
Need to reserve judgement. We don't know if the Bro hood is genuine or just stooges. Any change of Egyptian policy towards Israel will give the first clues.

it looks simple to me. He was genuinely elected by his people; and that *genuine democracy* in ME is not welcomed by the big dogs.
Please oblige with naming the source, and proof that its the only source.
it looks simple to me. He was genuinely elected by his people; and that *genuine democracy* in ME is not welcomed by the big dogs.

Too early to say. Just because he got elected doesn't eliminate the possibility of him being a stooge. Have to wait for the policies. If the status quo remains, we have a stooge.

Please oblige with naming the source, and proof that its the only source.

There is only one root source. Another might copy cat.
So you ignored the content of my post, and ignored/didnt read the link. Nicely done.

The source of the story is from:
Rainer Hermann, Middle East correspondent of Germany's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Agree press tv adds to the story, but unfortunately I could not find a link to his article, perhaps cos its in german.

My intention was to provide alternative sources to what is being bandied about in here, alternative being not western msm sources. A western source contrary to the msm is a rare occurrence, yet this obviously flew way over your head.


I'm not sure why you keep going on about source. Obviously different parties have different opinions. I know Syrians selling Fellafel's from a shop called Damascus who support Essad. So what.

Basically, the regime is bent towards one side and does not represent the whole popullation. Russia supports it because Syrians buy their weapons. Chinese support it because US supports anti-Chinese interests in Asia.

You need to take a view and say it. Source this source that and the odd youtube clips is neither here or there.

Here is one source for you. Hear it from the horses mouth.

Syria - Al Jazeera English Click on the clip from the Syrian Army defector calling for help.

So what is our opinion? What do you think?
Thats good news. Kudos to the real men behind it

I wont be surprised if obama and his dogs step in now

a repeat of Bosnia scenario.
Thats good news. Kudos to the real men behind it

I wont be surprised if obama and his dogs step in now

a repeat of Bosnia scenario.

Doubt it as he has elections to take care of. Just verbal encouragement from the US at the mo.

I think Russia and China should start to worry though as they are losing the PR battle for hearts and minds - if I can phrase it as such. Iran should also start worrying about their next elections.

Be interested to see if he is as mad a dog as Gaddafi was. Wouldn't be surprised if he is crapping his pants right now. Who can you trust?

As some are now saying it is not a matter of if but when he will go 👍
The end is nigh !!!

Wishful thinking. A government comprises more than a couple of individuals.

Although, if Assad junior falls, he'd deserve it. He's too weak and ain't got the balls like his dad. The clown truly believed by having an election, the west would let him off, when in fact they were just playing him like a fiddle.

The other junior in North Korea will be more fortunate. The Chinese will lend him some balls if necessary.
Wishful thinking. A government comprises more than a couple of individuals.

Although, if Assad junior falls, he'd deserve it. He's too weak and ain't got the balls like his dad. The clown truly believed by having an election, the west would let him off, when in fact they were just playing him like a fiddle.

The other junior in North Korea will be more fortunate. The Chinese will lend him some balls if necessary.

They are discussing replacement government already. Deals are being brokered behind the scenes. He is yesterday's man. I don't think he will be celebrating Xmas in Damascus! :cheesy:
They are discussing replacement government already. Deals are being brokered behind the scenes. He is yesterday's man. I don't think he will be celebrating Xmas in Damascus! :cheesy:

One question to you atilla....

with respect to the current state of the countries (you may need to do some extra curricular reading o/s of the DM to find out exactly what is going on in those countries as its easily brushed over), did you agree with the west's intervention in iraq (which was an illegal invasion even according to the US owned UN) and libya?

If you did agree with it and you are aware of what's happening now please can you state your arguments for agreement.

They are discussing replacement government already. Deals are being brokered behind the scenes. He is yesterday's man. I don't think he will be celebrating Xmas in Damascus! :cheesy:

Clinton clearly stated it was going to be a stalemate, and it will be. The mercenaries will be no match for the syrian regular army. They can continue their sabotage and assassinations in hope of an internal collapse. It's unlikely, given that the majority of syrian population are supportive of assad. They can see what a sh*t hole it will become if they go the way of libya.
One question to you atilla....

with respect to the current state of the countries (you may need to do some extra curricular reading o/s of the DM to find out exactly what is going on in those countries as its easily brushed over), did you agree with the west's intervention in iraq (which was an illegal invasion even according to the US owned UN) and libya?

If you did agree with it and you are aware of what's happening now please can you state your arguments for agreement.


You want me to write an essay or something?

You've yet to make clear what you think other than pointing fingers here and there. And now asking stuck up questions I really think you should try loosening up a little.

I've written enough about Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya and don't wish to amuse your well informed arrogance... Do a search and knock your self out.

Go on then - tell me what is really happening as I'm really in the dark here...
Clinton clearly stated it was going to be a stalemate, and it will be. The mercenaries will be no match for the syrian regular army. They can continue their sabotage and assassinations in hope of an internal collapse. It's unlikely, given that the majority of syrian population are supportive of assad. They can see what a sh*t hole it will become if they go the way of libya.

I beg to differ as lessons have been learnt over past events. It will be more civilised than Libya or Egypt imho. Syrian population well educated and intelligent to know difference.

Reason prevails in the army too. I would say the real pockets of mercenaries are in the army, but the heart and mind of the nation is looking forward. Big objective and question is maintaining army, police and intelligence apparatus during the transition.

Majority of the population knows this situation can not continue and after 16 months nothing really has got better but all that use of violance and the heavy army has made matters considerably worse.

Russian's acknowledged Essad is history and now negotiating behind closed doors.

China is a silent partner.
Russian's acknowledged Essad is history and now negotiating behind closed doors.

China is a silent partner.

Both the Russians and Chinese are clear in their stance: no intervention allowed. Syria is a useful tool for them to keep the US tied up and unable to move on to the next target.
Both the Russians and Chinese are clear in their stance: no intervention allowed. Syria is a useful tool for them to keep the US tied up and unable to move on to the next target.

That's the public media line.

No one really pays much heed to UN which is only a US mouth piece anyhow.

I recognise it is proxy power play between Russia and US but Russia has been losing and will continue to lose influence. 16 months and deterioration with money running out. Not sure what Russia will do when there is no more money in Syria to payfor Russian services.

I mean what is the point of shipping your vessels all that way out to coast of Syria other than take Essad and his billions on board for a long cruise to Siberia - never to return.

US isn't tied down at all. It is Syrians fighting Syrians financed by the Saudis.
I mean what is the point of shipping your vessels all that way out to coast of Syria other than take Essad and his billions on board for a long cruise to Siberia - never to return.

I didn't know they were shipping anything to syria. You are incorrect to assume everything is about money. The russians want respect. Looks like they have it. The US don't have the balls to go head to head with them. So, it's a draw.
No, the russians are not in a war. They are in it for respect. If they don't get it, then war. Clinton understood it and declared a stalemate.