
Beg to differ dude.

There are more people living in the World today than all those who had lived before added together - in the history of the World.

Not only that - living much longer than ever before.

There are less wars and less dying - fact!

I'm afraid the facts don't hold your pessimistic outlook.

Man is evolving to a higher plane.

Hope is eternal and it rocks.

Soap and Shaving are nice habits too. :😉

Enjoy all that you do. :🙂

How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth? - Population Reference Bureau

The world population is the totality of all living humans on the planet Earth. As of today, it is estimated to number 6.993 billion by the United States Census Bureau.[1] According to a separate estimate by the United Nations, it has already exceeded 7 billion.

Total People Born in Earths History
This semi-scientific approach yields an estimate of about 108 billion births since the dawn of the human race.

So, the estimate is that about 6.5 percent of all people ever born are alive today.

Other estimates have suggested that there are 30 ghosts for every person alive today.

The Milky Way Galaxy contains 1 star for every person that has ever lived.
Geez....I was in a good mood until I read this thread and found out the Chinks and Latinos are going to take over the world, my language is going to die and everything is going to be horrible and smell of death.
How did I know from whence would come the first responce? :smart:

Population growth is, precisely, the root cause of the world's woes and, because of the quarrelsome nature of the human species we will, eventually wipe each other out.

We did not do it in The Cold War because it was not the time, yet. Don't tell me, though, that we will not have a group of fanatics capable of pressing the button in the future. With nuclear weapons, Pandora got out of the box.

Anyway, I don't think it will be my problem.
How did I know from whence would come the first responce? :smart:

Population growth is, precisely, the root cause of the world's woes and, because of the quarrelsome nature of the human species we will, eventually wipe each other out.

We did not do it in The Cold War because it was not the time, yet. Don't tell me, though, that we will not have a group of fanatics capable of pressing the button in the future. With nuclear weapons, Pandora got out of the box.

Anyway, I don't think it will be my problem.

Dear dear Splitlink,

Don't be led by some fruit cakes sprouting these supposedly valid explanations. Have an open heart and mind.

Look at the facts on the ground.

There were much smaller popullations in the past and many more wars hunger and famine. Some wars lasted 00s of years. Remember 200 year wars???

Now the world is much more popullated and we have less wars and hunger.

On the contrary we live longer, have better lives and more empathy to our fellow man. I'm afraid Population growth is, precisely, the root cause of the world's woes doesn't hold up to what we have and are witnessing.

When you say eventually we'll wipe each other out? when exactly. The world can easilly support twice the popullation size it currently has.

The two world wars were fought by the same people who were the most advanced of the same faith in their fight for greed of everything more than they already had. Moreover, many within the same country, same race of people dared to have civil wars.

My belief is that giving Latin America, India and China purchasing power will mean trebling of the market size (as of US+EU) and thus increasing production and wealth for all.

The only thing that is required is a good market place where price can resolve the allocation of scarce resources based on demand and supply.

There is a new paradigm evolving and you need to flow with it.

Get hip lad. Earn some street cred n all that. Be cool.

In the words of the late mr Jobs - Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. :clap::clap::clap:
The US will always be involved in Middle Eastern Countries to protect our oil and gas interests. I work for an oil major and we drill, complete, and produce 50% of the oil and/or gas in some middle eastern countries. Without us oil majors (and service companies tied to the operators) oil & gas production would tank. The US will always fight to do whatever it takes to ensure continued production.
Dear Pboyles
Are you surten that you want to buy the software, because i am trying to contact you.And you do not answer, and after 2 days, so if you are really intrested Pleace contact me ( send me a message on this user, or my mail )
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Agreed. A 27-yr old fella, an outstasnding singer he was, died at that age too and he had your wisdom when he said, a long time ago, in the 70s I think,

"Everything is all fu*ked up as usual, I'm going to get my kicks before the whole sh*thouse goes up in flames"

I'm a faily steady fellah. 😀 I don't go over the top on stuff but it is an opinion that I have on the future of the planet.
How did I know from whence would come the first responce? :smart:

Population growth is, precisely, the root cause of the world's woes and, because of the quarrelsome nature of the human species we will, eventually wipe each other out.

We did not do it in The Cold War because it was not the time, yet. Don't tell me, though, that we will not have a group of fanatics capable of pressing the button in the future. With nuclear weapons, Pandora got out of the box.

Anyway, I don't think it will be my problem.

Earth was the solution to the population problems of the Galactic Confederation, a group of 76 planets that saw its heyday around 75 million years ago. It was so far out of the way that it could be set up as a dumping ground - better still, a prison planet - but with a twist - have the prisoners so happy with accumulation of material possessions and consumption that they would unanimously consder the rest of the Universe to be retards and they the only form of intelligent life.

Accomplished in spades. 🙂 😀 😆

It has worked and is working and no reason seen for it not to continue working.

Occasionally the wardens fly around in saucers to monitor how we are doing - these saucers impress the daylights out of most of us and some even think that the saucer folk will sokmeday come here to learn from us and our magnificently developed Technology 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

They must marvel at how loooooooong we are still messing with internal combustion engines and such - especially that we still marvel at low grade subjects like Aerodynamics while THEY routinely traverse space without traversing at all, rather just by location coordinates punching and voila being there. 😆😆😆

At any given time there are at least 5 wars going on on EARTH. Poverty, famine and the majority of the havenots are in constant travail. The haves on the other hand are constantly striving to have more more more materials stuff and are never satisfied. Heck, the haves known as billionaires continue to accumulate more more and more billions - heck, I personally would runout of things to buy with a mere 200k. 😆😆😆😆
Pay particular attention to Syria for whatever is happening there will be happening here, stateside - when Americans wake up there is no telling how far the revolution will go.

Ditto for UK.

Syria is a preview.
No it isn't. It's an unstable and highly corrupt third world quasi-dictatorship. S'not really the same as the UK at all is it?
No it isn't. It's an unstable and highly corrupt third world quasi-dictatorship. S'not really the same as the UK at all is it?

George Bush made them look like saints. 🙂

The US and UK have done more damage to more countries and more people than all other terrorist organizations combined.

Without the US the UK would be gobbled up for tea by China - or Russia.

Fifty years from now China will plug us all.

That's just the way it is.
George Bush made them look like saints. 🙂

The US and UK have done more damage to more countries and more people than all other terrorist organizations combined.

Without the US the UK would be gobbled up for tea by China - or Russia.

Fifty years from now China will plug us all.

That's just the way it is.

Some would argue the opposite. That what you suggest will precisely be happening to Russia and China.

People are waking up and evolving.

No system is immune from change. :idea:
Some would argue the opposite. That what you suggest will precisely be happening to Russia and China.

People are waking up and evolving.

No system is immune from change. :idea:

And I've met these "some" that you mention and what is easily observed is the trepidation in their voice when CHINA is mentioned.

And one cannot help but notice how the USA deals with China - bully everyone else but speak gentle with her.

And all the while China continues to spend massively on her military buildup. Yeah baby, she gots a plan and is racing towwrd the goal while the western empire is asleep at the wheel.

Russia is only of consequence to Europe, not to China - a Russia vs China is a no contest - Chinks would win and repopulate the globe with yet even more chinatowns.

What a mess. 🙂
And I've met these "some" that you mention and what is easily observed is the trepidation in their voice when CHINA is mentioned.

And one cannot help but notice how the USA deals with China - bully everyone else but speak gentle with her.

And all the while China continues to spend massively on her military buildup. Yeah baby, she gots a plan and is racing towwrd the goal while the western empire is asleep at the wheel.

Russia is only of consequence to Europe, not to China - a Russia vs China is a no contest - Chinks would win and repopulate the globe with yet even more chinatowns.

What a mess. 🙂

What has China done to make USA want to treat it harshly?

Russia and China carry out joint military exercises in Asia similar to what NATO countries do. Not sure why they would turn on each other??? Wishful thinking on your behalf I think.

You'll find China doesn't spend nearly half as much as the USA but costs are probably less than half as much and so it may seem China is increasingly military spending.

I reckon US power has to be counter balanced otherwise we are likely to get red kneck cowboys kicking ass where their dirty boots don't belong.

I read some where that Romney will be slapping on Tariffs from day 1 on China...
Like Bush slapping on steel tariffs I guess. Only within a year or two to retract them.

I always find US perspective and view on the globe quite repulsive to be honest. Your words only confirm my outlook. What a mess indeed.
What has China done to make USA want to treat it harshly?

Russia and China carry out joint military exercises in Asia similar to what NATO countries do. Not sure why they would turn on each other??? Wishful thinking on your behalf I think.

You'll find China doesn't spend nearly half as much as the USA but costs are probably less than half as much and so it may seem China is increasingly military spending.

I reckon US power has to be counter balanced otherwise we are likely to get red kneck cowboys kicking ass where their dirty boots don't belong.

I read some where that Romney will be slapping on Tariffs from day 1 on China...
Like Bush slapping on steel tariffs I guess. Only within a year or two to retract them.

I always find US perspective and view on the globe quite repulsive to be honest. Your words only confirm my outlook. What a mess indeed.

>>> What has China done to make USA want to treat it harshly? <<<

Be unbullyable

>>> Russia and China carry out joint military exercises in Asia similar to what NATO countries do. Not sure why they would turn on each other??? Wishful thinking on your behalf I think. <<<

The foundation of their relationship can be deciphered by viewing 1940-70s era. They will never be friends. This current stuff is too superficial to be real.

>>> You'll find China doesn't spend nearly half as much as the USA but costs are probably less than half as much and so it may seem China is increasingly military spending. <<<

Incorrect but correct in absolute terms

>>> I read some where that Romney will be slapping on Tariffs from day 1 on China...
Like Bush slapping on steel tariffs I guess. Only within a year or two to retract them. <<<

Both are clowns and Obama will plug the former if he shows up in the ring or basketball court.

>>> I always find US perspective and view on the globe quite repulsive to be honest. Your words only confirm my outlook. <<<

Can't say I blame you. You and others took those milliondollar bribes to shaft your conscience and look the other way while millions of God's innocent women and children got slaughtered - HE does not look favorably on such behaviour. And neither do I. I've always loved a fair fight and we ain't had one for decades and decades - just plain bullying globally.
>>> What has China done to make USA want to treat it harshly? <<<

Be unbullyable

>>> Russia and China carry out joint military exercises in Asia similar to what NATO countries do. Not sure why they would turn on each other??? Wishful thinking on your behalf I think. <<<

The foundation of their relationship can be deciphered by viewing 1940-70s era. They will never be friends. This current stuff is too superficial to be real.

>>> You'll find China doesn't spend nearly half as much as the USA but costs are probably less than half as much and so it may seem China is increasingly military spending. <<<

Incorrect but correct in absolute terms

>>> I read some where that Romney will be slapping on Tariffs from day 1 on China...
Like Bush slapping on steel tariffs I guess. Only within a year or two to retract them. <<<

Both are clowns and Obama will plug the former if he shows up in the ring or basketball court.

>>> I always find US perspective and view on the globe quite repulsive to be honest. Your words only confirm my outlook. <<<

Can't say I blame you. You and others took those milliondollar bribes to shaft your conscience and look the other way while millions of God's innocent women and children got slaughtered - HE does not look favorably on such behaviour. And neither do I. I've always loved a fair fight and we ain't had one for decades and decades - just plain bullying globally.

My whole approach to this matter is, I believe, more realistic. 9 billion people on the planet within forty years but what worries me more is that no one wants to comment on how many will be here by the turn of the century.

Atilla says that there is enough here to feed everyone. Well, it certainly does not look promising, considering the starving in Africa that we are unable, or unwilling, to feed today.

Asia is developing fast and they want the same standard of living that the West has. The US, itself, has a depressing porcentage of its population living in tents and shacks and probably more without decent health care. They want something that they have never had. The others do not want to lose what they already have.

Something is going to give and it might not be the Chinese and Americans that cause the coming eruption. It could come from anywhere.
My whole approach to this matter is, I believe, more realistic. 9 billion people on the planet within forty years but what worries me more is that no one wants to comment on how many will be here by the turn of the century.

Atilla says that there is enough here to feed everyone. Well, it certainly does not look promising, considering the starving in Africa that we are unable, or unwilling, to feed today.

Asia is developing fast and they want the same standard of living that the West has. The US, itself, has a depressing porcentage of its population living in tents and shacks and probably more without decent health care. They want something that they have never had. The others do not want to lose what they already have.

Something is going to give and it might not be the Chinese and Americans that cause the coming eruption. It could come from anywhere.

Spain 🙄
>>> You'll find China doesn't spend nearly half as much as the USA but costs are probably less than half as much and so it may seem China is increasingly military spending. <<<

Incorrect but correct in absolute terms

China is spending money that it has earned and saved. The USA is spending money that it has borrowed, from China.