
Most recently, the US and UK total destruction of Iraq was on a LIE. Yet nobody has gone to jail or been punished.

They have been punished. All their banks going bankrupt, all their people going out of work, and all their militaries getting chopped. For their crimes, the British lost one of their future aircraft carriers. With their neutered powers, they could well face invasion in the future and be pillaged and raped. Perhaps the Hollywood has brain washed you too much for you to want everything to be done and dusted within 2 hours. Every wrong action has a deleterious reaction. It may not come immediately, but it surely will.
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In some parts of the world the concept of BIGGER and therefore has the RIGHT OF WAY is a common HERD axiom .....

and so it is with the WEST (even though one loves one's country one ought not to be blind to an uncompromised view of the esoteric concepts of sheer honesty and integrity) .....

Most recently, the US and UK total destruction of Iraq was on a LIE. Yet nobody has gone to jail or been punished. This is a disgrace.

And all those women and children slaughtered.

If there is anyone here who believes for even a second that THE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS permits this sort of behaviour over the long haul - dream on clowns.

Sounds like propaganda from the American bible belt- the same guys that peddle the creationist ********(sounds like rowlocks):whistling
You are a cretin and your ignorance of history is so profound it simply must be deliberate, unless you are actually brain damaged.

Staggering and swaggering ingorance continues below .....

British war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

see especially links in the lower section of the page ......

and note esp. the following below

During the later stages of the Second Boer War, the British Empire ordered the civilian internment of the Afrikaner population into concentration camps,[4] one of the earliest uses of this method by modern powers.[5][6]

Though originally intended as a humanitarian gesture to protect the civilian population from the British Army's scorched earth policy, most of these camps were badly organised and suffered from poor hygiene and little food. Most of the children in these camps died, as did a significant portion of the adults.[7] Many count this British negligance as constituting a war crime,[8][9] which ended with the death of at least 25,000 people.[9]
In some parts of the world the concept of BIGGER and therefore has the RIGHT OF WAY is a common HERD axiom .....

and so it is with the WEST (even though one loves one's country one ought not to be blind to an uncompromised view of the esoteric concepts of sheer honesty and integrity) .....

Most recently, the US and UK total destruction of Iraq was on a LIE. Yet nobody has gone to jail or been punished. This is a disgrace.

And all those women and children slaughtered.

If there is anyone here who believes for even a second that THE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS permits this sort of behaviour over the long haul - dream on clowns.

This and Beginner Joe's post I concur with strongly.

So much is spent on military that it is a crying shame in our day and age of human evolution.

If I look back in to the history of man the greatest buildings to have stood the centuries of time seem to be religious and fortress buildings.

Yet we still bark on about God and Power. All very much a lot of BS imho...

Coming back to the topic in hand.

I wonder how powerful President Assad feels right now?

I wonder if he is happy?

I wonder whether he worries about anything?

I wonder if he sleeps well at night?

I wonder what he occupies him self with during the day?

Same goes for the Blair and Bush twins with all their applauses and standing ovations. What super leaders and heroes of our time with fantastic followers. Class acts.

What really matters is quality of life, rest and peace in ones heart. No matter how soft the mattress or what palace one lives in, there can be little joy for such people.

Putin and Assads of the world are of the same ilk. Sooner or later they will be a blotch on history as people celebrate their departure adn they will walk away with their walking sticks into a shallow grave...
I think having a new regime there that supports the west will be a good pressure point on Iran and a good strategic region !
Sounds like propaganda from the American bible belt- the same guys that peddle the creationist ********(sounds like rowlocks):whistling

Absolutely zip to do with Religion. My reference to the Higher Consciousness is devoid of any religious connotation. The Higher Consciousness is something that each and every one of us has and is specific to us as individuals.

Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Muslims, whatever - all a bunch of yahoos - none have anything to do with the Spiritual Universe.
I refuse to accept americans have higher consciousness. However I do see them having a hive consciousness where they are all linked back to the BS fabrication media.
They have been punished. All their banks going bankrupt, all their people going out of work, and all their militaries getting chopped. For their crimes, the British lost one of their future aircraft carriers. With their neutered powers, they could well face invasion in the future and be pillaged and raped. Perhaps the Hollywood has brain washed you too much for you to want everything to be done and dusted within 2 hours. Every wrong action has a deleterious reaction. It may not come immediately, but it surely will.

Good thinking Joe, but remember that real justice should be commensurate with the crime - walk on any street in London for example and you will see that whatever discomfort they are experiencing currently is still MILD. Whereas the discomfort of the DEAD, PILLAGED, RAPED and PLUNDERED was/is ACUTE.
I refuse to accept americans have higher consciousness. However I do see them having a hive consciousness where they are all linked back to the BS fabrication media.

And I would agree with you especially considering that they voted for George Bush - TWICE.

Why are you trying to fix up the Brits when it is your own country that needs fixing ? The Brits are just hanging off your coat tail and ain't responsible for nothing.
Why are you trying to fix up the Brits when it is your own country that needs fixing ? The Brits are just hanging off your coat tail and ain't responsible for nothing.

Because its the SAME Empire and more importantly I like England, always have, always will. But they need to be slapped around some and wake up. My best pal is a Scotty.
Why are you trying to fix up the Brits when it is your own country that needs fixing ? The Brits are just hanging off your coat tail and ain't responsible for nothing.

My country cannot be fixed. Its a shame. They've gotten too far off the proven trail that they had back in the 1950s etc., - benevolence, generosity and fairness.

The only quality left in some degree is generosity, the other 2 are gone, gone gone.

A superpower needs the former (benevolence) in huge amounts. This esoteric quality cannot be gotten by fighting/wars/f*ckin-up-people.

Damn disgrace to be involved in Syria and cause even more f*ckups there.

Straying away from what our forefathers clearly stated costs us bigtime ....

"Do not get involved in the affairs of other nations"
They have been punished. All their banks going bankrupt, all their people going out of work, and all their militaries getting chopped. For their crimes, the British lost one of their future aircraft carriers. With their neutered powers, they could well face invasion in the future and be pillaged and raped. Perhaps the Hollywood has brain washed you too much for you to want everything to be done and dusted within 2 hours. Every wrong action has a deleterious reaction. It may not come immediately, but it surely will.

Kindly reconsider this, Joe.

Their banks going bankrupt etc., hardly hurts the culprits - they all come out ahead due to bailout funds. The system sort of guarantees that the shnanigans continue forever. Now and then they scapegoat one or 2 cats but the general lot of them go scottfree. that's just the way it is.

The ones who get the shaft are me and thee. We, the taxpayers, pay dearly and our quality of life goes down dramatically.

It is not JUSTICE to have the criminals shaft us and then we pay the price and they go scottfree. The Higher Consciousness sees thru' this bull**** for it cannot be manipulated.

Right now, CRIMINALITY is winning bigtime and there is no sign of JUSTICE.

It will come for sure, like you clearly postulated. But it has not yet done so.
You are a cretin and your ignorance of history is so profound it simply must be deliberate, unless you are actually brain damaged.

A cretin? 🙂

As for ignorance of History you can blame Brother O'Neal - he was our professor of History. 🙂
They have been punished. All their banks going bankrupt, all their people going out of work, and all their militaries getting chopped. For their crimes, the British lost one of their future aircraft carriers. With their neutered powers, they could well face invasion in the future and be pillaged and raped. Perhaps the Hollywood has brain washed you too much for you to want everything to be done and dusted within 2 hours. Every wrong action has a deleterious reaction. It may not come immediately, but it surely will.
they are called nuclear weapons moron, furthermore britain has few natural resources, worth invading for, thirdly britain is part of nato, 4th the eu, 5th the UN security council. honestly your hateful speech just seems more wishful than anything else.
they are called nuclear weapons moron, furthermore britain has few natural resources, worth invading for, thirdly britain is part of nato, 4th the eu, 5th the UN security council. honestly your hateful speech just seems more wishful than anything else.

That is correct, but Britain has houses and a Central Bank and we all know that they are the things that make Britain rich. Watch the mainstream media cheer when house prices go up...hooray, we are all richer the market celebrate when Merv runs the printing press...hooray...more money...we need to protect Britains Central Bank and houses from the enemy...Britain cannot afford to lose them.
I'm impressed. 🙂

That's such a load of utter boll0cks one hardly knows where to begin with it. This is rare, even in these latter days.

Every time I think I have witnessed the limits of human stupidity, some new idiot emerges to prove me wrong.

I congratulate you Sir! You have restored my lack of faith in human nature! 🙂

Now dig this .....

Britain is gearing up for a flood of eager willing unemployed workers from Third World Europe - panic mode has just been called. The 50% unemployment rate in the PIIGS ****-ries guarantees that they will be heading for marvelous, juicy promised land, Britain. 🙂🙂

These 330 million people have the automatic right to live and work in Britain.

If it happens its just one example of the Overt-Motivtor Sequence in operation.

Freezing of Britain's borders are strong possibility try - possible Parliamentary action, but this gotta be weighed in against leaving the EU.

God help Britain.

Do like other Brits - leaving in droves for places like Thighland. 😗whistling
That is correct, but Britain has houses and a Central Bank and we all know that they are the things that make Britain rich. Watch the mainstream media cheer when house prices go up...hooray, we are all richer the market celebrate when Merv runs the printing press...hooray...more money...we need to protect Britains Central Bank and houses from the enemy...Britain cannot afford to lose them.

Britain don't got doodly. Here's why. Wake up, for cryin out loud before its too fc*in late.

For the record, I'd hate to see Britain lose out - I love the country and its people but they are stupid sons of bit*hes NOW and they are playing with fire. Lulled into a stupor - those who have escaped from Britain to for example Thighland go on and on in the various cafes about the destructio of Britain and they tell all this quite happily to deadbroke - especailly after getting some beer and humma-humma. 😗whistling

Britain is the ultimate Lehman's

Britain flipping from being a safe haven to being perceived as being a Greece in a matter of days, for the markets would NOT give 2 years or so that they have given the Euro-zone crisis to play out, because when one does the sums one can see that Britain is just as bankrupt as Greece! And it would not take much to make the smoke dissipate and the mirrors to crack. The facts are Britain's total debt and liabilities are above 500% of GDP, Britain's austerity is a joke, for there has been NO real austerity which is why the budget deficit continues trundling along at £120-£130 billion PER YEAR!

The only thing Britain has is its electronic money printing presses without which Britain would have collapsed 3 years ago! Whilst the euro-zone looks to Germany for Bailouts, Britain looks to the Bank of England to print money, to date Britain has bailed itself out to the tune of £325 billion, which is why instead of the deflation that vested interests and academics regurgitate at length we have had inflation of over 15%.