DOLLAR & Saadaam Hussein EXECUTION


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End of an era for one of the most brutal dictator, But was he the only one? So why him ONLY? I was watching an interview with Tony Benn last night, and he was giving a balanced interview, as soon as he started talking about the double standards of the West and of America in particularly, he was cut short - I wonder do we live in a democracy?? - just ponder of the following facts;

- Millions have died in Rwanda, what did the West do?
- Christians are being slaughtered in Africa, but what is the West doing?
- China probably is the most brutal regime, even more brutal than Sadaam, but China is our friend
-The west supported Saddaam all these years, and we even turned a blind eye when he used chemical weapons, so Why now we are concerned about the Iraqis?
- Prior to the 1971 indo Pak war, over a million bangladeshis were slaughtered by the pakistanis, but the American continued to support Pakistan, and they even send the 7th fleet loaded with nuclear weapons to threaten India

The list is endless..................................

It is all about supremacy and Oil and dollar................................

Imagine, Saddaam had stopped accepting Dollars for the oil, so what does this do to the US economy?

The Collapse of the dollar 2 weeks ago was blames on Iran, and it's intention to stop using the dollar.

Americans can never be trusted! - Food for thought!, they will do anything to support the Dollar!
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The New Year has started with now 3000 US soldiers having died in Iraq, and probably hundred's of thousands of Iraqis.

All this death, was it worth it - just to support the Dollar.
well the Euro is waiting to take over! 🙂
Things might have been better if Blair and Bush had been up there hanging alongside Saddam.

Fairer justice some might argue.

Including me.
Was that really him in the courtroom or his double.......... my daughter noticed certain anomalies...
Hook Shot said:
Was that really him in the courtroom or his double.......... my daughter noticed certain anomalies...
Double? I very much doubt it, I think the americans were gonna make sure that he was gone!
It was sickening to have watched that video of his execution.

well the americans cannot be trusted!, The sooner we Brits realise that the better. The sooner we join the Euro the better. It is high time we realise that we are no longer a "great" power we use to be - and our future is being in Eorozone.

Imagine the forex opportunities in trading the euro once we brits are in it! LOL
Hook Shot said:
Marwan2010 said:
Double? I very much doubt it, I think the americans were gonna make sure that he was gone!

You probably right ......... kids!

I think it really was him.

The Americans are working on his double after the presidential elections

Bush = surgery = Sadam T2

The oil man will be back!
Marwan2010 said:
Sadaam's gone and how they have arrested Osma Bin Laden!
america is on the roll!

I thought Osama dude was already working for the Americans.

He certainly isn't working for his muslim brothers as nobody wants him. Even Saudi Arabia exiled him.

Bit behind the times I think.

Also, don't click on that IndiaTimes link as it opens 50,000 web pages in the background.
Marwan2010 said:
It was April Fools! article! LOL

It's not April &

I didn't think it was funny.

I'm not sure who the bigger fool here is you or I? :cheesy: