
No you're not. This site is 99.999% europeans and its worse than a friggin graveyard. You are way ahead when it comes to "dead already" - we will catch up sooner or later.

Nothing personal. (Lived in Europe so already know what DEATH has in store for me)

Nothing personal.

Based on your acquaintance with death and graveyards can I make a calculated guess that you are from Transylvania in Romania.
Based on your acquaintance with death and graveyards can I make a calculated guess that you are from Transylvania in Romania.

Yes and then some ....

The brim of my hat hides the eye of a beast
I've the face of a sinner but the hands of a priest
Now I can never show my face at noon
So you'll only see me walking by the light of the moon
Does anybody have any crackpot left wing conspiracy theories on why the west is supporting the Syrian uprising? Do we need more camels or something? Is Latakia going to be the new Benidorm?

Where's Atilla when you need him?

Get a load of the masters of destruction, the Brits - firing into crowds etc. etc. Only one example, there are scores more. Back then they were the true original masters of torture and killing, now they just let the Americans do it and tacitly consent while complaining bitterly all the while.

Brits could be giving Syrian hardliners lessons in brutality and torture.

My, my how times have changed!!!! And generally speaking Brits consider that since their transgressions are decades earlier that they have been forgotten - kinda dumb cause in the spiritual universe there is no TIME; a being eventually pays - in spades - its cuaght up with the Brits, that's for sure.

Amritsar Massacre - Jallian Wala Bagh
Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan ..... destroyed, finsihed.

Who's next? ... North Korea, Iran.

Then who's next?

Then who's next?

and the bullying and bullying continues and continues until someday its gotta come to ahead .....

China (with or without Russia) versus the West.

Outcome? = Britain, Australia, Germany, France become Chink extended states.

Start diggin Chow Mein NOW, clowns.

I'm glad I'll be dead and gone when the whole sh*thouse goes up in flames.

All those women and children slaughtered and nobody in the West gives a rat's ass.

And considering that the west does embrace the concept that all are created in God's image, this is particularly distressing.

And the best part for last - in this big giant monstrous galaxy and universe of planets we still believe that we are ahead of any other lifeform - IF ANY.

Get a load of the masters of destruction, the Brits - firing into crowds etc. etc. Only one example, there are scores more. Back then they were the true original masters of torture and killing, now they just let the Americans do it and tacitly consent while complaining bitterly all the while.

Brits could be giving Syrian hardliners lessons in brutality and torture.

My, my how times have changed!!!! And generally speaking Brits consider that since their transgressions are decades earlier that they have been forgotten - kinda dumb cause in the spiritual universe there is no TIME; a being eventually pays - in spades - its cuaght up with the Brits, that's for sure.

Amritsar Massacre - Jallian Wala Bagh

I'm impressed. 🙂

That's such a load of utter boll0cks one hardly knows where to begin with it. This is rare, even in these latter days.

Every time I think I have witnessed the limits of human stupidity, some new idiot emerges to prove me wrong.

I congratulate you Sir! You have restored my lack of faith in human nature! 🙂
The chinese get the blame for everything. That would suggest they must be quite weak. So the answer to who is next is the chinese, same way the muslins were weak and got raped.
Get a load of the masters of destruction, the Brits - firing into crowds etc. etc. Only one example, there are scores more. Back then they were the true original masters of torture and killing, now they just let the Americans do it and tacitly consent while complaining bitterly all the while.

Brits could be giving Syrian hardliners lessons in brutality and torture.

My, my how times have changed!!!! And generally speaking Brits consider that since their transgressions are decades earlier that they have been forgotten - kinda dumb cause in the spiritual universe there is no TIME; a being eventually pays - in spades - its cuaght up with the Brits, that's for sure.

Amritsar Massacre - Jallian Wala Bagh

Wow that is pretty bad stuff. I knew about it but reading it again and with descriptive accounts from people brings it home much closer to reality.

Very sad really and this two faced hypocrisy is very much with us today and will continue to do so until some considerable time in the future.

However, we live in hope and I doubt the same level of vicious command from any so called officer will be allowed to go unpunished by the Geneva convention and sooner or later they will be brought to justice.

I like to believe we have evolved for the better and such actions have no place on earth.
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For crying out loud. If they can't find anything more recent, for an example, than 1919, the Brits are not doing too badly-

How about the holocaust? Are to-day's Germans still the same? Of course not. Can it happen in other countries? Of course it can and does. Must it be stopped, or is it condonable because we did it?

Should we stop it? Not this time. Let some of the other rich UN countries do it. Saud Arabia, for instance.
I'm impressed. 🙂

That's such a load of utter boll0cks one hardly knows where to begin with it. This is rare, even in these latter days.

Every time I think I have witnessed the limits of human stupidity, some new idiot emerges to prove me wrong.

I congratulate you Sir! You have restored my lack of faith in human nature! 🙂

Even an American midget in a crowded elevator of Brits smells things differently as this one just does and did with this magnanimous, hyperbolic Brit. 😆
For crying out loud. If they can't find anything more recent, for an example, than 1919, the Brits are not doing too badly-

How about the holocaust? Are to-day's Germans still the same? Of course not. Can it happen in other countries? Of course it can and does. Must it be stopped, or is it condonable because we did it?

Should we stop it? Not this time. Let some of the other rich UN countries do it. Saud Arabia, for instance.

More recent? Be my guest, Sir.

Britains Small Wars

1960-70 era ... wholesale buggering and bullying and raping of boys in the boarding schools of various countries of Asia by the Brit and Irish teachers, masters, professors and priests - some of the victims are now stateside and part of a statesidewide group. There was no fear of getting caught for these crimes because of the perceived altitude of the Brits versus their counterparts in the Asian countries where this occurred.

Fast forward to the present - wherever there is an ongoing f**kup, the Brits are fueling that fire.

Only one other country is worse and that's Israel. These cats are so devious that they make the Devil look like a saint.

Compared to these idiots America is a paradise, one with giant faults no doubt, but the only last line of defense.
For crying out loud. If they can't find anything more recent, for an example, than 1919, the Brits are not doing too badly-

Firm military action by Britain saw the demise of Libya where we stood side by side with the US and France to create what was only supposed to be a UN “No fly Zone.”
Yes a paradise of the brain washed, and the bullsh*tters.

The bullsh*tters in Paradise continue to create debt reaching soon to quadrillions,
yet everybody follows them, especially the Brits and Aussies.

What should we call the followers, then? 🙂😀😆
You ignorance is staggering.

More recent? Be my guest, Sir.

Britains Small Wars

1960-70 era ... wholesale buggering and bullying and raping of boys in the boarding schools of various countries of Asia by the Brit and Irish teachers, masters, professors and priests - some of the victims are now stateside and part of a statesidewide group. There was no fear of getting caught for these crimes because of the perceived altitude of the Brits versus their counterparts in the Asian countries where this occurred.

Fast forward to the present - wherever there is an ongoing f**kup, the Brits are fueling that fire.

Only one other country is worse and that's Israel. These cats are so devious that they make the Devil look like a saint.

Compared to these idiots America is a paradise, one with giant faults no doubt, but the only last line of defense.
You ignorance is staggering.

Staggering and swaggering ingorance continues below .....

British war crimes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

see especially links in the lower section of the page ......

and note esp. the following below

During the later stages of the Second Boer War, the British Empire ordered the civilian internment of the Afrikaner population into concentration camps,[4] one of the earliest uses of this method by modern powers.[5][6]

Though originally intended as a humanitarian gesture to protect the civilian population from the British Army's scorched earth policy, most of these camps were badly organised and suffered from poor hygiene and little food. Most of the children in these camps died, as did a significant portion of the adults.[7] Many count this British negligance as constituting a war crime,[8][9] which ended with the death of at least 25,000 people.[9]
In some parts of the world the concept of BIGGER and therefore has the RIGHT OF WAY is a common HERD axiom .....

and so it is with the WEST (even though one loves one's country one ought not to be blind to an uncompromised view of the esoteric concepts of sheer honesty and integrity) .....

Most recently, the US and UK total destruction of Iraq was on a LIE. Yet nobody has gone to jail or been punished. This is a disgrace.

And all those women and children slaughtered.

If there is anyone here who believes for even a second that THE HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS permits this sort of behaviour over the long haul - dream on clowns.
How about the holocaust? Are to-day's Germans still the same? Of course not.

Of course, YES.

Euro-zone and EU are not the same thing. E.U. survived for a good 40 years before the Euro-zone came into existence. The primary purpose for the creation of the E.U. was to prevent Germany from starting World War 3, which remains the primary objective that goes far beyond economic considerations, therefore even a collapse of the single currency would not be enough to bring about a collapse of the E.U

deadbroke prays, "long live the E.U. for he knows that human nature never does ever change"