of yesteryear continue to play right into its hands.

Yet again proof that power and intelligence are not necessary, "cunning" is hard to thwart.

if one wants to see Brits in droves escaping from UK .... one location is Thailand.
In Chiangmai all one has to do is just listen to their complaints about the UK - it is clear that the UK has shafted its own but in classic "cunning" diverts the focus with real smart diversionary tactics

installment #1

U.K. can
A few posts back you got upset with someone for not reading the material proffered - apply that to yourself, please.

Especially note the criteria aka several points that make up the system used for determining exactly the answer to your question above.

Try not to be the standard 99.99999999999% of bulletin board users, a bunch of bums who refuse to do any meaningful work yet have the lofty aspiration to live in a beautiful location and with just a laptop and internet connection, beat the entire work-a-day world at earning a living - such is the lure of trading for a living but its obvious as it is here that if one cannot do the work is it any wonder why 95% lose consistently.

You are a mentallist
Syrian shot down american made plane. Shows the russian technology is very effective. I'd be interested to see the Israelis go in for another go as a retest. All resistant levels must be retested to demonstrate confidence.
Syrian shot down american made plane. Shows the russian technology is very effective. I'd be interested to see the Israelis go in for another go as a retest. All resistant levels must be retested to demonstrate confidence.

American built in the 60s. Hardly the latest technology is it, it's like saying the latest Russian car is a great match for a Morris Minor.
American built in the 60s. Hardly the latest technology is it, it's like saying the latest Russian car is a great match for a Morris Minor.

This is why I suggested a retest. I am interested to see the latest russian tech at play because it could save us all from endless wars. I don't know about you, the wars are hitting my pockets hard and I wish to see an end to them ASAP.
The end of endless wars will occur only if the planet goes SAINT or every country has nuclear arms.

The big dogs mess with Iran because they know that once Iran goes truly nuclear they CAN'T mess with her no more.

Its a messed up planet wherein war is part of Economics and women and children pay the biggest price - their lives.

Still nobody has gone to jail for the WAR ON IRAQ - millions slaughtered on a lie
Iran already has a 'nuclear' option of blocking the Strait of Hormuz. Having the nuclear weapons capability would just be icing on the cake for them. The war addicts are turning to Syria because they can't mess with Iran. It doesn't look like anyone has the b*ll to go head to head with the Russians over Syria anyway. Nevertheless, effective Russian AA tech would be a critical factor. We still need another retest failure to be sure we remain on safe grounds.

On the first dynamic the individual thinks he can commit crimes endlessly and never be cott. But HE himself is his own worst enemy, not the cops. The reason why HE himself is his own worst enemy is because of the fundamental trait of ALL SENTIENT BEINGS, namely a being is natively good and when he sees himself committing contrasurvival acts he himself (on a very unconscious level) becomes his own executioner and meters out justice that far exceeds what ANY court of law would deliver.

Police forces around the world have now begun to understand this dynamic, only a teeny weeny bit though, at play because they keep wondering why seemingly super smart criminals leave clues at the scene of the crime?

From this basic concept comes the thunderous basic of Philosophy ...

Your are totally responsible for the condition you are in

Applied to the 3rd Dynamic, the dynamics of the GROUP or NATION it is easy to see that the built-in application of Justice by a sentient group will not spare such group when metering out severe penalties from crimes against other less fortunate groups who also consist of sentient beings.

Therefore the misery that we now face with POCKETBOOKS hurt terribly across the board and this will continue until Justice has been served in the eye of the perpetrator groups - no external judges required.

That is how Empires kill themselves eventually - thru' transgressions.

The current Empire is dying, albeit slowly just now, but this ought to pick up speed. If it does not and the penalty does not continue then this will be the first time that the Spirtual Domain has failed all sentient beings by a gross violation of the Sentient Being's Justice System.
Dictators are everywhere; some are smart and some are dumb.

IMHO the biggest dictator is US and its allies. How could you explain the mess they done in Iraq. with all demonstrations in the world against the war; the dictators pressed on and did whatever they want.

now they want to spread democracy in Syria and others. double standards. what a shamble.
Iran already has a 'nuclear' option of blocking the Strait of Hormuz. Having the nuclear weapons capability would just be icing on the cake for them. The war addicts are turning to Syria because they can't mess with Iran. It doesn't look like anyone has the b*ll to go head to head with the Russians over Syria anyway. Nevertheless, effective Russian AA tech would be a critical factor.

Project axis-of-evil is still in play - no other reason but to implement US national interest all over the ME. After Syria it will be Iran's turn. Attempt to engage them now on peace with Syria is merely attempt to gain assets. (Same ploy as played on Libya).

Not taking a view here good or bad. Just watching the super powers at moving peons around the chess board. Take your side and watch. Russia and US don't give a **** as long as they can build up arms and try them out against each other.

Bit like retails shops having spring sales to get rid of winter clothes in readiness for the summer and next winter's season etc etc. It is all so predictable it is sad.

As Deadbroke points out many lives will be lost no doubt as is the case now.