Sharia compliant trading platform

I have a muslim friend who trades, I asked him and he says he uses Halifax share dealing (non leveraged). He said he doesn't look into company financials and trades most stocks however you wouldn't catch him buying shares in say a brewary or a company producing a product that is considered haram in Islam.

Why do people confuse culture, politics, ethnicity and geography with religion?
I have a muslim friend who trades, I asked him and he says he uses Halifax share dealing (non leveraged). He said he doesn't look into company financials and trades most stocks however you wouldn't catch him buying shares in say a brewary or a company producing a product that is considered haram in Islam.
Hi leerees,
What about short selling a brewery stock - would he be allowed to do that - or is shorting of any kind unacceptable?
Am I just being cynical or isn't it being hypocritical to claim to have religious beliefs and a so-called code of behaviour, and then ask other people how you can get round the supposed prohibitions to make money and do whatever you want?
This is not the same as someone who has genuine principles trying to reconcile them with real life.
If I don't post again it's because some knife wielding nutter has slowly decapitated me for some imagined "insult" to their beliefs.
If I start one do I have to convert to Islam ???

Might be a business idea.

Loadsa oil money.

Blonde Muslim.

Why not.

Hows about blonde, no collar, no cuffs ???


First assistant I'm gonna hire for my Sharia brokerage.

Merry Xmas Garry 🙂
Haha are you sheltering her Garry, was wondering where she'd taken off to.

Gonna have my work cut out then trying to lure her back then. Cold weather we're having here at the moment probably won't help much either.

The only Sharia compliant instruments I can think of are:

Oil from either Saudi, Iran or Iraq.

US Dollars to buy the black stuff with

I don't think opium is allowed to be traded on the world open markets, neither are children female or male according to your taste, and deffo not Uranium.

Would be interested to know if anyone could seriously add to this list and I wish you luck in your endeavours.
Try FYSHE, they have an equities screening platform for online customers. for fx u can look at taddawul fx from Swistzerland i think..
Just wait till the Somali pirates go public they will certainly be Sharia compliant.