- those who have escaped from Britain to for example Thighland go on and on in the various cafes about the destructio of Britain .
But we can still spell.
- those who have escaped from Britain to for example Thighland go on and on in the various cafes about the destructio of Britain .
like so? .... as in Anal-ysis 🙂
like so? .... as in Anal-ysis 🙂
But we can still spell.
Hello DB, what are you thoughts on this? 🙂
My opinion? Its a good post, but is meant for priests, bishops and holy-shmollies aka new traders. All good advice akin to being in school.
Then you graduate to being "deadbroke" - meaning this .....
you sh*tcan all these theories, books and whatnot, straight out the fc*in window and then you develop your own style, become your own man, leave the so-called experts behind and walk your own road.
That in essence is the deadbroke road
No its PTJ's own trading philosophy.
It also happens to be good advice.
Every book I read had good advice. Every guru I heard, had good advice.
Ditto in the realm of p*ssy hunting. Everyone has his own method. Beginners revel in the methods of others who came 🙂)) before them, seasoned warriors know that to survive and live well they've gotta find their own road.
There are many roads that lead to Rome. All those who get to Rome therefore have viable methods.
My phil is very simple, " don't compromise with your own reality, be our boss, keep your own counsel"
Its that simple.
No its PTJ's own trading philosophy.
It also happens to be good advice.
Thats very interesting, I was wondering what you thought of
the references to ego and risk control made by PTJ though 🙂
2 years ago Professor Charles Bassetti, author of TA of stock trends 9th ed., sent me an email on the UsdChf and showed me where PTJ would be placing his STOP.
It shocked me because it was 5% away from Price.
The Prof. replied, "now you see what the big leagues are all about? We don't care about losing the difference to the 5%, what we care about is riding the trend to its natural death - that is the essence of the pro"
I dug that comment like there was n tomorrow - dug it ral good - dreamed about it for nites and nites.
Therein like the chief attribute to success - not to panic during the inevitable retracement.
So you do accept that at any point you can be wrong and no one knows the future.
The only reason I ask is I am unsure what your risk control methodology is.
You don't appear to use stops, fair enough, PTJ uses mental stops.
What about averaging losing trades?
This and Beginner Joe's post I concur with strongly.
So much is spent on military that it is a crying shame in our day and age of human evolution.
If I look back in to the history of man the greatest buildings to have stood the centuries of time seem to be religious and fortress buildings.
Yet we still bark on about God and Power. All very much a lot of BS imho...
Coming back to the topic in hand.
I wonder how powerful President Assad feels right now?
I wonder if he is happy?
I wonder whether he worries about anything?
I wonder if he sleeps well at night?
I wonder what he occupies him self with during the day?
Same goes for the Blair and Bush twins with all their applauses and standing ovations. What super leaders and heroes of our time with fantastic followers. Class acts.
What really matters is quality of life, rest and peace in ones heart. No matter how soft the mattress or what palace one lives in, there can be little joy for such people.
Putin and Assads of the world are of the same ilk. Sooner or later they will be a blotch on history as people celebrate their departure adn they will walk away with their walking sticks into a shallow grave...
Are your viewpoints formed directly from what you read in the western MSM? If not can you please provise your sources as I wld be keen to read. Remember this is a time when the media and its political ties in the uk are still undergoing scrutiny, as such I wld have thought scepticism of media wld be at a highpoint, but perhaps not. Crikes.
There are actually other sides to the syrian story believe it or not (I sit on the fence at the moment as I do not know who to believe)...
Try broadening your news sources (I am now making the assumption you have not seen these) and watch mr syrian:
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
And then perhaps put the daily mail et al down for a few mins more and watch syrian girl (who is pretty fit, so a possible bias cld form):
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
On watching at least then you would have heard some first hand reporting from syrian people about the conflicts ongoing in syria, rather than just from the useless fleet street hacks who are paid to prop up their political buddies.
(The guardian and some other media outlets in the uk used to portray balanced arguments when reporting on areas of conflicts, but tragically those days are long gone)
As I said above I don't have a side re the syrian issue as there's v little info to go on, but to assume (not necessarily talking about you as you maybe well read and have some very valid sources) that what is reported on our news is fact is dangerously complacent. Moreso, when we are currently witnessing the unravelling of one of the biggest economic frauds in history, all aided and abetted by the very same MSM.
Youve lost me.