Sharia compliant trading platform

Just wait till the Somali pirates go public they will certainly be Sharia compliant.

Now there's a growth industry if ever there was one. Especially as they are sponsored by Iran. Give me the details please as soon as the announce plans for flotation. (no pun of course). As a side line are they planning to sell their cargoes as well?
Really ?! Then as a muslim i will be the first to short the stock ! :innocent:

Why short the stock Tar. The great spiritualist peopls of Iran have proved on behalf of the pirate world that hte western powers will sit back and do absolutely **** all.
Think of the time they hijacked a British Naval Vessel.
Why short the stock Tar. The great spiritualist peopls of Iran have proved on behalf of the pirate world that hte western powers will sit back and do absolutely **** all.
Think of the time they hijacked a British Naval Vessel.

Well , if they only hijack "western navy vessels " fu**** around our shores then i will buy the stock , incase they file for an IPO ofcourse 😀
Am I just being cynical or isn't it being hypocritical to claim to have religious beliefs and a so-called code of behaviour, and then ask other people how you can get round the supposed prohibitions to make money and do whatever you want?
This is not the same as someone who has genuine principles trying to reconcile them with real life.
If I don't post again it's because some knife wielding nutter has slowly decapitated me for some imagined "insult" to their beliefs.

I have to admit Mr Charts you are correct, Islam as a religion will not relax it's laws and if it did we would definitely see more terrorism from extremist groups.

When Turkey joins the EU the majority of Turkish migrants will be heading for Britain, this could change the economic and social climate in both countries and there will be opportunities for stock and forex traders. People will definitely make money as money flows from Britain to Turkey, same as they did with the Polish credit surge. Loads of property investors made money from the tri-cities, it was a classic bull market.

Guys when you're in these markets you can make money out of any event, bad or good. Islam is having a huge affect on Europe as people migrate from the middle east to Europe, it's important to understand this religion as it will have an effect on the markets in the very near future, The phasing out / banning of Christmas and other Cristian events in Britain has already began to effect companies.

Britain is definitely one to watch as Islamic figures are rising up through the government, especially the Labour party, this will mean more changes in support of Islam and Islamic migrants. Knowledge and acceptance of Islam is now taught in all British schools so it will have an impact on the next generation of consumers, and it is already beginning to effect the emerging millenials generation, It's not as easy as short anything Cristian, long any thing islamic however if you think outside the box a little medium term trades will present themself in the FTSE.
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@ leerees


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" Last edited by leerees; Today at 11:04am. "

I only edited out anything that could have been considered negative towards Islam to comply with the laws here, saying "some people may hate Islam" is not racist.

That's why I edited my post as I am not interested in Islam, only the effects it has on the markets.

Looking beyond your post I'd like to point out the markets don't care about racism, fascism or any other kind of negativity towards people or their beleifs, therefore as traders the only things we should care about are cause and effect, not right or wrong.
I only edited out anything that could have been considered negative towards Islam to comply with the laws here, saying "some people may hate Islam" is not racist.

That's why I edited my post as I am not interested in Islam, only the effects it has on the markets.

Looking beyond your post I'd like to point out the markets don't care about racism, fascism or any other kind of negativity towards people or their beleifs, therefore as traders the only things we should care about are cause and effect, not right or wrong.
hating Islam is not racism , but hating muslim immigrants yeah it is ...


what this mean : " Monkey see, Monkey Scalp! " :whistling
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If we look, we see that all things and especially living creatures have numerous different needs and numerous different wants. And those wants and needs are given them at the appropriate time, in unexpected ways, from places they do not know and their hands cannot reach; succour comes to them. But the power of these needy beings is not sufficient for even the smallest of those endless things they wish for; they cannot meet their needs. Consider yourself. Of how many things are you in need that your hands cannot reach, like your external and inner senses and their needs? Compare all other living creatures with yourself. See, just as singly they testify to the Necessary Existence and indicate to His Unity, so too in their totality do they show to the reason a Necessarily Existent One behind the veil of the Unseen, a Single One of Unity, among titles of Most Generous, All-Compassionate, Nurturer, and Disposer.

And so, O ignorant unbeliever and dissolute heedless one! With what can you explain this wise, percipient, compassionate activity? Deaf Nature? Blind force? Senseless chance? Can you explain it through impotent, lifeless causes?
While in their existence and individuality, things are in a hesitant, bewildered, and shapeless form among innumerable possible ways, they are suddenly given a most well-ordered and wise aspect of individuality. For example, each human being has on his face characteristics which differentiate him from all his fellow humans, and it is equipped with utter wisdom with external and inner senses. This proves that the face is a most brilliant stamp of Divine Oneness. And just as each face testifies to the existence of an All-Wise Maker and points to His existence, so too the stamp which all faces display in their totality shows to the mind's eye that all things are a seal peculiar to their Creator.

O denier! To what workshop can you refer these stamps which can in no way be imitated, and the stamp of Eternal Besoughtedness which is on the totality?
The army of all the various species of animals and plants on the face of the earth consists of four hundred thousand different groups.3 Their being managed and raised with perfect balance and order through their sustenance, papers, weapons, uniforms, instructions, and demobilizations, which are all different with nothing being forgotten and none of them being confused, is a stamp of the Single One of Unity as brilliant as the sun which can in no way be doubted. Who other than One possessing boundless power, all-encompassing knowledge, and infinite wisdom could interfere in this administration, which is wondrous to the utmost degree. For if one who cannot administer and raise all together these species and nations, which are one within the other, interferes with one of them, he will throw the lot into disorder. Whereas according to the meaning of,

So turn your vision again, do you see any flaw?4

there is no sign of confusion. That means not so much as a finger can interfere.
When Turkey joins the EU the majority of Turkish migrants will be heading for Britain,

In my view Turkey will not get into the EU in the near future because of the Cyprus issue. Unless this gets resolved, (which is no closer now than it was 30 years ago,) then there is no chance they will get in to the EU. Also there is growing concern that Turkey is becoming more extremist in policy which will further impede their ability to join the EU.

hating Islam is not racism , but hating muslim immigrants yeah it is ...


what this mean : " Monkey see, Monkey Scalp! " :whistling

I never said I hated muslim immigrants, I live in a small coastal village and there are hardly any muslims here so I do not see the problems of Islamification others complain about. However unless you've been living under a rock you will notice that many people are aware of Islams influence as the government becomes infiltrated by key supporters of the religion, and the associated legislation changes which effect the citizens and business within Britain.

The fact is the face of Britain is changing, racism or prejudice on the streets will not solve the issue, if Islam is being taught in schools those children will become more accepting of the religion. Like I said the key to understanding trends in the markets is the ability to understand and predict the behaivour of people, consumers play a key role in dictating which companies perform well in the markets. Where others see doom and gloom I see trading opportunities, within Britain and the Islamic countries that we establish links with in the future (i.e. Turkey). Given Britains strategic alliance with the middle east and Islamic world I can't see any reason why the government would not allow Turkish immigrants to move to Britain once they join the EU, as opposed to them all going to Germany.

By mentioning Islam I am pointing out that the effects it's having on Britain do present opportunities for traders to pick up on in the markets. For example big food chains switching to Halal meat, non alcoholic beverages, the introduction of sharia courts and law not to mention consumer products aimed at people within this group. Other key sectors are diversity companies, health and safety and privatised companies with government backing for the promotion of Islam under the umberella of diversity.

You really ought to be on the ball with this stuff if you are trading. Instead of conentrating on social / political issues try to map out the scenario in your mind from an economic perspective, I'm not just talking about the stock market, this is all relevant to the GBP / EUR aswell which ultimately will have an impact on the USD.
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EU will join to Turkey in the near future

There is absolutely no chance of this at all as things currently stand. Check the current requirements with regards to Cyprus and you will see that unless this gets resolved Turkey will remain outside the EU. Also Turkey has no intention of yielding anything in Cyprus and this alone will stop them getting in.

This is a well known criteria and has been for over 10 years and nothing has happened so why would it suddenly change and the EU let them in ?

There is absolutely no chance of this at all as things currently stand. Check the current requirements with regards to Cyprus and you will see that unless this gets resolved Turkey will remain outside the EU. Also Turkey has no intention of yielding anything in Cyprus and this alone will stop them getting in.

This is a well known criteria and has been for over 10 years and nothing has happened so why would it suddenly change and the EU let them in ?


Most of Turkeys acceptance into the EU is being held back by red tape not Cyprus. The UK is a major contributor to the EU and has pledged to fight on behalf of Turkey and offer any kind of support that will fast track their admission into the EU. This is fact and even David Cameron has said he will do everything in his power to speed up Turkeys acceptance.
There is absolutely no chance of this at all as things currently stand. Check the current requirements with regards to Cyprus and you will see that unless this gets resolved Turkey will remain outside the EU. Also Turkey has no intention of yielding anything in Cyprus and this alone will stop them getting in.

This is a well known criteria and has been for over 10 years and nothing has happened so why would it suddenly change and the EU let them in ?


Strategically EU needs Turkey.

EU to Turkey is a liability.

French offer of special trading partner status is best offer Turks have. Dumb asses should accept and turn their ugly faces due East...

err. that's far far East and not ME...

Recent military training exercises with China is step in right direction...